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1、考研英语(二)-7 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSection Use o(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.It sounds like a real-life version of Lost: a 272-ton Boeing 777 U U 1 /U /Ufrom Kuala Lumpur Internation

2、al Airport and U U 2 /U /Uless than an hour into a flight to Beijing, disappearing from air-craft radar screens and triggering a massive search U U 3 /U /Uhigh-tech warships, nimble supersonic jets, all-seeing satellitesthe combined technological resources of 26 countries. Days U U 4 /U /Uwithout a

3、trace of the airliner. Big Brother looks high and lowand finds U U 5 /U /U.The world lost U U 6 /U /Uwith Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in the early hours of March 8, somewhere in no-mans-sky U U 7 /U /UMalaysia and Vietnam. Every day that followed brought new theories of what might have happened as

4、dark turned to dawn. Was the plane hijacked to some remote landing strip and, if so, where are the passengers? U U 8 /U /Uhad the jet malfunctioned and U U 9 /U /Uinto the ocean-and if so, where was the debris? As search team looked for answers to these questions, the millions of people worldwide wh

5、o were U U 10 /U /Ufor updates about MH370 were left wondering how, in 2014, technology could come up so short, U U 11 /U /Ua 209-ft. (64m) airliner carrying 239 people to U U 12 /U /Ufor the longest period of time in modern commercial aviation history.The U U 13 /U /Ustory of MH370 doesnt fit into

6、the narrative of our omniscient (无所不知的) era. The worlds intelligence agencies can watch and U U 14 /U /Uto millions of us as we go about our lives. U U 15 /U /Uwe nonspies have plenty of tracking technology at our disposal. Pull up a web browser and with a few keystrokes we can U U 16 /U /Uour lost

7、iPhones, track satellites as they circle the earth, use Google Maps to explore far-off lands. How, then, with our U U 17 /U /Uinfrastructure of bits and bytes, did we fail to U U 18 /U /Ua jumbo jet?The answers are disturbing. For all the post-9/11 security protocols we submit to every time we get o

8、n a plane, much of the basic U U 19 /U /Uthat is meant to track our progress through the sky is full of holes. And even our most modern U U 20 /U /Ucan be rendered invisible by the human hand.(分数:10.00)(1). A.gets up B.takes off C.sends out D.comes on(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(2). A.vanishes B.destroys C.eli

9、minates D.perishes(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(3). A.revolving B.evolving C.involving D.devolving(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(4). A.go in B.go out C.go up D.go by(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(5). A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(6). B.relation C.connection分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(7). A.during

10、B.between C.among D.along(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(8). A.And B.But C.Or D.So(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(9). A.crashed B.crushed C.cashed D.clashed(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(10). A.looking B.seeking C.visiting D.watching(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(11). A.admitting B.allowing C.assisting D.addicting(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(12). A.disable B.dism

11、iss C.disappear D.dismantle(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(13). A.strange B.common C.normal D.vital(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(14). A.steal B.listen C.rob D.check(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(15). A.But B.So C.Thus D.Even(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(16). A.ensure B.assure C.locate D.allocate(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(17). A.complex B.perplexed C.simple D

12、.basic(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(18). C.track分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(19). C.technique D.skill(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(20). A.aviation B.airman C.airline D.aircraft(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.二、BSection Readi(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、BPart A/B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、BText 1/B(总题数:1,分数:10.00)In the past 3

13、5 years, hundreds of millions of Chinese have found productive, if often exhausting, work in the countrys growing cities. This extraordinary mobilization of labour is the biggest economic event of the past half-century. The world has seen nothing on such scale before. Will it see anything like it ag

14、ain? The answer lies across the Himalayas in India.India is an ancient civilization but a youthful country. Its working-age population is rising by about 12m people a year, even as Chinas shrank last year by 3m. Within a decade India will have the biggest potential workforce in the world.Optimists l

15、ook forward to a bumper “demographic dividend“, the result of more workers per dependant and more saving out of income. This combination accounted for perhaps a third of the East Asian miracle. India “has time on its side, literally,“ boasted one prominent politician, Kamal Nath, in a 2008 book enti

