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1、大学英语六级-141 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.承德避暑山庄承德避暑山庄是中国四大名园之一,也是保存最大最完好的帝王宫苑之一。过去,这里是清朝皇帝避暑和狩猎的地方,也常被用来举办武术比赛和接待全国各地的少数民族精英。避暑山庄位于河北承德市,占地564 万平方米,几乎是承德市区一半的面积。避暑山庄于 1703 年康熙当朝时开始修建,1792 年乾隆当朝时竣工。乾隆皇帝在这里处理政治、军事、民族和外交等国家大事,避暑山庄因此成为北京之外的第二个政治中心。避暑山庄及周边庙宇于 1994 年被列入世界遗产名录。

2、 (分数:20.00)_2.孔庙、孔林、孔府曲阜作为历代帝王、文人名士仰慕的地方,遗留下大量的文物古迹,其中最著名的是孔庙、孔林、孔府。孔庙位于曲阜市中心,建于公元前 478 年。全庙共有厅、堂、楼、轩等各式建筑 466 间,其总面积约21.8 公顷。孔林占地 200 多公顷,是孔子及其后裔沿用了 2300 多年的家族墓地。孔林是中国最大的一座人造陵园,也是保存年代最长、最完整的一座氏族古墓园。孔府紧靠孔庙,是孔子的后代子孙们居住的地方,规模上仅次于皇宫。府内收藏大量的历史档案、文件和文物。孔庙、孔林、孔府于 1994 年被列入世界遗产名录。 (分数:20.00)_3.泰山雄峙于山东省中部,主

3、峰海拔 1545 米的泰山自古以来就受到中国人的景仰。它享有“五岳之首”“五岳独尊”的称誉。历史上泰山是政权的象征,是一座神圣的山。许多古代帝王登基之初或逢太平之岁,都要来泰山举行封禅大典,祭告天地。先秦时期先后有 72 位君王到泰山封禅;自秦汉到明清,历代皇帝到泰山封禅也多达 27 次。这为泰山留下了其他山所不及的丰富的历史文化印迹。众多文人墨客也到这里来寻找灵感,吟诗作句,写文作画,摄影创作。因此,泰山上留下了大量的文化遗迹。 (分数:20.00)_4.黄山位于安徽省南部的黄山,占地面积约 250 平方千米,这里有奇峰 72 座,其中天都峰、莲花峰和光明顶都在海拔 1800 米以上。黄山上

4、的松树高耸挺拔,形状各异。众所周知的迎客松(树龄 1500 多年)和送客松已经成为守信、坚强和热情的象征。黄山博采中国名山之长,号称“天下第一奇山”。明代旅行家、地理家徐霞客两游黄山,赞叹说:“登黄山天下无山,观止矣!”从此,黄山又有了“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”的美誉。 (分数:20.00)_5.鼓浪屿鼓浪屿位于厦门市的西南方,从厦门市区乘汽船大约 20 分钟就可抵达。鼓浪屿因其婀娜多姿的自然风光、积淀深厚的名人史迹和形态各异的万国建筑而闻名于世,成为国家重点风景名胜区。明朝时期,鼓浪屿名“圆沙洲”。因周围巨大的海礁受到海浪的阵阵冲击,发出犹如擂鼓的声音,故后来改名为“鼓浪屿”。在中文

5、里,“鼓”指的是“擂鼓”,“浪”指的是“海浪”。鼓浪屿上约有两万居民。人们生活舒适,修身养性。在这里,只允许环岛旅游电瓶车上岛。所以,这里没有噪音,没有空气污染。 (分数:20.00)_大学英语六级-141 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.承德避暑山庄承德避暑山庄是中国四大名园之一,也是保存最大最完好的帝王宫苑之一。过去,这里是清朝皇帝避暑和狩猎的地方,也常被用来举办武术比赛和接待全国各地的少数民族精英。避暑山庄位于河北承德市,占地564 万平方米,几乎是承德市区一半的面积。避暑山庄于 1703 年康熙当朝时开

6、始修建,1792 年乾隆当朝时竣工。乾隆皇帝在这里处理政治、军事、民族和外交等国家大事,避暑山庄因此成为北京之外的第二个政治中心。避暑山庄及周边庙宇于 1994 年被列入世界遗产名录。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:The Mountain Resort in Chengde is one of the four most famous Chinese gardens and one of the largest and best-preserved imperial gardens. It used to be a summer resort and hunting ground

7、 for emperors of the Qing Dynasty and was used to organize martial arts competitions and receive the elites of ethnic minorities from around China. The Mountain Resort is located in the city of Chengde in Hebei Province, covering an area of 5.64 million square meters, almost half of Chengde“s urban

8、area. Construction of the Mountain Resort began in 1703 under the rule of Emperor Kangxi and was completed in 1792 under the rule of the Emperor Qianlong. It was another political center apart from Beijing, for the Emperor Qianlong would stay here to deal with political, military, ethnic, and foreig

9、n affairs. The Mountain Resort in Chengde and the surrounding temples were placed on World Heritage List in 1994.2.孔庙、孔林、孔府曲阜作为历代帝王、文人名士仰慕的地方,遗留下大量的文物古迹,其中最著名的是孔庙、孔林、孔府。孔庙位于曲阜市中心,建于公元前 478 年。全庙共有厅、堂、楼、轩等各式建筑 466 间,其总面积约21.8 公顷。孔林占地 200 多公顷,是孔子及其后裔沿用了 2300 多年的家族墓地。孔林是中国最大的一座人造陵园,也是保存年代最长、最完整的一座氏族古墓园。

