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本文(2014年名校模拟试题分类汇编英语 专题7 非谓语动词.docx)为本站会员(卡尔)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2014年名校模拟试题分类汇编英语 专题7 非谓语动词.docx

1、 2014 年名校模拟试题分类汇编英语 专题 7 非谓语动词 1.【 2014 届辽宁五校协作体摸底试题】 34. Victims, _ in the news, who are infected with H7N9 have come up to 28. A. is reported B. reported C. reporting D. which reports 解析: 考查非谓语动词的过去分词作定语。分析句子结构,句子的主句是: Victims have come up to 28.,victims 后带两个定语,一个是定语从句: who are infected with H7N9,

2、一个是非谓语动词作定语, victims 与 report 是被动关系,要用过去分词,故选 B。当然也可用定语从句:which are reported in the news, A项没引导词,且主谓不一致, D 项要用被动语态。句意 :新闻报道,感染了 H7N9 的受害者人数达到 28 人。 答案: B 2.【 2014 届四川省成都市高三摸底试题】 5.A fire broke out in a nightclub last week, 2, 500 worth of damage. A.causing B.caused cause D.having caused 解析: 句意:

3、上周在一家夜总会爆发的一场大火,造成了 2, 500 英镑的损失。此处 causing 2, 500 worth of damage 表示大火导致的自然的结果,现在分词短语作结果状语,表示自然的结果。 答案: A 3.【 2014 届浙江温州十校第一次联考】 26. This year, Chinese readers are especially excited with the Nobel Literature Prize, for the first time, _ by a Chinese citizen, Mo Yan. A. to win B. won C. winning D.

4、having won 解析: 考查非 谓语的用法。句意:今年,中国读者对诺贝尔文学奖尤其激动兴奋,因为它第一次被一位中国公民 莫言荣获。从结构可以判断句中缺少修饰 the Nobel Literature Prize的定语, A 不定式作定语一般表示将来的动作; B 过去分词做定语可以表示被修饰词和分词之间是被动关系或已经完成的动作; C 现在分词作定语表示正在进行的动作而且被修饰词和分词之间是主动关系; D 现在分词的完成时不作定语;从句意判断奖项应该是被获得,所以 B选项正确。 答案: B 4.【 2014 届安徽池州一中月考】 27. Imagine how excited we wer

5、e _ that our schoolmates had been admitted to some famous universities. A. learning B. having learned C. to be learning D. to learn 解析: 句意:想象我们是多么高兴当得知我们的同学已经被一些著名的大学录取。 be excited to do sth,这里是感叹句,被感叹的词是 excited,所以 how +形容词 +主语 +be to do,故选 D。 答案: D 5.【 2014 届安徽池州一中月考】 24. -What are you busy doing

6、these days? -_ the college entrance examination. A. Preparing for B. To prepare for C. To be preparing for D. Prepared for 解析: 句意: -这些天你在忙什么 ?准备大学入学考试。 be busy doing 忙于做某事; 这里答语是省略句,完整的是 I am busy preparing for the college entrance examination.故选 A。 答案: A 6.【 2014 届安徽望江中学月考】 24.Xiao Li is said _ abr

7、oad, but I dont know what country he studied in. A. to study B. to be studying C. to be studied D. to have studied 解析: 如果将题干改成下列句子: It is said that Xiao Li _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in.上下句谓语动词发生的时间关系就一目了然:很显然 “留学 ”应该发生在过去。 It is said that Xiao Li studied abroad, but I dont kn

8、ow what country he studied in.转换成:Xiao Li is said to have studied abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in.动词不定式的完成式除了表示 “完成 (Xiao Li is said to have gone abroad.据说小李已经到国外去了 )”,还可以表示 “过去 ”。如果将下文改成 “but I dont know what country he is studying in”则备选项 B就是正确答案了。句意:据说小王在国外留过学,但是我不知道他在什么国家学习过。

9、答 案: D 7.【 2014 届安徽望江中学月考】 26.With the door _ on, the thiefs heart _ faster. A. knocked, beat B. being knocked, beat C. being knocked, hit D. beat, hit 解析: “敲门 ”英语表达为 “knock on(at) the door”。在 with 复合结构中 “the door”是 “knock”的逻辑主语,它们之间存在逻辑上的被动关系,因此用现在分词被动进行式表示 “正在被进行的动作 ”,过去分词则表示 “被动已经发生的动作 ”。指 “心脏的跳动

10、 ”用 “beat”。句意:有人在敲门,那个小偷心跳得更快了。 答案: B 8.【 2014届安徽望江中学月考】 34.As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area . A. need to repair B. needs to repair C. needs repairing D. need repairing 解析: 由于后半句的 two-thirds 接的名词 the buildings 作主语, the buildings 是可数名词,因此谓语用复数,故排除 BC 选项。且 need

