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1、成人本科学位英语模拟题八 2016 年及答案解析(总分:75.00,做题时间:120 分钟)一、Dialogue Communicati(总题数:15,分数:15.00)1.Mary: Your little boy has done a good job at school. Eva:_ (分数:1.00)A.Yes, you are very kind.B.No, you are too polite.C.Thanks, but you are exaggerating.D.Yes, I m proud of him.2.W : What is all this glass doing o

2、n the floor? M:_ (分数:1.00)A.Look at the window and you ll see.B.I ll clean it.C.I 11 call the repair man.D.Can t you find out?3.W: I m taking the train downtown to go shopping. M:_ (分数:1.00)A.Well, you d better keep an eye on your wallet.B.Why don t you stay at home and watch your baby?C.By the way,

3、 what about your plan to visit your parents?D.Take the train? Youre a fool.4.Client: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Turner? Secretary :_ (分数:1.00)A.I m sorry. He s at a meeting now.B.I am. Speak, please.C.Hello. Who re you, please?D.Hello. Thank you for calling.5.Speaker A: You are washing your car even

4、on vacation. It makes me feel guilty. Speaker B:_ (分数:1.00)A.Though I m washing my car on vacation, I was still criticized by my wife being lazy.B.Never mind. Everyone does.C.You shouldn t. It s just that I have nothing better to do at the moment.D.Well, I m afraid I can t do better than this.6.Jack

5、: Hey, how are you, Susie? We havent seen each other must be close to three years. Susie:_ Jack: OK. (分数:1.00)A.How do you do?B.Nice to meet you.C.Fancy meeting you here.D.Well. How have you been?7.Speaker A: Can you come down a little for this watch? Speaker B :_ (分数:1.00)A.Yes, we would lik

6、e to do so.B.Sorry, but we go strictly by the price tag.C.No, but you may try again.D.Sure. We 11 come to the first floor as soon as possible.8.Kate: Do you mind opening the door for me? Bob:_ (分数:1.00)A.Yes, I 11 do it.B.It s nothing.C.That s all right.D.Not at all.9.Desk Clerk: Good afternoon, Hol

7、iday Inn. Customer: Hello, I d like to book a double room for the nights of 23rd and 24th please. Desk Clerk:_ (分数:1.00)A.What s the matter?B.What can I do for you ?C.Just a minute, please.D.Can I help you?10.Speaker A: Would you care for another helping(还要再吃点东西吗) ? Speaker B :_ (分数:1.00)A.I have he

8、lped enough.B.No more help is needed.C.No, thanks, I m quite full.D.Please pass me the helping.11.-How s your brother these days? -He hasn t been very well just recently. -_. What s the matter? -I think he s been overworking. (分数:1.00)A.I 11 be pleased to hear you ask after himB.I m sorry to hear th

9、atC.That s not too badD.I 11 tell him what you said12.Speaker A: I m not at all satisfied with the service. Speaker B :_ (分数:1.00)A.Nobody has complained like that before.B.I sincerely apologize for that.C.I wonder why you are satisfied with it.D.It s not our fault as there are too many customers.13

10、.Passer-by:_ Local resident: Sure. It s on Ehn Street: between Eleventh and Twelfth Avenue. Passer-by: Thank you. (分数:1.00)A.Help please. Could you tell me where the post office is?B.Sorry, where is the post office, please?C.Trouble you. Could you please tell me where the post office is?D.Excuse me.

11、 Do you know where the post office is?14.Speaker A : That s very kind of you to do so. Speaker B :_ (分数:1.00)A.That s all right, I m pleased to meet you.B.As you are our important guest.C.I m pleased to be at your service.D.It s no trouble at all.15.Wilson: Hello. May I speak to Peter? Peter:_ (分数:1

12、.00)A.Sorry, the number is engaged. Will you hold?B.Yes, speaking.C.Hello. Who re you please?D.Hello. Thank you for calling.二、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:3,分数:30.00)In sport the sexes are separate. Women and men do not run or swim in the same races.Women are less strong than men. That at least is what

13、people say. Women are called“ the weaker sex“ ,or, if men want to please them, “the fair sex“. But boys and girls are taught together at schools and universities. There are women who are famous Prime Ministers, scientists and writers. And women live longer than men. A European woman can expect to li

14、ve until the age of 74, a man only until he is 68. Are women s bodies really weaker? The fastest men can run a mile in 4 minutes. The best women need 4.5 minutes. Women s speeds are always slower than men s, but some facts are surprising. Some of the fastest women swimmers today are teenage girls. O

