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1、大学六级-703 及答案解析(总分:712.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1./r/n /r/n Country/r/n CNP per head/r/n (2005,$) /r/n /r/n Daily calorie /r/n suppy per head/r/n /r/n Life expectancy/r/n at birth (years) /r/n Infant mortality rates per 1000 live births /r/n /r/n /r/n Bangladesh/r/n 462/r/n 1922/r

2、/n 52/r/n 63/r/n /r/n /r/n Bolivia/r/n 2458/r/n 2107/r/n 67/r/n 48/r/n /r/n /r/n Egypt/r/n 3323/r/n 2946/r/n 68/r/n 40/r/n /r/n /r/n Indonesia/r/n 3117/r/n 2314/r/n 65/r/n 31/r/n /r/n /r/n U.S.A./r/n 18779/r/n 3781/r/n 79/r/n 11/r/n /r/n(分数:106.00)_二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:1,分数:70.00)Happy Earth Day

3、The Good NewsHeres the good news: our air is cleaner, our lakes are purer, our forests are healthier, endangered species are recovering, toxic emissions are down, and acid rain has diminished dramatically. And yet, if youve looked at a newspaper or watched the evening news lately, you might think ou

4、r environment is under siege (围攻). Media Coverage of the environment is heavy on doomsday, but the truth is not at all bleak: nearly all environmental trends in the United States are positive and have been for yearsif not decades.Eco-legislation, green organizations, corporate cooperation and new in

5、ventions have all quietly steered our environment in a positive direction. We cant afford to be complacent (自满的), thoughespecially when it comes to greenhouse gases, since global warming is the one huge problem we havent really tackled. But almost every measure taken by government agencies and grass

6、-roots efforts to improve the environment has shown encouraging resultsusually faster than expected end at a lower cost. Now thats good news.Scientists and environmentalists think that even the worrisome fact of global Warming can be ameliorated (改善). There is a strong scientific consensus that the

7、global warming threat requires action, but if current environmental trends persist and the reduction of most pollutants continues to be accomplished faster and more cheaply than expected, we may be able to control and reduce greenhouse gases in both affordable and practical ways.Consider some of the

8、 environmental improvements the United States has witnessed over the last three decades.Improved Air QualityTake a nice, big cleansing breath. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, emissions of. the primary smog-causing chemicals from cars and trucks have declined 54 percent since 1970,

9、even though the number of registered cars and trucks has more than doubled, from 108,407,000 to 230,428,000, and they are now driven one and a half times as far annually.Keep breathing, because the fine particulates linked to respiratory disease, including those sometimes seen as soot(煤烟), are down

10、by about one-third since 1979 (though fewer cities were surveyed back then). The level of carbon monoxide, a dangerous odorless gas, is down 53 percent since 1970. And emissions of sulfur dioxide, often the major culprit behind acid rain, are down 49 percent since 1970, despite the fact that the Uni

11、ted States now bums far more coal, the main source of this pollutant.These improvements have translated into better air quality for millions of Americans. Between 1976 and 1990, the Los Angeles area averaged some 150 days per year in violation of federal smog standards; in 2004, that figure dropped

12、to just 27 violation days, the fewest ever for that city.And, in case you are wondering, federal standards have become stricter, not weaker, during this period. Of course, there is more to be done27 smog days in Los Angeles are still 27 too many, and Atlanta, Houston and other cities continue to exp

13、erience air-pollution problems. But overall, air-quality trends are strongly positive. Now, exhale.Better Water QualityOther environmental trends are equally encouraging. Water quality has improved, too, and rates of waterborne disease are also in decline. Its hard to believe, but just a generation

14、ago, factories and municipal plants actually discharged untreated wastewater directly into rivers; today, though some raw sewage often makes it to waterways, almost all wastewater in the United States is treated before discharge.Even our largest metropolises have seen dramatic changes in their water

15、ways. Remember when the filthy condition of Boston Harbor became a contentious issue in the 1988 presidential campaign? Today, Boston Harbor is sparkling again. The Potomac River, which in the 1960s literally gave off a stench (恶臭), now boasts a thriving waterfront restaurant scene. And the Chicago

16、River, a virtual open sewer in the 1960s, now hosts charming dinner cruises.Innovation Goes GreenInvention has always been an important force in American history. When major reductions in automobile pollution were first mandated by the Clean Air Act of 1970, automakers either called the goals imposs

