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1、BEC 剑桥商务英语(中级)7 及答案解析(总分:12.97,做题时间:149 分钟)一、PART 1 READING (6(总题数:1,分数:1.00)A Everybody in the US seems to be thinking about Halloween just now. For most people, it centers around their children and the annual trick-or-treat festivities. However, for a growing number of Americans, Halloween is also

2、 celebrated at the office. Thats a good thing for the business as well as the employees. Here is a plan that you can start today that will let you and your employees reap the benefits of Halloween at the Office. B You can use Halloween at the Office to build morale and teamwork. At the same time it

3、can help you spot creative and participative talents among your employees. Your people have a little fun in the office, which builds morale. Groups of employees work together on fun projects, which helps build teamwork. Employees from different departments share a common activity, which improves com

4、munication and inter-departmental cooperation. You get to identify the people in your organization with hidden talents, skills like creativity, team leadership, and cooperation, in a non-hierarchical setting. C Even if you havent yet started, its not too late. Find, or appoint, a volunteer to coordi

5、nate the activities. Human Resources and Communications are good places to find this type of individual, but it can be anyone. Decide what the event will include, when and where it will take place, and set a budget for the event. Then get the word out. Use whatever employee communications methods yo

6、u have to announce the Halloween at the Office event. D Halloween Party: Usually this works best at lunch time. Set it up in the company cafeteria or lunch room if you have one. Get facilities to put up decorations, which you can purchase. Make sure everything is fireproof. The party can be as simpl

7、e or as extensive as time and your budget allow, from a buffet lunch to punch and cookies. Having a party increases the time that employees from different departments will interact and provides a venue for judging a costume contest if you have one. 0. A Halloween party is a good method to make emplo

8、yees together. (D) (分数:0.98)(1).Halloween in office(分数:0.14)A.B.C.D.(2).The purpose of celebrating Halloween at office(分数:0.14)A.B.C.D.(3).The plan for a Halloween celebration(分数:0.14)A.B.C.D.(4).Through the Halloween celebration, you get to know more about your employees(分数:0.14)A.B.C.D.(5).The bes

9、t time for a Halloween party is at lunch time(分数:0.14)A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.(6).A volunteer is needed to organize the event(分数:0.14)A.B.C.D.(7).Traditional trick-or-treat festivities of Halloween(分数:0.14)A.B.C.D.二、SECTION 2 (Questions(总题数:1,分数:1.00)WHO WILL BE B2B NO.l? Oracle Corp., a leader in the compu

10、ter database market, is muscling into the area of business-to-business e-commerce (B2B company, which is selling ways for companies to make or save money by using the Internet). The company is banking that the next best thing on the Web will be virtual marketplacesopen markets on the Web where compa

11、nies can trade goods at lower prices and share information. It could be a good bet. By 2002, around 70 percent of buyers and sellers will sell their widgets using Internet-based marketplaces, and the still-nascent market should be worth $2.7 trillion by 2004. Moneyed Markets The move into B2B doesnt

12、 appear to signal problems with Oracles existing businesses. The firm reported fiscal third-quarter earnings of 17 cents a share on Tuesday, beating by a wide margin the expectations of Wall Street analysis who anticipated 13 cents a share earnings for the quarter. (0) On March 8, for instance, the

13、company announced plans to join with petrochemical company Chevron and a division of Wal-Mart Stores to create an online marketplace for the fragmented convenience store industry, which is made up of a few large players and many thousands of mom and pop stores. (8). The first, with Commerce One, a c

14、ompeting e-commerce company, will be an auto-parts exchange for General Motors, Ford and Daimler Chrysler. The second deal, with Sears and French retailer Carrefour, will focus on the $80 billion in supply chain purchases that Sears and Carrefour make from their 50, 000 suppliers. From Plane to Chal

15、nsaws More marketplaces are on the drawing board, according to an Oracle spokesman. (9) Each exchange will be an online electronic trading community where buyers and suppliers can do business and exchange information. They will also help companies to manage their inventories more efficiently, believ

16、es Lou Unkeless, Oracles marketing director. “So if there is a major snow storm in the Northeast users can anticipate demand for more snow shovels and make sure they are in the stores a day or two in advance, “ he explained. Thats a lot of business for Oracle, which plans to take a cut on every tran

