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1、2014 年天津市 河东区 高三二模英语 第 I 卷(选择题共 95 分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A. B. C.D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. We really enjoy ourselves at the party. Thanks again, Mr. and Mrs. White. _. Just drop in whenever you feel like it. A. With pleasure B. Have a good time

2、C. Go slowly D. Nice having you here 解析: 本题考查交际用语。 句义 :-在聚会上我们真得玩得很开心。再次感谢您 ,怀特先生和太太。 -很高兴你能来,你想来的时候就来这里玩吧!根据句义 选 D 项 。 答案: D 2. lf you live in the country or have ever visited there, _are that you have heard birds singing to welcome the new day. A. situations B. facts C. chances D. possibilities 解析

3、: 本题考察的是固定句式: Chances are that 意为 很可能 ; A 情景; B 事实; C 机会,可能性; D 可能性。句义:如果你生活在那个国家或者曾经去过那个国家,你很有可能会听到鸟儿来歌唱来迎接每一天。故 C 项 。 答案: C 3. I wonder if this dress is_ in a larger size. This one is too tight. A. possible B. acceptable C. available D. fashionable 解析: 本题考查形容词辨析。 A:possible 可能的; B:acceptable 可以接受的

4、; C:available 存在的,可利用的,有空的,可以得到的; D:fashionable 时尚的;句义:我想知道有没有大一点的这种裙子,这一件太紧了。根据句义可知 available 表示可以得到的,可以利用的。故 C项 。 答案: C 4. It was really an exciting match yesterday. But you missed it. _ I got there ten minutes before it ended. A. Not at all B. Not exactly C. Not especially D. Not really 解析: 本题 考察

5、交际 用语, A: 一点也不; B: 不完全是; C: 没有特别地; D: 不是的;句义: -昨天的比赛真是令人兴奋!可惜你错过了。 -没有完全错过,我看到了最后 10 分钟。根据 I got there ten minutes before it ended 可知我 只 看到了部分比赛内容,所以我并没有完全错过。故 B 项 。 答案: B 5. What made your friend Tom so unhappy yesterday ? A letter from his home _an attack of home sickness A. set out B.set up C.set

6、 about D.set off 解析: 本题 考察动词短语辨析 。 A:set out 动身,出发,着手,安排; B:set up 建立,成立;C:set about 开始做某事; D:set off 引起,使发生;句义: -昨天什么事情让你的朋友 Tom不开心啊? -一封家书引起他对家乡的思念。根据句义可知本句中的 set off 表示 “引起 ”。故D 项 。 答案: D 6. What do you think made Jack so excited? _first prize in the national English Speaking Competition. A As he

7、 won B Won C. Winning D. Because of winning 解析: 本题 考察动名词用法 .本题第二句是回答前面一句中的 what,而 what 在句子中做主语。A 项是状语从句,不能做主语; B 项是过去分词,也不能在句中做主语; D 项是介词短语也不能做主语。只有 C 项中的动名词可以做主语。句义: -你认为是什么让 Jack 如此兴奋?-在全国英语演讲比赛中赢得第一名让他很兴奋。故 C 项 。 答案: C 7. Its burning hot today, isnt it? Yes. _ yesterday. A. So was it B. So it was

8、 C. So it is D. So is it 解析: 本题 考察特殊句式 .“ So+助动词 (be 动词或情态动词 )+主语 .”用来说明前面所说的情况也同样适用于后面的人或物,意为“某人 (物 )也一样”。 句义: -今天很热,不是吗? -是的。昨天也很热。本句表示天气热的情况同样适用于昨天。故 A 项 。 答案: A 8. While in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded _Florence Nightingale. A. in honor of B. in line with C. in favor of D. in

9、place of 解析: 本题 考察介词短语辨 义。 A:in honor of 为了纪念,欢迎; B:in line with 与 一致; C:in favor of 支持,赞成; D:in place of 代替;句义:在伦敦的时候,我们参观了一家为了纪念Florence Nightingale 的医院。根据句义说明本题的 A 项表示 “ 纪念 ” 符合上下文语义。故 A项 。 答案: A 9. If you_ me about it a little earlier, I _ here now. A. bad told: would not he B. told; am not C. h

10、ave told; would not be D. tell; would be 解析: 本题 考察条件句中的虚拟语气 。在 虚拟语气中 if 条件句中是对过去所发生的事情的虚拟,所以使用过去完成时;后面的主句是对现在的情况虚拟,所以使用 “情态动词 +动词原形 ”。句义:如果你早些时候告诉我这件事,我现在就不会在这里了。故 A 项 。 答案: A 10. My brother is very tall. The little bed wont _ for him. A. prepare B. match C. fit D. do 解析: 本题 考察动词搭配 。 A:prepare for 为

