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1、 2008年浙江省金华市中考英语试题 第一部分 听力部分 一、听力 (共 15 小题,满分 20 分 ) 第一节:听对话,选图画,回答问题。 (共 5 小题,每小题 l 分,计 5 分 ) 1. What does the man want to buy? 2. Which boy is Mike? 3. How did the woman get home? 4. What does Janes grandpa like doing? 5. Where does the woman usually buy food? 第二节:听小对话,回答问题。 (共 5 小题,每小题 l 分,计 5 分

2、) 6. When will the match start? A. At 6:30. B. At7:00. C. At7:15. 7. How many times has the woman been to the volleyball club? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. 8. What was the weather like yesterday? A. It was cloudy. B. It was sunny. C. It was rainy. 9. Why isnt Gina happy? A. Because her mother

3、is ill. B. Because she cant go to Lilys birthday party. C. Because Lily didnt ask her to the party. 10. How is the woman feeling now? A. She is happy. B. She is surprised. G. She is proud. 第三节:听一则通知,请根据通知内容,从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,计 10 分 ) Information Form Visitors:11 Date; 1

4、2 Where to meet them: 13 The activity at 11 ;00; 14 Time to leave: 15 11. A. American scientists B. American teachers C. American students 12. A. October 22nd B. October 2nd C. October 20th 13. A. In the meeting room B. At the school gate C. On the playground 14. A. Have a party B. Have a meeting C.

5、 Have a basketball match 15. A. At 12:00 B. Atll:00 C. At9:00 第二部分 笔试部分 二、单项填空 (共 20 小题,每小题 l 分,满分 20 分 ) 从每题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 第二部分 笔试部分 二 单项填空 ( 20 分)从每题所给的 A.B.C.D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16.-What do you think of the cartoon? -Oh, it is really _ fantastic one. A. a B. an C. the D.

6、 / 17.-Cindy, is tit OK to leave you at home by_? -Of course, Mum. A. myself B. herself C. yourself D. yourselves 18.-Jack, do you have anything else to say about the trip? -No,_. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything 19. A terrible earthquake hit Wenchuan at 2:28 p.m._ May 12th. A. on B

7、. in C. to D. at 20. What makes her so_? Her wish to be a singer has come true. A. sad B. angry C. happy D. afraid 21. I want to go to the West Lake, but I dont know the way. A_ will help you, I think. A. map B. book C. diary D. dictionary 22.-Look! Whats on the hill? -Wow! _sheep? A. Thousand of B.

8、 Thousands of C. Three thousands D. Three thousand of 23. -_ you play basketball? -Yes, and Im a good player. A. May B. Can C. Must D. Should 24. -Have you ever seen “ Home With Kids”? Yes, I like it a lot. Its one of _TV plays Ive ever seen. A. interesting B. more interesting C. the least interesti

9、ng D. the most interesting 25.-Shall we go to the beach, Amy? Um, it _ great. A. feels B. looks C. turns D. sounds 26. Did you give me a phone call? -Yes, I did. But nobody _the phone. A. answer B. answered C. will answer D. had answered 27. Jim is away on holiday. He_ Paris. A. went to B. has been

10、to C. has gone to D. had been to 28. You like pop music,_ you? Yes, very much. A. arent B. dont C. didnt D. havent 29. How is the man _ lives next door? Oh, he is very strange. A. who B. which C. whose D. whom 30.-Betty, have a look at it. -Oh,_ nice Mp4 player! I like it. A. how B. what C. what a D

11、. how a 31. -Who is the girl in the picture? -Haha! Its me! The picture _ ten years ago. A. took B. is taken C. was taken D. has taken 32. I dont know _ now. Her mother says she is much better. A. what is she B. where is she C. who she is D. how she is 33. You look worried. _? My new car hit a tree

12、yesterday. A. Whats up B. What do you beckon C. Can I do a favour D. How do you do 34.Are you coming to the concert? -_. Hearing a concert is my favourite. A. You bet B. Its a pity C. Dont ask me D. It doesnt matter 35. Tom, look at he label of you new sweater. What does it say? - It says_. A. the s

13、weater is made of silk B. the sweater can be dry-cleaned C. the sweater is made in the USA D. the sweater can be washed in a washing machine 三 .完形填空 (15) Robert De Vincenzo, the great golfer(高尔夫球员 ), once_36 a competition. After receiving the check(支票 ), he went to the club and prepared to leave. He

