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1、考研英语-试卷 156 及答案解析(总分:142.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Use of English(总题数:2,分数:80.00)1.Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D.(分数:40.00)_When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money. He may (

2、1)_ the repayment of the money at any time, either (2)_ cash or by drawing a check in favor of another person. (3)_, the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor who is (4)_ depending on whether the customer“s account is (5)_ credit or is overdrawn. But, in (6)_ to that basically

3、simple concept, the bank and its customer (7)_ a large number of obligations to one another. Many of these obligations can give (8)_ to problems and complications but a bank customer, unlike, say, a buyer of goods, cannot complain that the law is (9)_ against him. The bank must (10)_ its customer“s

4、instructions, and not those of anyone else. (11)_, for example, a customer opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit his account only in (12)_ of checks drawn by himself. He gives the bank (13)_ of his signature, and there is a very firm rule that the bank has no right or (14)_ to pay out a c

5、ustomer“s money (15)_ a check on which its customer“s signature has been (16)_ It makes no difference that the forgery may have been a very (17)_ one: the bank must recognize its customer“s signature. For this reason there is no (18)_ to the customer in the practice, (19)_ by banks, of printing the

6、customer“s name on his checks. If this (20)_ Forgery, it is the bank that will lose, not the customer.(分数:40.00)


8、onfirmedC.forgedD.justifiedA.delicateB.skillfulC.unusualD.uniqueA.riskB.guaranteeC.faultD.benefitA.engagedB.intendedC.adaptedD.adoptedA.contributesB.facilitatesC.resultsD.leads二、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:10,分数:58.00)2.Section II Reading Comprehension_3.Part ADirections: Read the following four texts.

9、 Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D._Henry Kissinger may be the most successful, certainly the most flamboyant, Secretary of State to hold that office in modern times. When he was appointed in the late 1960“s, there were no American ties with Communist China, Vietnam and B

10、erlin seemed ready to draw the United States into a third world war, and Russia was seen as “the enemy“. But all this has changed, and Henry Kissinger caused much of the change; in 1971, he made his first trip to China, a trip that was the beginning of the current ties between the United States and

11、China. He brought the United States and Russia closer together on major issues by the policy he called “detente“, literally meaning a relaxation. His philosophy was always to talk and to bring together. With these two policies, Kissinger did much to draw attention away from any possible Russia-Ameri

12、can friction. In 1973 he made his first visit to Egypt. Here he was able to begin U.S. relations with Egypt. He used his contact later to begin the sort of talks that the American press called “shuttle diplomacy“. For ninety-nine days, he “shuttled“ back and forth on flights between Cairo and Jerusa

13、lem to work out a step-by-step withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Sinai desert. His wit, his careful approach to detail, and his presence made “shuttle diplomacy“ work. It was the only successful approach to Mid-east peace in the thirty years since the state of Israel was founded. Another major w

14、ork was the Strategic Arms Limitation Talk. Though his term in office passed with the treaty unsigned, Kissinger left a draft of the treaty to which the Russians had already agreed. The SALT treaty spelled out a one-tenth reduction in nuclear arms, a major accomplishment by any standard, even if one

15、 does not consider all the other conditions and limitations included in the treaty. Even though he successfully helped bring an end to the Vietnam War, Kissinger“s final days in office were affected, as was the entire executive branch in one way or another, by the scandals of the Nixon White House.

16、Kissinger“s critics point to his role in placing wiretaps on the phones of reporters and officials and to what they consider his “high-handed“ approach to setting foreign policy. But Kissinger, during the last few months of the Nixon presidency, limited the effects of American domestic problems on o

17、ur foreign policy. He continued talks in the Middle East. He continued close contact with the Soviet Union. History will decide in the final view, as Kissingerand many presidentsoften said, on the value of his service. Whatever they decide, whether his actions are finally to be considered wise or fo

