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1、2015 年 4 月成人本科学位英语真题试卷(精选)及答案解析(总分:158.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Dialogue Communicati(总题数:3,分数:20.00)Gabby: Hi, Harry, it s great to see you again. 【D1】_ Harry: Yeah. In the past three months I traveled to many countries in Africa. Gabby:【D2】_Did you pet a rhino(犀牛)? (Laughing .)Im just kidding. Harry: Well,

2、I didn t pet a rhino, but I was once chased by a lion, and it was fun! Gabby: 【D3】_ Harry: No. Im just kidding. Gabby: You really scared me. Harry: (Laughing.)Well, I really missed the comforts of home.【D4】_A long break! A. Are you serious? B. Now I just want to take a break. C. I heard youve travel

3、ed a lot recently. D. Well, I really envy you!(分数:8.00)(1).【D1】(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).【D2】(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).【D3】(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).【D4】(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.Helen:【D5】_Do you study Chinese at the university here? Rose: Yes, I do. But my characters are very bad. Helen: 【D6】_Rose: Are you Chinese? Helen

4、: Yes, I am. I came here to study political science. Rose: 【D7】_ Helen: I like it so far. But my English still needs work. A. It takes a long time to learn Chinese writing. B. How are you doing? C. How do you like it? D. Excuse me.(分数:6.00)(1).【D5】(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).【D6】(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).【D7】(分

5、数:2.00)A.B.C.D.Jose: Pamela, can you come to a meeting on Friday? Pamela: Im not sure.【D8】_When are you having it? Jose: 【D9】_ Pamela: Let me get back to you in a few minutes. Jose: Sure. If Im not in, could you leave a message on my answering machine? Pamela: 【D10】_ A. Let me check my schedule. B.

6、Sure thing. C. I dont know. D. We re planning it around noon.(分数:6.00)(1).【D8】(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).【D9】(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).【D10】(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.二、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:5,分数:50.00)1.Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by s

7、ome questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.(分数:10.00)_When Nicholas Pave was three years old, he ate a piece of

8、cake at a party. Within seconds, his throat was aching and his nose was running. An hour later, he started throwing up. Says Nicholas now: “It was scary.“ How can one bite of one cake make someone so sick? Nicholas was having an allergic (过敏)reaction to peanut-butter(花生酱)chips in the cake. His mom q

9、uickly called the doctor and gave Nicholas some medicine. Without the medicine, he might have stopped breathing. Some people allergic to peanuts have died after eating them. People who are allergic to peanuts must avoid anything containing a peanut or its oil. Sometimes just smelling or touching pea

10、nut oil or peanut dust causes an allergic reaction. That can turn a school dining hall into a danger zone! Now some schools have decided not to take any chances. They re cracking down on peanut products to protect allergic kids. In some school dining halls, peanut-free tables are being set aside. In

11、 other schools, no one is allowed to bring any “peanutty“ foods at all. Banning peanut butter creates some sticky problems. Peanut-butter sandwiches are popular. They are a nutritious, affordable food for most families. However, there are many choices for a healthful lunch. School dining halls can p

12、rovide a wide choice of foods that are safe for all kids. They can even send home suggestions for bag lunches that don t include peanuts. People should be willing to sacrifice a particular food if it might save a child s life. All schools should ban peanuts and peanut products. Even if all schools d

13、on t ban peanuts, Ann Munoz-Furlong of the Food Allergy Network points out that teachers and students should have an emergency plan to deal with any allergy attack. Allergic kids should always wash their hands before eating and should never exchange foods with other kids. Kids should feel safe in th

14、e classroom and the dining hall.(分数:10.00)(1).After eating the cake, Nicholas had all the following symptoms EXCEPT_.(分数:2.00) aching throatB.running a feverC.a running noseD.throwing up(2).Without medicine, Nicholas might have_.(分数:2.00) a headacheB.felt sickC.stopped breathingD.gone crazy

15、(3).“Cracking down on“ (Para. 3)is closest in meaning to “_“.(分数:2.00)A.banningB.bringingC.throwing awayD.putting away(4).Which of the following best summarizes Paragraph 4?(分数:2.00)A.People can be allergic to some peanut products.B.Schools should forbid all peanut products.C.Peanut-butter sandwiche

