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1、考研英语-785 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Even in an era of global networks and cheap travel, international communication still faces one great barrier: we dont all speak the same language. But that gap is (1) as online translation services advance.Recently (2) website

2、Meedan translates Arabic-language news stories into English, and vice versa, and displays the two versions (3) each other. Comments in either language are (4) translated. A new site for bloggers, called Mojofiti, automatically makes posts (5) to readers in 27 languages. And Google now has a tool tha

3、t will (6) allow anyone with a camera-phone to photograph, say, a German restaurant menu, send the (7) as a multimedia message to Googles servers, and get an English translation sent back to them.All these services ultimately (8) a technique called statistical machine translation, in which software

4、learns to translate by using mathematics to (9) large collections of previously translated documents. It then uses the (10) it has learned this way to (11) the most likely translation in future. (12) translation procedures have improved, some human (13) is still needed to provide a translation that

5、reads well. Meedans news articles, (14) , are machine translated and then tidied up by editors. Googles Toolkit for professional translators produces a machine translation for them to tidy up, in the process providing (15) to the software to improve its translation (16) With the fight help even a mo

6、noglot user (someone that speaks only a single language) could produce resuits as good as those of a (17) , says Philip Koehn of the University of Edinburgh, UK. His service, Caitra, (18) several possible phrases if it is uncertain which one is correct. This lets a monoglot user fix confusing phrase

7、s that would (19) be impossible without reading the (20) (分数:10.00)A.transformingB.narrowingC.enlargingD.expandingA.exploitedB.restrictedC.launchedD.discoveredA.exceptB.withC.alongsideD.behindA.leisurelyB.instantlyC.boundlesslyD.slowlyA.indifferentB.significantC.crucialD.availableA.temporarilyB.offi

8、ciallyC.eventuallyD.brieflyA.informationB.mappingC.illustrationD.imageA.result inB.rely onC.lead toD.break downA.disposeB.compareC.interpretD.reflexA.sciencesB.illusionsC.rulesD.instinctsA.investigateB.determineC.improveD.calculateA.ThoughB.BecauseC.UnlessD.AsA.intrusionB.interferenceC.interventionD

9、.intuitionA.thereforeB.otherwiseC.above allD.for exampleA.feedbackB.apparatusC.powerD.infectionA.capacitiesB.capabilitiesC.mistakesD.volumesA.ministerB.professionalC.warriorD.linguistA.outputsB.mergesC.witnessesD.absorbsA.neverthelessB.otherwiseC.thereforeD.howeverA.adaptionB.translationC.additional

10、D.original二、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)As people in rich countries know very well, eating too much food and burning too few calories is why a substantial number of us are overweight or obese. Now, however, a remarkable change in perspective has co

11、me from the discovery that obesity actually provides people with temporary protection from the harmful effects of fat.The insight has come from re-examining the common assumption that fatness itself drives the development of metabolic syndrome, which is what causes so much of the actual damage. The

12、syndrome comes with a mixture of life-threatening effects, with cardiovascular disease (diseases relating to the heart and blood vessels) and type 2 diabetes being among the most serious. In fact, it now seems that body fat may be a barrier that stops millions of Americans and fatty citizens elsewhe

13、re from going on to develop the syndrome. And the real damage is caused by the inflammatory effect of high levels of fat in the bloodstream. And ironically, its fat cells that protect us from this by serving as toxic dumps, locking away the real villains of the modern diet.The problem is that this p

14、rotection only lasts so long, until there is simply no more room inside the fat cells. Thats when they start to break down, leading to a toxic spill into the bloodstream. This sets off an inflammatory response that causes various kinds of damage to body tissues. In this way, every excess calorie tak

15、es people closer to metabolic syndrome.So what can we do to stop a superabundance of fat triggering the syndrome? Of course theres no substitute for a healthy diet and exercise, but incitation to this effect seem to be of limited use. As with cigarettes and alcohol, a tax on calories-pricing foods b

16、y their energy content-is increasingly seen as another “lever“ to change behaviour by making obesity too costly.The new research may even suggest treatments to combat metabolic syndrome, such as anti-inflammatory drugs. One promising candidate is salsalate, an arthritis drug related to aspirin, and

