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1、考研英语-364 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section I Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:10.00)There is a difference between science and technology. Science is a method of answering (1) questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems. Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships between

2、 (2) phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that (3) to organize these facts and relationships; technology has to do with tools, techniques, and (3) for applying the findings of science. Another (5) between science and technology has to do with the progress in each.Progress in science (6

3、) the human factor. Scientists, who seek to understand the universe and know the truth within the highest degree of (7) and certainty, cannot (8) their own or other peoples likes or dislikes or to popular ideas about the fitness of things. What scientists discover may shock or (9) people-as did Darw

4、ins theory of evolution. But even an unpleasant truth is (10) than likely to be useful; besides, we have the choice of refusing to believe it! But (11) so with technology; we do not have the choice of refusing to hear the sound produced by a supersonic aircraft flying overhead; we cannot refuse to b

5、reathe polluted air. (12) science, progress in technology must be measured (13) the human factor. The purpose of technology is to serve peoplepeople (14) , not merely some people; and future generations, not merely those who presently wish to (15) advantage for themselves.We are all familiar with th

6、e (16) use of technology. Many people blame technology itself (17) widespread pollution, resource depletion (枯竭) and even social decay in generalso much (18) the promise of technology is “ (19) “ That promise is a cleaner and healthier world. If wise applications of science and technology do not (20

7、) a better world, what else will?(分数:10.00)A.abstractB.theoreticalC.profoundD.concreteA.discernibleB.negligibleC.sustainableD.observableA.serveB.assumeC.intendD.proveA.proceduresB.facilitiesC.proceedingsD.apparatusesA.implicationB.frictionC.discriminationD.distinctionA.distractsB.excludesC.expelsD.d

8、isposesA.integrityB.loyaltyC.accuracyD.consistencyA.ward offB.make use attention terms means virtue a result natureB.on

9、averageC.on the thatD.if onlyA.dischargedB.sophisticatedC.obscuredD.dissolvedA.turn intoB.amount toC.go intoD.lead to二、Section II Reading C(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、

10、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Friday marks the 40th anniversary of one of the biggest, most expensive, most destructive social policy experiments in American history: The war on drugs. On the morning of June 17, 1971, President Richard Nixon, speaking from the Briefing Room of the White House, declared: “Am

11、ericas public enemy No. 1 in the United States is drug abuse. In order to fight and defeat this enemy, it is necessary to wage a new, all-out offensive. I have asked the Congress to provide the legislative authority and the funds to fuel this kind of an offensive. This will be a worldwide offensive

12、dealing with the problems of sources of supply, as well as Americans who may be stationed abroad, wherever they are in the world. “So began a war that has waxed and waned, ,sputtered and sprinted, until it became an unmitigated disaster, an abomination of justice and a self-perpetuating, trillion-do

13、llar economy of wasted human capital, ruined lives and decimated communities. Since 1971, more than 40 million arrests have been conducted for drug-related offenses. And no group has been more targeted and suffered more damage than the black community. As the American Civil Liberties Union pointed o

14、ut last week, “The racial disparities are staggering: despite the fact that whites engage in drug offenses at a higher rate than African-Americans, African-Americans are incarcerated for drug offenses at a rate that is: 10 times greater than that of whites. “An effort meant to save us from a form of

15、 moral decay became its own insidious brand of moral perversion-turning people who should have been patients into prisoners, criminalizing victimless behavior, targeting those whose first offense was entering the world wrapped in the wrong skin. It feeds our overwhelming thirst for punishment.Last w

16、eek, the Report of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, a 19-member commission that included Kofi Annan, a former U. N. secretary general, declared that: “The global war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world. Fifty years after the initiati

17、on of the U.N. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, and 40 years after President Nixon launched the U. S. governments war on drugs, fundamental reforms in national and global drug control policies are urgently needed. “The White House immediately shot back: no dice. The Obama administration presente

