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本文(【考研类试卷】西安外国语大学翻译硕士英语学位MTI考试真题2012年及答案解析.doc)为本站会员(赵齐羽)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、西安外国语大学翻译硕士英语学位 MTI考试真题 2012年及答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:180 分钟)1.“十二五”是全面建设小康社会的关键时期,是深化改革开放、加快转变经济发展方式的攻坚时期。(分数:1.00)_2.我们要加快调整经济结构,推动信息化和工业化深度融合,改造提升制造业,培育发展战略性新兴产业。(分数:1.00)_3.政府将加强农产品流通体系建设,积极开展 “农超对接”,畅通鲜活农产品运输“绿色通道”。(分数:1.00)_4.科学发展观是按照“统筹城乡发展、区域发展、经济社会发展、人与自然和谐发展、国内发展和对外开放”的要求推进各项事业改革和发展的一种方法论。(分数:

2、1.00)_5.联合国开发计划署把新能源分为三大类:大中型水电、新可再生能源(小水电、太阳能、风能、现代生物质能、地热能、海洋能)和穿透生物质能。(分数:1.00)_6.节能减排是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的必然选择,是推进经济结构调整,转变增长方式的必由之路。(分数:1.00)_7.由交通运输部主办的 “第十一届中国国际交通技术与设备展览会” 将于 2012年 5月 23日至 25日在北京展览馆举行。(分数:1.00)_8.西安是举世闻名的世界四大古都之一,是中国历史上建都时间最长、建都朝代最多、影响力最大的都城,享有 “天然历史博物馆”的美誉。(分数:1.00)_9.12月 11日上午

3、, “中国加入世界贸易组织十周年高层论坛” 在北京人民大会堂举行,中国国家主席胡锦涛与世界贸易组织总干事拉米等出席盛会。(分数:1.00)_10.我们将加强生态文明建设、坚持绿色、低碳发展理念,加强资源节约和生态环境保护,大力发展绿色产业和节能环保产业。(分数:1.00)_11.2011年 11月 29日,国家副主席习近平会见了国际劳工组织总干事胡安?索马维亚一行,对人力资源和社会保障部与国际劳工组织合作谅解备忘录联委会的召开表示祝贺。(分数:1.00)_12.深入推进文化体制改革,关系全面建设小康社会奋斗目标的实现,关系中国特色社会主义事业总体布局,关系中华民族伟大复兴。(分数:1.00)_

4、13.中华人民共和国民办教育促进法由第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十一次会议于 2002年 12月 28日通过,自 2003年 9月 1日起施行。(分数:1.00)_14.火车票实名制是指乘客在购买火车票和乘坐火车时,需要登记、核查个人真实姓名和身份证的一种制度。(分数:1.00)_15.社会事业是指国家为了社会公益目的,由国家机关或其他组织举办的从事教育、科技、文化、为生等活动的社会服务。(分数:1.00)_16.The phrase “Internet of Things“ covers the overall infrastructure (hardware, software a

5、nd services) supporting this networking of physical objects.(分数:1.00)_17.Chinas indigenous innovation campaign is supported by an intricate web of industrial policies that reflect a deep-seated desire to be self-sufficient.(分数:1.00)_18.The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is an internationa

6、l treaty produced at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.(分数:1.00)_19.The National Endowment for the Humanities is a US government organization which provides money for writers and other people working in the humanities to help them with their

7、work.(分数:1.00)_20.The Speaker of the House of Commons is the presiding officer of the House of Commons, the United Kingdoms lower chamber of Parliament.(分数:1.00)_21.The term “gross national happiness“ was coined in 1972 by King Jigme Singye Wang-chuck, who has opened Bhutan to the age of modernizati

8、on.(分数:1.00)_22.As Europes leaders gathered for a two-day summit, the European Central Bank cut its benchmark interest rate for the second month in a row and expanded emergency funding to cash-starved banks.(分数:1.00)_23.Fears of sovereign debt crisis developed among investors across the globe togeth

9、er with a wave of downgrading of government debt of certain European states.(分数:1.00)_24.Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Greg Combet today announced the Gillard Governments plan for a clean energy future.(分数:1.00)_25.UK-based Telefonica 02 has annou