17、the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston is now considering large-scale trials.What might be more helpful, though, is simply a wider recognition that fatty and sugary foods are more directly toxic than we had assumed. Ideally, people should be as well informed about the harmful effects of what they eat

18、as, for example, pregnant women are about drinking and smoking.There is a consolation-you have your fat tissue to protect you when you consume that extra burger or sweetened soda. But now you know the perils of pushing your friendly fat cells beyond their natural limits.(分数:10.00)(1).Its implied in

19、the first paragraph that the reasons for obesity include overeating and(分数:2.00)A.lacking exercise.B.absorbing fats.C.keeping unhealthy diets.D.burning calories.(2).From Paragraph 2 we know that the real villain of actual damages is(分数:2.00)A.fat cells.B.metabolic syndrome.C.cardiovascular disease.D

20、.bloodstream fats.(3).The protective function of fat cells stop working once(分数:2.00)A.their capacity reaches a limit.B.toxin spills into the inflammatory response appears.D.metabolic syndrome is develope(4).The author indicates in the text that obesity can be restricted by(分数:2.00)

21、A.putting fats protective function to full use.B.unifying peoples diet and exercise habits.C.raising the prices of cigarettes and alcohol.D.manipulating food prices by their calorie content.(5).To combat metabolic syndrome, the authors suggestion is to(分数:2.00)A.develop more anti-inflammatory drugs.

22、B.ask people to keep away from fatty food.C.strengthen the awareness of the harms of fatty food.D.protect pregnant women from tobacco and win五、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:10.00)The love affair with business started in the 1980s and has grown into a mighty passion backed not just by money but by glamour and clas

23、s. In 2009 the money ran out, but the mood was one of such chaos and confusion that it was hard to tell what was going on underneath. In 2010 it will become clear that the class and glamour are draining away from business too. It will be the end of the affair: business will be cool no longer.Through

24、out this affair the business schools played the role of cupid. First, they made the study of business into an (almost) respectable academic discipline. More importantly, they made it socially acceptable, something even the classiest person could aspire to.But in 2010, for the second year running, te

25、ns of thousands of overqualified MBAs will emerge with nowhere exciting to go. A very few will land jobs in investment banking, but those who want grand jobs in big companies or consultancies will be disappointed. Increasingly they will go crawling back to their old employers to do pretty much whate

26、ver they were doing before for pretty much the same money, thus making them question whether it is really worth the $160,000 that a top MBA costs.This is not going to be a little recessionary dip. It will be a more fundamental reappraisal. The magical myth of the MBA has for some time left the facts

27、 behind. In furore, those who stump up will do so because they want to learn the skills, not because they think they are buying entry into a cool and exclusive club.Some good things will follow from this. There will be fewer smart Alecs who think they know it all pouring into companies. There has be

28、en a bear market in management bullshit since the credit crunch began. In 2010 the decline of the MBA will cut off the supply of bullshit at source. Pretentious ideas about business will be in retreat. But there will be bad things too: if fewer bright, ambitious people go into business, economies ma

29、y suffer. Instead the talent will go increasingly into the public sector, the law, medicine-which are already bursting with bright people as it is.While the decline of the B-schools will weaken the glamour of business in general, the government will do its bit too with increasing regulation. In 2010

30、,being a board director of a listed company will never have been less fun: not only will the procedural side be more demanding, there will be even greater public hysteria over what directors are paid. And with those at the top having such a grim time, it is unrealistic to expect any excitement at th

31、e bottom.(分数:10.00)(1).It is indicated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 that(分数:2.00) does not mean money, class, or glamour any has suffered its Waterloo in 2008 financial crisis.C.B-schools have played an important role in the business fever.D.B-schools made business accepted by eve

32、ry household in Americ(2).The author holds that in 2010 many MBA students will most probably(分数:2.00) provided with grand jobs in big old jobs with old employers for the same money.C.ask business schools to pay them back.D.obtain no money, no class, no glamour.(3).The authors atti

33、tude towards the decline of MBA is one of(分数:2.00)A.satisfaction.B.sympathy.C.objectiveness.D.skepticism.(4).The statement “greater public hysteria over what directors are paid“ (Line 3-4, Par(分数:2.00)A.6) meansA. MBAs will increasingly desire to become directors because they are handsomely paid.B.

