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1、考研英语(二)-17 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:10.00)The Bible is the great work of the religious literature and was in process of formation for about twelve hundred years. The Bible is composed of 1 , legend, biography, genealogies, ethics, law, proverbial wisdom, sermons, prop

2、hesy, lyric poetry, hymns and theology. It is not only 2 a book but a 3 of books. The Bible 4 two major 5 , the Old Testament and the New Testament . The Old Testament was written originally almost entirely 6 Hebrew with a little Aramaic, from the eleventh to the second century BC. It is the nationa

3、l 7 literature of the people of Israel. The New Testament was written in Greek from about 40 AD to 150. It 8 the earliest documents 9 the life, teaching, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus and the establishment of the 10 church. The 11 work is from the first book Genesis, to the last, Revelations

4、. The 12 and richness of the Bible 13 literature 14 the Old Testament are unparalleled. In the literary 15 , poetry, The Bible is 16 The Bible is an assemblage of literature. It is in a unique 17 among the world“s books 18 the richness of its 19 and spiritual values. It can be called the 20 of books



7、derlyingD.surpassingA.placeB.venueC.positionD.siteA.forB.onC.inD.toA.greedyB.artisticC.practicalD.absurdA.chapterB.poemC.romanceD.book二、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)In 1929 John D. Rockefeller decided it was time to sell shares when even a shoe-shin

8、e boy offered him a share tip. During the past week The Economist“s economics editor has been advised by a taxi driver, a plumber and a hairdresser that “you can“t go wrong“ investing in housingthe more you own the better. Is this a sign that it is time to get out? At the very least, as house prices

9、 around the world climb to ever loftier heights, and more and more people jump on to the buy-to-let ladder, it is time to expose some of the fallacies regularly trotted out by so many self-appointed housing experts. One common error is that house prices must continue to rise because of a limited sup

10、ply of land. For instance, it is argued that “house prices will always rise in London because lots of people want to live here“. But this confuses the level of prices with their rate of change. Home prices are bound to be higher in big cities because of land scarcity, but this does not guarantee tha

11、t urban house prices will keep rising indefinitelyjust look at Tokyo“s huge price-drops since 1990. And, though it is true that a fixed supply of homes may push up house prices if the population is rising, this would imply a steady rise in prices, not the 20% annual jumps of recent years. A second f

12、lawed argument is that low interest rates make buying a home cheaper, and so push up demand and prices. Lower interest rates may have allowed some people, who otherwise could not have afforded a mortgage, to buy a home. But many borrowers who think mortgages are cheaper are suffering from money illu

13、sion. Interest rates are not very low in real, inflation-adjusted terms. Initial interest payments may seem low in relation to income, but because inflation is also low it will not erode the real burden of debt as swiftly as it once did. So in later years mortgage payments will be much larger in rea

14、l terms. To argue that low nominal interest rates make buying a home cheaper is like arguing that a car loan paid off over four years is cheaper than one repaid over two years. Fallacy number three is a favourite claim of Alan Greenspan, chairman of America“s Federal Reserve. This is that price bubb

15、les are less likely in housing than in the stock market because higher transaction costs discourage speculation. In fact, several studies have shown that both in theory and in practice bubbles are more likely in housing than in shares. A study by the IMF finds that a sharp rise in house prices is fa

16、r more likely to be followed by a bust than is a share-price boom.(分数:10.00)(1).The term “fallacies“ (Paragraph 1) most probably means _.(分数:2.00)A.ridiculous strategiesB.obsolete methodologiesC.mistaken beliefsD.far-fetched assertions(2).What is the relationship between the opening paragraph and th

17、e rest of the text?(分数:2.00)A.The deadly sins are singled out in the first paragraph and then denied by the author of the text.B.A generalization is made in the opening paragraph and elaborated in the following paragraphs.C.The unusual anecdotes are quoted in the first paragraph and then articulated

18、 in the following paragraphs.D.A generalization is advanced in the opening paragraph and refuted in the following paragraphs.(3).The author of the text makes a comparison in _.(分数:2.00)A.Paragraph 4B.concluding paragraphC.Paragraph 2D.opening paragraph(4).The views of Alan Greenspan and the author o

