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本文(2012年山东省滨州市初中学生学业(升学)考试英语试题(含答案).pdf)为本站会员(卡尔)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、 绝密启用前 滨州市二 0一二年初中学生学业考试 英语试题 试卷类型: A 温馨提示: 1本试卷分第 卷和第 卷两部分。第 卷 1-8 页为选择题,共 75 分;第 卷 9 12 页为非选择题,共 45 分。满分为 120 分,考试时间为 120 分钟。 2 答第 卷前务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目、试卷类型涂写在答题卡上。考试结 束,试题和答题卡一并上交。 3第 卷每题选出答案后,请用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号 (ABCD)涂 黑,如需改动,先用橡皮擦干净,再改涂其他答案。 第 卷 (选择题共 75 分 ) 一、听力选择 (共 20小题,计 20 分。每小题约有 8秒钟的答题

2、时间 ) 【 2012 山东滨州 】 (一 )录音中有五个句子,听句子两遍后,从每小题 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出能对每个句 子做出适当反应的答语。 1. A. Im sorry. B. You are welcome. C. The same to you. 2. A. I love it a lot. B. With pleasure. C. No, thanks. 3. A. Yes, please. B. Its great. C. I dont feel well. 4. A. Thank you. B. Not beautiful. C. Youre great. 5. A.

3、Sure. B. Here you are. C. Good luck. 【 2012 山东滨州 】 (二 )录音中有五组对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从每小题 A、 B、C 三个选项 中选出能回答所提问题的正确答案。 6. A B C 7. A B C 8. A. Lilys. B. Jacks. C. Kates. 9. A.The blue one. B. The red one. C. Neither. 10. A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy. 【 2012 山东滨州 】 (三)录音中有一段对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从每小题A,B,C 三个选

4、项中 选出如能回答所给问题的正确答案。 11. Where does the dialogue take Place? A. I n a hospital. B. In a shop. C. In a restaurant. 12. What do you think the man likes best? A. Sports. B. Music. C. Computer games. 13. What does the man want to buy? A. Socks. B. Pants. C. Shoes. 14. What color does the man want? A. Bro

5、wn. B. Blue. C. White 15. Haw much does the man pay for the s hoes? A. $86. B. $70. C. $60 【 2012 山东滨州 】 (四 )录音中有一篇短文和五个问题,听短文和问题两遍后,从每小题 A,B,C三个逸项 中选出能回答所给问题 的正确答案。 16. Where was the old womans house? A. In a city. B. In a town. C. In a village. 17. Who was the old woman having dinner with? A. Her

6、children. B. Bill. C. Her husband. 18. When did the young man come back again to the old womans house? A. Ten years later. B. Ten months later. C. Ten days later. 19. What was the young mans job later? A. A cook. B. A worker. C. A farmer. 20. What do you think of the old woman? A. Bad. B. Kind. C. S

7、ick. 二、选择题 (共 15 小题,计 15 分 ) 从 A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 【 2012 山东滨州 】 21. Listen! Someone is playing _ piano. Wow! _beautiful music! I like it very much A. a; what B. an; How C. the; What D. /; How 【答案】 C 【 2012 山东滨州 】 22. I am very thirsty. Could you please give me _ water? A. some B. little C

8、. many D. other 【答案】 A 【 2012 山东滨州 】 23. We know that she enjoys _ books very much. A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read 【答案】 C 【 2012 山东滨州 】 24. Mary, put on your coat, _ youll catch a cold. A. and B. or C .so D. but 【答案】 B 【 2012 山东滨州 】 25. Must I _ wait for you here? No, you _. A. dont B. cant

9、C .mustnt D. neednt 【答案】 D 【 2012 山东滨州 】 26. _ went hiking last weekend because of the bad weather. A. Someone B. No one C. Everyone D. Nothing 【答案】 B 【 2012 山东滨州 】 27. 一 _ is your father? A bank clerk. He works in a bank near my home. A. Where B. How C. What D. Which 【答案】 C 【 2012 山东滨州 】 28. They d

