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本文(大学三级(B)分类模拟48及答案解析.doc)为本站会员(confusegate185)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学三级(B)分类模拟 48 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Section A(总题数:2,分数:30.00)(分数:15.00)A.A good idea.B.No problem.C.My pleasure.D.Of course not.A.It“s too hot in June.B.In East Europe.C.In the countryside.D.After December 24.A.It was impossible.B.It was wonderful.C.So do

2、 I.D.I see.A.You are welcome.B.Sure. Where?C.How are you?D.Long time no see.A.Glad to meet you.B.I“m not sure.C.Go ahead.D.No, thanks.(分数:15.00)A.Oh, yes.B.With pleasure.C.Thank you.D.Here you are.A.Far from here.B.From 9 a.m. to 6 p. m.C.Five people.D.One hundred dollars.A.Please sit down.B.Take it

3、 easy.C.Yes, of course.D.I“m OK.A.I work very hard.B.He“s a nice person.C.You“re welcome.D.Certainly not.A.It“s far away.B.I“m afraid I can“t.C.I hope so.D.It“s rather warm.三、Section B(总题数:2,分数:30.00)(分数:15.00)A.Tea.B.Coffee.C.Water.D.Beer.A.He can“t call a taxi for her.B.There is no taxi.C.The traf

4、fic is heavy.D.The line is busy.A.Husband and wife.B.Patient and doctor.C.Teacher and student.D.Manager and secretary.A.On foot.B.By bus.C.By car.D.By bike.A.Buy a new computer.B.Try the computer again.C.Use her computer.D.Have the computer repaired.(分数:15.00)A.From his friend.B.From his brother.C.F

5、rom his boss.D.From his teacher.A.Attend a meeting.B.Hold a party.C.Take an interview.D.Meet a friend.A.In her office.B.In the meeting room.C.At home.D.At the bank.A.It“s very boring.B.That“s too busy.C.She“s going to give it up.D.She likes it very much.A.A salesman.B.A doctor.C.An engineer.D.A secr

6、etary.四、Section C(总题数:2,分数:40.00)Today more and more people begin to understand that study does not come to an end with school graduation. Education is not just a college 1 ; it is life itself. Many people are not interested in studying at a college, and they are interested in 2 of learning. They ma

7、y go to a 3 in their own field; they may improve their 4 skills by following television courses. They certainly know that if they know more or learn more, they can get 5 jobs or earn more money. (分数:20.00)People visit other countries for many reasons. Some travel 6 ; others travel to visit interesti

8、ng places. Whenever you go, for whatever reason, it is important to be 7 . A tourist can draw a lot of attention from local people. Although most of the people you meet are friendly and welcoming, sometimes there are dangers. 8 , your money or passport might be stolen. Just as in your home country,

9、do not expect everyone you meet to be friendly and 9 . It is important to prepare your trip in advance, and 10 be careful while you are traveling. (分数:20.00)大学三级(B)分类模拟 48 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Section A(总题数:2,分数:30.00)(分数:15.00)A.A good idea. B.No problem.

10、C.My pleasure.D.Of course not.解析:听力原文 It“s a fine day. Why not go to the zoo? 解析 本题考查如何回答他人的提议。“Why not.”表达的意思是“为什么不呢?”常用于提出建议。若要给予肯定答案,可以说“A good idea.”故正确选项为 A。选项 B(没问题)一般用于答复别人的请求;选项 C(我很乐意)用来答复 Thank you;选项 D(当然不能)用于否定对方的说法。A.It“s too hot in June.B.In East Europe.C.In the countryside.D.After Dec

11、ember 24. 解析:听力原文 When can I take my winter vacation? 解析 本题考查如何对回答特殊疑问句。题目中的“when”表明回答者应给出一个具体时间,因此正确答案为 D 项。选项 A(六月太热)经常用来回答对六月天气的提问;选项 B(在东欧)、选项 C(在乡村)是用来回答关于地点的问题。A.It was impossible.B.It was wonderful. C.So do I.D.I see.解析:听力原文 Did you enjoy the performance last night? 解析 本题考查如何回答一般疑问句。题目问对表演的感受

