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本文(【考研类试卷】中国海洋大学翻译硕士英语学位MTI考试真题2013年及答案解析.doc)为本站会员(visitstep340)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、中国海洋大学翻译硕士英语学位 MTI考试真题 2013年及答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.ABS (分数:1.00)_2.UNESCO (分数:1.00)_3.COD (分数:1.00)_4.GMS (分数:1.00)_5.VAT (分数:1.00)_6.CPI (分数:1.00)_7.OTC (分数:1.00)_8.FIT (分数:1.00)_9.B2B (分数:1.00)_10.go for wool and come back shorn (分数:1.00) hook or brook (分数:1.00)_12.palmtop computer (分数

2、:1.00)_13.real estate (分数:1.00)_14.National City Bank of New York (分数:1.00)_15.a herculean task (分数:1.00)_16.孟子 (分数:1.00)_17.团购 (分数:1.00)_18.贴吧 (分数:1.00)_19.生死疲劳(莫言作品) (分数:1.00)_20.种子选手 (分数:1.00)_21.肇事逃逸 (分数:1.00)_22.中国海监 (分数:1.00)_23.虚拟经济 (分数:1.00)_24.弹性退休 (分数:1.00)_25.徇私枉法 (分数:1.00)_26.桃色腐败 (分数:1.

3、00)_27.上海合作组织 (分数:1.00)_28.新农合医保体系 (分数:1.00)_29.国家公务员考试 (分数:1.00)_30.中国生物多样性保护行动计划 (分数:1.00)_三、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:60.00)31.Translation Studies as a discipline is in many ways still in a state of flux. Translation can be seen as a point of intersection between many different academic subjects; it is an

4、area in which many other disciplines have legitimately expressed an interest, and conversely one which has provided its own experts with insights which can profitably be shared elsewhere. There is for example a considerable exchange of knowledge, insights and methodologies between Translation Studie

5、s and fields as diverse as literary studies, philosophy, anthropology and linguistics; indeed, such is the level of intellectual cross-fertilization that some writers have suggested that the field should be known as an interdiscipline . Similarly, there are a number of equally legitimate reasons whi

6、ch scholars have had for pursuing an interest in Translation Studies. For example, some are motivated by highly practical concerns, such as the need to provide future translators or interpreters with training which is of the highest possible quality, the desire to raise the professional profile of t

7、ranslators and interpreters, or the wish to develop increasingly powerful machine translation systems; others, on the other hand, simply seek to provide ever more accurate and comprehensive explanations for certain phenomena in the world about us, without being primarily concerned with the possible

8、practical applications which may accrue. Thus goals and objectives can vary considerably within the discipline. Of course, Translation Studies has been enriched by possessing such a multi-faceted nature. However, at the same time this very nature has meant that there is still considerable lack of ag

9、reement on concepts; added to this is the fact that Translation Studies is a relatively new discipline which is in many ways still “finding its feet“. The result of such a situation has often been that different branches of the discipline have at times experimented with widely differing methodologie

10、s. (From Dictionary of Translation Studies by Mark Shuttleworth it is an area in which many other disciplines have legitimately expressed an interest, and conversely one which has provided its own experts with insights which can profitably be shared elsewhere. There is for example a considerable exc

11、hange of knowledge, insights and methodologies between Translation Studies and fields as diverse as literary studies, philosophy, anthropology and linguistics; indeed, such is the level of intellectual cross-fertilization that some writers have suggested that the field should be known as an interdis

12、cipline . Similarly, there are a number of equally legitimate reasons which scholars have had for pursuing an interest in Translation Studies. For example, some are motivated by highly practical concerns, such as the need to provide future translators or interpreters with training which is of the hi

13、ghest possible quality, the desire to raise the professional profile of translators and interpreters, or the wish to develop increasingly powerful machine translation systems; others, on the other hand, simply seek to provide ever more accurate and comprehensive explanations for certain phenomena in

14、 the world about us, without being primarily concerned with the possible practical applications which may accrue. Thus goals and objectives can vary considerably within the discipline. Of course, Translation Studies has been enriched by possessing such a multi-faceted nature. However, at the same ti

15、me this very nature has meant that there is still considerable lack of agreement on concepts; added to this is the fact that Translation Studies is a relatively new discipline which is in many ways still “finding its feet“. The result of such a situation has often been that different branches of the

16、 discipline have at times experimented with widely differing methodologies. (From Dictionary of Translation Studies by Mark Shuttleworth it is an area in which many other disciplines have legitimately expressed an interest, and conversely one which has provided its own experts with insights which ca