11、 做准备; B:match 是及物动词,后面直接加宾语; C:fit 是形容词,构成 be fit for 适合 ; D:do for 适合;句义:我的兄弟太高了,这个小床不适合他。故 D 项。 答案: D 11. Why didnt you come to Mikes birthday party yesterday? Well. I _. but I forgot it. A. should B. must C. should have D. must have 解析: 本题 考察情态动词 。 本句是一个虚拟语气。根据 but 后面 的过去式,说明本句表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,前面应该

12、使用 “情态动词 +have done”的形式。 Should have done表示 本应该做某事,实际上却未做; must have done 过去 一定做了某事;句义: 昨天你为什么没有来参加 Mike 的生日聚会啊? 我本应该去的饿,但是我忘记了。本题在 have 的后面承前省略了 come。故 C 项。 答案: C 12. Jim wanted to keep fit, so he spent as much time as he_ exercise. A. could taking B. took C. to take D. could take 解析: 本题 考察定语从句 。句

13、中含有一个定语从句 as he could ( spend),先行词是 as much time,关系动词 as 指代先行词 , 做动词 spend 的宾语。句义: Jim 想要保持健康,于是他把尽可能多的时间都花在了参加体育锻炼上。故 A 项。 答案: A 13. What he said brought the hours back to me_ I was taken good care of in that far away village. A. until B. that C. when D. where 解析: 本题考察定语从句 。 先行词是 the hours,后面的定语从句

14、when I was taken good care of in that far away village 的句子结构完整,所以使用关系副词 when 引导这个定语从句。句义:他说的话让我想起了在那个遥远的村子里被照顾得很好的时间。故 C 项。 答案: C 14. I_ to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldnt get away. A. was planning B. planned C. had planned D. would plan 解析: 本题考察考察虚拟语气 。某 些表示计划,打算的动词如: want, mean, pl

15、an 用过去完成时,表示过去打算做某事,实际上却 未 做成。句义:我本来计划去散步的,但是有来打电话找我,我走不开。故 C 项。 答案: C 15. It was not until 1965_liberated. A. that was the town B. did the town C. was the town D. that the town was 解析: 本题考察强调句型 。其被强调部分为 not until 1965,强调句中 that 后面要使用陈述语序。句义:直到 195 年,那个小镇才被解放。故 D 项。 答案: D 二、 阅读下面短文 ,掌握其意 ,然后从 16-35

16、各题所给的 A. B. C. D 四个选项中 ,选出最佳选项 ,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 。 As we walked out of the office and into the lift. no words were spoken. We couldnt even look at each other. We were both just stunned(愣住 ) and did not 16 what to say to one another. We got into the sky 17 car, and left the parking lot. Mum wasnt paying a

17、ttention to her 18 , but all of a sudden she 19 hard on the brakes(刹车 ) and we both went 20 . Outside of the car we saw a 21 , half on and half off his bike. “Where did you get your license, woman? he shouted, You almost 21 me! The biker got back on his bike and rode off, 23 shaking his head. It was

18、 then that Mum and I looked at each other. We cried, 24 we came to realize that I had (a) 25 We talked about it for hours , and I knew I had so 26 support and that I was going to be 27 . Twelve years later, at age 31, cancer has now been put 28 me. I had major surgery(手术 ) and four months of radiati

19、on treatment. Thank God, it was caught at a(n) 29 stage, and I was able to make a full recover) Cancer 30 me so much-so much for the better. It 31 me to appreciate life and those in my life, and to never. 32 anything for granted. Life is too short and you have to live each moment to the very 33 . To

20、 this day, I wish I could 34 that man on the bike. Id like to tell him that he was not the only survivor to come. 35 that day, as I am living proof. 16. A. know B. understand C. learn D. realize 解析: 本文第一句描述了一番面对突如其来的打击无言以对的情景,从no words were spoken、 couldnt even look at each other 和 stunned 等可以想象彼此之间

21、 不了解 ,用 known 正确 。 答案: A 17. A. blue B. green C. yellow D. red 解析: 在此表示一种颜色, “天蓝色 ”, sky blue, sky 和其他选项中的表示颜色形容词连用不能 形 成意义正确的形容词。 答案: A 18. A. condition B. surroundings C. car D. road sign 解析: 通读全文应该知道下文讲述的是一次差一点发生的交通事故,作者和妈妈都因为突如其来的打击而心慌意乱,开车时没有注意周围的车辆而造成的。用 surroundings“周围环境 ”最合适, condition“条件 ”,