12、,只有选项 B(很精彩)才能表达这样的情感。选项 A(不可能)用于回答别人的提议或对某件事情的描述;选项 C(我也是)用于表示对对方说法的赞同;选项 D(我明白了)表示明白了别人的话。A.You are welcome.B.Sure. Where? C.How are you?D.Long time no see.解析:听力原文 Can we have dinner together this weekend? 解析 本题考查如何回答建议。本题以“Can we”开头,对听话者提出建议。回答此类问题时,同意则说“Yes/Sure.”不同意则说“No, thanks.”因此最佳答案为 B(当然,去

13、哪)。选项 A(不用谢)用来回答他人的答谢。选项 C(你好吗)、选项 D(好久不见了)为见面问候语。A.Glad to meet you.B.I“m not sure.C.Go ahead. D.No, thanks.解析:听力原文 Professor Smith, may I ask you a few questions? 解析 本题考查如何应答他人的请求。本题中,说话者向听话者请教问题,是在请求对方的允许。如果对此给予肯定回答,可以用“Go ahead”、“Of course”、“Sure”等,故正确选项为 C(问吧)。选项A(很高兴见到你)为双方第一次见面后分手时所说的话;选项 B(我

14、不肯定)表示不知道问题的答案;选项D(不,谢谢)是婉言谢绝他人提供的帮助、给予的建议。(分数:15.00)A.Oh, yes. B.With pleasure.C.Thank you.D.Here you are.解析:听力原文 Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith from America? 解析 本题考查如何回答是非疑问句。对“Are you.”问题,肯定回答是“Yes, I am.”否定回答是“No, I am not.”故正确答案为 A。选项 B(我很乐意)用于回应他人的感谢;选项 C(谢谢)用来表示感谢;选项 D(给你)用于回答对方请求。A.Far from he

15、re.B.From 9 a.m. to 6 p. m. C.Five people.D.One hundred dollars.解析:听力原文 Mr. Johnson, when is the library open? 解析 本题考查如何回答他人对时间的询问。解答本题的关键是抓住询问时间的疑问词 when(什么时候),只有选项 B(从上午 9 点到下午 6 点)和时间有关,故为正确答案。选项 A(离这很远)用来回答他人对的询问;选项 C(五个人)用于回答他人对数量的询问;选项 D(100 美元)用来回答询问价格的问句。A.Please sit down.B.Take it easy.C.Ye

16、s, of course. D.I“m OK.解析:听力原文 It“s rather hot today, would you please open the window? 解析 本题考查对他人请求的回答。题中的问句由“would you”引领,肯定回答通常是“OK”;否定回答一般用“I“m sorry, but.”委婉拒绝。故正确答案为 C。A.I work very hard.B.He“s a nice person. C.You“re welcome.D.Certainly not.解析:听力原文 What do you think of your new boss? 解析 本题考查如

17、何询问对某人的评价。What do you think of.意为“你觉得怎么样”,用于询问对某人、某事的看法,回答要给出具体评价。故选项 B(他人很好)为正确答案。A.It“s far away.B.I“m afraid I can“t.C.I hope so.D.It“s rather warm. 解析:听力原文 What“s the weather like in your city? 解析 本题考察询问天气的方法。What“s the weather like.用于询问天气,回答通常用 It“s hot/warm/cold/cool.等描述天气的语句。故正确答案为 D(相当暖和)。选项

18、 A(非常远)是对距离的回答;选项 B(恐怕我不能)用于婉拒对方的邀请;选项 C(我希望如此)表示对他人说的话的肯定。三、Section B(总题数:2,分数:30.00)(分数:15.00)A.Tea.B.Coffee.C.Water. D.Beer.解析:听力原文 M: I prefer coffee to tea, what about you, Jane? W: Just water. Q: What would the woman like to have? 解析 事实细节题。本题询问女士想喝点什么。对话中女士说只喝水就可以了,由此可知正确选项为C(水)。D 项(啤酒)对话没有提到;

