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1、考研英语-499 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:10.00)A variety of illegal acts committed by people in the course of their employment, for their own personal gain, are collectively known as white-collar crime. Embezzlement, theft and trading securities (1) insider information are c

2、ommon forms of white-collar crime. The majority of cases involve low-level employees who steal because they are under (2) financial stress. Many plan to (3) the money back as soon as possible but may never do so. Their crimes are usually never (4) because the amounts of money are small, and no one n

3、otices the (5) .(6) , there are some very large cases of white-collar crime, such as multimillion-dollar stock market or banking seams that take years to discover and are extremely difficult and expensive to (7) .White-collar crime is not (8) to the business sector. Government employment, especially

4、 (9) the city level, also provides opportunities to (10) ones pockets. (11) , building inspectors accept bribes and full-time employees receive (12) payments.Although white-collar crime is less (13) than street crime, it involves (14) more money and harm to the public than crimes committed by street

5、 criminals. It is (15) that there are more criminals (16) the office suites than in the streets, yet the (17) of white-collar makes it difficult to uncover the offenses and pursue the offenders. As the economy (18) from manufacturing to services and electronic commerce, opportunities for white-colla

6、r crime (19) , while the technology needed to stop such crimes will (20) .(分数:10.00)A.due consequence ofC.on the basis ofD.for the benefit ofA.temporaryB.constantC.persistentD.transientA.putB.returnC.setD.sendA.disclosedB.exposedC.retainedD.discoveredA.lossB.shortageC.deficiencyD.deficitA.Mor

7、eoverB.HoweverC.LikewiseD.AccordinglyA.pursueB.persecuteC.proceedD.prosecuteA.restrainedB.constrainedC.confinedD.boundA.inB.atC.onD.ofA.lineB.fillC.packD.stuffA.Such asB.For exampleC.By the same tokenD.To begin withA.welfareB.commissionC.pensionD.allowanceA.disastrousB.hazardousC.significantD.violen

8、tA.noB.littleC.farD.furtherA.possiblyB.liableC.logicalD.likelyA.inB.withC.ofD.onA.natureB.featureC.propertyD.essenceA.rangesB.shiftsC.transfersD.transformsA.degenerateB.upgradeC.decreaseD.multiplyA.pick backC.make outD.lag behind二、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Tex

9、t 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)The United States experienced some of the most extreme weather events in its history this spring, including deadly outbreaks of tornadoes, near-record flooding, drought and wildfires. Damages from these disasters have already passed $ 32 billion, and the hurricane season, which is

10、 just beginning, is projected to be above average, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.Government scientists said Wednesday that the frequency of extreme weather has increased over the past two decades, in part as a result of global warming caused by the accumulation of

11、carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But they were careful not to blame humans for this years rash of deadly events, saying that in some ways weather patterns were returning to those seen at the beginning of the last century. “Looking at long-term patterns since 1980, indeed, extreme climatological and

12、 meteorological events have increased,“ said Thomas R. Karl, director of NOAAs National Climatic Data Center. “But in the early part of the 20th century, there was also a tendency for more extreme events followed by a quiet couple of decades. “Presenting a new NOAA report on 2011 extreme weather, Dr

13、. Karl said that extremes of precipitation have increased as the planet warms and more water evaporates from the oceans. He also said models suggest that as carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere and heats the planet, droughts will increase in frequency and intensity. “But it is difficult and un

14、likely to discern a human fingerprint, if there is one, on the drought record of the United States,“ he said.Some other climate scientists were more categorical about the human contribution to extreme climate events. Kevin Trenberth, distinguished senior scientist at the National Center for Atmosphe

15、ric Research, said that when the greenhouse effect caused by burning fossil fuels is added to the natural variability of climate, weather disasters can be expected to occur more frequently. “Global warming is contributing to an increased incidence of extreme weather because the environment in which

16、all storms form has changed from human activities,“ Dr. Trenberth said in a telephone interview Wednesday. “Records are not just broken, they are smashed. It is as clear a warning as we are going to get about prospects for the future. “April was a particularly devastating month for tornadoes and rai