19、f the text on price bubbles are _.(分数:2.00)A.complementaryB.identicalC.oppositeD.similar(5).To which of the following is the author likely to agree?(分数:2.00)A.It is time to illustrate some popular fallacies about buying a home.B.Some popular flawed arguments about buying a home should be made known

20、to the public for the time being.C.People should be punctual in business dealings of shares and housing.D.Alan Greenspan“s claim can hold water with respect to fallacy member three.五、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Many countries have a tradition of inviting foreigners to rule them. The English called in Will

21、iam of Orange in 1588, and, depending on your interpretation of history, William of Normandy in 1055. Both did rather a good job. Returning the compliment, Albania asked a well-bred Englishman called Aubgrey Herbert to be their king in the 1920s. He refusedand they ended up with several coves called

22、 Zog. America, the country of immigrants, has no truck with imported foreign talent. Article two of the constitution says that “no person except a natural-born citizen. shall be eligible to the office of the president“. This is now being challenged by a particularly irresistible immigrant: Arnold Sc

23、hwarzenegger. Barely a year has passed since the erstwhile cyborg swept to victory in California“s recall election, yet there is already an Amend-for-Arnold campaign collecting signatures to let the Austrian-born governor have a go at the White House. George Bush senior has weighed in on his behalf.

24、 There are several “Arnold amendments“ in Congress: one allows foreigners who have been naturalized citizens for 20 years to become president. (The Austrian became American in 1983.) It is easy to dismiss the hoopla as another regrettable example of loopy celebrity politics. Mr. Schwarzenegger has m

25、ade a decent start as governor, but he has done little, as yet, to change the structure of his dysfunctional state. Indeed, even if the law were changed, he could well be elbowed aside by another incomer, this time from Canada: the Democratic governor of Michigan, Jennifer Granholm, who appears to h

26、ave fewer skeletons in her closet than the hedonistic actor. Moreover, changing the American constitution is no doddle. It has happened only 17 times since 1791 (when the first ten amendments were codified as the bill of rights). To change the constitution, an amendment has to be approved by two-thi

27、rds of both houses of Congress, and then to be ratified by three-quarters of the 50 states. The Arnold amendment is hardly in the same category as abolishing slavery or giving women the vote. And, as some wags point out, Austrian imports have a pretty dodgy record of running military superpowers.(分数

28、:10.00)(1).The author of the text makes a contrast in _.(分数:2.00)A.Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4B.the opening paragraphC.Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2D.the concluding paragraph(2).The phrase “has no truck with“ (Paragraph 2) most probably means _.(分数:2.00)A.lacks means of transportation forB.never discr

29、iminateC.have no vehicle toD.refuses to consider(3).Compared with Jennifer Granholm, Mr. Schwarzenegger is at disadvantage due to _.(分数:2.00)A.more embarrassing secretsB.previous actor backgroundC.excessive garment decorationD.less slender figure(4).The word “cyborg“ (Paragraph 3) most probably refe

30、rs to _.(分数:2.00)A.Aubgrey HerbertB.George Bush seniorC.William of OrangeD.Arnold Schwarzenegger(5).It can be inferred from the concluding paragraph that _.(分数:2.00)A.the American constitution is changeable and falls into a vicious cycleB.there is a faint chance that legal adjustments are made for A

31、rnold runningC.abolishing slavery and granting women the vote given an impetus to Arnold runningD.both houses of Congress hold whether he deserves to win is another matter六、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:10.00)A pair of dice, rolled again and again, will eventually produce two sixes. Similarly, the virus that caus

32、es influenza is constantly changing at random and, one day, will mutate in a way that will enable it to infect billions of people, and to kill millions. Many experts now believe a global outbreak of pandemic flu is overdue, and that the next one could be as bad as the one in 1918, which killed somew

33、here between 25m and 50m people. Today however, advances in medicine offer real hope that another such outbreak can be contained if governments start preparing now. New research published this week suggests that a relatively small stockpile of an anti-viral drugas little as 3m dosescould be enough t

34、o limit sharply a flu pandemic if the drugs were deployed quickly to people in the area surrounding the initial outbreak. The drug“s manufacturer, Roche, is talking to the World Health Organisation about donating such a stockpile. This is good news. But much more needs to be done, especially with a

