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1、考研英语-831 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:10.00)The federal entity created by the Constitution is by far the dominant feature of the American governmental system. (1) the system itself is in reality a mosaic, (2) of thousands of smaller units-building blocks which together (3

2、) the whole. There are 50 state governments (4) the government of the District of Columbia, and further down the ladder are still smaller units, (5) counties, cities, towns and villages. This (6) of governmental units is best understood (7) the evolution of the United States. The federal system, it

3、has been seen, was the last step in the (8) process. Prior to its creation, there were the governments of the (9) colonies (later states) and prior to (10) , the governments of counties and smaller units. One of the first tasks (11) by the early English settlers was the creation of governmental unit

4、s for the tiny (12) they established along the Atlantic coast. Even before the Pilgrims disembarked (13) their ship in 1620, they (14) the Mayflower Compact, the first written American constitution. And as the new nation pushed (15) each frontier outpost created its own government to manage its affa

5、irs. The drafters of the U. S. Constitution left this multilayered governmental system (16) . While they made the national structure supreme, they wisely (17) the need for a series of governments more directly in (18) with the people and more keenly attuned(合拍) to their needs. Thus, certain (19) suc

6、h as defense, currency regulation and foreign relations-could only be managed by a strong centralized government. But (20) such as sanitation, education and local transportation-belong mainly to local jurisdictions(管辖权).(分数:10.00)A.ThereforeB.EventuallyC.ButD.PresumablyA.comprisedB.consistedC.consti

7、tutedD.composedA.take upB.occupyC.make upD.crowd intoA.includingB.amongC.plusD.exceptingA.governingB.such asC.for terms view ofD.givenA.revolutionaryB.evolutionaryC.developmentD.preliminaryA.separateB.indepe


9、eredD.recognizedA.lineB.contactC.harmonyD.connectionA.functionsB.policiesC.obligationsD.topicsA.othersB.needsC.forD.any二、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)The gap between those who have access to computers and the Internet and those who don t could spell

10、 trouble not only for classroom learning today, but in turn for producing the kind of students who are ready to compete for the jobs of tomorrow. By the year 2000,60 percent of all jobs will require high-tech computer skills. Over the next seven years, according to Bureau of Labor statistics, comput

11、er and technology related jobs will grow by an astounding 70 percent. “We as a nation are missing the opportunity of a lifetime,“ insists Riley. “The ability of all students to learn at the highest levels with the greatest resources and have the promise of a future of real opportunity-this is the po

12、tential of technology.“Riley proposes dosing the gaps in technology access by providing discounted services for schools and libraries. The 1996 Telecommunications Act called for providing all K-12 public and nonprofit private schools, as well as libraries, with discounts-an Education Rate, or E-Rate

13、-for telecommunication services, in May 1997, the Federal Communications Commission unanimously voted to provide $2.25 billion a year in discounts ranging from 20 to 90 percent on a sliding scale, with the biggest discounts for the poorest schools. (The E-Rate covers Internet access and internal sch

14、ool connections, but not computers or software.) The first round of applications for the discounts ended in April 1998 with more than 30,000 received, in time for the beginning of the school year. With the E-Rate in place, it was hoped that most U. S. classrooms would be connected to the Internet (u

15、p from 44 percent now), including almost every classroom in the nations 50 largest school districts. However, criticism from Congress and the telecommunications industry led the FCC in Jurm to reduce the amount available for 1998 to 1.3 billion.Still, the importance of connecting our schools to this

16、 vast and potentially powerful learning tool called the Internet is taking hold. In a June commencement address at MIT, the first by a sitting president to be broadcast on the Internet, President Clinton firmly emphasized the need to eliminate the digital divide.“Until every child has a computer in

17、the classroom and the skills to use it. until every student can tap the enormous resources of the Internet. until every high tech company can find skilled workers to fill its high-tech jobs. America will miss the full promise of the Information Age,“ he noted. “The choice,“ he said, “is simple. We c