17、nfall, with 875 tornadoes reported during the month and heavy rain and snowmelt contributing to Mississippi River flooding later in the spring that surpassed the historic floods of 1927 and 1937. So far this year, there have been nearly 1,400 preliminary tornado reports nationwide; those reports wil

18、l most likely be whittled down to about 900 confirmed tornadoes, the second-highest annual total recorded in modern times. The record is 1,011 confirmed tornadoes in 2008. The year also is on track to be one of the deadliest, with 536 fatalities so far from tornadoes, placing 2011 in sixth place in

19、United States history and the deadliest since 1936.(分数:10.00)(1).While scientists see more deadly weather, they(分数:2.00)A.have dispute over the causes.B.dont think the situation is deteriorating.C.admit that it is not the worst in history.D.assess the damages as being below average.(2).According to

20、Dr. Karl, extreme weather is mainly attributable to(分数:2.00)A.arbitrary human activities.B.changing weather increase in climatological events.D.human failure to control the weather.(3).Which of the following would blame human activities for the increase in extreme weather?(分数:2.00)A.Th

21、omas R. Karl.B.Kevin Trenberth.C.The NOAA.D.Government scientists.(4).Those who blame human activities attribute heightened extreme weather to(分数:2.00)A.the natural climatological and meteorological variability.B.the increased frequency and intensity of storms and droughts.C.the higher levels of car

22、bon dioxide in the atmosphere.D.the global warming caused by evaporation from the ocean.(5).The number of tornadoes mentioned in the last paragraph indicates that(分数:2.00)A.the tornadoes have been the number one killers in United States since 1927.B.2011 will see the greatest number of tornadoes in

23、the history of the United States.C.flooding has caused the greatest number of casualties in recent years.D.the frequency of extreme weather has dramatically increased in recent years.五、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Galloway, a mostly middle-class community northwest of Atlantic City, is part of a wave of di

24、stricts across the nation trying to remake homework amid concerns that high-stakes testing and competition for college have fueled a nightly grind that is stressing out children and depriving them of play and rest, yet doing little to raise achievement, particularly in elementary grades.Such efforts

25、 have drawn criticism from some teachers and some parents who counter that students must study more, not less, if they are to succeed. Even so, the anti-homework movement has been reignited in recent months by the documentary Race to Nowhere, about burned-out students caught in a pressure-cooker edu

26、cational system. “There is simply no proof that most homework as we know it improves school performance,“ said Vicki Abeles, the filmmaker and a mother of three from California. “And by expecting kids to work a second shift in what should be their downtime, the presence of schoolwork at home is nega

27、tively affecting the health of our young people and the quality of family time. “So teachers at Mango Elementary School in Fontana, Calif., are replacing homework with “goal work“ that is specific to individual students needs and that can be completed in class or at home at his or her own pace. The

28、Brooklyn School of Inquiry, a gifted and talented program, has made homework optional. “I think people confuse homework with rigor,“ said Donna Taylor, the Brooklyn Schools principal, who views homework for children under 11 as primarily benefiting parents by helping them feel connected to the class

29、room.Research has long suggested that homework in small doses can reinforce basic skills and help young children develop study habits, but that there are diminishing returns. Still, efforts to roll back homework have been opposed by those who counter that there is not enough time in the school day t

30、o cover required topics and that homework reinforces classroom learning. In Coronado, Calif. , the school board rejected a proposal by the superintendent to eliminate homework on weekends and holidays after some parents said that was when they had time to help their children and others worried it wo

31、uld result in more homework on weeknights.Homework wars have divided communities for over a century. In the 1950s, the Sputnik launching ushered in heavier workloads for American students in the race to keep up with the Soviet Union. The 1983 report “A Nation at Risk“ and, more recently, the testing

32、 pressures of the No Child Left Behind law, also resulted in more homework for children at younger ages. A few public and private schools have renounced homework in recent years, but most have sought a middle ground. In Galloway, the policy would stipulate that homework cover only topics already add

33、ressed in class. Dr. Giaquinto, Galloways superintendent, said the goal of the proposed policy was to make homework “meaningful and manageable,“ noting that teachers would have to coordinate assignments so that a students total homework would not exceed the time limit.(分数:10.00)(1).From the first pa

