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1、大学三级(B)分类模拟 96 及答案解析(总分:72.50,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Vocabulary an(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Section A(总题数:10,分数:10.00)1.It was in 1916 _ the Olympic Games were stopped because of World War I.(分数:1.00) which2.This article is well written because special attention _ to the choice of words nod s

2、tyle of writing.(分数:1.00)A.had been paidB.has been paidC.will be paidD.will have been paid3.She gazed at me with a sudden fear and _.(分数:1.00)A.mistrustB.trustC.trustfulD.untrustworthy4.With Christmas _, more and more people come to shops to buy gifts.(分数:1.00)A.arrangingB.appointingC.approachingD.a

3、pplying5.Breakfast is the first_ of the day.(分数:1.00)A.foodB.dinnerC.lunchD.meal6.We congratulate you _ the success you have got.(分数:1.00)A.byB.forC.onD.with7.The director offered a 1000-dollar_to the man who gave useful information.(分数:1.00)A.priceB.rewardC.raiseD.pounds8.The boss thought him a tro

4、uble-maker and turned him _.(分数:1.00)A.backB.downC.toD.around9.They were angry because you _ your promise.(分数:1.00)A.didn“t keepB.have not keptC.don“t keepD.had not kept10.Breakfast can be _ to you in your room for an additional charge.(分数:1.00)A.madeB.servedC.usedD.cooked三、Section B(总题数:10,分数:11.50

5、)11.We can take boat to New York, as an (alter) 1 we can fly. (分数:1.00)12.People (live) 1comfortably in the towns hardly feel the pleasure of living in the country. (分数:1.00)13.He rushed(danger) 1 across the busy street to catch the bus. (分数:1.00)14.He is expected to make an (apologize) 1 for being

6、late for nearly an hour. (分数:1.00)15.I“ve never seen so (fun) 1 a student like him, whose presentation can make almost everybody in the room laugh. (分数:1.00)16.He is a( professionally) 1 ambulance driver who has to work as a plumber (铅管工人) to make ends meet. (分数:1.00)17.My (person) 1 experience sugg

7、ests that we should contact the customers first. (分数:1.00)18.By next month, we 1 (finish) all the work they asked us to do. (分数:1.00)19.You should (help) 1 him yesterday, but you didn“t. (分数:1.00)20.The weather seemed 1 (favor) for the flight. (分数:2.50)四、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)1There was a

8、 time when, if a lady got onto a crowded bus or train, a gentleman would immediately stand up would immediately stand up and offer her his seat. No more, though. Today a gentleman will probably look out of the window, or if he feels a bit guilty, hide behind his newspaper. Either way, the lady will

9、have to stand until someone else gets off. You can“t entirely blame men for his change in manner, tough. The days are gone when women could be referred to as the weaker sex without causing offense. A whole generation of women has grown up demanding equality with men; not just equality in jobs or edu

10、cation, but in social attitudes. Hold a door open for some women and you“re likely to get an angry lecture on treating women as inferiors, unable to open doors for themselves. Take a girl out for a meal and she“ll probably insist on paying her share of the bill, tough on second thought perhaps that

11、not such a bad idea. It“s no wonder, then, that men have given up some of the automatic gestures of politeness and consideration which they used to show towards women. On the other hand, automatic male politeness is perhaps slowly being replaced by true consideration for the needs and feelings of wo

12、men, so that men can see women as equal human beings, rather than as sex- objects or attractive property.(分数:5.00)(1).What do gentlemen now do when a lady gets on a crowded bus or train?(分数:1.00)A.They will stand up unwillingly.B.They will offer her their seats at once.C.They will pretend not to see

13、 her.D.They will get off the bus.(2).Why are some women likely to get angry when a man holds the door open them?(分数:1.00)A.Because the man should not have held the door open.B.Because they think they are looked down upon.C.Because they are treated too politely.D.Because me are too manly.(3).What is

14、taking the place of men“s gestures of politeness?(分数:1.00)A.More graceful reaction to women.B.More equal treatment to women in every respect.C.More consideration for women“s needs and feelings.D.More impolite reaction to women.(4).Which of the following statements is true?(分数:1.00)A.Men have become