10、nced a lease deal for smart phones, where customers can get a smart phone at no upfront cost, and pay a higher monthly fee to lease the phone for a year.(分数:1.00)_26.The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China launched a unique new study examining the impact and influence of industrial overcapac

11、ity in China on 26th November.(分数:1.00)_27.The self-reference effect is the tendency for individuals to have better memory for information that relates to oneself in comparison to material that has less personal relevance.(分数:1.00)_28.The Global Positioning System is a space-based global navigation

12、satellite system that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth.(分数:1.00)_29.Cloud computing refers to the provision of computational resources on demand via a computer network, whereby users do not need to process the software or hardware but can submit a

13、task to the service provider.(分数:1.00)_30.BRICS is an international political organization of leading emerging economies, and as of 2011, its five members are Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.(分数:1.00)_31. As the UNs global development network, UNDP recognizes that climate change calls

14、for a new development paradigm, one that mainstreams climate change into development planning at all levels, links development policies with the financing of solutions and helps countries move towards less carbon-intensive, yet sustainable economies. In 2008, UNDP endorsed a new climate change strat

15、egy, which supports the capacity of developing countries to make informed policy and investment decisions to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce poverty and accelerate the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The strategy also sets out how UNDP works with the Global Envir

16、onment Facility (GEF), the UN Environment Program (UNEP) and the World Bank. UNDP promotes both climate change mitigation and adaption efforts since both are essential to meet the climate change challenge. On mitigation, UNDPs efforts include promoting greater energy efficiency in all sectors and us

17、es, increased utilization of a wide range of renewable energies, increased energy access for the poor, policy reform and capacity development. On the adaptation side, UNDP supports countries as they work to integrate climate risks into national development policy and plans, develop financing options

18、 to meet national adaption costs and share adaption knowledge and experiences. UNDPs value added in preventing and mitigating the effects of climate change lies in its strong presence on the ground in 166 countries in terms of both operational capacity and expertise, including both experts on climat

19、e change policy and professionals in project development, a combination that allows UNDP to effectively implement projects at the country level. For example, once the final agreement on the new Kyoto Protocol is made, UNDP will help member countries to apply for and manage funds and technology as th

20、ey work to fulfill their part in a new global deal on carbon emissions. In fact, UNDP has launched a groundbreaking capacity development initiative that is working with 13 African, Asian and Latin American and Caribbean developing countries to choose three key sectorsfor example, energy, agriculture

21、 and tourismin preparation for a national inter-ministerial workshop on national climate actions and the Bali Action Plan. Once these sectors are identified, UNDP will support countries in assessing the magnitude and intensity of national efforts needed to implement mitigation and adaptation actions

22、. As the effects of climate change are increasingly felt in tandem with the effects of the economic crisis, opportunities are arising for real development change. UNDP is developing new partnerships, planning tools, public policies and financial instruments that help transform and create markets tha

23、t work for people and the environment. By helping to protect forests around the world, UNDP both protects community livelihoods and helps to drive down carbon emissions. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates that the cutting down of forests is now contributing close to 20 percent o

24、f the overall greenhouse gases that are entering the atmosphere, making the goal of reducing deforestation an urgent and immediate one. (分数:60.00)_32. 美国通用公司创新中心落户西安高新技术产业开发区 9 月 19日上午,美国通用电气公司与高新区签署设立通用电气西安创新中心的协议。西安市委书记孙清云会见美国通用电气首席执行官夏智诚并出席签约仪式。 孙清云表示,西安市高度重视与通用电气的合作。通用电气公司经营的能源、照明、环保、航空等领域,正是西安重

25、点发展的产业,双方有着很好的合作基础和前景。西安市将大力支持通用电气在西安的发展,努力为公司提供高效优质服务,希望双方以此次合作为起点,进一步扩大合作领域,争取更多高端制造项目落户西安,巩固发展互惠双赢良好合作关系。 夏智诚表示,西安在人才资源、产业环境、政府效能方面优势明显。美国通用将把西安作为通用在中国发展的重要战略基地,以建立西安创新中心为起点,扩大投资,拓展空间,在绿色能源、环境保护、水资源保护利用等方面参与西安建设发展,努力成长为西安的本土企业。 通用电气公司是一家融高科技、传媒和金融服务为一体的全球 500强企业,业务遍及全球 100多个国家和地区,2010 年销售额达 1502亿