19、选项 A(茶)、B(咖啡)是男士自己的喜好,不符合题目要求。A.He can“t call a taxi for her. B.There is no taxi.C.The traffic is heavy.D.The line is busy.解析:听力原文 W: Excuse me, can you call a taxi for me? M: Sorry, the telephone is out of order. Q: What does the man mean? 解析 判断推理题。本题询问男士的话是什么意思。对话中,女士请男士帮忙叫车,而男士表示电话出故障了。由此可推,电话不好使

20、就无法打电话叫车,因此正确答案为选项 A(他无法为女士叫出租车)。其他选项对话没有提到。A.Husband and wife.B.Patient and doctor. C.Teacher and student.D.Manager and secretary.解析:听力原文 M: What“s wrong with me, doctor? W: Just a cold, nothing serious. Q: What“s the probable relationship between the two speakers? 解析 身份推断题。本题询问对话双方之间的关系。对话中的关键词,如

21、doctor(医生)、a cold(感冒),提示两人是医患关系,故正确选项为 B。A.On foot. B.By bus.C.By car.D.By bike.解析:听力原文 M: Don“t you usually drive to work? W: No, I walk to work everyday. Q: How does the woman usually go to work? 解析 细节判断题。本题询问女士上班选择的交通工具。由对话中 walk to work(走路上班)可知,正确答案是 A(步行)。A.Buy a new computer.B.Try the computer

22、 again.C.Use her computer.D.Have the computer repaired. 解析:听力原文 M: My computer doesn“t work. W: Why don“t you have it repaired? Q: What does the woman think the man should do? 解析 推理判断题。本题询问女士认为男士应该做些什么。对话中,女士提议 have it repaired,可知正确答案是 D(修电脑)。(分数:15.00)A.From his friend.B.From his brother. C.From hi

23、s boss.D.From his teacher.解析:听力原文 W: Are you coming for the basketball game? M: Yes, I got a ticket from my brother. Q: Where did the man get the ticket? 解析 事实细节题。题目询问男士的门票是从哪里来的。女士问:“你去看足球比赛吗?”男士回答:“是的,我从兄弟那里弄到了一张门票。”根据关键词 my brother 可知,正确答案是选项 B(从他兄弟那里)。选项 A(从他朋友那里)、选项 C(从他上司那里)、选项 D(从他老师那里)对话中没有提

24、到。A.Attend a meeting.B.Hold a party.C.Take an interview.D.Meet a friend. 解析:听力原文 M: Can you stay for dinner? W: I“d love to, but I have to go to meet a friend at the airport. Q: What“s the woman going to do? 解析 事实细节题。题目询问女士打算做什么。在回答男士的问题:“你能留下来吃晚饭吗?”女士说:“我很乐意,但我要去机场接朋友。”根据关键词 meet a friend(接朋友)可知,正确

25、答案为选项 D(接朋友)。选项 A(参加会议)、选项 B(举办聚会)、选项 C(参加面试)对话中没有提到。A.In her office. B.In the meeting room.C.At home.D.At the bank.解析:听力原文 W: I“m here to see Miss Brown M: Miss Brown? Er., she is in her office. Q: Where is Miss Brown? 解析 事实细节题。本题询问布朗小姐所在位置。面对女士提出的见布朗小姐的要求,男士回答布朗小姐在自己的办公室里,根据对话中的关键词 in her office(在

26、办公室里)可知,正确答案为选项 A(在办公室里)。选项 B(在会议室)、选项 C(在家里)、选项 D(在银行)没有在对话中提到。A.It“s very boring.B.That“s too busy.C.She“s going to give it up.D.She likes it very much. 解析:听力原文 M: Do you like your new job? W: Yes, I like it very much. Q: How does the woman feel about her new job? 解析 事实细节题。题目询问女士对新工作的看法。男士问:“你喜欢自己