10、idnt go to bed_ the work was finished. A. when B. while C. until D. after 【答案】 C 【 2012 山东滨州 】 29._ the afternoon of June 2nd, many foreigners arrived _ Shanghai. A. In; at B. On; to C. In; in D. On; in 【答案】 D 【 2012 山东滨州 】 30. She can hardly write her own name, _? A. can she B. cant she C. need she

11、 D. neednt she 【答案】 A 【 2012 山东滨州 】 31. My English teacher visited Australia last summer. Which city did he visit? A. Paris. B. Washington. C. London. D. Sydney. 【答案】 D 【 2012 山东滨州 】 32. My pen pal Andrew found it difficult _ Chinese well A. learning B. learn C. to learn D. learned 【答案】 C 【 2012 山东滨

12、州 】 33. What are you looking for? Im looking for the ring _my husband bought me last year. A. that B. who C. whom D. it 【 答案】 A 【 2012 山东滨州 】 34. _ have you lived in Binzhou? For about ten years. A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How much 【答案】 C 【 2012 山东滨州 】 35. Which sign means No smoking? _

13、. A B C D 【答 案】 B 三、完形填空 (共 10 小题,计 10 分 ) 【 2012 山东滨州 】 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案。 Everyone wants to have healthy teeth. When you laugh, you will来源 :学 .科 .网 Z.X.X. K 36 your mouth and show your teeth. The healthier your teeth are, the happier you feel. Why is that? Its 37 your

14、 teeth are important in many ways. Take care of them, and theyll help to take care of you. Strong, 38 teeth help you grow. They also help you speak clearly. You can take pate of your teeth by doing like these: Brush your teeth 39 a day, after getting up and before bedtime. And you brush all of your

15、teeth, not just the front ones. Spend some time 40 the teeth along the sides and in the back. Take your time while brushing. Spend at 41 three minutes each time you brush. Be sure your toothbrush is soft. Ask your parents to help you get a new toothbrush. 42 , three months. Clean between your teeth

16、with dental floss(牙线 ).I t feels strange when you do it at first, but soon youll get used to 43 it. Brushing 44 your teeth healthy. You also need to care about what you eat and drink. Eat 45 fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of drinks. Do you want to have white and healthy teeth? Please

17、brush your teeth!来源 :学科网 36. A. close B. wash C. serve D. open 37. A. though B. because C. if D. when 38. A. tight B. white C. healthy D. clean 39. A. once B. twice C. three times D. four times 40. on B. in C. at D. to 41. A. first B. least C. once D. last 42. A. every B. both C. either D. neither 4

18、3. A. helping B. making C. feeling D. doing 44. A. starts B. produces C. keeps D. suggests 45. A. a lot B. lots of C. few D. a little 【 答案 】 36. D 【 答案 】 37. B 【 答案 】 38. C 【 答 案 】 39. B 【 答案 】 40. A 【 答案 】 41. B 【 答案 】 42. A 【 答案 】 43. D 【 答案 】 44. C 【 答案 】 45. B 四、阅读理解 (共 20 小题 .计 30 分 ) 阅读下面短文,众每

19、题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出能正确回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 【 2012 山东滨州 】 A One day, there was a blind man called John sitting on the bench with a hat by his feet and a sign that read, I am blind. Please help me.” A creative publicist(广告员 )named Tom was walking by the blind man and s topped to see that the man o

20、nly had a few coins in his hat. He put a few of his own corns in the hat. Without asking for permission , took the sign, turned it around and wrote a new message. Then he put the sign by the feet of the blind man, and left. Later that afternoon the publicist returned to the blind man and noticed tha

21、t his hat was almost full of bills and coins. The blind man recognized(识别 )his footsteps and asked if it was he who had changed his sign. He also wanted to know what the man wrot e on it. The publicist said, I just wrote the message a little differently.” He smiled and went on his way. The new sign