15、ne of them swam 400 metres in 4 minutes 21.2 seconds when she was only 16. The first“ Tarzan“ in films was an Olympic swimmer, Johnny Weissmuller. His fastest 400 metres was 4 minutes 59.1 seconds, which is 37.9 seconds slower than a girl50 years later !This does not mean that women are catching men

16、 up. Conditions are very different now, and sport is much more serious. It is so serious that some women athletes are given hormone(荷尔蒙)injections. At the Olympics a doctor has to check whether the women athletes are really women or not. It seems sad that sport has such problem. Life can be very com

17、plicated when there are two separate sexes ! (分数:10.00)(1).Women are called “the weaker sex“ because_. (分数:2.00)A.women do as much work as menB.people think women are weaker than is easier for men than for sport the two sexes are always together(2).Which of the following is true

18、? (分数:2.00)A.Boys and girls study separately everywhere.B.Women do not run or swim in races with men.C.Famous Prime Ministers are women.D.Men can expect to live longer than women in Europe.(3).“That at least is what people say. “ means people_. (分数:2.00)A.say other things tooB.don t say this muchC.s

19、ay this but may not think soD.only think this(4).What problems does sport have? (分数:2.00)A.Some women athletes are actually men.B.Some women athletes are given hormone injections.C.Women and men do not mn or swim in the same races.D.It is difficult to check whether women athletes are really women.(5

20、).In this passage the author implies that_ . (分数:2.00)A.women are weaker than men, but fasterB.women are slower than men, but are not always stronger and faster than are faster and stronger than womenWhat do we mean by a satisfactory standard of living? Obviously, it must in

21、clude the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing and shelter. To get these necessities on regular basis,a person must have a reliable income. But we have other needs which would probably also be in-cluded as basic, such as health and education facilities. We may think of all of these as ou

22、r needs. Yet most of us would be far from satisfied if we had nothing more than these which are supplied for us. We all enjoy extra income to spend on things like books, sports or hobbies. Sometimes we save some of this extra income to pay for future expense of this type on holidays. So we must add

23、our wants to our basic needs. Our standard of liv-ing is the degree, to which these needs and wants are satisfied. But as time goes on, what we think of as our basic needs changes. Twenty years ago a televi-sion would have been a luxury, and still is in many countries now. Even now we cannot say it

24、is a need in the same sense as food, clothing and shelter. Yet if most of the people of a country have one, it comes to be accepted as a need. It is possible therefore to have food, clothing and shelter and still be poor by the standards of our own society. (分数:10.00)(1).What we need in life is divi

25、ded into_ according to this article. (分数:2.00)A.the basic necessities and luxuryB.many kinds of need such as food, clothing and housesC.four groups the basic necessities, luxury, reliable income and future expenseD.the basic necessities and reliable income(2).A person who gets the basic necessities

26、must _according to the writer. (分数:2.00)A.have a reliable incomeB.learn how to please his managerC.finish his work ahead the timeD.get a good education(3).We all enjoy_. (分数:2.00)A.having only reliable incomeB.having reliable income and extra incomeC.having nothing more than food and clothingD.havin

27、g nothing more than reliable income(4).With time going on,_. (分数:2.00)A.a luxury may change into a need which most people want to getB.the basic needs are getting smaller and smallerC.a luxury and the basic needs can be exchangedD.the basic needs can be changed into a luxury(5).If most of the people

28、 of a country have a television, we_. (分数:2.00)A.can say the television is a need in the same sense as food and clothing and shelterB.can say the television must be in the basic necessitiesC.cannot say the television is in the basic necessitiesD.can say every family must have oneIncreasingly, over t

29、he past ten years, people-especially young people-have become aware of the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food they eat, particularly processed food, is not good for the health. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in natural foods. Foods which do not contain chem

30、ical additives (添加剂) and which have not been affected by chemical fertilizers, widely used in farming today. Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil that is rich in organic ( 有机的 ) matter. In simple terms, this means that the soil has been nourished

31、by unused vegetable matter, which provides it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a natural process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of which is to increase the amount-but not the quality-of foods grown in commercial farming areas. Natural food

32、s also include animals which have been allowed to feed and move freely in healthy pastures(牧场). Compare this with what happens in the mass production of poultry: there are farms, for example, where thousands of chickens live crowded together in one building and are fed on food which is little better