17、saction that passes through those marketplaces. The company hasnt yet decided how it will charge businesses for using its exchange. (10). Online Opponents (11) Oracle is in a good position when it comes to providing end-to-end solutions. But when it comes to building marketplaces the company is play

18、ing catch-up. Other online competition could eat into those profits. “Nimbler Web companies are already on track to dominate the space, “ says Roskill, a B2B e-commerce researcher. (12). “Can a little dot-com start-up provide service and privacy like this?“ asks Unkeless. But an Ariba (a dot-com com

19、pany) spokesperson retorted: “We have a $30 billion valuation and were 100 percent focused on business-to-business.“ But its still early days when it comes to business-to-business on the Web, says Roskill, who added, “Were still in the first inning of the first game of the World Series.“ A. But befo

20、re the money starts rolling in there are some hurdles to cross. B. As many as 10 will be up and running by May, serving major marketplaces like aerospace and forestry. C. Not surprisingly, Oracle doubts the strength of the competition. D. Meanwhile, Oracle is signing deals aplenty in hopes of breaki

21、ng into the lucrative e-commerce business. E. By using the Internet, B2Bs could help some other companies reduce their corporate expenses by 19% in the next 10 years. F. “It depends on the value and size of each transaction, “ says Unkeless. G. The company unveiled two similar deals in late February

22、. EXAMPLE:The correct answer for blank (0) is D. (分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.E.F.G.A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D.E.F.A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D.三、SECTION 3 (Question(总题数:1,分数:1.00)ON ADVERTISEMENT Money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any I know of. It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonabl

23、e prices, thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices. By drawing attention to new ideas it helps enormously to raise standards of living. By helping to increase demand it ensures an increased need for labor, and is therefore an effec

24、tive way to fight unemployment. It lowers the costs of many services: without advertisements your daily newspaper would cost four times as much, the price of your television license would need to be doubled, and travel by bus or tube would cost percent more. And perhaps most important of all, advert

25、ising provides a guarantee of reasonable value in the products and services you buy. Apart from the fact that twenty-seven Acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements. He might fool some p

26、eople for a little while through misleading advertising. He will not do so for long, for mercifully the public has the good sense not to buy the inferior article more than once. If you see an article consistently advertised, it is the surest proof I know that the article does what is claimed for it,

27、 and that it represents good value. Advertising does more for the material benefit of the community than any other force I can think of. There is one more point I feel I ought to touch on. Recently I heard a well-known television personality declare that he was against advertising because it persuad

28、es rather than informs. He was drawing excessively fine distinctions. Of course advertising seeks to persuade. If its message were confined merely to informationand that in itself would be difficult if not impossible to achieve, for even a detail such as the choice of the color of a shirt is subtly

29、persuasiveadvertising would be so boring that no one would pay any attention. But perhaps that is what the well-known television personality wants. (分数:1.02)(1).By the first sentence of the passage the author means that_(分数:0.17)A.he is fairly familiar with the cost of advertisingB.everybody knows w

30、ell that advertising is money consumingC.advertising costs money like everything is worthwhile to spend money on advertising(2).The phrase “live up to“ in Line 4, Paragraph 2 can be replaced by_(分数:0.17)A.surviveB.complementC.agree withD.carry on(3).In the passage, which of the following is

31、 NOT included in the advantages of advertising?(分数:0.17)A.Securing greater fameB.Providing more jobsC.Enhancing living standardsD.Reducing newspaper cost.(4).The author deems that the well-known TV personality is_(分数:0.17)A.very precise in passing his judgment on advertisingB.interested in nothing b

32、ut the buyers attentionC.correct in telling the difference between persuasion and informationD.obviously partial in his views on advertising(5).In the authors opinion_(分数:0.17)A.advertising can seldom bring material benefit to man by providing informationB.advertising informs people of new ideas rat

33、her than wins them overC.there is nothing wrong with advertising in persuading the buyerD.the buyer is not interested in getting information from an advertisement(6).The passage most probably is_(分数:0.17) official documentB.a news advertisementD.a comment四、SECTION 4 (Question(总题数:1,分数:

34、1.00)A Critical Concern in Merger and Acquisition Strategies Mergers and acquisitions as (0) strategies are once again in vogue. This business drama seems to be (19) by recent highly visible mergers between rich and famous players. Even speculation around a low ball offer by Comcast to acquire Disne

35、y seems to excite global (20) in corporate marriages. However, like all such (21), long-term success is rarely accomplished by a mere combination of cool stuff and know-how. In the midst of all the hype, a well documented fact is that most merger and acquisition activity rarely (22) the highly antic

36、ipated cooperation between companies. Throughout a merger or acquisition, people in an acquired company often (23) that they dont know what is happening, express fear about (24) their jobs, and feel demoralized as to the future of their contributions. Failed mergers that otherwise have a (25) strate

37、gic and financial fit are typically the (26) of the irretrievable loss of intangible, messy-to-measure, and difficult-to-implement human (27) on which the companys tangible assets ultimately (28). Traditional integration practices have been (29) around consolidating key resources, financial and phys

38、ical assets, (30) names, and tradable endowments. The most forward-thinking integration strategies also capture key pieces of elusive core competencies, such as a/an (31)s best practices, skills, knowledge bases, and routines. (32) excluded are critical root strategic assets, which can make or break

39、 a union that is otherwise “made in heaven.“ These root strategic assets (33) collaborative leadership, cultural cohesion and talent retention. A. downsize B. employment C. increase D. growth EXAMPLE:The correct answer for blank (0) is D. (分数:1.05)A.fueledB.replacedC.producedD.directedA.costB.intere


41、onductedD.usedA.markB.brandC.symbolD.productA.organizationB.governmentC.branchD.officeA.onlyB.typicallyC.roughlyD.nearlyA.holdB.produceC.includeD.bring五、SECTION 5 (Question(总题数:1,分数:1.00)Ethics and Mission Statements 0. As business emerged from the profit-oriented 1980s, values and social CORRECT 00

42、. responsibilities were being emphasized on in corporate mission statements. ON 34. Because Greed was out, and ethics were in. Businesses and their employees 35. became actively engaged in less activities that contributed to their communities. 36. To spell out their goals, companies were increasingl

43、y developed codes of ethics. 37. Mission statements that were written because they required consensus and 38. commitment. Not everyone who, however, agreed with the trend toward the 39. strong social stances of some public corporations. Respected economist Milton 40. Friedman contended, “Many Few tr

44、ends could so thoroughly undermine the very 41. foundation of our free society as the acceptance by corporate officials of a social 42. responsibility other than to make as much more money for their stockholders as 43. possible.“ The CEO of Levi Strauss ? Telling them to think about their own ideas

45、about packaging ? Explaining why it is important ? Saying when is the discussion ? Write 4050 words on a separate sheet. (分数:-1.00)_七、PART 2 WRITING (4(总题数:1,分数:1.00)2.? You are the owner of a clothing factory. A customer has sent you a letter summarizing a recent negotiation. You have written some

46、notes on the letter. ? Use the information in the letter to write a reply to the buyer. ? Write 120140 words on a separate sheet. (分数:1.00)_八、SECTION 2(总题数:1,分数:1.00)Conversation ? Look at the note below. ? You will hear a man calling to his secretary. Message Date: 1st April Time: 9:45 Item: buying

47、 【1】 Purpose: 10 for meeting room, 【2】 for the office Total money: 【3】 Deadline for purchasing: before 【4】, April (分数:1.00)填空项 1:_A.B.C.D.填空项 1:_填空项 1:_九、PART 3 LISTENING (3(总题数:3,分数:3.00)A. complain about job interference B. design a package of a product C. review a contract D. work on a TV adverti

48、sement E. produce a new soap F. present a yearly projection G. present an operation budget H. talk about profits (分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.E.F.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.A. an official B. a marketing researcher C. a health products exporter D. an agent for textiles E. a trader for livestock and poultry F. a clothing maker G. a companys receptionist H. a board member (分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.E.A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.A.B.C.D.A. a finance director B. an office clerk C. a personnel manager D. a production manager E. a salesman F. a worker G. a machine operator H. a mark

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