11、 在这里作为特殊的及物动词,其后面的宾语用动名词的主动式表示被动或者用不定式的被动式: need doing=need to be done。句意:因为严重的洪水,这个地区三分之二的房子受到破坏需要进行修建。 答案: D 9.【 2013 届河南省六市高三第二次联考】 25. Difficult _ in practice, this new technique hasnt been applied. A.operated B. to be operated C. operating D. to operate 解析: 此处相当于 because it is difficult to oper

12、ate in practice,省略 because it is 之后就变成了 difficult to operate in practice. 句意:因为这种新技术很难在实践中操作,所以它没有被应用。答案: D 10.【 2013 届黑龙江大庆市高三第二次模拟】 34. _ to find the book from the library, she decided to turn to her professor for help. A. Failed B. To fail C. Having failed D. Being failed 解析: 句意:从图书馆没有找到那本书,她决定向她

13、的教授求助。现在分词作原因状语。上下文所说的事情发生的时间显然有时间的先后。故要用现在分词的完成式 =Because she had failed to find the book from the library 答案: C 11.【 2013 届黑龙江大庆市高三第二次模拟】 29.We hurried all the way to the airport, only _ that the flight had been cancelled because of the foggy weather. A. being told B. to be told C. having told D.

14、to have been told 解析: 句意:一路上我们匆匆忙忙赶到机场,结果被告知航班因为雾天而取消。我 only+动词不定式表示结果。动词不定式的逻辑主语就是句子的主语,它们之间存在逻辑上的被动关系,故用动词不定式的被动式。从动作 “hurry”和 “tell”发生的时间上看没有明显的先后关系,故排 除 D 项。 答案: B 12.【 2013 届黑龙江大庆市高三第二次模拟】 25. The leaders are supposed to care about the sufferings of the people. Contrary to that, some of them ac

15、t with their eyes _ to the reality. A. closing B. closed C. to close D. being closed 解析: 句意: 领导就应该关心人民群众的疾苦。 与此相反,领导中有些人却对现实熟视无睹 (视而不见 )。 close ones eyes to 对 熟视无睹 (视而不见 )。 “eyes”在 “with复合结构 ”中作逻辑主语,与 “close”构成逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词。 答案: B 13.【 2013 届山东实验中学第二次模拟】 31.Everything _into consideration the plan

16、is practical. A.taking B.taken C.took D.having taken 解析: 考查独立主格结构。 take 与逻辑主语 everything 之间构成被动关系,故用过去分词。句意:考虑到一切事情,这个计划是可行的。 答案: B 14.【 2013 届山东实验中学第二次模拟】 22.lm afraid that I cant attend Toms wedding party_next weekend. A. to be held B.being held C.held D. is to be held 解析: 考查非谓语动词作定语。句子中已经有了谓语 can

17、t attend,故此处应填非谓语动词,首先排除 D。 hold 与 party 构成被动关系,但 ABC 答案均表被动。因此再根据时间状语 next weekend 可确定填不定式表将来,故选 A。考查非谓语动词作定语时,要注意看与所修饰名词之间的关系,判断是主动还是被动。同时还要注意从时间上判定,不定式作定语表将来,现在分词表进行,过去分词表完成。 答案: A 15.【 2013 届山西康杰中学第八次模拟】 30. _reasonable, the proposal he_ attracted much attention. A.Sounding; put up B.Sounded; pu

18、t through C.Sounding; put forward D.Sounded; put on 解析: 考查非谓语动词和动词词组辨析。 sound 属于感官动词 ,常用主动表示被动。 sounding现在分词作状语。 put up 举起,修建; put through 接通电话,使经受; put forward 提出,拨快; put on 穿上,上演。句意为:由于听上去很合理,所以他提出的建议吸引了很多的注意。 答案: C 16.【 2013 届山西康杰中学第八次模拟】 31. This problem may lead to more serious ones if _ unsolv

19、ed. A.making B.remained C.keeping D.left 解析: 考查非谓语动词和动词词义。 if 从句后省略了 it is。 left 是 leave 的过去分词, “把 留下,遗留 ”; remain 剩余,残存,剩下。句意为:如果把这个未解决的问题留下,很可能会导致更严重的问题。 答案: D 17.【 2014 届陕西汉中洋县实验中学高三第一次月考】 17. The streets here are crowded with cars, so I prefer_ here rather than_ . A. cycling; driving B. to cycle

20、; drive C. cycle; to drive D. cycling; to drive 解析: 句意:街上的车辆特别多,所以我宁愿骑自行车也不愿意开车。 so是并列连词,它的前面的分句表示原因,它的后面的分句表示结果; 这里是 prefer to do rather than do 宁愿做 而不愿做 ; cycle 动词 “骑自行车 ”; drive 动词 “开车 ”,故选 B。 答案: B 18.【 2014 届陕西汉中洋县实验中学高三第一次月考】 21. You have no idea how she finished the relay race _ her foot woun