10、孔府紧靠孔庙,是孔子的后代子孙们居住的地方,规模上仅次于皇宫。府内收藏大量的历史档案、文件和文物。孔庙、孔林、孔府于 1994 年被列入世界遗产名录。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:Qufu, admired by all rulers and intellectuals in Chinese history, has numerous cultural relics, among which the most famed are the Confucian Temple, the Confucian Cemetery and the Confucian Family Mansio

11、n. The Confucian Temple is in the center of Qufu city. It was built in 478 BC. There are 466 halls, pavilions and other rooms, covering a total area of 21.8 hectares. The Confucian Cemetery, occupying more than 200 hectares, has served as the family graveyard of Confucius and his descendants for mor

12、e than 2300 years. It is the largest artificial cemetery and also the most intact and the oldest survivor of family graveyards in China. The Confucian Family Mansion, right next to the Confucian Temple, was the residence of Confucius“ descendants and also the residence just next to the imperial pala

13、ce in scale. The Family Mansion now houses a large number of historical documents, files and cultural relics. Together, the Confucian Temple, the Confucian Cemetery and the Confucian Family Mansion were inscribed in World Heritage List in 1994.3.泰山雄峙于山东省中部,主峰海拔 1545 米的泰山自古以来就受到中国人的景仰。它享有“五岳之首”“五岳独尊”

14、的称誉。历史上泰山是政权的象征,是一座神圣的山。许多古代帝王登基之初或逢太平之岁,都要来泰山举行封禅大典,祭告天地。先秦时期先后有 72 位君王到泰山封禅;自秦汉到明清,历代皇帝到泰山封禅也多达 27 次。这为泰山留下了其他山所不及的丰富的历史文化印迹。众多文人墨客也到这里来寻找灵感,吟诗作句,写文作画,摄影创作。因此,泰山上留下了大量的文化遗迹。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:Since ancient times, Mount Tai, with its main peak rising 1545 meters above the sea level, in central S

15、handong Province, has been a mountain held in high esteem by the Chinese people. It is known as the “First of the Five Sacred Mountains“. Mount Tai was always the symbol of monarchy in history. It was a sacred mountain to many emperors, who would come to offer their Fengshan Sacrifice ceremony, a gr

16、atitude to the Heaven and Earth the moment they assumed the crown or in the year of peace and abundant harvest. Before Qin Dynasty altogether 72 emperors had their Fengshan ceremonies at Mount Tai, and from Qin and Han Dynasties to Ming and Qing Dynasties emperors of all times had 27 such worship ce

17、remonies at this mountain. As the only one of the mountains in China that enjoyed this honor from the emperors, Mount Tai is naturally rich with historical and cultural traces. Numerous literati also came to acquire inspiration, to compose poems, write essays, paint and take pictures. Hence a great

18、many cultural relics were left on the mountain.4.黄山位于安徽省南部的黄山,占地面积约 250 平方千米,这里有奇峰 72 座,其中天都峰、莲花峰和光明顶都在海拔 1800 米以上。黄山上的松树高耸挺拔,形状各异。众所周知的迎客松(树龄 1500 多年)和送客松已经成为守信、坚强和热情的象征。黄山博采中国名山之长,号称“天下第一奇山”。明代旅行家、地理家徐霞客两游黄山,赞叹说:“登黄山天下无山,观止矣!”从此,黄山又有了“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”的美誉。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:Located in southern A

19、nhui Province, Mount Huangshan, or Yellow Mountain covers an area of about 250 sq. km. The mountain has 72 strangely shaped peaks, of which Celestial Capital Peak, Lotus Peak, and Brightness Apex are all over 1800 m above the sea level. The pines on the mountain are tall and have fascinating shapes.

20、 The famous Welcoming-Guest Pine (over 1500 years old) and See-Guest-Off Pine have become a symbol of being faithful, unyielding and hospitable. Mount Huangshan holds the charm of all other famous mountains in China, and claims to be “the most spectacular mountain in the world“. Xu Xiake, a traveler

21、 and geologist of Ming Dynasty, visited Mount Huangshan twice and praised that “Once on top, one finds no other match. This is the acme!“ And soon after, there is the saying “No mountain is worth seeing after a trip to the Five Sacred Mountains, but none of the Five is worth seeing after a trip to M

22、ount Huangshan.“5.鼓浪屿鼓浪屿位于厦门市的西南方,从厦门市区乘汽船大约 20 分钟就可抵达。鼓浪屿因其婀娜多姿的自然风光、积淀深厚的名人史迹和形态各异的万国建筑而闻名于世,成为国家重点风景名胜区。明朝时期,鼓浪屿名“圆沙洲”。因周围巨大的海礁受到海浪的阵阵冲击,发出犹如擂鼓的声音,故后来改名为“鼓浪屿”。在中文里,“鼓”指的是“擂鼓”,“浪”指的是“海浪”。鼓浪屿上约有两万居民。人们生活舒适,修身养性。在这里,只允许环岛旅游电瓶车上岛。所以,这里没有噪音,没有空气污染。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:Kulangsu Island is located right

23、 in the southwest of Xiamen City. Visitors can reach it by steamship from downtown Xiamen City in about 20 minutes. Kulangsu Island is renowned for its delicate natural beauty, its ancient celebrities and relics, and its varied architecture. The island is on China“s list of National Scenic Spots. Du

24、ring the Ming Dynasty, the island was called “Yuanshazhou Island“. It got its present name from the huge reef surrounding it. When the tide comes in, the waves pound the reef and it sounds like the beating of a drum. Thus the island came to be named “Kulangsu“. Ku in Chinese means “drum“, and Lang “waves“. Kulangsu Island has about 20000 permanent residents, all of whom enjoy a comfortable, relaxing life. Only electric-powered vehicles are permitted on the island, so the environment is free from the noise and pollution of combustion engines.

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