18、olish, he had a personal vision that will be difficult to match.Notes: work out 制定。spell out 清楚地说明。wiretap 窃听(电话)。scandal 丑闻。(分数:10.00)(1).According to the context, the word “flamboyant“ most likely means _.(分数:2.00)A.notorious.B.ambiguous.C.showy.D.arbitrary.(2).It can be inferred from the last par

19、agraph of the text that _.(分数:2.00)A.shuttle diplomacy seriously affected the SALT treaty.B.Watergate scandals made Kissinger ineffective.C.some of the things Kissinger initiated are still being worked out.D.Kissinger is an outstanding politician but unable to cope with domestic affairs.(3).The text

20、 does not directly say, but implies that Kissinger _.(分数:2.00)A.suffered a series of defeats while being in office.B.significantly altered the direction of international relationships.C.was unsuccessful in bringing about peace in the Middle East.D.played a more important role than the president duri

21、ng the Nixon administration.(4).The main idea of the text is that _.(分数:2.00)A.Kissinger helped smooth over many conflicts in the the Secretary of State, Kissinger was very influential in American foreign policy.C.a lot of international conflicts would not have been resolved without Kissi

22、nger“s effort.D.Kissinger did much to end the cold war with the Communist World.(5).The author“s tone in the text may best be summarized as that of _.(分数:2.00)A.objectivity.B.suspicion.C.sympathy.D.admiration.Under pressure from animal welfare groups, two national science teachers associations have

23、adopted guidelines that ban classroom experiments harming animals. The National Association of Biology Teachers and the National Science Teachers Association hope to end animal abuse in elementary and secondary schools and, in turn, discourage students from mishandling animals in home experiments an

24、d science fair projects. Animal welfare groups are apparently most concerned with high school students experimenting with animals in extracurricular projects. Barbara Orlans, President of the Scientists“ Center for Animal Welfare, said that students have been performing surgery at random, testing kn

25、own poisonous substances, and running other pathology experiments on animals without even knowing normal physiology. At one science fair, a student cut off the leg and tail of a lizard to demonstrate that only the tail can regenerate, she said. In another case, a student bound sparrows, starved them

26、 and observed their behavior. “The amount of abuse has been quite horrifying“, Orlans said. Administrators of major science fairs are short-tempered over the teachers“ policy change and the impression it has created. “The teachers were sold a bill of goods by Barbara Orlans“, said Thurman Grafton, w

27、ho heads the rules committee for the International Science and Engineering Fair. “Backyard tabletop surgery is just nonsense. The new policies throw cold water on students“ inquisitiveness“, he said. Grafton said he wouldn“t deny that there hasn“t been animal abuse among projects at the internationa

28、l fair, but he added that judges reject contestants who have unnecessarily injured animals. The judges have a hard time monitoring local and regional fairs that may or may not choose to comply with the international fair“s rules that stress proper care of animals, Grafton said. He said that several

29、years ago, the Westinghouse Science Talent Search banned harmful experiments to animals when sponsors threatened to cancel their support after animal welfare groups lobbied for change. The teachers adopted the new policies also to fend off proposed legislationin states including Missouri and New Yor

30、kthat would restrict or prohibit experiments on animals. Officials of the two teachers organizations say that they don“t know how many animals have been abused in the classroom. On the one hand, many biology teachers are not trained in the proper care of animals, said Wayne Moyer, executive director

31、 of the biology teachers“ association. On the other, the use of animals in experiments has dropped in recent years because of school budget cuts. The association may set up seminars to teach better animal care to its members.Notes:pathology 病理学。lizard 蜥蜴。tabletop 桌面。short-tempered 脾气急躁的。lobby for 游说

32、支持。fend off 躲开。(分数:10.00)(1).The title which best expresses the content of the text is _.(分数:2.00)A.Science Teachers to Ban Testing Harmful to Animals.B.Teachers“ Policy Change in Experiment on Animals.C.The New Policies of Banning Harmful Experiments to Animals.D.The Importance of Prohibiting Harmf