16、tled “Indias Century“.But although Indias dreamers have faith in its youth, the countrys youngest have growing reason to doubt India. The economy raised aspirations that it has subsequently failed to meet. From 2005 to 2007 it grew by about 9% a year. In 2010 it even grew faster than China (if the t

17、wo economies are measured consistently). But growth has since halved. Indias impressive savings rate, the other side of the demographic dividend, has also slipped. Worryingly, a growing share of household saving is bypassing the financial system altogether, seeking refuge from inflation in gold, bri

18、cks and mortar.The last time a Congress-led government liberalized the economy in earnestin 1991over 40% of todays Indians had yet to be born. Their anxieties must seem remote to Indias elderly politicians. The average age of cabinet minister is 65. The country has never had a prime minister born in

19、 independent India. One man who might buck that trend, Rahul Gandhi, is the son, grandson and the great-grandson of former prime ministers. India is run by gerontocrats (老年统治者) and epigones (子孙): Ugrey hairs and groomed heirs/U. The apparent indifference of the police to the way young women in parti

20、cular are treated has underlined the way that old India fails to protect new India.(分数:10.00)(1).China is mentioned in order to _. its scale of labour force B.highlight its economic growth C.introduce the topic of India D.stress the importance of labour(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).Which is true accor

21、ding to Paragraph 2? A.Indias working-age population has shrunk. B.Chinas working-age population has been rising. C.India is now the biggest potential workforce in the world. D.India is an ancient country but a young one in the modern world.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).Which one can best describe Kamal Nath

22、 towards Indias future? A.Confident. B.Worried. C.Doubtful. D.Negative.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).The fourth paragraph shows us that _. A.India has reached its economic target B.Indias economic growth has halved after 2010 C.Indians have become doubtful about their country D.Indias savings rate has increa

23、sed from 2005 to 2007(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(5).The underlined phrase “grey hairs and groomed heirs“ (Para. 5) means _. A.old man and young women B.elderly rulers and their descendants ministers and their successors ministers and their grandsons(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.五、BText 2/B(总题数:1,分数:10.00)I

24、ts a safe bet that David Joyce knows more than you did when you were his birth age. Thats not hard, since what you knew back then was pretty much nothing at all. You knew warmth, you knew darkness, you knew a sublime, drifting peace. You had been conceived 29 weeks earlier, and if you were like most

25、 people, you had 11 weeks to go before you reached your fully formed 40. It was only then that youd emerge into the storm of stimuli that is the world.No such luck for David. He was born Jan. 28well shy of his April 16 due datein an emergency cesarean (剖腹产的) section after his mother had begun bleedi

26、ng heavily. He weighed 2 lb. 11 oz., or 1,200g, and was just 15 in. (38cm) tall. An American Girl doll is 3 in. (8cm) taller. Immediately, he began learning a lot of thingsabout bright lights and cold hands, needle sticks and loud noises. He learned what it feels like to be hungry, to be frightened,

27、 to be unable to breathe.What all this meant was that if David wanted to stay alive, hed have to work hard at it, and he was. Take drinking from a bottlewhich he had never tried until a morning in late March, at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of the Childrens Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwau

28、kee. David had spent every day of his then seven-week life there, in the company of 58 other very fragile babies being looked after by a round-the-clock SWAT team of nearly 300 nutritionists, pharmacologists, pulmonary specialists, surgeons, nurses and dietitians and, for when the need arises, a pai

29、r of chaplains.Under their care, he had grown to 18.1 in (46cm) and weighed 5lb. 11.5 oz. (2594g), nourished by breast milk from his mother, which was fed to him through a nasogastric tube (鼻胃管) threaded through his nose to his stomach. Davids father and mother live 90 minutes away in Randolph, Wis.

30、 They had been at the hospital every day after work for 51 days straight at that pointa three-hour round-tripto spend a few more hours with David.(分数:10.00)(1).A common child unlike David Joyce is NOT familiar with _. A.needle sticks B.darkness C.warmth D.peace(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).David was born _.