17、ible or claimed that cars would become ruinously expensive. Then the catalytic converter was invented. This device reduces the level of many pollutants from automobile exhaust both cheaply and reliably.Today, it is estimated that new cars and light trucks emit just 3 to 4 percent of the amount of po

18、llution that a new car would have emitted in 1968, before regulation; soon cars emitting less than 1 percent could be seen driving around your neighborhood.Other inventions, such as an enormous device known as the electrostatic precipitator, have reduced severe emissions from power-plant smokestacks

19、, eliminated toxic substances from manufacturing processes, and replaced CFCs. the chemicals that cause ozone-layer depletion, with other more benign compounds. And by the way, the ozone layer appears to be restoring itself.Legislation in ActionGovernment regulation has also been an important force

20、in the drive to protect the environment. The mason the catalytic converter and other antipollution devices were invented in the first place is because the government required big reductions in pollution, via the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act and other legislation. Some environmental regulation may

21、be too cumbersome (麻烦的) and needs to be streamlined-standards can vary wildly between regionsbut there isnt any doubt that environmental regulation actually works.Citizens for ChangeIndividual activism has been another important factor in the amazing progress we have seen in our natural world Withou

22、t the continued pressure from environmentalists, antipollution legislation would not have been enacted, and many pollution-reducing devices would not have been invented. Grass-routs organizations have been particularly essential to the ongoing creation and maintenance of new parks, wildlife refuges

23、and protected forests.Corporations Clean UpBusinesses that once resisted environmental rules now generally comply. When companies started losing lawsuits regarding their chemical emissions, the idea of toxic reduction became rather popular in corporate boardrooms. But many corporations today seem to

24、 have genuinely come to believe that environmental protection is good for the country, good for the economy and, therefore, good for business. Getting a head start on the future, several big manufacturers, such as Alcoa, Boeing and Whirlpool, have already taken steps to reduce their companies greenh

25、ouse gas emissions.Alcoa, for example, has initiated a plan to use improved technology to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent by 2010. The company also has extensive tree-planting programs near many of its operations and service areas, and Alcoa helps fund environmental nonprofits. Boeing

26、 and Whirlpool, meanwhile, are working to meet emissions reduction targets even though no federal law yet requires this.Business leaders, environmentalists, regulators and inventors are working toward the same goal. Thats certainly an odd mix-not clearly Republican or Democratic, nut clearly left-wi

27、ng or right-wing. And maybe thats the biggest reason you rarely hear about environmental progress. Current trends do not fit any preconceived (预想的) ideological notions. The political left wants to believe that industry is destroying the planet, and refuses to consider the evidence that business and

28、the environment are making peace. The political right wants to believe that regulations are destroying the country, and refuses to consider the evidence that the longest period of economic expansion in American history occurred during the very period when pollution was in the midst Of its big declin

29、e. However, todays realityan improving environment without economic harm does not fit with anyones scare-tactic fund-raising or cheap-shot political campaigns.Miles to GoDo the positive trends mean that environmental protection is no longer a concern? Absolutely not. Many problems remain, among them

30、 the loss of wildlife habitat in suburban expansion areas, chemical runoff from nearly unrestricted agriculture, and low miles-per-gallon SUVs, which cause waste by burning excessive gas. Beyond these setbacks stands the specter (幽灵) of artificially triggered climate change. Global warming may be th

31、e Super Bowl of environmental problems, since it could impact all of Earth.But just bear this in mind: in every place where nations have imposed strict environmental standards, negative trends turned to positive very quickly. Earth, after all, has proved throughout the eons (万古) to be nothing if not

32、 resilient (能复原的) . This gives us good reason to hope that if we act to solve the environmental problems that still remain, we will achieve rapid progress against them too. Now thats a reason to say Happy Earth Day!(分数:70.00)(1).What is the one huge problem that we havent really solved?(分数:7.00)A.Gl

33、obal warming.B.Acid rni9.C.Toxic emission.D.Environment.(2).Scientists and environmentalists think that global warming can be _.(分数:7.00)A.continuedB.improvedC.controlledD.reduced(3).Which year is the fewest in violation of federal smog standards in Los Angeles?(分数:7.00)A.1976B.1979C.1990D.2004(4).W