15、less and less polite to women.B.The women are considered as the weaker sex.C.The women could not think highly of themselves.D.Men“s attitudes towards women are reasonable.(5).What can we learn from the passage?(分数:1.00)A.Men are beginning to treat women as equal human beings.B.Men ought to do someth

16、ing useful for women.C.Women have achieved equality with men.D.Women should be treated as politely as men.2Today the game reserves (猎物保护区)of East Africa are facing a number of threats. Al though they earn considerable revenue (收入)by attracting tourists, they take up land which is increasingly sought

17、 by the local people. While these reserves feed and protect animals, they are in danger of turning into barren areas or deserts. Trees, shrubs and grass are gradually being eaten by grazing hems. Another problem is to be found in the changing attitudes of the animals themselves. Many of them are los

18、ing their hereditary(天生的)fear of man. In this way they may become a danger to visitors and thus to themselves. Attacks on vehicles are beginning to increase, and it is possible that the problems will become serious in a few years“ time. The problem of shortage of land is not a simple one. As the pop

19、ulation increases, more and more people look hungrily at the land set aside for game reserves. They claim that a Government“ s first duty is to its inhabitants and not to tourists or to wild animals. Despite the income obtained from tourism, this is an argument which it is difficult to answer satisf

20、actorily.(分数:4.00)(1).The best title of this passage is _ .(分数:0.80)A.problems Facing East African TouristsB.African Wild Animals Becoming More DangerousC.the Increasing Popularity of Game ReservesD.some Problems of East African Game Reserves(2).Why may local people look hungrily at the game reserve

21、s?(分数:0.80)A.They may wish to visit them frequently.B.They may seek land for their own cultivation(耕种).C.The animals may be a danger to them and their village.D.They may dislike living in a deserted place.(3)._ is causing soil erosion(侵蚀)in the game reserves.(分数:0.80)A.The bad weatherB.The disappear

22、ance of vegetation which is eaten by the animalsC.The violent“ stormsD.The animals(4).As far as we can tell from the passage, why does the Government bother to maintain game re serves?(分数:0.80)A.To prevent the people from using the land.B.To reserve the land for building development.C.To obtain inco

23、me from tourism.D.To stop tourists from making a nuisance(令人讨厌)of themselves.(5).The word “this“ refers to _ in the last sentence of the passage.(分数:0.80)A.the income obtained from tourists who park their cars in the townB.the revenue derived from tourists who visit the game reservesC.the problem co

24、ncerning game reserves in East AfricaD.the claim put forward concerning the duty of the Government3There are several places in the world that are famous for people who live a very long time. These places are usually in mountainous areas, far away from modem cities. The environment is clean and beaut

25、iful. Hunza is high in the Himalayan Mountains of Asia. There, many people over one hundred years of age are still in good physical health. Men of ninety are new fathers, and women of fifty still have babies. What are the reasons for this good health? Scientists believe that the people of Hunza have

26、 these benefits: (1) physical labor, usually in the fields or with animals; (2) a healthful environment with clean air and water; (3) a simple diet high in vitamins and nutrition but low in fat, sugar and chemicals. People in the Caucasus Mountains in Russia are also famous for their longevity. In t

27、his area, there are amazing examples of very long-lived people. Although birth records are not usually available, a woman called Tsurba probably lived until 160; a man called Shirali may have lived until age 168. His widow was 120 years old. In general, the people not only live a long life, but they

28、 also live well. They are almost never sick, and when they die, they have not only their own teeth but also a full head of hair, and good eyesight. Experts found people in these regions eat more fruits and vegetables that contain no chemicals and consume fewer calories than people do in other parts

29、of the world. Places for Long Life1. The location of these places: in mountainous areas, 1 modern cities. 2. The characteristic of these places: 2 . 3. Reasons for the longevity of the people there: 1) they have 3 in the fields; 2) they enjoy healthier surroundings; 3) they eat 4 . 4. Facts that sho

30、w people there live long and well: 1) they are never sick; 2) they have their own teeth when they die; 3) they have a full head of hair; 4) they have 5 .(分数:5.00)4A. initial capital I. reserve fund B. frozen capital J. buffer fund C. fixed assets K. self-financing D. real estate L. traveller“s chequ

