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1、考研英语 96及答案解析(总分:36.00,做题时间:180 分钟)一、Section Use of (总题数:1,分数:1.00)The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases -|_|-the trial of Rosemary West. In a significant -|_|-of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancello

2、r, will introduce a -|_|-bill that will propose making payments to witnesses -|_|-and will strictly control the amount of -|_|-that can be given to a case -|_|-a trial begins. In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee, Lord Irvine said he -|_|-with a comm

3、ittee report this year which said that self regulation did not -|_|-sufficient control. -|_|-of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a -|_|-of media protest when he said the -|_|-of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges -|_|-to Parliament. The Lord C

4、hancellor said introduction of the Human Rights Bill, which -|_|-the European Convention on Human Rights legally -|_|-in Britain, laid down that everybody was -|_|-to privacy and that public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their families. “Press freedoms will be in safe hands -|_

5、|-our British judges,“he said. Witness payments became an -|_|-after West was sentenced to 10 life sentences in 1995. Up to 19 witnesses were -|_|-to have received payments for telling their stories to newspapers. Concerns were raised -|_|-witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in

6、 court to -|_|-guilty verdicts.The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases -|_|-the trial of Rosemary West. In a significant -|_|-of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a -|_|-bill that

7、will propose making payments to witnesses -|_|-and will strictly control the amount of -|_|-that can be given to a case -|_|-a trial begins. In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee, Lord Irvine said he -|_|-with a committee report this year which said t

8、hat self regulation did not -|_|-sufficient control. -|_|-of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a -|_|-of media protest when he said the -|_|-of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges -|_|-to Parliament. The Lord Chancellor said introduction of the

9、Human Rights Bill, which -|_|-the European Convention on Human Rights legally -|_|-in Britain, laid down that everybody was -|_|-to privacy and that public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their families. “Press freedoms will be in safe hands -|_|-our British judges,“he said. Witn

10、ess payments became an -|_|-after West was sentenced to 10 life sentences in 1995. Up to 19 witnesses were -|_|-to have received payments for telling their stories to newspapers. Concerns were raised -|_|-witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to -|_|-guilty verdicts.(分数:

11、1.00) toB.for particularD.such as二、Section Writing(总题数:1,分数:1.00)2.Directions: Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should 1) describe the picture, 2) analyze the causes of the problem, and 3) propose possible solutions. You should write about 160200

12、 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points) Directions: Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should 1) describe the picture, 2) analyze the causes of the problem, and 3) propose possible solutions. You should write about 160200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 po

13、ints)* (分数:1.00)_三、Section Reading(总题数:4,分数:4.00)Non-indigenous (non-native) species of plants and animals arrive by way of two general types of pathways. First, species having origins outside the United States may enter the country and become established either as free-living populations or under h

14、uman cultivation-for example, in agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, or as pets. Some cultivated species subsequently escape or are released and also become established as free-living populations. Second, species of either U.S. or foreign origin and already within the United States may spread to

15、 new locales. Pathways of both types include intentional as well as unintentional species transfers. Rates of species movement driven by human transformations of natural environments as well as by human mobility-through commerce, tourism, and travel-greatly exceed natural rates by comparison. While

16、geographic distributions of species naturally expand or contract over historical time intervals (tens to hundreds of years), species ranges rarely expand thousands of miles or across physical barriers such as oceans or mountains. Habitat modification can create conditions favorable to the establishm

17、ent of non-indigenous species. Soil disturbed in construction and agriculture is open for colonization by non-indigenous weeds, which in turn may provide habitats for the non-indigenous insects that evolved with them. Human-generated changes in fire frequency, grazing intensity, as well as soil stab

18、ility and nutrient levels similarly facilitate the spread and establishment of non-indigenous plants. When human changes to natural environments span large geographical areas, they effectively create passages for species movement between previously isolated locales. The rapid spread of the Russian w

19、heat aphid to fifteen states in just two years following its 1986 arrival has been attributed in part to the prevalence of alternative host plants that are available when wheat is not. Many of these are non- indigenous grasses recommended for planting on the forty million or more acres enrolled in t

20、he U.S. Department of Agriculture Conservation Reserve Program. A number of factors perplex quantitative evaluation of the relative importance of various entry pathways. Time lags often occur between establishment of non-indigenous species and their detection, and tracing the pathway for a long-esta

21、blished species is difficult. Experts estimate that non-indigenous weeds are usually detected only after having been in the country for thirty years or having spread to at least ten thousand acres. In addition, federal port inspection, although a major source of information on non-indigenous species

22、 pathways, especially for agriculture pests, provides data only when such species enter via closely-examined routes. Finally, some comparisons between pathways defy quantitative analysis-for example, which is more “important“: the entry path of one very harmful species or one by which many but less

23、harmful species enter the country? (分数:1.00)(1).Which of the following statements about species movement is best supported by the text?(分数:0.20)A.Human factors affect its rates more than its long-term amount.B.Natural expansions of species account for their slow contractions.C.Natural environments c

24、reated by humans facilitate species movement.D.Long-range species movement relies on the ranges of mans mobility.(2). According to the text, the U.S. Department of Agriculture(分数:0.20) liable for the fast distribution of the Russian wheat pest.B.failed to isolate the Russian wheat aphid in limit