34、ragraph we learn that(分数:2.00)A.most schools disapprove of testing and competition for college.B.homework can be done most efficiently by school students at night.C.Galloway has come up with an innovative way of raising achievement.D.Galloways effort to reduce the amount of homework has caused a sti

35、r.(2).Criticisms of homework are mainly based on the premise that(分数:2.00)A.burnt-out students are negatively affected by heavy schoolwork at home.B.homework in the form of reading documents contributes little to success.C.more homework does not necessarily mean higher achievement.D.homework exerts

36、an unbearable pressure on school students.(3).The school board in Coronado believes that(分数:2.00)A.reduction in homework does harm to students acquisition of basic skills.B.students should have enough time in school day to study the required topics.C.eliminating homework actually benefits nobody oth

37、er than parents.D.parents feel connected to school when their children do schoolwork at home.(4).Increased homework had resulted from(分数:2.00)A.parents expectation of their children to achieve more.B.Americas effort to keep its principals attempt to keep their school ahead.D

38、.school teachers attempt to keep their curricula intensive.(5).Which of the following hasnt joined the anti-homework endeavor?(分数:2.00)A.Galloway school district.B.Mango Elementary School.C.Brooklyn School of Inquiry.D.The school board in Coronado.六、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Its a clichebut truethat a h

39、uge obstacle to a stronger economic recovery is the lack of confidence in a strong recovery. If consumers and businesses were more confident, they would be spending, hiring and lending more freely. Instead, were deluged with reports suggesting that, because the recession was so deep, it will take ma

40、ny years to regain anything like the pre-crisis prosperity. Just last week, for example, the McKinsey Global Institute released a study estimating that the country needs 21 million additional jobs by 2020 to reduce the unemployment rate to 5 percent. The study was skeptical that this would happen. P

41、essimism and slow growth become a vicious cycle.Battered confidence most obviously reflects the ferocity and shock of the financial collapse and the ensuing recession, including the devastating housing collapse. But theres another, less appreciated cause: disillusion with modern economics. Probably

42、without realizing it, most Americans had accepted the fundamental promises of contemporary economics. These were: First, we know enough to prevent another Great Depression; second, although we cant prevent every recession, we know enough to ensure sustained and, for the most part, strong recoveries.

43、 These propositions, endorsed by most economists, had worked themselves into societys belief structure.Embracing them does not preclude economic disappointments, setbacks, worries or risks. But for most people most of the time, it does preclude economic calamity. People felt protected. If you stop b

44、elieving them, then you act differently. You begin shielding yourself, as best you can, against circumstances and dangers that you cant foresee but that you fear are there. You become more cautious. You hesitate more before making a big commitment-buying a home or car, if youre a consumer; hiring wo

45、rkers, if youre an employer; starting a new business, if youre an entrepreneur; or making loans, if youre a banker. Almost everyone is hunkered down in some way.One disturbing fact from the McKinsey report is this: The number of new businesses, a traditional source of jobs, was down 23 percent in 9,

46、010 from 2007; the level was the lowest since 1983, when America had about 75 million fewer people. Large corporations are standoffish. They have about $2 trillion of cash and securities on their balance sheets, which could be used for hiring and investing in new products.Its not that economics achi

47、eved nothing. The emergency measures thrown at the crisis in many countries exceptionally low interest rates, “stimulus“ programs of extra spending and tax cutsprobably averted another Depression. But its also true that theres now no consensus among economists as to how to strengthen the recovery. E

48、conomists suffer from what one of them calls “the pretense-of-knowledge syndrome.“ They act as if they understand more than they do and presume that their policies, whether of the left or right, have benefits more predictable than they actually are. Its worth remembering that the recoverys present s

49、lowdown is occurring despite measures taken to speed it up.So modern economics has been oversold, and the public is now disbelieving. The disillusion feeds stubbornly low confidence.(分数:10.00)(1).The McKinsey report is mentioned to show(分数:2.00)A.unemployment rate will be kept high for some time.B.economic recovery is made slow by lack of confidence.C.lack of confidence pervades the present economic culture.D.lack of confidence results mainly from slow growth.(2).A mistaken idea of modern economics is that(分数:2.00)A.confidence and economic recovery are cl

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