14、 walked alone to his car and _37 a young woman. The young woman stopped him and said congratulations on his _38. then she told him that her child was badly _39 and she was dying. But her family was poor. She did not know _40 she could pay the hospital bill(帐单 ). De Vincenzo was moved by her _41, and

15、 gave his winning check to the woman. “ Make some good days for the _42,” he said as he put the check into her hand. The next week, he was having lunch in country club when a _43 came to his table. “Last week, some of the boys told me that you met a young woman after you won that competition.” De Vi

16、ncenzo said, “_44.” “Well,” said the policeman, “I have news _45 you. She does not have a sick baby. Shes not even married. She cheated(欺骗 ) you, my friend.” “You _46 there is no baby who is dying? Said De Vincenzo. “Yes, thats _47,” said the policeman. “Thats the _48 news Ive heard all week,” De Vi

17、ncenzo said happily. “Life is more important.” Good news or bad news? It depends on how you _49 things. You can be sad after being cheated. _50 you can choose to go on with your life bravely. 36. A. lost B. won C. fell D. missed 37. A. hit B. got C. met D. saved 38. A dream B. money C. check D. succ

18、ess 39. A. ill B. well C. strong D. healthy 40. A. who B. how C. why D. what 41. A. lesson B. story C. idea D. advice 42. A. doctor B. nurse C. baby D. mother 43. A boy B. coach C. woman D. policeman 44.A. Yes B. No C. Sorry D. Thanks 45. A. at B. in C. for D. over 46. A. help B. show C. mean D. ask

19、 47. A. good B. right C. wrong D. great 48. A. best B. worst C. saddest D. poorest 49. A put B. see C. take D. guess 50. A Or B. So C. And D. But 四阅读理解 (30) A Dear parents, Annual(一年一度 ) Sports Day-Wednesday 18thJune 2008 Kings Park Stadium We are pleased to invite you to our Annual Sports Day, whic

20、h we are holding at Kings Park Stadium on Wednesday 18thstarting at noon. Youre welcome to arrive at any time. Morning school will finish at 11:15 a.m., and this will let all boys make their own way to Kings Park. They should walk there. No buses will be provided. We hope to tell the results at abou

21、t 3:30 p.m. No boys will be allowed to leave until the results are told. If it rains heavily, boys will stay at school and have lessons. School will be over at 3:30 p.m. as usual. So boys should bring books for all 5 lessons. We hope you will be able to come and enjoy the Sports Day. Yours sincerely

22、, John Hatch 51. the passage is most probably _. A. a letter B. postcard C. an instruction D. an advertisement 52. When will the Sports Day start? A. At 11:15 B. At 3:30 C. At noon D. After 3:30 53. From the passage we know_. A. boys leave school at 3:30 p.m. every day B. boys wont have any lessons

23、that day C. boys will go to Kings Park by bus D. only boys fathers are welcome to the Sports Day B Do you want to get pocket money or do you want to learn the value of money? Starting your own business is an excellent way to learn skills that will last all your life. If you are more business minded,

24、 choose what you want to do to make money and then ask your parents for support(支持 ). Here are some ways for kids to make money with their own business. Housing Cleaning: This is a good job for older children. Practice on your own house first. Then youll have some experience. Mothers Helper: If you

25、are too young to baby-sit(做保姆 ), thinking about being a mothers helper. This means that you look after the kids while their mother gets some work done in another place. Plant Watering: If you know of someone going on a trip soon, offer to water their plants for a little money. You should learn which

26、 plants need to be watered every day and which prefer to stay drier. Pet sitting: Someone leaving on a trip might also need you to look after their animals. They should show you where the food is and how much to feed the pets each day. For dogs, you will need to walk them and spend some time playing

27、 with them. And dont forget to let them out or go to the bathroom! Toy renting: Do you have lots of old toys that you dont need any more? Rent(出租 ) them out to families with children who are tired of their own toys, or to grandparents who have children visiting. These are just a few ideas to get you

28、 started. Remember to be friendly with the customers(顾客 ). Good luck! 54.Which of the following is not mentioned for kids to do? A. Toy Renting B. Housing Cleaning C. Pet Sitting D. Newspaper spending 55. If someone will leave on a trip, which of the following cant you offer to do? A. Planting water