22、read, Spring has come, but I cant see anything.” 46. Whats the blind mans name? A. Tom. B. John. C. Tony. D. Sorry, I dont know. 47. Who wrote a new message? A. The blind man. B. The teacher. C. The publicist. D. The farmer. 48. How did the blind man recognize the publicist? A. By his sign. B. By hi

23、s footsteps. C. By his voice. D. By his corns. 49. When did the story happen? A. In spring. B. In summer. C. In autumn. D. In winter. 50. What can we learn from the passage? A. Publicists are always friendly and helpful. B. We can get more money by changing a sign. C. The blind man is very stupid, s

24、o he has little money. D. The power (力量 ) of language is great. 【答案】 46. B 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. D 【 2012 山东滨州 】 B Beijing Travel Company Beijing-Singapore: four days in Singapore Website; www. beijingtour. com Telephone: 010 一 62617788 Miramber Hotel Restaurant & Cafe, Swimming pool, KTV, Clothing

25、store, Reading room Travel Plans Day 1: Morning: land at Singapore Changi Airport Afternoon: take a bus tour of the island Evening: have a party in the KTV Day 2: Morning: visit the Handicraft Center and the National Museum Afternoon: take the car to Sentosa Island (圣淘沙岛 ) Day 3: Morning: take a wal

26、king tour of old Singapore, including Chinatown Afternoon: take a boat trip around the island Day 4: Morning: free time for shopping Evening: return by air Date of Departure(出发 ) Price August 16, 2012 ¥ 3,220 August 17. 2012 ¥ 3,100 August 18, 2012 ¥ 2, 950 Au gust 19, 2012 ¥ 3,150 51. Whats the tel

27、ephone number of Beijing Travel Company? A. 010 一 62618877. B.010 一 62617788. C. 010 一 61627788. D.010 一 61628877. 52. Travelers in this tour group will go to Singapore_. A. by sir B. by train C. by bus D. by sea 53. On the second day, travelers in this group can_. A. visit Sentosa Island B. B. trav

28、el around by boat C. go to Chinatown D. have a party in the KTV 54. When can travelers shop finely during the tour? A. On the fast day. B. On the second day. C. On the third day. D. On the last day. 55. If you only want to spend less than 3, 000 yuan, you can choose_ as your departure date. A. Augus

29、t 16 B. August 17 C. August 18 D. August 19 【答案】 51. B 52. A 53. A 54. D 55. C 【 2012 山东滨州 】 C Recently, many people have begun to try a new way of doing shopping through the Internet. They are very interested in it. Why is it becoming more and more popular now? There are some reasons. First, more a

30、nd more people have their own computers and their computers can be joined with the Internet. So it is possible for many of them to do shopping through the Internet. Second, shopping through the Internet can save them some money and a lot of time. Third, they dont need to go to the shop themselves. B

31、ecause of these good facts, few people refuse it. On the other hand, some people dont like this new way of shopping. They are worried about the safety of shopping online. Customers(顾客 )can only see the pictures of a product on the Internet. And they cant enjoy the pleasure of buying things in a larg

32、e supermarket or a wonderful shopping center. These are the reasons why they do not like it. But I think more and more people will like this new kind of shopping in the future. 56. Many people are interested in _ online. A. watching TV B reading C. studying D. shopping 57. From the first paragraph,

33、we know _. A. no one likes buying things online B. more and more people dont like shopping through the Internet C. shopping on the Internet is more and more popular D. There are no advantages about shopping on the Internet 58. People like doing shopping on the Internet because it can _. A. save thei

34、r money and time B. help them make a lot of money C. be very easy D. help them save time 59. Some people dont like shopping online because they_. A. have to pay more money B. must send their money first online C. dont have enough time D. are worried about the safety of shopping online 60. Whats the

