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本文(【考研类试卷】首都师范大学翻译硕士英语学位MTI考试真题2014年及答案解析.doc)为本站会员(feelhesitate105)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、首都师范大学翻译硕士英语学位 MTI考试真题 2014年及答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一1.Protestantism (分数:2.00)_2.cultural anthropology (分数:2.00)_3.Metaphysics (分数:2.00) missiles (分数:2.00)_5.anti-Semitism (分数:2.00)_二6.可行性报告 (分数:4.00)_7.中庸之道 (分数:4.00)_8.民族危机感 (分数:4.00)_9.政治协商制度 (分数:4.00)_10.礼乐文化 (分数:4.00)_11.可持续发展 (分数:4.

2、00)_12.应试教育 (分数:4.00)_13.端午节 (分数:4.00)_14.暂住证 (分数:4.00)_15.知识产权 (分数:4.00)_三16.White House spokesman Jay Carney warned that the “window is narrowing“ for Damascus to avoid further US sanctions, but he declined to provide details or timing for such steps. The comments make a further escalation of west

3、ern rhetoric on Syria over its crackdown on the two-month wave of protests against the government. (分数:8.00)_17.A possible alien planet discovered by NASA“s Kepler space telescope is the most Earth-like world yet detected beyond our solar system, scientists say. (分数:8.00)_18.Sitting in the wedding c

4、ar, dressed in all my finery, I glance sideways at my father and find myself gripped with panic. He“s so distinguished in his morning suit, so stiffly formal, and yet I notice a tear welling in the corner of his eyes. (分数:8.00)_19.Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of organic nature, s

5、o Marx discovered the law of development of human history: the simple fact, hitherto concealed by an overgrowth of ideology, that mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing, before it can pursue politics, science, art, religion, etc. (分数:8.00)_20.A multitude of textbooks is no m

6、ore a guarantee of good writing than a million of books on ethical behavior is a warrant of good manners. (分数:8.00)_四21.中国政府高度重视人权问题,承认并尊重人权的普遍性原则。由于政治制度不同,发展水平各异,历史文化背景和价值观念千差万别,各国在人权问题上存在不同认识和分歧是正常现象,中国反对在人权问题上搞双重标准和借人权问题干涉别国内政的做法。 (分数:20.00)_22.用你的一部分空闲时光来培养阅读好书的习惯吧,那些设法把自己培养成真正爱好读书的人确实是幸运的。他们从好书

7、中不但得到乐趣,而且受到很多教益。他们从书中获得的精神食粮,从其他地方是很难得到的。 (分数:20.00)_23.2013年的“北京 798艺术节”于 9月 21日至 10月 20日在 798艺术区举行。本年度艺术节的内容包括近百项活动,将给艺术爱好者们带来非凡的艺术感受。798 艺术区已经发展成为北京文化创新产业中心,2003年被美国时代周刊评为全球最具文化标志性的 22个城市艺术中心之一。 (分数:20.00)_首都师范大学翻译硕士英语学位 MTI考试真题 2014年答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一1.Protestantism (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析

8、:新教2.cultural anthropology (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:文化人类学3.Metaphysics (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:形而上学 missiles (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:巡航导弹5.anti-Semitism (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:反犹太主义二6.可行性报告 (分数:4.00)_正确答案:()解析:feasibility report7.中庸之道 (分数:4.00)_正确答案:()解析:golden mean8.民族危机感 (分数:4.00)_正确答案:()解析:sense of natio

9、nal crisis9.政治协商制度 (分数:4.00)_正确答案:()解析:political consultation system10.礼乐文化 (分数:4.00)_正确答案:()解析:rites and music culture11.可持续发展 (分数:4.00)_正确答案:()解析:sustainable development12.应试教育 (分数:4.00)_正确答案:()解析:examination-oriented education system13.端午节 (分数:4.00)_正确答案:()解析:the Dragon Boat Festival14.暂住证 (分数:4.

10、00)_正确答案:()解析:Temporary Residential Permit15.知识产权 (分数:4.00)_正确答案:()解析:intellectual property rights三16.White House spokesman Jay Carney warned that the “window is narrowing“ for Damascus to avoid further US sanctions, but he declined to provide details or timing for such steps. The comments make a fu

11、rther escalation of western rhetoric on Syria over its crackdown on the two-month wave of protests against the government. (分数:8.00)_正确答案:()解析:白宫发言人杰伊卡尼警告称,叙利亚避免进一步制裁的“机会之窗正在逐渐关闭”,但他拒绝透漏可能采取的措施的细节以及生效的时间。该评论使西方国家有关叙利亚政府暴力镇压两个月来进行反政府示威的民众一事的言论进一步升级。解析 这段话中的“Damascus”为“大马士革”,即“叙利亚的首都”,不经常关注时事新闻的人可能只听过

12、叙利亚,对它的首都不甚了解。在这里为了便于读者理解,将首都城市转变为了整个国家,译为“叙利亚”,如果直接译为大马士革,读者可能一下子不明白这里说的到底是何处。17.A possible alien planet discovered by NASA“s Kepler space telescope is the most Earth-like world yet detected beyond our solar system, scientists say. (分数:8.00)_正确答案:()解析:科学家称,一颗由美国宇航局开普勒太空望远镜发现的太阳系外行星是迄今类似地球的最佳候选者。解析