16、s are nutritious.D.People allergic to peanuts should avoid peanut oil as well.(5).The Food Allergy Network suggests that teachers should be prepared with_.(分数:2.00)A.information about allergies for parentsB.plenty of anti-allergy medicineC.different types of emergency plan for allergy

17、 attacksDuring his life, J. S. Bach was not as popular as Beethoven and Mozart during their lifetimes. His music was considered hard to understand and even harder to play. Although Bach wrote more than 1,000 pieces of music, very few were published while he was alive. An employer originally rejected

18、 one of Bach s most famous works, the Brandenburg Concertos. Bach composed the piece in 1721 as part of a job application. He never even got a response, let alone the job he wanted. More than 100 years later, the piece was finally published. Today, you can hear orchestras all over the world playing

19、Bach s Brandenburg Concertos, which offers just one example of how public opinion of Bach has changed. Now the composer is considered one of the most brilliant minds of Western Civilization. Bach s music is very complex. During his lifetime no one could imitate him. Instead of writing just one melod

20、y(旋律)into his music, he often used two. The two melody lines are kept separate throughout the music, like two voices having a conversation. But they are also precise, like a mathematical equation set to sound. To the skilled listener, Bachs complexity adds endless depth. Bach studied hard and expect

21、ed his students to do the same. He once said, “ I was obliged to be hard-working: whoever is equally hard-working will succeed equally well.“ Bach was a very patient and kind teacher. Bach combined the notes from different instruments in a new way. More than anything, he wanted to invent. He was alw

22、ays experimenting with new patterns of music. He did not worry that others did not like his music. He just said, “If you cannot please all by your art or your work, satisfy the few. To please many is bad.“ Bach had a great influence on many of the composers who came after him.(分数:10.00)(1).Which of

23、the following is NOT true of Bachs Brandenburg Concertos?(分数:2.00)A.It is an example of how public opinion of Bach has changed.B.It is a part of an application for a job Bach never got.C.It is one of his most famous works.D.It is impossible to play and enjoy.(2).The author uses the example of “two m

24、elodies“ (Para. 2)to_.(分数:2.00) how deep and complex his music isB.explain why people today enjoy his musicC.illustrate why Bach was a good music teacherD.teach readers how to combine two songs(3).The phrase “experimenting with“ (Para. 3)is closest in meaning to “_“.(分数:2.00)A.following

25、ying outC.measuringD.changing(4).What Bach says in Paragraph 3 shows_.(分数:2.00)A.he was a rigid teacher to his studentsB.he did not care about his popularityC.what inspired him to write his musicD.why artists should please most people(5).This passage is mainly about_.(分数:2.00)A.Bach s music and how

26、he is rememberedB.Bach s life and how he composed Bach taught his studentsD.why people like Bach s musicThe exhibit “Life in Shadows-. Hidden Children and the Holocaust“ used to be on display in the early 2000s at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D. C. Now a tran

27、script and photos of some of the exhibit s displays can be found on the museum s website as an online exhibition. The exhibition reveals the stories of Jewish children who escaped the Holocaust. The Holocaust refers to the killing of 6 million Jews and others whom the Nazis (纳粹)thought to be inferio

28、r. The Nazis killed about 1.5 million Jewish children. Thousands of Jewish children, however, survived by concealing their identities or hiding out in places like cellars and barns. For example, there is a photo of a sweater worn by 8-year-old Krystyna Chiger, who hid in the sewers (下水道)for more tha

29、n a year. Visitors to the site can also view a photo of a light-blue dress worn by Sabina Kagan when she hid from the Nazi death squads (行刑队). Also in the exhibition is a photo of tiny “ toy soldiers“ Jurek Orlowski and his brother fashioned out of wood. The brothers played with the soldiers in a di

30、rty basement because they were afraid to go outside. Leon Chameides, ofWest Hartford, Connecticut, told his story of survival through several photos and an oral account he donated to the museum. When the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in 1941,Leon s father asked a priest to take care of Leon. The

31、priest sent him to a church, where Leon had to pretend to be a Christian. He changed his name and learned a new language. “ I had to pretend I was someone else,“ Leon said in the video. “That was an enormous burden to place on a 7-year-old.“(分数:10.00)(1).The children mentioned in this passage were_.