31、e E. circulating capital, working capital M. ready money F. allocation of funds N. ready money business, no credit given G. contribution of funds O. exchange rate H. working capital fund(分数:5.00)(1). 1 不动产,房地产 2 流动资金(分数:1.00)(2). 1 现金交易,概不赊欠 2 公积金储备金(分数:1.00)(3). 1 自筹经费 2 旅行支票(分数:1.00)(4). 1 冻结资金 2

32、固定资产(分数:1.00)(5). 1 汇率,兑换率 2 现款(分数:1.00)九、Part Translation(总题数:5,分数:17.00)21.People now have more leisure time, which is the reason why the demand for services has increased so rapidly.(分数:4.00)A.如今人们有更多的时间去娱乐,从而影响了劳务资源的快速上升。B.如今希望有时间娱乐的人越来越多,这是因为服务质量在迅速提高了。C.如今人们有了更多的闲暇时间,因而对各种服务的需求增长得如此快。D.如今人们有了更

33、多的空闲时间,这就是要求迅速提高服务质量的原因。22.The book aims to provide a modern approach to information retrieval from a computer science perspective.(分数:4.00)A.该书的目的在于拥有计算机的科学观点,为信息检索提供现代的方法。B.该书的意图在于提供了现在的信息检索方法,来表达计算机科学的观点。C.该书的目的在于从计算机科学的角度,为大家提供一个现代的信息检索渠道。D.该书的意图在于以计算机科学的角度,为大家提供现代的方法去检索信息。23.Weddings in the Uni

34、ted States Weddings in the United States vary as much as the people do. There are church weddings with a great deal of fanfare; there are weddings on mountain- tops with guests barefooted; and there have been weddings on the ocean floor with oxygen tanks for the guests. But many weddings, no matter

35、where or how they are performed, include certain traditional customs. (分数:4.00)_24.Qantas(广达斯航空公司)has more flights to more places than any other Australian airline. Every week, we fly to 104 cities in 31 countries across 5 continents(洲). All this means that whenever and wherever you want to go in th

36、e world, Qantas can take you there safely and comfortably. (分数:1.00)_25.The report found wide degrees of income inequality (不平等) both within and between countries. It also found that some of the world“s poorest countries are cutting back on education spending - for years established as the most powe

37、rful tool to end poverty. (分数:4.00)_十、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:15.00)26.说明:某公司将举行英语口语的培训,假定你是该公司的秘书,请以总经理名义给各部门经理写一个有关英语口语班的备忘录。 日期:2013 年 12 月 9 日 内容:1公司将于 12 月 19 日开始在培训中心开办为期一个月的英语口语班,时间从每天晚上 7 点到 9点。 2公司将提供所有的教材。 3请将各部门参加者的名单于 12 月 12 日前送到总经理办公室。 Words for reference : 培训中心 training centre 教材 teachi

38、ng materials (分数:15.00)_大学三级(B)分类模拟 96 答案解析(总分:72.50,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Vocabulary an(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Section A(总题数:10,分数:10.00)1.It was in 1916 _ the Olympic Games were stopped because of World War I.(分数:1.00)A.asB.that which解析:那是在 1916 年,奥林匹克运动会因第一次世界大战而被终止。 强调句型 强调句型的基本结构是“It is/was+被强

39、调部分+that/who+其他成分”,在强调结构中,除了被强调的部分为人时,引导词可以用 that 或 who,其余一律用 that,故选 B。2.This article is well written because special attention _ to the choice of words nod style of writing.(分数:1.00)A.had been paid B.has been paidC.will be paidD.will have been paid解析:本题考查对时态和语态用法的掌握。根据句意,这里应该用完成时的被动语态。3.She gazed

40、at me with a sudden fear and _.(分数:1.00)A.mistrust B.trustC.trustfulD.untrustworthy解析:本题考查动词其它词性的转换。考查的词根 trust 是动词,意为“信任”;mistrust 是名词和动词,意为“不信任;猜疑”;trustful 是形容词,意为“信任的”;untrustfully 是副词,意为“不信任地”。该句意为:她带着一种突然的恐惧和猜疑看着我。4.With Christmas _, more and more people come to shops to buy gifts.(分数:1.00)A.a