18、an extend opportunity today to all Americans or leave me behind. We can erase lines of inequity or etch them indelibly. We can accelerate the most powerful engine of growth and prosperity the world has ever known, or allow the engine to stall./(分数:10.00)(1).In the passage, the word “spell“ (Sentence

19、1, Paragraph1) probably means_.(分数:2.00) or write the letters of a wordB.formC.meanD.solve(2).In order to get the discounts in question, the schools or libraries have to_.(分数:2.00) computers and softwareB.submit within the 50 largest school connected to the

20、Internet(3).What would eventually happen if the gap in technology access remains unclosed?(分数:2.00)A.Some students would lag behind in science and math.B.Some students wouldnt be able to get the E-rate.C.Some graduates would not have the skills to use the computer.D.Some graduates would be at a disa

21、dvantage in finding jobs.(4).Which of the following is the best title for the passage?(分数:2.00)A.The Digital DivideB.The Necessity of Eliminating the Digital DivideC.How to Close the Gaps in TechnologyD.Discounted Services(5).According to the passage, which of the statements is NOT true?(分数:2.00)A.M

22、ore and more jobs require high-tech computer skills.B.The telecommunication industry objects to providing discounted services to schools and libraries.C.America will miss the bright future of the Information Age.D.Many people agree that Internet is a very important learning tool.五、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:10

23、.00)A major reason most experts today support concepts such as a youth services bureau is that. traditional correctional practices fail to rehabilitate many delinquent youth. It has been estimated that as many as 70 percent of all youth who have been institutionalized are involved in new offenses fo

24、llowing their release. Contemporary correctional institutions are usually isolatedgeographically and socially-from the communities in which most of their inmates live. In addition, rehabilitative programs in the typical training school and reformatory focus on the individual delinquent rather than t

25、he environmental conditions which foster delinquency.Finally, many institutions do not play an advocacy role on behalf of those committed to their care. They fail to do anything constructive about the hack-home conditions-family, school, work-faced by the youthful inmates. As a result, too often ins

26、titutionalization serves as a barrier to the successful return of former inmates to their communities.Perhaps the most serious consequence of sending youth to large, centralized institutions, however, is that too frequently they serve as a training ground for criminal careers. The classic example of

27、 the adult offender who leaves prison more knowledgeable in the ways of crime than when he entered is no less true of the juvenile committed to a correctional facility. The failures of traditional correctional institutions, then, point to the need for the development of a full range of strategies an

28、d treatment techniques as alternatives to incarceration.Most experts today favor the use of small, decentralized correctional programs located in, or close to, communities where the young offender lives. Half-way houses, ail-day probation programs, vocational training and job placement services, rem

29、edial education activities, and street working programs are among the community-based alternatives available for working with delinquent and potentially delinquent youth.Over and above all the human factors cited, the case for community-based programs is further strengthened when cost is considered.

30、 The most recent figures show that more $258 million is being spent annually on public institutions for delinquent youth. The average annual operating expenditure for each incarcerated youth is estimated at a little over five thousand dollars, significantly more than the cost of sending a boy or gir

31、l to the best private college for the same period of time.The continuing increase in juvenile delinquency rates only serves to heighten the drastic under-financing, the lack of adequately trained staff, and the severe shortage of manpower that characterize virtually every juvenile correction system.

32、(分数:10.00)(1).The content of this selection can best be described as_.(分数:2.00)A.narrativeB.satiricalC.expositoryD.argumentative(2).What is this passage mainly about?(分数:2.00)A.As to delinquent youth, decentralized correctional programs are more effective than traditional correctional practices.B.Co

33、rrectional institutions are superior to youth services bureaus in that they centralize delinquent youth.C.Most delinquent youth are liable to be involved in new offences.D.The reason why many experts prefer correctional institutions is that they succeed in rehabilitating delinquent yout(3).Which of

34、the following statements is false?(分数:2.00)A.Correctional institutions are far away from the communities in which delinquent youths inmates live.B.Correctional institutions fail to help the young offender to cope with problems after they go back home.C.Correctional institutions are training ground f