31、A.exactly on the day of original due date B.a month earlier than expected C.about 11 weeks earlier D.later than expected(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).What can we infer from the second paragraph? A.David was lighter and shorter than common baby when he was born. B.David was just a little taller than an Americ

32、an GM doll. C.David began learning using needle at his early age. D.David never feels frightened in the hospital.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).In the SWAT team, there are all of the following except _. A.nutritionists B.dietitians C.surgeons分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(5).What can be learned from the las

33、t paragraph? A.Food and liquid were fed to David through a nasogastric tube. B.David had grown taller and weighed heavier under the care of hospital. C.Davids parents had to spent 90 minutes for a round-trip to see David. D.Davids parents had given up hope for they had spent too much on him.(分数:2.00

34、)A.B.C.D.六、BText 3/B(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Thanks to the GPS, the apps on your phone have long been able to determine your general location. But what if they could do so with enough precision that a supermarket, say, could tempt you with digital coupons depending on whether you were hovering near the white

35、 bread or the bagels?It may sound far-fetched, but theres a good chance the technology is already built into your iPhone or Android device. All it takes for retailers to tap into it are small, inexpensive transmitters called beacons. Heres how it works: using Bluetooth technology, handsets can pinpo

36、int their position to within as little as 2cm by receiving signals from the beacons stores install. Apples version of the concept is called iBeacon; its in use at its own stores and is being tested by Macys, American Eagle, Safeway, the National Football League and Major League Baseball.Companies ca

37、n then use your location to pelt (连续攻击) you with special offers or simply monitor your movements. But just as with GPS, they wont see you unless youve installed their apps and granted them access. By melding your physical position with facts theyve already collected about you from rewards programs,

38、Ubrick-and-mortar businesses/U can finally get the potentially profitable insight into your shopping habits that online merchants now take for granted.The possibilities go beyond coupons. PayPal is readying a beacon that will let consumers pay for goods without swiping a card or removing a phone fro

39、m their pocket. Doug Thompson of industry site B predicts the technology will become an everyday reality by years end. But dont look for stores or venues to call attention to the devices. “People wont know these beacons are there,“ he says. “Theyll just know their app has suddenly become smarter.“(分

40、数:10.00)(1).The GPS on your phone can _. A.locate your general position B.prevent you from being followed you decide which shop to enter D.provide you with a safer environment(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).iBeacon is being tested by the following except _. A.Macys B.American Eagle C.the bagels D.Safewa

41、y(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).We know from the second paragraph that beacons are _. kind of handsets B.Apples new products C.iPhone and Android devices D.small and cheap transmitters(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).The phrase “brick-and-mortar businesses“ (Para. 3) is relative and closest to _. A.rewards programs

42、 merchants C.profitable insight habits(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(5).PayPal is preparing a beacon that _. A.will change the shopping habits of consumers B.will make customers get their goods without paying C.will make consumers pay for goods more conveniently D.will become the only way tha

43、t consumers pay for their goods(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.七、BText 4/B(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Its 2:45 p.m. on a Wednesday, and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is in the backseat of a black Chevy Tahoe thats inching its way to city hall along the 101 freeway. This stretch of the often clogged road is eight lanes, but

44、there are so many cars on it that everyone is moving at about 30km/h, a single mass of steel and glass lurching toward downtown.Just a few hours earlier, Garcetti was traveling a lot faster. To get to an event in University City, about 16 km from his office, Garcetti took the citys Red Line subway,

45、which can reach speed of up to 110km/ha pace L.A.s rush-hour drivers can only dream about. Persuading more Angelenos to take the train could go a long way toward solving one of L.As most intractable problems. “We dont need people to completely give up their cars,“ he says while holding onto a pole o

46、n the Red Line. “But right now, we average 1.1 people per car. If we could get that to 1.6, the traffic problem would go away.“In L.A., cars are a source of smog, billions of dollars in lost productivity every year and endless frustration for residents. “Every working person plans their life around

47、traffic in this town,“ says Zev Yaroslavsky, a Los Angeles County supervisor and longtime friend of Garcettis. “Building a transportation infrastructure is something that needs to be focused on, and Eric gets that.“ Should Garcetti, 43who was elected in May as the youngest mayor of L. A. in more than a centuryever manage to get the freeways flowing, it would be a triumph. And it would only begin to cure what ails L.A.Los Angele

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