34、hich of the following provides dinner cruises now?(分数:7.00)A.The Potomac RiverB.Boston HarborC.The Chicago RiverD.The Mississippi River(5).The electrostatic precipitator has got rid of _ from manufacturing processes.(分数:7.00)A.severe emissionsB.ozone-layer depletionC.many pollutantsD.toxic substance

35、s(6).There is no doubt that environmental regulation _.(分数:7.00) cumbersomeB.produces an effectC.varies wildlyD.needs to be streamlined(7).Antipollution legislations have been enacted thanks to the continued pressure from _.(分数:7.00)A.grass-roots organizationsB.individual activismC.environmental

36、istsD.environmental regulation(8).When companies started losing lawsuits regarding their chemical emissions, the idea of toxic reduction became rather popular in _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(9).Boeing and Whirlpool, meanwhile, are working to meet emissions reduction targets even though _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(10).

37、This gives us good reason to hope that if we act to solve the environmental problems that still remain, we will _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_三、Part Listening Com(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Section A(总题数:3,分数:105.00)Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:56.00)A.1:50.B.1:55.C.2:00.D.2:05.

38、A.The photograph is not good enough to send.B.The photograph was not taken at the Grand Canyon.C.They already sent Mary a photograph of their vacation.D.Sending pictures through the mail is too expensive.A.She should have asked to be excused from the trip.B.She deserves the zero.C.She is right to be

39、 angry.D.She should have gone on the field trip.A.He wants to live off campus.B.There are advantages and disadvantages to living off campus.C.Living space in the dorm is crowded.D.There are only a few apartments available off campus.A.Turn down the volume of the music.B.Turn the music off.C.Play a d

40、ifferent style of music.D.Listen to music in a different room.A.Move some boxes.B.Read history books.C.Attend history classes.D.Watch the boxing game.A.Cancel their assignment.B.Allow them to hand in their assignment a few days later.C.Help them to write part of the assignment.D.Explain to them what

41、 the assignment was.A.He should have read the b6ok instead of going to the movie.B.He should have gone to the movie instead of reading the book.C.Reading the book will help the man understand the movie better.D.She thinks the book is easier to understand than the movie.Questions 19 to 21 are based o

42、n the conversation you have just heard.(分数:21.00)A.Apply immediately with any credit card.B.Fill out the membership application form.C.Pay a membership fee.D.Buy certain items in the store.A.It bills the customer once a month.B.Its a kind of ATM cards.C.Its a kind of credit cards.D.It takes out the

43、money from the customers bank account.A.In a grocery store.B.In a bank.C.In a book store.D.In a post office.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:28.00)A.Its next to Pueblo.B.Its in the southwest of the U.S.C.Its a city of India.D.Its outside the city Pueblo.A.Ston

44、e jewelry.B.Beautiful stone:C.Arts and crafts.D.Amazing paintings.A.Taos Pueblo.B.Apache.C.Navajo.D.Ute.A.For almost a thousand years.B.For a few decades.C.For a century.D.For several years.五、Section B(总题数:3,分数:70.00)passage oneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:21.0

45、0)A.People can use nearly 75 percent of it.B.People can use about 97 percent of it.C.People can use exactly 3 percent of it.D.People can use less than 3 percent of it.A.We can invent ways of increasing rainfall.B.We can develop ways of reusing water and utilizing sea water,C.We can cut down our cons

46、umption of water.D.We can reduce the number of factories producing steel.A.By filtering sea water.B.By treating sea water with chemicals.C.By taking salt out of sea water.D.By drying up sea water.passage twoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:21.00)A.Words and phrases

47、.B.Culture.C.Individuals.D.Misunderstanding.A.Understand what their staff are feeling by understanding their body language.B.Learn more the cultural background of their staff through their body language.C.Create good working conditions by using proper body language.D.Spend a lot of time in studying

48、body language.A.It stands for hostility.B.It is not normal.C.It is an invasion of space.D.It means intimacy between two people.passage threeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:28.00)A.Listening to different styles of conversations.B.Listening to the content of differe

49、nt conversations.C.Listening to bow salesmen talk to different people.D.Listening to conversations in public.A.Word games about states and their capitals.B.Language games.C.Games concerning history.D.Guessing games.A.Bonks they had read.B.Places they had been to.C.Histories and things they remembered.D.The fun they got from rending.A.Because the conversation was so interesting,B.Because t

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