26、美元。通用电气西安创新中心将从事照明、航空、新能源等相关业务的技术创新和产品研发。 (分数:60.00)_西安外国语大学翻译硕士英语学位 MTI考试真题 2012年答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:180 分钟)1.“十二五”是全面建设小康社会的关键时期,是深化改革开放、加快转变经济发展方式的攻坚时期。(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(a moderately prosperous society )解析:2.我们要加快调整经济结构,推动信息化和工业化深度融合,改造提升制造业,培育发展战略性新兴产业。(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(strategic emerging industries

27、)解析:3.政府将加强农产品流通体系建设,积极开展 “农超对接”,畅通鲜活农产品运输“绿色通道”。(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(farm-supermarket docking )解析:4.科学发展观是按照“统筹城乡发展、区域发展、经济社会发展、人与自然和谐发展、国内发展和对外开放”的要求推进各项事业改革和发展的一种方法论。(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(a scientific outlook on development )解析:5.联合国开发计划署把新能源分为三大类:大中型水电、新可再生能源(小水电、太阳能、风能、现代生物质能、地热能、海洋能)和穿透生物质能。(分数:1.00)_正确答

28、案:(United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) )解析:6.节能减排是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的必然选择,是推进经济结构调整,转变增长方式的必由之路。(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(environmental friendly society )解析:7.由交通运输部主办的 “第十一届中国国际交通技术与设备展览会” 将于 2012年 5月 23日至 25日在北京展览馆举行。(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(The 11th China International Exhibition on Transport Technology and Eq

29、uipment)解析:8.西安是举世闻名的世界四大古都之一,是中国历史上建都时间最长、建都朝代最多、影响力最大的都城,享有 “天然历史博物馆”的美誉。(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(natural history museum )解析:9.12月 11日上午, “中国加入世界贸易组织十周年高层论坛” 在北京人民大会堂举行,中国国家主席胡锦涛与世界贸易组织总干事拉米等出席盛会。(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(a high-level forum marking the tenth anniversary of Chinas entry into the World Trade Organizat

30、ion)解析:10.我们将加强生态文明建设、坚持绿色、低碳发展理念,加强资源节约和生态环境保护,大力发展绿色产业和节能环保产业。(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(ecological civilization )解析:11.2011年 11月 29日,国家副主席习近平会见了国际劳工组织总干事胡安?索马维亚一行,对人力资源和社会保障部与国际劳工组织合作谅解备忘录联委会的召开表示祝贺。(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security )解析:12.深入推进文化体制改革,关系全面建设小康社会奋斗目标的实现,关系中国特色社会主

31、义事业总体布局,关系中华民族伟大复兴。(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(cultural system reform )解析:13.中华人民共和国民办教育促进法由第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十一次会议于 2002年 12月 28日通过,自 2003年 9月 1日起施行。(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Promotion of Privately-run Schools )解析:14.火车票实名制是指乘客在购买火车票和乘坐火车时,需要登记、核查个人真实姓名和身份证的一种制度。(分数:1.00)_正确答案

32、:(Real-name train ticket system )解析:15.社会事业是指国家为了社会公益目的,由国家机关或其他组织举办的从事教育、科技、文化、为生等活动的社会服务。(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(Social undertakings)解析:16.The phrase “Internet of Things“ covers the overall infrastructure (hardware, software and services) supporting this networking of physical objects.(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(物联网

33、)解析:17.Chinas indigenous innovation campaign is supported by an intricate web of industrial policies that reflect a deep-seated desire to be self-sufficient.(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(自主创新 )解析:18.The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is an international treaty produced at the United Nations Conference

34、on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(联合国气候变化框架公约 )解析:19.The National Endowment for the Humanities is a US government organization which provides money for writers and other people working in the humanities to help them with their work.(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(美国国家人文基金会 )解析:20.The Speaker of the House of Commons is the presiding officer of the House of Commons, the United Kingdoms lower chamber of Parliament.(分数:1.00)_

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