34、more and more people will become extremely angry about directors huge payments.C. the public will feel excited when they know that directors are paid less and less.D. more and more people will be angry about directors paying a lot to get an MB(5).Which of the following would be the best title of the

35、 text?(分数:2.00)A.The End of the AffairB.Glorious Past, Gloomy FutureC.MBA: Is It Worthwhile?D.The Decline of the MBA六、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:10.00)There was a time when women were considered smart if they played dumb to a get a man, and women who went to college were more interested in getting a “Mrs. degr

36、ee“ than a bachelors. Even today, its not unusual for a woman to get whispered and unsolicited counsel from her grandmother that an advanced degree could hurt her in the marriage market. Despite the fact that more women than men now attend college, the idea that smart women finish last in love seems

37、 to hang on and on.“There were so many misperceptions out there about education and marriage that I decided to sort out the facts,“ said economist Betsey Stevenson, an assistant professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. So along with Wharton colleague Adam Isen, Stevenson cr

38、unched national marriage data from 1950 to 2008 and found that the marriage penalty women once paid for being well educated has largely disappeared. “Marriage rates in the U.S. for college-educated women have risen enormously since the 1950s,“ Stevenson said. “In 1950, less than three quarters of wh

39、ite college-educated women went on to marry by age 40 (compared with 90 percent of high-school graduates). But today, 86 percent marry by age 4,0, compared with 88 percent of high-school grads.“In other words, the difference in marriage rates between those with college degrees and those without is v

40、ery small,“ said Stephanie Coontz, a family historian at Evergreen State College and author of Marriage: A History. The new analysis also found that while high-school dropouts had the highest marriage rates (93 percent) in the 1950s, today college-educated women are much more likely to marry than th

41、ose who dont finish high school (86 percent versus 81 percent).Of course, expectations have changed dramatically in the last half century. In the 1950s, men didnt want a woman who was their equal; they needed and wanted someone who knew less, someone who looked up to them. And in fact 40 percent of

42、college women admitted to playing dumb on dates. “These days, few women feel the need to play down their intelligence or achievements,“ Coontz said.The new research has more good news for college grads. Stevenson said the data indicate that modem college-educated women are more likely than other gro

43、ups of women to be married at age 40, are less likely to divorce, and are more likely to describe their marriages as “happy“ compared with other women. The marriages of well-educated women tend to be more stable because the brides are usually older as well as wiser, Stevenson said.(分数:10.00)(1).We c

44、an learn from the first paragraph that(分数:2.00) women usually seek grandmothers advice on marriage.B.women are more eager to get a bachelors degree than get married.C.women who play dumb in marriage are thought to be women are in unfavorable situation to get marrie(2).According

45、to Betsey Stevenson, the marriage rate of well-educated women(分数:2.00) considerably lower than that of high-school dropouts.B.undergoes greater change than that of high-school graduates.C.remains much lower than that of high-school slightly higher than that of high-school dropouts

46、.(3).To which of the following statements will Stephanie Coontz probably agree?(分数:2.00)A.Marriage rates varied greatly among women in the 1950s.B.College graduates feel no need to hide their strengths any more.C.Education is still considered an obstacle to womens marriage.D.The more education women

47、 receive, the easier they can get marrie(4).The author holds that in the 1950s(分数:2.00)A.most college women purposely hide their intelligence to get a man.B.women chose to get married after high school instead of going to college.C.most men actually did not mind whether their woman was well-educated

48、 or desired a spouse who was less intelligent and less capabl(5).We can infer from the last paragraph that(分数:2.00)A.higher education guarantees stable women still finish last in education seems a plus for marital happiness.D.better educated, more happin

49、ess in marriag七、Text 4(总题数:1,分数:10.00)We may think we know the revealing signs of lying, be it shifty eyes or nervous behaviors. Professional interrogators look for such tells, too, assuming a suspects nervousness betrays his guilt. But interrogation can unsettle even the innocent, so nervousness alone cannot distinguish liars from truth tellers.Scientists looking for better ways to detect lies have found a promising one: increasing suspects “cognitive load.“ For a host of reasons, their theory goes, lying is more mentally taxing than telling the truth. Performi

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