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1、考研英语-786 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:10.00)The effect of the baby boom on the schools helped to make possible a shift in thinking about the role of public education in the 1920s. In the 1920s, but especially (1) the Depression of the 1930s, the United States experienced

2、a (2) birth rate. Then with the prosperity (3) on by the Second World War and the economic boom that followed it, young people married and (4) households earlier and began to (5) larger families than had their (6) during the Depression. Birth rates rose to 102 per thousand in 1946, 106.2 in 1950, an

3、d 118 in 1955. (7) economics was probably the most important (8) , it is not the only explanation for the baby boom. The increased value placed (9) the idea of the family also helps to (10) this rise in birth rates. The baby boomers began streaming (11) the first grade by the mid-1940s and became a

4、(12) by 1950. The public school system suddenly found itself (13) The wartime economy meant that few new schools were buih between 1940 and 1945. (14) , large numbers of teachers left their profession during that period for better-paying jobs elsewhere.(15) , in the 1950s, the baby boom hit an antiq

5、uated and inadequate school system. Consequently, the custodial rhetoric of the 1930s no longer made (16) ; keeping youths ages sixteen and older out of the labor market by keeping them in school could no longer be a high (17) for an institution unable to find space and staff to teach younger childr

6、en. With the baby boom, the focus of educators (18) turned toward the lower grades and back to basic academic skills and (19) . The system no longer had much (20) in offering nontraditional, new, and extra services to older youths.(分数:10.00)A.inB.forC.atD.onA.acceleratingB.strengtheningC.decliningD.



9、futablyB.indispensablyC.inevitablyD.respectivelyA.conferenceB.symposiumC.seminarD.disciplineA.abilityB.advantageC.benefitD.interest二、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)You know you should do it, other people do it all the time. Maybe youve already done it

10、 but it wasnt very satisfying, and youd like to learn to do it better.Im talking, of course, about having a business lunch.Dont feel embarrassed if you are uncomfortable with the idea of sitting over a grilled chicken breast, talking to a prospective client.Most inexperienced, overeager launchers be

11、lieve the main purpose of a business lunch is to either (a) conduct business or (b) eat lunch, and theyre unsure how to mix the two. Dont worry! Business lunches arent about either business or lunch,theyre about building relationships.One of my business rules is “People do business with people they

12、like. “Often, its not products, prices, or the company that makes the saleits the person Business lunches are the perfect time for you and your client, supplier, or employee to get to know each other as people. This helps establish common interests and makes working together easier.The single most i

13、mportant thing you can do at a business luncheven more important than picking up the tabis listen.You dont need a particular reason to ask someone to lunch, so dont wait until for a certain occasion or issue.Dont make it seem like lunch is going to be a sales call. Instead, try the straightforward a

14、pproach, “Weve been doing business together for almost a year. Id like to take you to lunch and get to know you a little better.“ Or a little less straightforward, “Im often in your area, how about having lunch sometime?“Have the other person suggest a place to eat“Is there a restaurant youve been w

15、anting to try?“ Or if you have a limited budget, you choose a nice mid priced restaurant. Forget McDonalds. If youre thanking someone for an important order, take them to a really special, possibly new, restaurant.If you did the inviting, you pick up the tab, even if your guest says, “I can put this

16、 on my companys credit card.“ But dont have a scene arguing over the check. You can just say, “You can get the next one.“ Some companies have policies that dont permit employees to be treated; in that case, split the tab.(分数:10.00)(1).A business lunch can be viewed as successful if_.(分数:2.00)A.good

17、relationship is establishedB.the client does not have to payC.the client likes the food is touched upon during the lunch(2).According to the writer, one can offer to invite a clien to lunch_.(分数:2.00)A.when there are sales to be doneB.when the client feels an ordinary

18、weekendD.on the clients birthday(3).During a business lunch its important to_.(分数:2.00)A.make a deal with the clientB.order nice, expensive a good listenerD.inquire after the clients health(4).The following places might be good choices for a business lunch except_.(分数:2.00)A.nice, mid-price

19、d food storesC.newly opened restaurantsD.a restaurant that the client prefers(5).According to the passage, a successful businessman should know_.(分数:2.00) to offer to pay for a business lunchB.what kind of food is nice, yet to make friends with clientsD.which

20、restaurants offer nice food五、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:10.00)In the USA, 85% of the population over the age if 21 approve of the death penalty. In the many states whcih still have the death penalty, some use the electric chair, which can take up to 20 minutes to kill, while others use gas or lethal injection.