18、d a collection of statistics that compared current drug use and demand with the peak of the late 1970s, although a direct correlation between those declines and the drug war are highly debatable. In doing so, it completely sidestepped the human, economic and societal toll of the mass imprisonment of

19、 millions of Americans, many for simple possession.No need to put a human face on 40 years of folly when you can wrap up its inefficacy in a patchwork quilt of self-serving statistics.(分数:10.00)(1).When Richard Nixon spoke of waging an offensive, he meant(分数:2.00)A.federal funds were needed to preve

20、nt the spreading of drug abuse.B.drug abuse had become the most serious problem in America.C.the American government would defend its citizens against drug abuse.D.the American government would launch an attack on drugs.(2).From the second paragraph we learn that the war on drugs(分数:2.00)A.has faile

21、d to achieve its alleged objectives.B.has turned out to be an attack on innocent people.C.has been wrongly targeted at the Black people.D.has heightened the tension between ethnic groups.(3).Those “wrapped in the wrong skin“ (Para. 3) refer mainly to(分数:2.00)A.African-Americans.B.disguised drug-traf

22、fickers.C.wrongly targeted victims.D.occasional drug-takers.(4).Kofi Annan(分数:2.00)A.proclaimed an end to the global war on drug trafficking.B.called on the U.N. to reassess the consequences of the war on drugs.C.accused President Nixon of mis-targeting his war on drugs.D.called for a change in nati

23、onal and global drug-related policies.(5).It is obvious that the Obama administration(分数:2.00) sympathetic to the wrongly imprisoned less tolerant of drug abuse than the Nixon dissatisfied with Annans assessment of the situation.D.has done better than the Nixon a

24、dministration in the war on drugs.五、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Campaigns have become so expensive, and the politicians must spend so much of their time raising money, that neither the candidate nor the lobbyists have time for the old-fashioned schmoozing that was once the hallmark of the lobbying trade.

25、Its all very businesslike now for both sides. For the politicians, the challenge is how to raise the most money in the least amount of time. For the lobbyists, the challenge is to know which politicians to shower with money in order to get maximum results.Moderate politics, a willingness to study is

26、sues and seek workable compromise, is no longer cost-effective. The politicians who send out fund-raising letters promising to give each issue careful study wont raise a dime.But if that politician targets those who are known to favor a certain issue and he lets that group know he will champion thei

27、r cause no matter who opposes it, the money rolls in. The amount he can raise depends on how sharply he can draw a contrast between those who favor an issue and those who oppose it.There are sincere people on every side of every issue, but one reason that Congress continues to debate and vote on so

28、many of the same issues over and overlike gun control and abortionis that such issues bring in money to both sides. Liberals who favor gun control rail at the antics of the well-financed gun lobby, but in truth they welcome the endless debate over guns because it is a proven way to raise money from

29、their supporters, just as the pro-gun lobby is a ready source of campaign cash for pro-gun forces. The debates over the perennials, as insiders call them, have little impact on the country, since they usually bring little or no change in the laws. But they are not really about the countrys business;

30、 they are about the business of the members themselves and their own survival.What is remarkable about the process is that when members have to do it, they can put the partisan games aside and do what is necessary. In the weeks before the September 11 attack, the Senate had been in a nasty partisan

31、fight over “who lost the big surpluses“ that had been projected earlier in the year.Yet, in the week after the attack, the House and Senate authorized forty billion dollars in disaster relief and passed the legislation by a unanimous vote.Afterward, I asked the Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle h

32、ow the country could afford to spend so much in light of all the earlier concern about who had lost the surplus.“Well,“ he said, “I think the question is, Can we afford not to?/(分数:10.00)(1).The lobbyists are more interested in(分数:2.00) much money they can raise for close they sh

33、ould come to politicians.C.which politician can solve their problems.D.which politician is worth their investment.(2).To get big money a politician should(分数:2.00)A.make no distinction between enemies and friends.B.promise to give each important issue due attention.C.send out as many fun-raising let