27、的新工作吗?”女士回答:“是的,我非常喜欢。”故正确答案为选项 D(她非常喜欢)。选项 A(工作很单调)、选项 B(工作太忙)对话没有提到。选项 C(她打算辞掉那份工作)与女士的话 I like it very much 正好相反。A.A salesman.B.A doctor.C.An engineer. D.A secretary.解析:听力原文 W: Did you work as a salesman in that company? M: No, I was an engineer. Q: What did the man do in that company? 解析 事实细节题。本

28、题询问男士的工作岗位。对话中男士回答:“不,我在那里做工程师。”依据关键词 engineer 可知,正确答案是选项 C(工程师)。选项 A(销售员)是女士的错误猜测;选项 B(医生)、选项 D(秘书)在对话中没有提及。四、Section C(总题数:2,分数:40.00)Today more and more people begin to understand that study does not come to an end with school graduation. Education is not just a college 1 ; it is life itself. Man

29、y people are not interested in studying at a college, and they are interested in 2 of learning. They may go to a 3 in their own field; they may improve their 4 skills by following television courses. They certainly know that if they know more or learn more, they can get 5 jobs or earn more money. (分

30、数:20.00)解析:degree 听力原文 Today more and more people begin to understand that study does not come to an end with school graduation. Education is not just a college degree; it is life itself. Many people are not interested in studying at a college, and they are interested in other kinds of learning. The

31、y may go to a training class in their own field; they may improve their work skills by following television courses. They certainly know that if they know more or learn more, they can get work jobs or earn more money. 解析 空格后的分号表明,前后 2 个分句要表达的意思基本相同,即教育并非为了取得大学学位,而是生活本身。结合录音可知,应填 degree。解析:other kind

32、s解析 and 表明空格所在句是并列句,前后对比。前面的分句说提到许多人对大学学习不感兴趣,可推断下一分句应转而说他们感兴趣的学习方式。结合录音,可知应填 other kinds。解析:training class解析 考虑到与上一句的连接,本句应该是不同于大学学习的另一种方式。结合录音,可知应填 training class。解析:work解析 本题依旧在谈论不同于大学学习的另一种学习方式。结合录音,可知应填 work。解析:better解析 由空格后的 or 可知,此处应该使用比较级,意思跟 earn more money 相近。结合录音,可知应填 better。People visit

33、other countries for many reasons. Some travel 6 ; others travel to visit interesting places. Whenever you go, for whatever reason, it is important to be 7 . A tourist can draw a lot of attention from local people. Although most of the people you meet are friendly and welcoming, sometimes there are d

34、angers. 8 , your money or passport might be stolen. Just as in your home country, do not expect everyone you meet to be friendly and 9 . It is important to prepare your trip in advance, and 10 be careful while you are traveling. (分数:20.00)解析:on business 听力原文 People visit other countries for many rea

35、sons. Some travel on business; others travel to visit interesting places. Whenever you go, for whatever reason, it is important to be safe. A tourist can draw a lot of attention from local people. Although most of the people you meet are friendly and welcoming, sometimes there are dangers. For examp

36、le, your money or passport might be stolen. Just as in your home country, do not expect everyone you meet to be friendly and helpful. It is important to prepare your trip in advance, and always be careful while you are traveling. 解析 录音开头提到,人们去国外的理由有很多,故可以推测得知空格内填入的是去国外的理由之一。根据录音可知答案为 on business。解析:safe解析 本段内容讲的是游客应该如何注意安全,根据录音可知答案为 safe。解析:For example解析 空格千年提到“有时候会遇到一些危险”,空格后的内容是“你的钱、护照可能被偷”,两者的关系是,后文是前文的例子,根据录音可知答案为 For example。解析:helpful解析 空格前的 and 表明,空格处的内容应与 friendly 并列,根据录音可知答案为helpful。解析:always解析 文章最后重申主题,提醒游客注意安全,根据录音可知答案为 always。

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