17、n profitably be shared elsewhere. 这句话的第一个分号前后的两部分实际上存在一定的因果关系正是因为翻译研究是一个交汇点,所以其他学科才会对它产生兴趣,因此,翻译时可将这个因果关系用连接词“因此”表达出来。 翻译可被视为多个不同学科之间的交汇点,因此,许多其他学科对此表现出了应有的兴趣。从另一方面来看,翻译研究不仅给本学科的专家们提供了用武之地,也使其他学科的专家受益。 There is for example a considerable exchange of knowledge, insights and methodologies between Tran

18、slation Studies and fields as diverse as literary studies, philosophy, anthropology and linguistics; indeed, such is the level of intellectual cross-fertilization that some writers have suggested that the field should be known as an interdiscipline . “exchange”的意思是“相互交流”,但是学科之间用“相互渗透”更加准确。“as divers

19、e as”表示“相关学科的范围之广”,参考译文没有使用“广泛”来表达,而使用了“各个领域”,足以表示其范围之广,但是考生若译为“广泛”也没有问题。 例如,翻译研究与文学研究、哲学、人类学、语言学等各个领域之间,在知识、认识与方法上有着大量的相互渗透。正因为有知识领域的这种相互渗透,有人就提出应当把翻译研究称作一门“交叉学科”。 For example, some are motivated by highly practical concerns, such as the need to provide future translators or interpreters with train

20、ing which is of the highest possible quality, the desire to raise the professional profile of translators and interpreters, or the wish to develop increasingly powerful machine translation systems; others, on the other hand, simply seek to provide ever more accurate and comprehensive explanations fo

21、r certain phenomena in the world about us, without being primarily concerned with the possible practical applications which may accrue. 这句话句首使用了被动句,若是直接译为被动结构“有些人是被推动的”,稍显生硬,这里主要是介绍人们进行翻译研究的目的和动机,因此可直接将动词的“motivate”转化为名词,译为“有些人的研究动机是”,之后列出动机,非常自然。分号前后的部分结构相同,翻译时为了避免重复,可将前面译为“动机”,后面译为“目的”。 例如,有些人的研究动

22、机主要是为了解决实际问题,其中包括如何为未来口笔译工作者提供优质培训、如何提高口笔译工作者的职业地位以及如何研发出能力不断增强的机器翻译系统。另一方面,也有一些人的研究目的并非是为了应用,而是为我们周围世界的某些现象提供更加准确的解释。 Of course, Translation Studies has been enriched by possessing such a multi-faceted nature. 这句话虽然是一个被动句,但其实是要表达翻译研究丰富多彩的原因,因此翻译时不要过分拘泥于原句的句子形态,重要的是表达出作者的写作意图,让语言自然流畅。 翻译研究亦因其多面性而变得多

23、姿多彩。 However, at the same time this very nature has meant that there is still considerable lack of agreement on concepts; added to this is the fact that Translation Studies is a relatively new discipline which is in many ways still “finding its feet“. “this very nature”是指上句的“多面性的特点”。“find one“s feet

24、”字面意思是“找到自己的脚步”,这里要表达的含义是“翻译研究作为新学科还在起步阶段,发展还没有常规原则可以遵循”,因此需要探索出自己的发展道路。因此可译为“探索”。 但与此同时,这一多面性又意味着人们对形成学科基础的最低限度的基本概念严重缺乏共识。还有一个事实,就是相对而言,翻译研究是一门新兴学科,它在许多方面仍处于“探索”阶段。四、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:60.00)32.我们写得最多的是月亮,我们喜欢山,喜欢江河。孔子说“仁者乐山,智者乐水”。这里面的“水”也是指江、湖。如果说孔子当年再说一句“勇者乐海”,我们的民族精神也许会更加丰满,也许就是另一种选择。庄子对海的定义是“量无穷,

25、时无止,分无常,终始无故”,把海和无穷联系起来,是用一种微积分的观念来理解,所以庄子的气度与常人不太一样。 国外写海的东西的人太多了:鲁滨孙漂流记里面不仅有海的波浪,也有冒险的精神,也有奋斗的精神。还有老人与海海王白鲸海底旅行等等,比较起来中国就太少了。 海是冒险,海是挑战。“天地不仁,以万物为刍狗”,海本身不会讲仁义道德。也许我们会痛心中国久远的历史缺乏对海的了解和开拓,但也许我们会从中国的文化里看到另一面,就是说我们不是无条件地提倡竞争,提倡优胜劣汰,提倡适者生存。 现在我们有了海洋的意识了,既要有包容的意识,也要有开拓的意识,甚至冒险的意识。但强化自己的同时,又要有一种和平共赢的精神。