34、ters as possible.D.get the issue his patron has in mind addressed.(3).If a politician knows an issue can not be settled, he will(分数:2.00)A.still address it as long as debate over it brings in money.B.back down and find some other issues to address.C.use the money he raises from his supporters to fin

35、d a solution.D.put the countrys business first and try to find a solution.(4).The example about the September 11 attack shows that all members of Congress(分数:2.00)A.will do what is right for the country.B.know what is important to them.C.know the importance of cooperation.D.know how the partisan gam

36、es are played.(5).The authors attitude towards American politics is one of(分数:2.00)A.approval.B.tolerance.C.suspicion.D.indifference.六、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Could a simple memory workout make you smarter? An intriguing new study by researchers at the University of Michigan suggests it cana finding t

37、hat adds a wrinkle to the prevailing notion that IQ is largely fixed by genes.The study involved 62 elementary-and middle-school children from southeast Michigan who were randomly assigned to train on one of two video game-like computer tasks. One group performed a mental training exercise aimed at

38、improving working memory, the ability to hold and retrieve information in the short term. The other group practiced general knowledge and vocabulary skills. Both groups trained for one month, five times a week for 15 minutes per session.At the end of the intervention, many of the kids who had engage

39、d in the working-memory task had boosted a key attribute of their intelligenceby some five points. Specifically, they improved their performance on tests of so-called fluid intelligence, the ability t9 solve new problems and reason abstractly.Researchers have long debated whether fluid intelligencec

40、onsidered a significant predictor of educational successcould be reliably improved by training. Fluid intelligence is thought to be independent of learning, experience or education and, therefore, mainly governed by genes. By contrast, the other component of overall intelligence, crystallized intell

41、igence, which involves the acquisition of discrete bits of knowledge, improves with learning.The Michigan researchers found that kids had not only enhanced their fluid intelligence after training on the working-memory tasks, but that they also maintained the gains for three months after training end

42、ed.There were several limitations to the findings, however. To start, the size of childrens improvements was inconsistent. Its possible that kids who saw greater gains in fluid intelligence were those who started out at lower ability levels and simply had more room to improve. Further, not every chi

43、ld improved. The authors suggested that students who failed to benefit from the working-memory training found the task too difficult or boring, and became frustrated and disengaged. Indeed, the training task is a chore, even when dressed up in a video game. The job of the child is to press the space

44、 bar whenever the character returns to a spot where it has previously been, and to ignore the other irrelevant locations. As the children advance in the task, these locations move further back in time, forcing them to sort through an increasing amount of information.Perhaps more importantly, its not

45、 clear whether higher scores on tests of fluid intelligence have any real-world significance: whether they naturally translate to better grades or improvements in other abilities-or for that matter whether they predict better jobs or more life success down the line. For now, the Michigan researchers

46、 are planning to investigate whether the same training task could benefit children with deficits in working memory and attention. Lead author Susanne Jaeggi and her team are also working on an intervention that can be easily implemented in schools and other educational settings.(分数:10.00)(1).The con

47、ventional idea about intelligence is that(分数:2.00)A.simple memory work makes the mind less responsive to novelties.B.mental-training can only improve short-term memory.C.doing mental exercise does not help intelligence to grow.D.vocabulary exercise contributes little to general knowledge.(2).Fluid i

48、ntelligence is different from crystallized intelligence in that(分数:2.00)A.the former is a capacity independent of acquired knowledge.B.the former refers to the ability to solve abstract problems.C.the former cannot be improved even with proper training.D.the former serves as the genetic basis for th

49、e latter.(3).One of the shortcomings of the research lies in(分数:2.00)A.its uncertainty about what fluid intelligence is.B.the design of the training task to be completed.C.the irrelevance of the task to fluid intelligence.D.the use of computer games for real-life activities.(4).What is not certain about the findings of the research is(分数:2.00)A.the influence of school education on them.B.their relevance to real-world situations.C.their effect on memory and attention.D.the applicability of them to working memory.(5).It can be concluded from the text that(分数:2.00) mental

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