13、这里需要注意的是“alien planet”。“alien”有外星人的意思,但是在这里取的是与太阳系“相异的”这层含义,在这里指的并不是外星人的星球,而是“太阳系外的星球”。18.Sitting in the wedding car, dressed in all my finery, I glance sideways at my father and find myself gripped with panic. He“s so distinguished in his morning suit, so stiffly formal, and yet I notice a tear wel

14、ling in the corner of his eyes. (分数:8.00)_正确答案:()解析:我身着婚纱,坐在婚车里,心中充满了恐慌。我瞥了一眼身旁的父亲,他穿着燕尾服,身体挺得笔直,显得庄重而高贵,但我还是注意到了他眼角涌出的那一滴眼泪。解析 首先,这段话中的 finery是“华丽的服饰”的意思,这里结合语境“wedding(婚礼)”可知,这里具体指的是“婚纱”。其次,“stiffly formal”,简单的一个副词和一个形容词,翻译时却需要我们灵活处理,将“stiffly(身体挺得笔直)”和给人的印象“庄重”分开进行强调,不仅符合中文表达习惯,而且也增强了语言的美感。19.Jus

15、t as Darwin discovered the law of development of organic nature, so Marx discovered the law of development of human history: the simple fact, hitherto concealed by an overgrowth of ideology, that mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing, before it can pursue politics, science,

16、 art, religion, etc. (分数:8.00)_正确答案:()解析:正像达尔文发现有机界的发展规律一样,马克思发现了人类历史的发展规律,即历来为纷繁杂芜的意识形态所掩盖着的一个简单事实:人们首先必须吃、喝、住、穿,然后才能从事政治、科学、艺术、宗教等。解析 这个句子共包含 52个单词,是一个有着错综复杂结构的长句。英语长句句子盘根错节,脉络难找,词中有词,词中有句,句中有词,句中有句。翻译时,首先要对原文进行意义分析,切块拆分,按照汉语习惯重组语言。这句话的主句其实就是“Marx discovered the law of development of human history

17、”句子成分中又包含了同位语从句、时间状语从句、定语从句和插入部分修饰。找出主句后,理解了每个修饰成分的作用,翻译起来就简单多了。20.A multitude of textbooks is no more a guarantee of good writing than a million of books on ethical behavior is a warrant of good manners. (分数:8.00)_正确答案:()解析:大量写作教材并不能保证写出好文章,就像上万的礼仪教程不能成为有礼貌的保证书一样。解析 这句话中需要注意的是“no more.than”这个结构。它与“

18、not.just as.not”一样含有消极、否定的意味。“than”前后两部分在意义上都是否定的,但着重点往往在前一个分句,译成汉语时需要注意表达出句子的重点。四21.中国政府高度重视人权问题,承认并尊重人权的普遍性原则。由于政治制度不同,发展水平各异,历史文化背景和价值观念千差万别,各国在人权问题上存在不同认识和分歧是正常现象,中国反对在人权问题上搞双重标准和借人权问题干涉别国内政的做法。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:Chinese government has always attached great importance to the issue of human ri

19、ghts, acknowledge and respect the principle of universality of human rights. Due to the differences in political systems, economic development, historical and cultural backgrounds, and values, it is natural that different countries may have disagreements or hold different opinions on this issue. Thu

20、s, Chinese government is firmly opposed to the double standard and erroneous acts that interfere in the internal affairs of other countries under the pretext of human fights issues.解析 这段话中的“借人权问题干涉别国内政的做法”,参考译文为“erroneous acts that interfere in the internal affairs of other countries under the prete

21、xt of human rights issues”。其中,“借问题,以为借口”经常出现在某个国家表达国际立场的文章中,固定表达为“under the pretext that./of.”,需要考生掌握。22.用你的一部分空闲时光来培养阅读好书的习惯吧,那些设法把自己培养成真正爱好读书的人确实是幸运的。他们从好书中不但得到乐趣,而且受到很多教益。他们从书中获得的精神食粮,从其他地方是很难得到的。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:Devote some of your leisure to cultivating a love of reading good books. Fortun

22、ates indeed are those who contrive to make themselves genuine book-lovers. From good books, moreover, they draw much besides entertainment. They gain mental food such as few companions can supply.解析 “那些设法把自己培养成真正爱好读书的人确实是幸运的”如果按照正常的语序翻译,应为:Those who contrive to make themselves genuine book-lovers ar

23、e fortunate indeed.在这里为了强调表语“幸运的”,所以将其提到了前边,将句子处理为了倒装句。考生在翻译的过程中,尤其是翻译文学性较强的文章时也要时不时转变一下句子结构,避免全文全部是主谓宾这样简单的结构。23.2013年的“北京 798艺术节”于 9月 21日至 10月 20日在 798艺术区举行。本年度艺术节的内容包括近百项活动,将给艺术爱好者们带来非凡的艺术感受。798 艺术区已经发展成为北京文化创新产业中心,2003年被美国时代周刊评为全球最具文化标志性的 22个城市艺术中心之一。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:2013 Beijing 798 Art Fe

24、stival will be held at 798 Art Zone between September 21 and October 20. Nearly 100 events are to be organized, which will bring art lovers an extraordinary feast of art. As an industrial center of cultural innovation in Beijing, 798 Art Zone was selected by Time (the U.S.) as one of the twenty-two most culturally representative urban art centers in the world.解析 “本年度艺术节的内容包括近百项活动,将给艺术爱好者们带来非凡的艺术感受。”这句话中前后强调的都是“近百项活动”,能够给艺术爱好者带来感受的同样是活动,因此翻译时,将“近百项活动”置于句首,处理为被动句。

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