25、ed locales.C.provides data about foreign species imported by regulated responsible for introducing harmful plants onto federal lands.(3). Which of the following may best express the chief purpose of the last paragraph.?(分数:0.20)A.To explain the difficulties in tracing the pathways for lo

26、ng-established species.B.To describe the events leading to the detection of non-indigenous species.C.To identify the problems in assessing the weight of entry tracks for foreign species.D.To discuss the role of time lags and geographic expansion in species detection.(4).It can be inferred that all o

27、f the following affect the movement of species EXCEPT(分数:0.20) fertility.B.import restrictions.C.natural disasters.(5).To determine the entry pathway for a non-native species is LEAST likely to depend on(分数:0.20)A.whether the species is considered to be a pest.B.whether the s

28、pecies enters by a closely-checked route.C.the rate at which the species extends geographically.D.the magnitude of the average number of the species.The phrase “progressive education“ is one, if not of protest, at least of contrast, of contrast with an education which was predominantly static in sub

29、ject-matter, authoritarian in methods, and mainly passive and receptive from the side of the young. But the philosophy of education must go beyond any idea of education that is formed by way of contrast, reaction and protest. For it is an attempt to discover what education is and how it takes place.

30、 Only when we identify education with schooling does it seem to be a simple thing to tell what education actually is, and yet a clear idea of what it is gives us our only criterion for judging and directing what goes on in schools. It is sometimes supposed that it is the business of the philosophy o

31、f education to tell what education should be. But the only way of deciding what education should be, at least, the only way which does not lead us into the clouds, is discovery of what actually takes place when education really occurs. And before we can formulate a philosophy of education we must kn

32、ow how human nature is constituted in the concrete; we must know about the working of actual social forces; we must know about the operations through which basic raw materials are modified into something of greater value. The need for a philosophy of education is thus fundamentally the need for find

33、ing out what education really is. We have to take those cases in which we find there is a real development of desirable powers, and then find out how this development took place. Then we can project what has taken place in these instances as a guide for directing our other efforts. The need for this

34、 discovery and this projection is the need for a philosophy of education. What then is education when we find actual satisfactory specimens of it in existence? In the first place, it is a process of development, of growth. And it is the process and not merely the result that is important. A truly he

35、althy person is not something fixed and completed. He is a person whose processes and activities go on in such a way that he will continue to be healthy. Similarly, an educated person is the person who has the power to go on and get more education. In any case, development, growth, involve change, m

36、odification, and modification in definite directions. It is quite possible for a teacher, under the supposed sanction of the idea of cultivating individuality, to fixate a pupil more or less at his existing level. Respect for individuality is primarily intellectual. It signifies studying the individ

37、ual to see what is there to work with. Having this sympathetic understanding, the practical work then begins, for the practical work is one of modification, of changing, of reconstruction continued without end. The change must at least be towards more effective techniques, towards greater self-relia

38、nce, towards a more thoughtful and inquiring disposition, one more capable of persistent effort in meeting obstacles. (分数:1.00)(1).In the authors view, the philosophy of education(分数:0.20) identical to the conception of progressive education.B.studies the essence of education and the way it emer

39、ges.C.conforms to any idea of education that is with the judgement and direction of schooling.(2). The philosophy of education is supposed(分数:0.20) result from real understanding of actual lead to overall prescription of practical have happene

40、d when education came into be the basis on which practical education is formulated.(3). The author argues that respect for individuality means(分数:0.20) treat individuals as objects of sincere train individuals to develop in planned discover an individ

41、uals qualifications for cultivate an individual in light of his/her natural talent.(4).The chief task of the philosophy of education is(分数:0.20) analyse the constitution of human nature in great clarify the practical effects of social forces on explore h

42、ow to convert raw materials into valuable find out ways to bring out the best human faculties.(5).The significance of desirable education lies(分数:0.20)A.more in its operation than in its alteration.B.less in its modification than in its operation.C.not only in its result but also in its p

43、rocess.D.rather in its procedure than in its outcome.Science-fiction movies can serve as myths about the future and thus give some assurance about it. Whether the film is 2001 or Star Wars, such movies tell about progress that will expand mans powers and his experiences beyond anything now believed

44、possible, while they assure us that all these advances will not wipe out man or life as we now know it. Thus one great anxiety about the future-that it will have no place for us as we now are-is alleviated by such myths. They also promise that even in the most distant future, and despite the progres

45、s that will have occurred in the material world, mans basic concerns will be the same, and the struggle of good against evil-the central moral problem of our time-will not have lost its importance. Past and future are the lasting dimensions of our lives: the present is but a brief moment. So these v

46、isions about the future also contain our past; in Star Wars, battles are fought around issues that also motivated man in the past. Thus, any vision about the future is really based on visions of the past, because that is all we can know for certain. As our religious myths about the future never went

47、 beyond Judgment Day, so our modern myths about the future cannot go beyond the search for lifes deeper meaning. The reason is that only as long as the choice between good and evil remains mans supreme moral problem does life retain that special dignity that derives from our ability to choose between the two. A world in which this conflict has been permanently resolved eliminates man as we know him. It might be a universe peopled by angels, but it has no pla

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