35、nasty strain of avian flu spreading in Asia which could mutate into a threat to humans. Since the SARS outbreak in 2003 a few countries have developed plans in preparation for similar episodes. But progress has been shamefully patchy, and there is still far too little international co-ordination. A

36、global stockpile of drugs alone would not be of much use without an adequate system of surveillance to identify early cases and a way of delivering treatment quickly. If an outbreak occurred in a border region, for example, a swift response would most likely depend on prior agreements between differ

37、ent countries about quarantine and containment. Reaching such agreements is rarely easy, but that makes the task all the more urgent. Rich countries tend to be better prepared than poor ones, but this should be no consolation to them. Flu does not respect borders. It is in everyone“s interest to mak

38、e sure that developing countries, especially in Asia, are also well prepared. Many may bridle at interference from outside. But if richer nations were willing to donate anti-viral drugs and guarantee a supply of any vaccine that becomes available, poorer nations might be willing to reach agreements

39、over surveillance and preparedness. Simply sorting out a few details now will have lives (and recriminations) later. Will there be enough ventilators, makes and drugs? Where will people be treated if the hospitals overflow? Will food be delivered as normal? Too many countries have no answers to thes

40、e questions.(分数:10.00)(1).The word “contained“ (Paragraph 1) most probably means _.(分数:2.00)A.checkedB.duplicatedC.includedD.forecast(2).According to the text, it is upsetting that _.(分数:2.00)A.the flu-catching is more pervasive the world overB.the cause of initial outbreak has not been identifiedC.

41、global co-ordination is yet to well developD.people still have no answers concerning surveillance and containment(3).The speed of remedy dispatch is of importance to _.(分数:2.00)A.the recovery of the infected patientB.the treatment of the ailing suffererC.the prevention of a flu pandemicD.the efficie

42、ncy of large supply of drugs(4).According to the text, which of the followings is not readily made?(分数:2.00)A.Publications of new research with respect to the supply of the interference from outside.B.Construction of an adequate system of surveillance of early influenza cases.C.Availability of anti-

43、viral drugs and any vaccine in underdeveloped nations.D.Contracts between various nations concerning quarantine and containment.(5).The best title for the text would be _.(分数:2.00)A.The World Must Prepare for Pandemic InfluenzaB.Similar Episodes of Initial Outbreak Are Always Evasive to LaymenC.The

44、Government Should Take Lead in the Prevention of Pandemic InfluenzaD.The World Health Organization Must Authorize the Relevant Rescue System as Is Discussed in the Text七、Text 4(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Companies have embarked on what looks like the beginnings of a re-run of the mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

45、wave that defined the second bubbly half of the 1990s. That period, readers might recall, was characterized by a collective splurge that saw the creation of some of the most indebted companies in history, many of which later went bankrupt or were themselves broken up. Wild bidding for telecoms, inte

46、rnet and media assets, not to mention the madness that was Daimler“s $40 billion motoring takeover in 1998-1999 of Chrysler or the Time- Warner/AOL mega-merger in 2000, helped to give mergers a thoroughly bad name. A consensus emerged that M&A was a great way for investment banks to reap rich fees,

47、and a sure way for ambitious managers to betray investors by trashing the value of their shares. Now M&A is back. Its return is a global phenomenon, but it is perhaps most striking in Europe, where so far this year there has been a stream of deals worth more than $600 billion in total, around 40% hi

48、gher than in the same period of 2004. The latest effort came this week when France“s Saint-Gobain, a building-materials firm, unveiled the details of its 3.6 billion ($6.5 billion) hostile bid for BPB, a British rival. In the first half of the year, cross-border activity was up threefold over the sa

49、me period last year. Even France Telecom, which was left almost bankrupt at the end of the last merger wave, recently bought Amena, a Spanish mobile operator. Shareholder“s approval of all these deals raises an interesting question for companies everywhere: are investors right to think that these mergers are more likely to succeed than earlier ones? There are two answers. The first is that past mergers may have been judged too harshly. The second is that the present rash of European deals does look more rational, butand th

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