21、The first of these was the case of Ruth Ellis who was hanged for shooting her lover in what was generally regarded as a crime of passion. The second was hanged for murders which, it was later proved, had been committed by someone else.The pro-hanging lobby uses four main arguments to support its cal

22、l for the reintroduction of capital punishment. First there is the deterrence theory, which argues that potential murderers would think twice before committing the act if they knew that they might die if they were caught. The armed bank robber might, likewise, go back to being unarmed.The other two

23、arguments are more suspect. The idea of retribution demands that criminals should get what they deserve: if a murderer intentionally set out to commit a crime, he should accept the consequences. Retribution, which is just another word for revenge, is supported by the religious doctrine of an eye for

24、 an eye and a tooth for a tooth.The arguments against the death penalty are largely humanitarian. But there are also statistical reasons for opposing it: the deterrence figures do not add up. In Britain,1903 was the the record year for executions and yet in 1904 the number of murders actually rose.

25、There was a similar occurrence in 1946 and 1947. If the deterrence theory were correct, the rate should have fallen.The other reasons to oppose the death penalty are largely a mather of individual conscience and belief. One is that murder is murder and that the state has no more right to take a life

26、r than the individual. The other is that Christianity advises forgiveness, not revenge.(分数:10.00)(1).All of the following death penalty methods are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT_.(分数:2.00)A.the electric chairB.the lethal injectionC.the poisonous gasD.the shooting(2).According to the first four par

27、agraphs, which of the following statements is NOT correct?(分数:2.00)A.Ruth Ellis was shot by his lover, which was regarded as a crime of passion.B.The death penalty may help the potential murderers to arouse moral awareness.C.The intentional murderer should eat his own bitter fruit.D.According to the

28、 religious doctrine, punishment should be as severe as the injury suffer(3).In paragraph 3,“deterrence“means_.(分数:2.00) can learn from the last paragraph that_.(分数:2.00)A.neither the state nor the individual has the right to take a lifeB.the sate h

29、as the right to take a life but the individual does notC.the death penalty has nothing to do with individual conscience and beliefD.the deterrence figures have added up and the execution rate has fallen(5).The passage is mainly about_.(分数:2.00)A.the argument in favor of the death penaltyB.the argume

30、nt against the death penaltyC.the argument about the abolition of the death penaltyD.the argument about the reintroduction of the death penalty六、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:10.00)There were two widely divergent influences on the early development of statistical methods. Statistics had a mother who was dedicated

31、 to keeping orderly records of governmental units (state and statistics come from the same Latin root, status) and a gentlemanly gambling father who relied on mathematics to increase his skill at playing the odds in games of chance. The influence of the mother on the offspring, statistics, is repres

32、ented by counting, measuring, describing, tabulating, ordering, and the taking of censusesall of which led to modem descriptive statistics. From the influence of the father came modem inferentical statistics, which is based squarely on theories of probability.Descriptive statistics involves tabulati

33、ng, depicting, and describing collections of data. These data may be either quantitative, such as measures of height, intelligence, or grade levelvariables that are characterized by an underlying continuum or the data may represent qualitative variable, such as sex, college major, or personality typ

34、e.Large masses of data must generally undergo a process of summarization or reduction before they are comprehensible. Descriptive statistics is tool for describing or summarizing or reducing to comprehensible form the properties of an otherwise unwieldy mass of data.Inferential statistics is a forma