33、 than rubbish. Chickens kept in this way are not only tasteless as food, they also lay eggs which lack important vitamins. There are other aspects of healthy eating which are now receiving increasing attention from ex-perts on diet. Take, for example, the question of sugar. This is actually a non-es

34、sential food! Al-though a natural alternative, such as honey, can be used to sweeten food if it is necessary, we can in fact do without it. It is not that sugar is harmful in itself. But it does seem to be addictive: the quantity we use has grown steadily over the last two centuries and in Britain t

35、oday each person con-sumes an average of 200 pounds a year! Yet all it does is to provide us with energy, in the form of calories. There are no vitamins in it, no minerals and no fiber. It is significant that nowadays fiber is considered to be an important part of a healthy di-et. In white bread, fo

36、r example, the fiber has been removed. But it is present in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables. It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet con-tains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. Hence the emphasis is pl

37、aced on the eating of whole meal bread and more vegetables by modern ex-perts on “healthy eating“. (分数:10.00)(1).People have become more interested in natural foods because_. (分数:2.00)A.they are more health consciousB.they want to taste all kinds of foodsC.natural foods are more delicious than proce

38、ssed foodsD.they want to return to nature(2).Soil that is rich in organic matters_. (分数:2.00)A.has had chemicals and fertilizers added to itB.contains vegetable matter that has not been consumedC.has been nourished by fertilizersD.already contains large quantities of vitamins and minerals(3).Chicken

39、s raised in poultry farms are all of the following EXCEPT that_. (分数:2.00)A.they are fed on food which is little better than garbageB.they live in very crowded conditionC.the eggs they lay lack vitaminsD.they are allowed to move about and eat freely(4).According to the passage,_. (分数:2.00)A.people n

40、eed sugar to give them energyB.sugar is bad for the healthC.the use of sugar is habit formingD.sugar only sweetens food, but provides us with nothing useful(5).The best title for this passage is_. (分数:2.00)A.People s Growing Interest in Natural FoodsB.Natural Foods and Healthy DietC.Harmful Effects

41、of SugarD.The Importance of Fiber in Foods三、Vocabulary and Struc(总题数:30,分数:30.00)16.According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longest life_. (分数:1.00)A.scopeB.rankC.spanD.scale17.A season ticket _the holder to make as many journeys as he wished within the stated peri

42、od of time. (分数:1.00)A.grantsB.promisesC.entitlesD.presents18.Fruit is rich _vitamins. (分数:1.00)A.withB.inC.atD.of19.Purchasing the new production line will he a _deal for the company. (分数:1.00)A.profitableB.tremendousC.forcefulD.favorite20.We hadn t met for 20 years, but I recognized her _I saw her

43、. (分数:1.00)A.for the momentB.the moment the moment whenD.the moment21.Fifty years ago, wealthy people liked hunting wild animals for fun _sightseeing. (分数:1.00)A.than to goB.rather than to goC.more than goingD.other than going22.The Prime Minister refused to comment on the rumor that he had

44、 planned to_. (分数:1.00)A.dischargeB.dismissC.resignD.resume23.She _the temptation to buy a coat she could not afford. (分数:1.00)A.challengedB.obstructedC.contradictedD.resisted24.I feel sure that_ qualification, ability and experience, you are abundantly suited to the position we have in mind. (分数:1.

45、00) case terms the opinion the course of25.Paper making in China_ from there to North Africa and Europe. (分数:1.00)A.sprangB.spilledC.carriedD.spread26.They spent all their spare time _their spare money, on their experiments. (分数:1.00) much well long

46、soon as27.The story was said to have been based on the information from a reliable_. (分数:1.00)A.sourceB.foundationC.originD.basis28.It seems very difficult_. (分数:1.00) stop the child to cryB.restraining the child to stop the child flora cryingD.holding the child s crying29.The purpose of

47、 this test is to measure students_to learn instead of their present achievements. (分数:1.00)A.capacityB.attitudeC.confidenceD.determination30.The birth rate in a city_ to fall as its gross domestic product (GDP) rises steadily, (分数:1.00)A.estimatesB.anticipatesC.assumesD.tends31.He said there was not

48、hing to be_. (分数:1.00)A.ashamedB.ashamed inC.ashamed ofD.ashamed at32.Sometimes children have trouble _fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist. (分数:1.00) separateB.separatingC.for separatingD.of separating33.Many a delegate was in favor of his proposal that a special committee _to investigate the incident. (分数:1.00)A.were set upB.was set set upD.set up34.Eye contact is important because w

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