41、rrangingB.appointingC.approaching D.applying解析:动词词义辨析 本题考查动词词义辨析。根据句中“越来越多的人到店里购买礼物”可以推测,应该是圣诞节就要到了。approach 意为“接近,到来”,符合句意要求,由 With 可知,应该用动词的现在分词形式,所以可以确定 C 为本题的答案。5.Breakfast is the first_ of the day.(分数:1.00)A.foodB.dinnerC.lunchD.meal 解析:名词词义辨析 food 意为“食品”;dinner 意为“正餐,晚餐”;lunch 意为“午餐”,这三个词都不可以泛

42、指“一顿饭”,而 a meal 可以泛指任何一顿饭,故选 D。6.We congratulate you _ the success you have got.(分数:1.00)A.byB.forC.on D.with解析:本题考查固定词组 congratulate sbon sth(为而祝贺某人)。故选项 C 为正确答案。 选项 A(by)、B(for)和 D(with)均不能和 congratulate 搭配,故为错误选项。另外,考生需要注意口语中可能经常出现的结构 congratulations on sth。7.The director offered a 1000-dollar_to

43、 the man who gave useful information.(分数:1.00)A.priceB.reward C.raiseD.pounds解析:同义词辨析 price 指“价格”;reward 指“报酬,奖金”;raise 指“升起,升高”;pound 指“英镑,重击”。所以选 B。8.The boss thought him a trouble-maker and turned him _.(分数:1.00)A.backB.down C.toD.around解析:考查知识点:短语动词辨析。turn sb. down 意思是“拒绝某人,回绝某人”。译文:老板觉得他是个麻烦制造者

44、,拒绝了他。9.They were angry because you _ your promise.(分数:1.00)A.didn“t keepB.have not keptC.don“t keepD.had not kept 解析:动词时态 主句用过去时,原因状语从句的动作发生在“生气”这件事前,所以时态需要用过去完成时。故选 D。10.Breakfast can be _ to you in your room for an additional charge.(分数:1.00)A.madeB.served C.usedD.cooked解析:考查动词的用法及辨析。依据 breakfast

45、、room 和 charge 可知,本句的场景应是旅馆,B 项served 意为“供应(饭菜)”,是正确答案。 A 项 made 和 D 项 cooked 虽可构成 make/cook breakfast(做早餐)的搭配,但与句中的 for an additional charge(额外收费)并无直接关联,语义搭配不当。C 项 used(使用)不能与 breakfast 连用。三、Section B(总题数:10,分数:11.50)11.We can take boat to New York, as an (alter) 1 we can fly. (分数:1.00)解析:alternati

46、ve12.People (live) 1comfortably in the towns hardly feel the pleasure of living in the country. (分数:1.00)解析:living 非谓语动词 本句中,主语为 people,谓语为 feel,所以应用非谓语动词形式。又因为 people 与 live 之间为主谓关系,所以应为现在分词。13.He rushed(danger) 1 across the busy street to catch the bus. (分数:1.00)解析:dangerously 词性转换(名词变副词)。为了搭上公共汽车

47、,他不顾危险地冲了出去,穿过了拥挤的大街。根据句子结构可以看出 rushed 后需要一个副词作状语,danger 的副词为 dangerously,意为“危险地”。14.He is expected to make an (apologize) 1 for being late for nearly an hour. (分数:1.00)解析:apology 本题空格前有不定冠同 an,所以空格处需要填人一个名同。由动词 apologize 派生 出来的名词为 apology。make an apology for 构成固定搭配,意思是“为道歉”。 词性转换15.I“ve never seen

48、so (fun) 1 a student like him, whose presentation can make almost everybody in the room laugh. (分数:1.00)解析:funny 本题考查固定用法“so+形容词+a/an+单数名词”,其意思相当于“such a/an+形容词+单数名词”,表示“如此的”。名词 fun 的形容词是 funny。 类似的表达还有“too+形容词+a/an+单数名词”,如:too high a price(过高的一个价格)。16.He is a( professionally) 1 ambulance driver who has to work as a plumber (铅管工人) to make ends meet. (分数:1.00)解析:professional 词性转换(副词变形容词)。他是一

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