35、best title(题目 )of this passage? A. Why dont people like going shopping? B. Shopping through the Internet is very popular. C. How do people shop with little money? D. Chinese people dont like shopping on the Internet. 【答案】 56. D 57. C 58. A 59. D 60. B 【 2012 山东滨州 】 D We all have our own ways of shar

36、ing our life experiences with others. Photographers use cameras, artists use brushes, musicians use songs and writers use stories.来源 :学科网 ZXXK Spencer Johnsons story Who Moved My Cheese? shows changes exist in(存在于 )our life. Life changes and so we do. We must change ourselves to face the changing en

37、vironment, or we will fail. Just look at the cycle(循环 )of the seasons .Trees bud(发芽 )in spring and in summer their leaves turn green. In autumn, their leaves start to fall onto the ground. When winter arrives, there are no leaves on trees. Next spring the cycle begins again. Since we know there are

38、cycles in nature, we can prepare for them. We know it is colder in winter and hotter in summer, so we can dress properly. Since we accept the cycles of nature, we should also accept the changes in our life. We can prepare ourselves for changes by becoming more flexible(灵活的 ). We can regard the chang

39、es in our life as chances. As we keep changing ourselves, we can keep up with the changes in our life. 61. What do writers use to share their life experiences? A. Stories. B. Newspapers. C. Basketballs. D. Pianos. 62. Who Moved My Cheese? tells us that _. A. changes exist in our life B. we should mo

40、ve others things C. we should use books to share our life experiences D. there are difficulties in our life 63. The cycle of the seasons means _. A. we should wear warm clothes in winter B. we should accept the changes in our life C. we should prepare for the weather D. leaves turn yellow in autumn

41、64. If you fail a test, what should you think according to the passage? A. I have no chance to pass the test. B. Exams are hard for me. C. I have bad luck. D. Its good for me because I know there are more to learn 65. Whats the main idea of this passage? A. Weather changes in different seasons. B. W

42、ho Moved My Cheese? is a good book. C. We should change ourselves when life changes. D. We should not lose heart when we meet with difficulties. 【答案】 61. A 62. A 63. B 64. D 65. C 绝密 启 用前 滨州市二 0 一二年初中学生学业考试 英语试题 第 卷 (非选择题 共 45 分 ) 五、单词拼写 (共 10 小题,计 l0 分 ) 根据句意及汉语提示,填写句中所缺的单词。 【 2012 山东滨州 】 66 They h

43、ave English and math on _(星期一 ) morning 【 2012 山东滨州 】 67 We often borrow some books from our school_ (图书馆 ) 【 2012 山东滨州 】 68 I dont know if Mary is _ (好 ) t swimming 【 2012 山东滨州 】 69 Can you tell me the _ (首都 ) of Canada? 【 2012 山东滨州 】 70 September is the _ (九 ) month of a year 【 2012 山东滨州 】 71 We s

44、hould take an _ (积极的 ) part in physical exercises 【 2012 山东滨州 】 72. We are strongly against dropping litter _ (到处 ). 【 2012 山东滨州 】 73 Lucy often plays tennis to relax _(自己 ) after sch00l. 【 2012 山东滨州 】 74 The boy is so _ (聪明的 ) that he can work out the problems easily. 【 2012 山东滨州 】 75 It is impolit

45、e to _ (指 ) at anyone with your chopsticks while eating meals. 【答案】 66. Monday 67. library 68. good 69. capi tal 70. ninth 71. active 72. everywhere 73. herself 74. smart / clever 75. point 六、动词应用 (共 10 小题计 l0 分 ) 根据句意,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 (必要时加助动词或情态动词 ) 【 2012 山东滨州 】 76 Mr Zhang _(teach)us English three years ago. 【 2012 山东滨州 】 77. Peter turned off the computer after he finished_ (write)an e-mail. 【 2012 山东滨州 】 78 Wheres Miss Wang? 一 Look, she_(talk)with the students. 【 2012 山东滨州 】 79 Mr Liu isnt here now He_ (go)to Beijing. 【 2012 山东滨州 】 80 The children will go to the

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