22、 road sign“路标 ”,以及 car 都不合题意。 答案: B 19. A. worked B. drove C. pushed D. stepped 解析: 本题考查语言知识中的动宾搭配,由 on the brakes 知道是 “踩 ”刹车,用动词 stepped正确。 答案: D 20. A. upward B. downward C. forward D. backward 解析: 本题考查生活实践常识。由上文的 “踩刹车 ”可以想象车里的人应该是往前倾倒,用forward。 答案: C 21. A. bike B. car C. driver D. cyclist 解析: 本题

23、考查考生对上下文信 息 提示。根据 下文的 bike 可知是个骑自行车的人 cyclist,即下文的 biker。 答案: D 22. A. killed B. beat C. knocked D. caught 解析: 从上文 half on and half off his bike ,以及骑车人的质问“Where did you get your license, woman”,其实并非真的问她哪里拿的驾照,而是说这么差的开车技术怎么会拿到驾照,可见他的气愤,语 气应该是比较极端的, “你差一点儿杀了我 ”,用 killed 最能表达他的心情。 答案: A 23. A. happily

24、B. luckily C. just D. right 解析: 在此情况下,骑车人不可能 happily, just 表示强调时意思是 “只是;仅仅 ”能与shaking his head 连用表示 “一个劲地摇头 ”。 答案: C 24. A. before B. as if C. as D. though 解析: 从本句的结构来看,空 白 处应该是个引导状语从句的引导词,从意义上看应该是个时间状语从句, “当我们开始意识到 时,我们哭了 ”, 应该选 as。 答案: C 25. A. cancer B. cold C. headache D. stomachache 解析: 根据 下文的

25、cancer 可以直接知道此空的答案。 答案: A 26. A. many B. little C. much D. few 解析: 从下文得知,作者最后战胜了疾病,根据逻辑分析 应该 是得到了许多支持的结果,选表示肯定意义的词,又因为 support 不可数,故用 much 来修饰。 答案: C 27. A. right B. all right C. weak D. all over 解析: 根据前面的交代的信息 “有那么多的支持 ”和连词 and,可知后面的句 子 应该是前面分句逻辑意义上的顺 承 ,病应该是会好的,因此选 all right。 答案: B 28. A. on B. do

26、wn C. off D. behind 解析: 本题考查语言知识中的动词与介副词的搭配。从文中可知,作者后来痊愈了, put on“上演;张贴 ”, put down“放下 ”, put off“延期 ”,只有后面搭配 behind 表示 “癌症被放在了我的后面 “,意思是 “我 ”摆脱了癌症。 答案: D 29. A. early B. late C. fast D. slow 解析: 前文的 twelve years later, at age 31,可 知 本句意思是说幸好患病在年纪还小的时候,at an early stage。 答案: A 30. A. frightened B. c

27、hanged C. terrified D. taught 解析: 从下文作者对生活的 一番感悟说明此前并没有意识到这些道理,这场病应该是使作者改变了许多,而不侧重使他受到了惊吓。 答案: B 31. A. made B. caused C. taught D. advised 解析: 从搭配上考虑首先排除 A, cause“导致 ”, advise“建议 ”,都不大妥当,只有 taught“教会 ”,可以正确地表示作者从中受到的教育。 答案: C 32. A. pay B. search C. care D. take 解析: take for granted“想当然;认为理所当然 ”,句意

28、 : “永远不要把任何事情都认为是理所当然的 ”。 答案: D 33. A. least B. worst C. fullest D. emptiest 解析: 从上文的感悟来推测本句应该表达 “生活太短暂了,你应该将每一刻活到最充分 ”,除 fullest 以外,其他 都表示相反的意思 故选 C 项 。 答案: C 34. A. find B. catch C. study D. strike 解析: 下文 中的 Id like to tell him 提示 作者是要找到那个骑车人。 答案: A 35. A. up to B. out of C. by D. off 解析: come up

29、to“来到;达到 ”, come by“经过;获得 ”, come off“离开;实现 ”,都不合句子意思,只有 come out of“出自;来自 ”可以表达 “在那一天幸存下来的人 ”。 答案: B 笫二部分 :阅读理解 (共 20 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分 ) 阅读下列短文,从每给的 A. B. C. D 四个选项中 , 选出最佳选项 ,并在答题卡上将涂黑 。 A Pulling heavy suitcases all day in the summer is hard work, especially when you are a thin 14-year-old bo