26、(分数:60.00)_正确答案:()解析:The most we write about is the moon, and we also enjoy mountains and rivers. Confucius once said, “The virtuous find pleasure in hills; the wise in waters.“ Here the “waters“ again refer to rivers and lakes. If he had added, “The brave find pleasure in sea,“ our national spirit

27、would have been richer and more abundant, and everything would have been quite different from today. Chaung Tzu defined the sea as something “never-ending with infinite quantity that changes constantly and never comes to an end“, connecting the sea with infinity from a calculus prospective. It can b

28、e concluded that Chaung Tzu had a laudable bearing, distinguishing him from the ordinary folks. There are quite a number of people abroad writing about the sea. For example, Robinson Crusoe describes not only the waves of the sea, but the spirits of adventure as well as striving efforts. In addition

29、, there are also The Old Man and the Sea, The Lord of the Sea, Moby Dick and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, etc. Instead there are only few writers in China writing about the sea. The sea always implies adventures and challenges. As “the universe is blind to our pain and deaf to our sorrow“,

30、 the sea itself can“t identify virtue and morality. It may break our hearts to learn that even with such a long history, there is a serious lack of understanding and exploration of the sea in China. However, we may find a silver lining in Chinese culture that we never advocate competition and surviv

31、al of the fittest unconditionally. Nowadays, in China, many have been aware of the spirit of the sea, which includes tolerance, pioneering exploration and even courage for adventure. While strengthening ourselves, we should also adhere to the spirits for peaceful and win-win development. 解析 我们写得最多的是

32、月亮,我们喜欢山,喜欢江河。 翻译这句话时,容易出现的问题是“write about”中介词的使用,许多考生看到“写”,就只想到了“write”,但是这里是说描写月亮的文章,因此需要加上介词才正确。 The most we write about is the moon, and we also enjoy mountains and rivers. 孔子说“仁者乐山,智者乐水”。这里面的“水”也是指江、湖。 “仁者乐山,智者乐水”体现出了中文对仗的语言特色,而对应的英文则没有必要将两个“乐”都翻译出来,后面省略动词即可。 Confucius once said, “The virtuous

33、find pleasure in hills; the wise in waters.“ Here the “waters“ again refer to rivers and lakes. 如果说孔子当年再说一句“勇者乐海”,我们的民族精神也许会更加丰满,也许就是另一种选择。 很明显,孔子并没有说这样一句话,所以这里表示的是一种虚拟的假设,因此参考译文使用了虚拟语气。 If he had added, “The brave find pleasure in sea,“ our national spirit would have been richer and more abundant,

34、and everything would have been quite different from today. 庄子对海的定义是“量无穷,时无止,分无常,终始无故”,把海和无穷联系起来,是用一种微积分的观念来理解,所以庄子的气度与常人不太一样。 这句话翻译起来有一定的困难,因为需要经历两重翻译:首先将引用的庄子的话译为现代汉语,再将现代汉语译为英文。想要成为一名优秀的译员,中文、英文两种语言的能力都需要不断提高,并且要增加两种语言的阅读量,这是一个需要大量时间和精力的工程。 Chaung Tzu defined the sea as something “never-ending wit

35、h infinite quantity that changes constantly and never comes to an end“, connecting the sea with infinity from a calculus prospective. It can be concluded that Chaung Tzu had a laudable bearing, distinguishing him from the ordinary folks. 还有老人与海海王白鲸海底旅行等等,比较起来中国就太少了。 这句话中列举的关于海洋的作品都是比较有名的,由于作者是在发言,因此

36、海底两万里说成了海底旅行,而我们翻译时需要译出正确的书名。 In addition, there are also The Old Man and the Sea, The Lord of the Sea, Moby Dick and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea , etc. Instead there are only few writers in China writing about the sea. 也许我们会痛心中国久远的历史缺乏对海的了解和开拓,但也许我们会从中国的文化里看到另一面,就是说我们不是无条件地提倡竞争,提倡优胜劣汰,提倡适

37、者生存。 这句话阐述了两层含义:一是我们中国虽然历史悠久,却对海缺乏了解;另一层含义是,“但是这缺点中又有优点”,就是中国不无条件地提倡竞争。翻译时,需要将两层意思理清楚,同时由于原文句子结构比较松散,需要花力气来呈现作者语言中的逻辑关系。 It may break our hearts to learn that even with such a long history, there is a serious lack of understanding and exploration of the sea in China. However, we may find a silver lining in Chinese culture that we never advocate competition and survival of the fittest unconditionally.

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