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1、考研英语-784 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Lots of creatures already reproduce without sex. Since the birth of Louise Brown, the first test-tube baby, in 1978, (1) of human beings (2) in laboratory glassware rather than in bed.If human cloning becomes possibleand since t

2、he birth of a sheep called Dolly, (3) doubt that it will be feasible to clone a person by 2025even the link between sex organs and reproduction (4) . You will then be able to take a cutting from your body and grow a new person, (5) you were a willow tree.(6) , we have already divorced sex from repro

3、duction. In the 1960s, the contraceptive pill freed women to enjoy sex for its own sake. (7) , greater tolerance of homosexuality signaled societys acceptance of nonreproductive sex of another sort. These changes are only continuations of a (8) that started perhaps a million years ago.Human beings (

4、9) the interest in infertile, social sex with a few other species: dolphins, apes and some birds. But (10) sex is too good for human beings to (11) , more and more people will abandon it as a (12) of reproduction.In the modern world, you can (13) have sex and parenthood without suffering the bit (14

5、) . Some Hollywood actresses (15) the urge for mothering by electing to adopt children (16) spoil their figures (as they see it) by childbearing. For people as beautiful as this, the temptation to (17) a clone (reared in a surrogate womb) could one day be (18) .However, human cloning and designer ba

6、bies are probably not (19) . Even assuming that the procedures are judged safe and efficient in farm animals, still a long way off, they will be heavily (20) , if not banned, by many governments for human beings.(分数:10.00)A.hundreds of thousandsB.hundred of thousandsC.hundreds of thousandD.hundred o

7、f thousandA.has been conceivedB.had been conceivedC.have been conceivedD.were conceivedA.fewB.a fewC.quite fewD.quite a brokenB.will breakC.will be brokenD.will have yetA.In caseB.In no caseC.In a senseD.In no senseA.ButB.HoweverC.WhereasD.At the same timeA.trendB.t

8、endC.programD.procedureA.haveB.possessC.shareD.oweA.asB.ifC.evenD.even ifA.give outB.give upC.give awayD.give satisfiedB.have been satisfiedC.may satisfyD.may have satisfiedA.rather thanB.other thanC.insteadD

9、.despiteA.adaptB.have adaptedC.adoptD.have adoptedA.resistibleB.irresistibleC.resistlessD.resistantA.comingB.nearbyC.realisticD.imminentA.encouragingB.discouragingC.encouragedD.discouraged二、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)The people who answer the phon

10、e get an endless stream of calls from people who are extremely upset that their electricity got turned off just because they failed to pay their bill for 297 months, or people asking questions like “Is it OK to operate an electric appliance while taking a bath?“So lets say that you have a genuine pr

11、oblem with your electric bill. The people in “Customer Service“ have no way of knowing that youre an intelligent, rational person. Theyre going to lump you in with the usual not-so-bright public. As far as theyre concerned, the relevant facts, in any dispute between you and them, are these:1. They h

12、ave a bunch of electricity.2. You need it.3. So shut up.This is why, more and more, the people in “Customer Service“ wont even talk to you. They prefer to let you talk to the convenient Automatic Phone Answering System until such a time as you die of old age “. If your FIRST name has more than eight

13、 letters, and your LAST name begins with H through L press 251 NOW. If your first name has LESS than eight letters, and your last name contains at least two E s, press 252 NOW. If your.“So is there any way that you, the lowly consumer, can gain the serious attention of a large and powerful business?

14、 I am pleased to report that there IS a way, which I found out about thanks to an alert reader who sent me a news report from Russia. According to this report, a Russian electric company got into a dispute with a customer and cut off the customers electricity. This customer, however, happened to be

15、a unit of the Russian Army. So the commander ordered a tank to drive over to the electric companys office and aim its gun at the windows. The electricity was turned right back on.On behalf of consumers everywhere, I want to kiss this military commander on the lips. I mean, what a GREAT concept. Imag

16、ine, as a consumer, how much more seriously your complaint would he taken if you were complaining from inside a vehicle capable of reducing the entire “Customer Service“ department to tiny smoking pieces. What I am saying is: Forget the Automated Phone Answering System. Get a tank.Perhaps you are th