35、or criminal careers.D.The rehabilitative programs in correctional institutions focus on environmental factors.(4).The word “incarceration“ (Line 6, Paragraph 3) probably means_.(分数:2.00)A.imprisonmentB.programC.offendD.crime(5).What can be inferred from the last paragraph?(分数:2.00)A.Drastic under-fi

36、nancing leads to high juvenile delinquency rates.B.Juvenile correction system is in urgent need of manpower as well as trained staff.C.Due to the high pressure and misunderstanding, juvenile delinquency is on the rise.D.Every juvenile correction system is faced with the same problems.六、Text 3(总题数:1,

37、分数:10.00)When I was in high school, I had almost no individual identity left. I was a Hillcrest Husky and all other high schools were enemies. I was a wrestler and all the other sports were gor wimps. I was on the debate team and everyone else was dumb.At my high school, everyone had a group; no one

38、 was an individual. Wait. I take that back. There were a few individuals, but they were completely outcast from our social order. Never in my life can I remember stronger feelings of hate tian in high school. But we never called it hate. We called it loyalty.As adults, most of us are better at being

39、 an individual than we were in high school, but the influences of group identity continue to promote competition and prejudice in our world. If you are like me, you want to avoid teaching rivalry, conflict and prejudice to your children.One possible strategy for stopping the negative influences of g

40、roup identity would be: recognize and replay. Look for the prejudice in your life and replace it with charity. Treat every person as an individual and ignore the social classifications created by a group-dependent world.A good friend and I once discussed our differing religions beliefs. He identifie

41、d with a certain group and I with another. Because of our dependence on group identity, our conversations revolved around the beliefs of the groups. Our individual beliefs, which were quite similar, took a back seat while we discussed topics we knew little about. We defended our groups even when we

42、did not understand or know the official group position on many issues. The resulting rivalry has damaged our friendship ever since.My behavior in this situation is exactly what scripture and wisdom teach us to avoid. How stupid I was to judge my friend by a group standard! How stupid I was to defend

43、 my own group even in areas I knew nothing about! I hope I can teach my children to behave differently.Here, I have used religious beliefs to point only one area in which the influence of group identity can create problems. There are many others to consider also. Some of these are marriage, race, cu

44、lture, language, geographic origin, education, and behavior. We should treat all people as individuals regardless of these conditions.Finally, loyalty and group identity are not always bad. At times, they can help a lonely person to feel loved or a broken soul to feel success. Group identity can als

45、o help us to live a higher standard. But positive peer pressure should never replace individual, one-to-one acts of service and love.(分数:10.00)(1).According to the article, _came along with group identity.(分数:2.00)A.rivalryB.prejudiceC.conflictsD.all of the above(2).According to the author _was emph

46、asized in high school.(分数:2.00)A.individual identityC.excellent abilityD.high scores(3).Why did the author damage the friendship with his good friend?(分数:2.00)A.Because their group beliefs were dissimilar.B.Because their group beliefs were similar.C.Because their individual beliefs w

47、ere dissimilar.D.Bemuse their individual beliefs were similar.(4).The following statements are the reasons that clarify group identity are not always bad EXCEPT_.(分数:2.00)A.they can help a lonely person to feel lovedB.they can heap a broken soul to feel successC.they can help a person to live a high

48、er standardD.they can promote competition(5).We can infer from the article that authors attitude toward group identity is_.(分数:2.00)A.biasedB.fair and justC.subjectiveD.emotional七、Text 4(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Although recent years have seen substantial reductions in noxious pollutants from individual motor

49、 vehicles, the number of such vehicles has been steadily increasing. Consequently more than 100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and ozone (generated by photochemical reactions with hydrocarbons from vehicle exhaust) that exceed legally established limits. There is a growing realization that the only effective way to achieve further reductions in vehicle emissions-short of a massive shift away from the private automobileis to replace conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with clean

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