30、y. That was me in 1940-the youngest and smallest baggage boy at New York Citys Pennsylvania Railway Station. After just a few days on the job, I began noticing that the other fellows were overcharging passengers. Id like to join them, thinking, Everyone else is doing it. When I got home that night,

31、I told my dad what I wanted to do. You give an honest days work, he said, looking at me straight in his eye. They are paying you. If they want to do that, you let them do that. I followed my dads advice for the rest of that summer and have lived by his words ever since. Of all the jobs Ive had, it w

32、as my experience at Pennsylvania Railway Station that has stuck with me. Now I teach my players to have respect for other people and their possession. Being a member of a team is a totally shared experience. If one person steals, it destroys trust and hurts everyone. I can put up with many things, b

33、ut not with people who steal. If one of my players were caught stealing, hed be gone. Whether youre on a sports team, in an office or a member of a family. if you cant trust one another, there is going to be trouble. 36. What can be inferred about the baggage boys? A. They could earn much, but they

34、had to work hard. B. Many of them earned money in a dishonest way. C. They were all from poor families. D. They were thin, young boys. 解析: 推理 判断 题。根据文章第二段第一行 After just a few days on the job, I began noticing that the other fellows were overcharging passengers.可知很多其他帮助乘客拉行李的孩子都向乘客多收了钱。说明他们挣的是不诚实的钱。故

35、 B 项 。 答案: B 37. What does the fathers advice imply? A. It is wrong to give more to the passengers. B. Dont believe them if they are paying you more. C. Dont follow others to overcharge the passengers. D. It is difficult to work hard and live as an honest boy. 解析: 推理 判断 题。根据文章第三段第 2 行 he said, looki

36、ng at me straight in his eye. They are paying you. If they want to do that, you let them do that.可知父亲建议我们不要和别人一样。如果别人多收 了 客人的钱,就让他们去做吧! 要求我不要与 别人一样。故 C 项。 答案: C 38. The underlined word it (in Paragraph 2) refers to _. A. overcharging passengers B. pulling heavy suitcases all day C. paying passengers

37、 money D. working in an honest way 解析: 推理 判断 题。根据本句 I began noticing that the other fellows were overcharging passengers. Id like to join them, thinking, Everyone else is doing it.句义:我注意到其他人收取客 人 的费用太高,我也想这样做,因为别人都这样做了。可知这里的 it 就是指前面的overcharging passengers,故 A 正确。 答案: A 39. The writer cant put up w

38、ith stealing because he thinks that _. A. it is a total shared experience B. it is considered as the most dangerous C. it does great harm to human relationship D. it may led to the loss of his sports team. 解析: 推理 判断 题。根据文章倒数 3,4行 . If one person steals, it destroys trust and hurts everyone. I can pu

39、t up with many things, but not with people who steal. If one of my players were caught stealing, hed be gone 可知我无法忍受盗窃行为,是因为我认为盗窃行为破坏了人与人之间的信任,伤害了 所有人 的感情。故 选 C 项。 答案: C 40. It can be concluded from the text that_ A. his fathers advice helped him to decide which job to take up B. working in the spor

40、ts team was his most important experience C. he learned much from his shared experience with his team members D. his experience as a baggage boy had a great influence on his late life 解析: 推理 判断 题。根据文章第四段 I followed my dads advice for the rest of that summer and have lived by his words ever since.可知这

41、次经历不仅对那个暑假而且对我的一生都有深远的影响,让我无法忍受欺骗行为。故 D 项。 答案: D B Paris in springtime was, is and always will be, something rather special. Why not experience it for yourself with this excellent break for four days? This attractive city has something to offer everyone with prices at just 129. Its of great value to

42、o. Your break begins with executive coach transfer from a regional pick-up point and you travel to Paris via cross-channel ferry and arrive at your hotel in the evening. The Ibis is an excellent quality hotel with private facilities in all rooms: a satellite TV, a radio, a telephone and ban alarm cl

43、ock. The following day, after a continental breakfast (included), the coach takes you on a comprehensive sightseeing tour of the city, during which you will see the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, LArc de Triomphe, the Louvre, in fact almost every famous landmark you have ever heard of. You then leave

44、 Paris and take a short drive to the magnificent Palace of Versailles, the home of Louis XIV. The tour ends mid-afternoon back in Paris where you will have the remainder of the day for your leisure. In the evening there is a Paris By Night tour that shows you the beautiful buildings with bright lights. Day three takes you to Montmartre, perhaps the most charming quarter of Paris a

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