17、inking: “But a tank costs several million dollars, not including floor mats. I dont have that kind of money.“Dont be silly. Youre a consumer, right? You have credit cards, right?Perhaps you are thinking: “Yes, but how am I going to pay the credit-card company?“Dont be silly. You have a tank, right?(

18、分数:10.00)(1).From the first paragraph we may infer that _.(分数:2.00)A.the people who answer the phone are really very busyB.some people dont know how to turn off electricityC.some people dont know how to operate an electric applianceD.some people are ignorant of their ridiculous behavior(2).According

19、 to the passage, the people in “Customer Service“ are very _.(分数:2.00)A.ignorantB.politeC.arbitraryD.foolish(3).If Mr. Huntington Sweet wants to inquire about something from “Customer Service“, he should press _.(分数:2.00)A.251B.252C.eitherD.both(4).How did the customer settle the dispute with Russia

20、n electric company?(分数:2.00)A.By peaceful negotiation.B.By using a tank.C.By resorting to forces.D.By appealing to the Russian Army.(5).The tone of this passage may be considered as _.(分数:2.00)A.humorousB.seriousC.fantasticD.ridiculous五、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:10.00)When I was 13 my mother died. Through my

21、own sorrow I was aware of the great loss this was to Pop. But he made only one reference to his own misery. He said, “To be happy every day is to be not happy at all.“ He was saying to his sons that happiness is not a state you achieve and keep, but something that must be won over and over, no matte

22、r what the defeats and losses.Later that year I got a job as an entertainer in small clubs, and suddenly I knew this was the career I had been searching for. The world of the theater was far removed from the world of my father, yet I found myself returning to him time and again, for the same reason

23、his friends did.When I was 20 I got what every actor dreams ofa permanent job! At that time, at the depth of the depression, actors were out of work by the hundreds, yet I wanted to quit that job because I needed new experiences and challenges.Pop heard me out, then said, “There are some people who

24、always have to test themselves, to stretch their wings and try new winds. If you think you can find more happiness and usefulness this way, then you should do it.“ This advice came from a man who never left a secure job in his life, who had the European tradition of family responsibility, but who kn

25、ew I was different. He understood what I needed to do and he helped me do it.For the next few years I worked in clubs, and then I got my big break, appearing in a major movie. After that I went to Hollywood, and from then on Pop lived with me and my family there. We had a big party one evening. That

26、 night I thought Pop might enjoy hearing some of the old folk songs we used to sing at home. When I began to sing, the music and the memories were too much for him to resist, and he came over to join me. I faded away, and he was in the middle of the room singing alonein a clear, true voice. He sang

27、for 15 minutes before some of the worlds highest-paid stars. This simple, kindly old man singing of our European roots had touched something deep in these sophisticated people. When he finished there was overwhelming applause.I knew the applause that night was not just for a performance; it was for

28、a man.(分数:10.00)(1).By saying “to be happy every day is to be not happy at all“, Pop means _.(分数:2.00) should not be happy every is impossible for one to be happy every dayC.people should not pursue happy life aloneD.people should have a realistic attitude toward life(2).Judging from th

29、e context, the authors career is most probably _.(分数:2.00) actorC.a singerD.a writer(3).How did Pop react to the authors quitting his job?(分数:2.00)A.Comfort him.B.Help him.C.Encourage him.D.Let him alon(4).The big party one evening was arranged for _.(分数:2.00)A.the author to sing

30、B.the authors big break in a major movieC.Pops singing performanceD.some Hollywood film stars(5).The purpose of the author in writing the text is to _.(分数:2.00)A.narrate his careerB.illustrate his personal successC.praise his beloved fatherD.describe the character of Pop六、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:10.00)To un

31、derstand the roughly 100,000 genes in the human genome, researchers say they must investigate an even more complicated set of molecules-proteins. Genes are the blueprints for making proteins, and the “sequence“ of a geneits structural pattern determines the kind of protein it makes. Some proteins be

32、come building blocks for structural parts of the cell. Other proteins become molecular “machines“ enzymes, hormones, antibodies that carry out the myriad activities necessary to keep the cell and the body working properly.With an understanding of human proteins (or the proteome), scientists will be

33、able to fight disease on many fronts. For example, scientists at the Center for Proteome Analysis in Odense, Denmark, have isolated a protein, galectin, that may fight diabetes. Diabetes seems to be caused when insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are inadvertently killed by the bodys immune syst