35、lized body of methods for solving another class of problems that present great difficulties for the unaided human mind. This general class of problems characteristically involves attempts to make predictions using a sample of observations. For example, a school superintendent wishes to determine the

36、 proportion of children in a large school system who come to school without breakfast, have been vaccinated for flu, or whatever. Having a little knowledge of statistics, the superintendent would know that it is unnecessary and inefficient to question each child; the proportion for the entire distri

37、ct could be estimated fairly accurately from a sample of as few as 100 children. Thus, the purpose of inferential statistics is to predict or estimate characteristics of a population from knowledge of the characteristics of only a sample of the population.(分数:10.00)(1).Which of the following are cou

38、nting and describing associated with?(分数:2.00)A.Descriptive statisticsB.Unknown variablesC.Qualitative changesD.Inferential statistics(2).Why does the author mention the “mother“ and “father“ in the first paragraph?(分数:2.00)A.To present the background of statistics in a humorous and understandable w

39、ayB.To point out that parents can teach their children statisticsC.To explain that there are different kinds of variablesD.To introduce inferentical statistics(3).Which of the following is true of descriptive statistics?(分数:2.00)A.It leads to increased variabilityB.It solves all numerical problemsC.

40、It simplifies unwieldy masses of dataD.It changes qualitative variables to quantitative variables(4).What is the purpose of examining a sample of a population?(分数:2.00)A.To tabulate collections of dataB.To compare different groupsC.To consider all the quantitative variablesD.To predict characteristi

41、cs of the entire population(5).Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?(分数:2.00)A.How to Use Descriptive StatisticsB.Applications of Inferential StatisticsC.The Development and Use of StatisticsD.The Drawbacks of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics七、Text 4(总题数:1,分数:10.00)F

42、or millions of years before the appearance of the electric light, shift work, allnight cable TV and the Internet, Earths creatures evolved on a planet with predictable and reassuring 24-hour rhythms. Our biological clocks are set for this daily cycle. Simply put, our bodies want to sleep at night an

43、d be awake during the day. Most women and men need between eight and eight and a half hours of sleep a night to function properly throughout their lives. (Contrary to popular belief, humans dont need less sleep as they age.)But on average, Americans sleep only about seven and a half hours per night,

44、 a marked drop from the nine hours they averaged in 1910. Whats worse, nearly one third of all Americans get less than six hours of sleep on a typical work night. For most people, thats not nearly enough.Finding ways to get more and better Sleep can be a challenge. Scientists have identified more th

45、an 80 different sleep disorders. Some sleeping disorders are genetic. But many problems are caused by staying up late and sleeping in, by traveling frequently between time zones or by working nights. Dr. James F. Jones at National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver says that sleep disorder

46、s are often diagnosed as other discomforts. About one third of the patients referred to him with possible chronic fatigue syndrome actually have treatable sleep disorders. “Before we do anything else, we look at their sleep, “Jones says.Sleep experts say that most people would benefit from a good lo

47、ok at their sleep patterns. “My motto is Sleep defensively,“ says Mary Carskadon of Brown University. She says people need to carve out sufficient time to sleep, even if it means giving up other things. Sleep routineslike going to bed and getting up at the same time every dayare important. Pre-bedti

48、me activities also make a difference. As with Elaner, who used to suffer from sleeplessness, a few lifestyle changesavoiding stimulants and late meals, exercising hours before bedtime, relaxing with a hot bathyield better sleep.(分数:10.00)(1).What is TRUE of human sleep?(分数:2.00)A.Most people need le

49、ss sleep when they grow older.B.Most people need seven and a half hours of sleep every night.C.On average, people in the U.S. today sleep less per night than they used to.D.For most people, less than six hours of sleep on a typical work night is enoug(2).For our bodies to function properly, we should_.(分数:2.00)A.sleep for at least eight hours per nightB.believe that we need less sleep as we ageC.adjust our activities to the new able to predict the rhythms of our biological clock

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