33、ul Experiments on Animals.(2).According to the text, animal welfare groups have succeeded in _.(分数:2.00)A.stopping all animal abuse in schools.B.establishing guidelines that ban classroom experiments harming animals.C.protecting animals from being experimented with in extracurricular projects.D.pers

34、uading two national science teachers associations to adopt an animal protection policy.(3).Thurman Grafton suggests that _.(分数:2.00)A.animal abuse is horrible and should be terminated.B.the teachers have been compelled to do all animal experiments.C.prohibition of experiments on animals will discour

35、age students from being curious.D.the international science and Engineering Fair will cease to operate because of the new policies.(4).It can be learned from the text that the teachers ban harmful experiments to animals in order to _.(分数:2.00)A.maintain ecological balance.B.please animal welfare gro

36、ups.C.get financial support from their sponsors.D.protect necessary harmless experiments on animals.(5).It is suggested toward the end of the text that _.(分数:2.00)A.the seriousness of animal abuse in the classroom is teachers in animal care may contribute to reducing animal abuse.

37、C.fewer animals have been used in experiments in recent years.D.many biology teachers are not trained in proper care of animal.After World War the glorification of an ever-larger GNP formed the basis of a new materialism, which became a sacred obligation for all Japanese governments, businesses and

38、trade unions. Anyone who mentioned the undesirable by-products of rapid economic growth was treated as a heretic. Consequently, everything possible was done to make conditions easy for the manufacturers. Few dared question the wisdom of discharging untreated waste into the nearest water body or untr

39、eated smoke into the atmosphere. This silence was maintained by union leaders as well as by most of the country“s radicals; except for a few isolated voices, no one protested. An insistence on treatment of the various effluents would have necessitated expenditures on treatment equipment that in turn

40、 would have given rise to higher operating costs. Obviously, this would have meant higher prices for Japanese goods, and ultimately fewer sales and lower industrial growth and GNP. The pursuit of nothing but economic growth is illustrated by the response of the Japanese government to the American ed

41、ucational mission that visited Japan in 1947. After surveying Japan“s educational program, the Americans suggested that the Japanese fill in their curriculum gap by creating departments in chemical and sanitary engineering. Immediately, chemical engineering departments were established in all the co

42、untry“s universities and technical institutions. In contrast, the recommendation to form sanitary engineering departments was more or less ignored, because they could bring no profit. By 1960, only two second-rate universities, Kyoto and Hokkaido, were interested enough to open such departments. The

43、 reluctance to divert funds from production to conservation is explanation enough for a certain degree of pollution, but the situation was made worse by the type of technology the Japanese chose to adopt for their industrial expansion. For the most part, they simply copied American industrial method

44、s. This meant that methods originally designed for use in a country that stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific with lots of air and water to use as sewage receptacles were adopted for an area a fraction of the size. Moreover, the Japanese diet was much more dependent on water as a source of fis

45、h and as an input in the irrigation of rice; consequently discharged wastes built up much more rapidly, in the food chain.Notes: heretic 异教徒。sanitary 卫生的。for the most part 基本上。receptacle 储存地。(分数:10.00)(1).According to the text, no measures were resorted to in environmental protection after World War

46、 in Japan because _.(分数:2.00)A.they were reckoned to be unnecessary.B.they would check economic one was much interested in them.D.pollution was held as inevitable at that time.(2).According to the context, the word “effluents“ in Para. 1 is closest in meaning to _.(分数:2.00)

47、cts.B.drainage.C.solid wastes.D.risks.(3).It can be learned from the text that soon after the Second World War _.(分数:2.00)A.hardly anyone suspected that it was unwise to contaminate the water and air.B.people unanimously found it acceptable to damp industrial wastes into the sea.C.the government tri

48、ed to deal with the pollution problem but in vain.D.nobody attached great significance to the remedy for public hazards.(4).According to the logical clue of the text, the second paragraph is an example to show that _.(分数:2.00)A.Japan was markedly influenced by the U.S. in in Japan was not so developed as that in the U.SC.Japanese educational institutions were much the same as those in the U.SD.the Japanese government concerned itself only about the economic gain.

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