21、ded so much. A. for B. when C. with D. because 解析: 句意:你不知道她怎样完成的接力赛尽管她的脚受伤这么严重。这里空格前是句子,空格后没有谓语动词, wounded 是非谓语动词,它与 foot 之间是被动关系,所以这里不能用连词,故排除 BD;这里是 with 的符合结构, with +宾语 +done,这里宾语与 done 之间是被动关系, for 没有这种用法,故选 C。 答案: C 19.【 2013 届天津 市红桥区高三二模】 12.Be careful when you cross the road in rush hours so

22、as to avoid_ by a car. A. being knocked down B. knocking down C. to be knocked down D. to knock down 解析: 考查非谓语动词作宾语的用法。 Avoid 后只接 doing,且 knock down 与其逻辑主语 you 是被动关系,要用 being knocked down,故选 A。句意:在上下班高峰期过马路时你要小心,以免被车撞了。 答案: A 20.【 2013 届浙江鲁迅中学适应性考试】 17. They put forward a lot of plans at the meeting

23、, none of _ carried out in their work. A. which B. them C. what D. that 解析: 后面部分没有谓语动词,所以应用 them 构成独立主格。句意:他们在会上提出了很多计划,可是哪个计划也没有在工作中得到执行。 B选项正确。 答案: B 21.【 2013 届浙江鲁迅中学适应性考试】 18. Chinese citizens are to have their fingerprints _ when applying for or changing their resident identity cards. A. record

24、 B. to record C. recording D. recorded 解析: have sth done 让。被做, have sb do sth 让某人做某事; have sb doing 让某人一直做某事,此句中指纹是被录的 ,所以选 D。句意:中国公民需要把他们的指纹录下来当他们申请或者更换居民身份证的时候。 答案: D 22.【 2013 届浙江鲁迅中学适应性考试】 The maker of the popular game Angry Birds announced on Tuesday that it would open its first overseas operat

25、ion in Shanghai, _ a clear step to further enter the booming Chinese market. A. to mark B. marking C. marked D. having marked 解析: A不定式放句后,表示出人意料的结果: B 现在分词做结果状语,表示自然带来的一种结果; C marked 做谓语没连词,如是分词则与主语是被动关系,语法错误; D 现在分词完成时表示动作先于 主句动作发出,句意: “愤怒的小鸟 ”的 制作人在周二宣布它将在上海开始它的第一个海外合作项目,标志着明显向繁荣的中国市场迈进的一步。所以 B选项正

26、确。 答案: B 23.【 2013 届浙江桐乡市高三模拟】 11.The teacher called Tom to his office because he was caught _ in the exam. A. to cheat B. cheating C. cheated D. cheat 解析: 句意:因为汤姆被发现在考试中作弊,所以 老师把他叫到办公室。 catch sb. doing sth.(be caught doing). 为固定用法,意为:抓住 /逮住某人在做某事 (常常指做不好的事被人抓 /逮住 )。 答案: B 24.【 2013 届浙江桐乡市高三模拟】 3.We

27、, _ a discussion with the teacher, came to understand the problem better. A. holding B. held C. being held D. having held 解析: 句意:跟老师 讨论之后,我们终于对这个问题有了更好的理解。非谓语动词与句子主语存在逻辑上的主动关系,故排除备选项 BC。显然 “讨论 ”与 “明白 ”时间上有先后,所以要用现在分词的完成式。 答案: D 25.【 2013 届江苏扬州中学高三最后一卷】 31.The subway was crowded with passengers going

28、 home from market, most of _ carrying heavy bags and baskets full of fruit and vegetables they had bought there. A. whom B. them C. who D. which 解析: 逗号前面是完整的句子,后面 carrying 是非谓语,说明并不是非限制性定语从句,而是独立主格结构。逻辑主语 +非谓语动词 carrying,在句中做状语。选 B项。当分词做状语的时候,如果分词的逻辑主语与句子主语没有关系,就在分词的前面直接加上逻辑主语,形成独立主格结构,该结构在作用上就相当于一个

29、状语从句。句意:地铁上挤满了从市场回家的人,大多数人手上提着装满从市场买的水果蔬菜的包和篮子。 答案: B 26.【 2013 届江苏扬州中学高三最后一卷】 25.The manager listened to the customers complaints attentively with great patience, _ to miss any point. A. not trying B. trying not C. to try not D. not to try 解析: 句意:经理很耐心的听顾客的投诉,尽量不错过任何一点。这里是非谓语动词做伴随状语, manager 和 try 是主动关系,用现在分词做伴随状语状语,从句意看是 try not to do 尽量不做什么,用不定式的否定式。选 B项。 答案: B

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