34、em.The Danish scientists spent years analyzing the proteins present in diabetes-prone and diabetes-resistant cells, and they tentatively concluded that galectin protects diabetes-prone cells from being attacked by the immune system. Preliminary animal tests, in which the galectin gene has been inser

35、ted into diabetes-prone cells, seem to confirm the hypothesis.Effective cancer drugs may also arise from a deeper understanding of genes and proteins, says Ken Carter, president of Therapeutic Genomics, one of the many biotech companies working to devise new drugs based on genetic knowledge. Soon, s

36、cientists will be able to quickly and accurately compare cancer tissue with normal tissue to see which genes are “switched on“ and making proteins and which genes are not, he says.“If you found a gene that was highly expressed in prostate cancer cells but not other tissues, you could deduce that gen

37、e was involved in prostate cancer,“ according to Carter. “We would try to develop in the lab a way to block the expression of that gene.“ One possibility would be a “small molecule“ drug that would attach to and inactivate that genes protein.Finally, drugs themselves will likely become safer and mor

38、e effective because they will be tailored to an individuals genetic ability to process medicines, predicts Robert Waterston, director of the Human Genome Project sequencing center at Washington University in St.Louis.In the future, a blood test could show how much of a particular drug-processing enz

39、yme a person has, Waterston explains. The doctor would then adjust the dose accordingly or prescribe a drug custom designed for that persons genetic makeup. This new field, called pharmacogenomics, should eliminate many of the drug side effects that result from our current, cruder methods of determi

40、ning dosage.(分数:10.00)(1).According to the text, the function of genes is _.(分数:2.00) plan for making determine the kind of protein it that of building carry out the myriad activities(2).The research of scientists at the Center for Proteome Analysis in Odense,

41、 Denmark is helpful to _.(分数:2.00)A.isolate a protein, galectinB.cure diabetesC.the bodys immune systemD.protect diabetes-prone cells(3).According to Ken Carter, effective cancer drugs may also arise by means of _.(分数:2.00)A.a deeper understanding of genes and proteinsB.devising new drugs based on g

42、enetic knowledgeC.comparing cancer tissue with normal tissueD.“switching on“ some genes(4).What would Ken Carter and his colleagues do?(分数:2.00)A.Finding a gene that was highly expressed in prostate cancer cells.B.Deducing the gene which is involved in prostate cancer.C.Finding a way to stop the exp

43、ression of carcinogenic genes.D.Developing a “small molecule“ dru(5).Judging from its formation, the word “pharmacogenomics“ probably refers to _.(分数:2.00)A.the science of drugs including their origin, composition, pharmacokinetics, etc.B.the properties and reactions of drugs especially with relatio

44、n to their therapeutic valueC.a branch of pharmacology dealing with the reactions between drugs and living systemsD.a branch of science of drugs especially dealing with carcinogenic genes七、Text 4(总题数:1,分数:10.00)A simple pair of pants may contain a multitude of meanings. In the 1850s, jeans were the

45、unemotional, durable dress of those that came to California to labor in the gold fields. Seams were strengthened with metal pins to make them hold, a technology borrowed from the construction of horse blankets. Cloth for beasts of burden was translated to the needs of men of burden. These were the c

46、lothes of hard-laboring people, and these pants held little promise for the men who wore them, save the promise that they would be ready for the next days labors.During the same decade, in the court of one European queen, “the gown worn by a fashionable lady in attendance contained 1,100 yards of ma

47、terial not including lace and other ornaments.“ American women of wealth were also wrapped in an abundance of cloth. While makers of jeans worried over how many men could be fitted into a given amount of cloth, for women of wealth the concern was with how many yards of cloth could be attractively ar

48、ranged upon a given individual. This was the mark of prosperity: to wear enough material on ones back to clothe many of more modest means.The fashionable rich could not imagine themselves wearing the vulgar canvas pants of workers and “peasants“. Neither could working-class people reasonably imagine

49、 themselves in the costumes of wealth and power. Tile only fashion link between them subtle at bestwas the stern top hat of wealthy capitalists, a coal-black cylinder symbolizing the factory chimney pipes that brought profit to one, hardship to the other. Blue jeans only signified labor and sweat.Years later, the clothing of nineteenth-century laborers would assume new and different meanings. Humble beginnings became increasingly obscure within the unfolding of popular culture. In the movies

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