32、(分数:2.00)A.ChristianB.JewishC.killed during the HolocaustD.honored for their bravery(2).The exhibit in the museum tells us about_.(分数:2.00)A.the stories of Jews in the Second World some of the Jewish children survived the some Jewish children were tortured by the NazisD.the l

33、ife of the survivors of the Holocaust(3).Jurek Orlowski and his brother_.(分数:2.00)A.played toys with German soldiersB.hid in a dirty basementC.used to wear light-blue shirtsD.donated several photos to the museum(4).Which of the following statements is true?(分数:2.00)A.The exhibit is no longer on disp

34、lay at the museum.B.The exhibits displayed were just photos.C.The children played dangerous games before the Nazis.D.The Nazis killed about 6 million Jewish children.(5).The story of Leon Chameides tells us that he had to_.(分数:2.00)A.conceal his real identityB.hide away in a sewerC.move from place t

35、o placeD.become a ChristianFor more than 600 years people have complained that youngsters cannot write proper English anymore. Two universal truths emerge: languages are always changing, and older people always worry that the young are not taking proper care of the language. The problem is that cons

36、ervatism works differently on writing than it does on speech. Writing is more permanent, so people choose their words carefully and conservatively. It is slow and considered, so people can avoid new usages widely seen as mistakes. It is taught carefully by adults to children, which naturally has som

37、e conservative influence on the written language. And it is often edited, so a young journalist with a casual style may well be edited to a more traditional one by an older editor. Speech is different: instead of permanent, slow, considered and taught, it is impermanent, fast, and learned naturally

38、by children from their surroundings. Speech will at almost any level of language conservatismchange faster than written language. In this imperfect world, then, written language only partly reflects speech. Younger writers introduce spoken or new words or usages into their writing, annoying their el

39、ders as they do. But no one dare to be casual in spelling: English-speakers are stuck with an ancient system. Liberties with grammarmaking the written language look like the spoken one should be few and cautious. Giving the written language a little room to change, but not too much, is the only way

40、to enjoy the best of both stability and vitality. The alternative perfectly conservative writingwill make writing less and less like the language future generations will speak, and thus less relevant to writing about the world they live in.(分数:10.00)(1).It can be learned from Paragraph 1 that older

41、people worry that_.(分数:2.00)A.youngsters have too many complaintsB.spoken language is changing too fastC.their English is not as good as beforeD.youngsters are careless with language use(2).What is the main idea of the second paragraph?(分数:2.00)A.Why older people choose words more carefully.B.How ol

42、der people influence language change.C.Why writing is more conservative than speech.D.Why new usages are seen as mistakes.(3).Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?(分数:2.00)A.Writing changes as fast as speech.B.Children do not write as well as adults.C.Speech changes fas

43、ter than writing.D.Older people make fewer mistakes in speech.(4).Although casual in speech, young people_.(分数:2.00)A.are more cautious in writingB.can make themselves understood betterC.often write good not expect fast change in language(5).Which of the following will the author pr

44、obably agree with?(分数:2.00)A.New usages should be forbidden in speech.B.Language change is fine, but shouldnt be too much.C.Language change is inevitable but annoying.D.Changes in writing should keep in pace with speech.三、Vocabulary and Struc(总题数:21,分数:42.00)2.Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%)D

45、irections: In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.(分数:2.00)_3.You can_the dang

46、ers of driving by obeying traffic rules.(分数:2.00)A.realizeB.emphasizeC.recognizeD.minimize4.We looked around: there was nothing but sand_.(分数:2.00) a our view5.You shouldn t change jobs_, or people will doubt your ability to hold any job.(分数:2.00)A.consciouslyB.cur

47、iouslyC.continuouslyD.constantly6.The basketball coach asked the players to _ with their training after some instructions.(分数:2.00)A.stayB.shareC.proceedD.process7.When asked why he had been absent, little Frank_a good excuse.(分数:2.00)A.caught up withB.came up withC.put up withD.kept up with8.I am s

48、ure her decision will work well, for she has had a_for being fair and just.(分数:2.00)A.reputationB.requirementC.responsibilityD.resolution9.The question was_the electrical equipment should be installed.(分数:2.00)A.thatB.whereC.whatD.which10._it will do us harm or good remains to be seen.(分数:2.00)A.IfB.WhetherC.WhyD.How11._be careful when crossing the street!(分数:2.00)A.MustB.ShouldC.Ought toD.Do12.They couldn t eat in a restaurant because_of them had any money on them.(分数:2.00)A.allB.anyC.noneD.some13._, they co

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