29、ing B. TV watching C. Pet walking D. Pet feeding 56. If you have lots of toys that you dont need any more, you can _ to make money. A. throw them out B. rent them out C. sell them to a toy shop D. lend them to your friends 57. According to the passage, you should be_ with the customers. A. pleased B

30、. strict C. friendly D. careful C Years ago, a college teacher gave a group of graduate(毕业 ) students this job: Go to a poor place. Take 200 boys, between the ages of 12 and 16, and find out their living environment. The predict their chances for the future. After doing some research, the students f

31、ound that 90% of the boys would spend some time in jail(监狱 ). Twenty-five years later, another group of students was given the job: Go to test what the first group of students had predicted. They went back to the same place. These 200 boys had then become men. Some of them were still there, a few ha

32、d died and some had moved away. The students found that only four of them had ever been sent tot jail. These men had lived in a place full of crime(犯罪 ,罪行 )for many years. Why did the have such a good record? When the students asked the reason, the men said, “ Well, there was a teacher? The students

33、 found the teacher. What did she do to these boys? Could she give the students any reason why these boys should have remembered her? “No,” she said, “no, I really couldnt give any reason.” And then, thinking back over the years, she said happily, “I loved those boys? 58. The first group of the stude

34、nts took _ boys to help them to do their job. A. 12 B. 16 C. 90 D. 200 59. The underlined word “predict” in the passage most probably means “_” in Chinese. A. 证明 B. 预测 C.提供 D. 证明 60. Which of the following is not true? A. Four of the boys had been sent to jail. B. The 200 boys were between 12 and 16

35、 C. The woman teacher could not give any reason at last. D. The children lived I a place which was full of crime 61. Whats the main idea of this passage? A. Predicting never works B. Teachers love can change childrens life C. Two hundred boys were tested by students D. The two groups of students cou

36、ld predict the boys future D “Everything happens for the best,” my mother said whenever things werent going my way. “Dont worry, one day your luck will change.” Mother was right, as I discovered after I had finished my college education. I had decided to try for aq job in radio. One day, I wanted to

37、 host(主持 ) a sports programme. I went to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station. But I got turned down every time. In one station, a kind lady said my problem was that I hadnt got enough experience. “ Get some work with a small station and work your way up,” she said. I went back home. I c

38、ouldnt get a job there, either. Then my dad told me a businessman had opened a store and needed someone to help him. But again, I didnt get the job. I felt really down. “ Your luck will change,” Mom said to me. Dad lent me the car to help me to look for my job. I tried another radio station in Iowa.

39、 But the owner, a nice man, told me he had already had someone. As I left his office, I asked, “How can someone be a sports announcer(播音员 ) if he cant get a job in a radio station?” I was waiting for the lift when I heard the man call. “ What did you mean? Do you know anything about football?” He pu

40、t me in front of a microphone and asked me to try to imagine that I was giving my opinion on a football game, I succeeded. On my way home, Moms words came back to me, “One day your luck will change, Son. And when it happens, itll feel doubly(加倍的 ) good because of all the hard work youve had.” At tha

41、t moment I knew what just what she ment. 62. Whats the writers ideal(理想的 ) job? A. A sportsman B. A shop assistant C. A sports announcer D. A businessman 63. Why didnt the writer get the job in Chicago? A. because he was too young B. Because he didnt get college education C. Because hes got a good-l

42、ooking person D. Because he hadnt got enough experience 64.The sentence “But I got turned down every time.” Means “_” A. But I was refused every time B. But I was successful every time C. But I lost my way every time D. But the door of every station was always closed 65. Whats the best title of this

43、 passage? A. Mothers words B. Everything Happens For The Best C. No One Is Always Lucky D. To Find A Job In Radio Is Difficult 卷二 五 .词汇运用 (10) 阅读下面短文 ,请根据所给中文正确拼写单词 ,使短文完整 .每空限填一词 Dont be a couch potato. Make _66(肯定 ) that you take plenty of exercise. _67(人们 ) arent as active now as they were in the

44、 _(68)(过去 ). Its important to eat a healthy diet. Eat fresh vegetables and dont eat fast _69(食物 ) . Stay safe in the town by crossing the road _70(小心地 ). Stay safe in the countryside. When you go out walking, go _71(和 一起 )someone, or tell someone where you are _72(计划 )to go and when you will return. _73(说 ) “no” to cigarettes and drugs: Smoking and taking drugs are _74(坏的,不利的 ) for your health. If you follow these, you will live a _75(长的 ) and a healthy life. 六

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