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大学英语六级-197 (1)及答案解析.doc

1、大学英语六级-197 (1)及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Section A(总题数:2,分数:32.00)(分数:16.00)A.Studying with a partner.B.Preparing snacks.C.Playing cards.D.Learning how to design bridges.A.Watch her partner.B.Play her cards in cooperation with her partner.C.Quit the game.D.Teac

2、h the man how to play bridge.A.Miss her card game.B.Stay up too late.C.Take too heavy a workload next semester.D.Neglect her studies to play bridge.A.He already knows how to play.B.He doesn“t like to play games.C.He doesn“t have a partner.D.He doesn“t have enough free time.(分数:16.00)A.He picked up s

3、ome apples in his yard.B.He cut some branches off the apple tree.C.He quarreled with his neighbor over the fence.D.He cleaned up all the garbage in the woman“s yard.A.Trim the apple trees in her yard.B.Pick up the apples that fell in her yard.C.Take the garbage to the curb for her.D.Remove the branc

4、hes from her yard.A.File a lawsuit against the man.B.Ask the man for compensation.C.Have the man“s apple tree cut down.D.Throw garbage into the man“s yard.A.He was ready to make a concession.B.He was not prepared to go to court.C.He was not intimidated.D.He was a bit concerned.三、Section B(总题数:2,分数:2

5、8.00)(分数:12.00)A.Because they can“t afford to.B.Because they think small houses are, more comfortable to live in.C.Because big houses are usually built in the countryside.D.Because they prefer apartments.A.Because many young people have moved into comfortable apartments.B.Because many old houses in

6、the poor area of the town are not inhabited.C.Because many older people sell their houses after their children leave.D.Because many people have quit their old houses to build new ones.A.They have to do their own maintenance.B.They have to furnish their own houses.C.They will find it difficult to mak

7、e the rest of the payment.D.They will find it difficult to dispose of their old-style furniture.(分数:16.00)A.Because both have a limited supply of air, water, and other resources.B.Because the Earth moves around the sun as fast as a spaceship.C.Because we can travel to outer space.D.Because the Earth

8、 never stops moving.A.About 80 miles per second.B.About 70 miles per second.C.About 18 miles per second.D.About 17 miles per second.A.Because the Earth is heavily polluted.B.Because nature cannot recycle its resources.C.Because more and more people live on the Earth.D.Because no more new resources c

9、an be added.A.Nature has changed our environment over the years.B.We must avoid wasting resources and polluting our environment.C.Our resources are nearly used up.D.Trips to other planets will help eliminate pollution.四、Section C(总题数:3,分数:40.00)Now listen to the following recording and answer questi

10、ons 16 to 19. (分数:16.00)A.His great effort to prepare the talk.B.His perfect pronunciation of Mandarin.C.His success in speaking Chinese for half an hour.D.His passion for promoting Chinese Mandarin.A.Now more American parents are doing so.B.More American college students study Chinese.C.China has b

11、ecome the world“s largest economy.D.Chinese could help their children in the competition.A.The British Empire in the 19th century.B.The wide-spread American pop culture.C.American dominance in the 20th century.D.The great difficulty in learning Chinese.A.People can choose to do it or not to do it.B.

12、Immigrants are relatively good at doing it.C.It is quite necessary and essential to do so.D.It requires a lot of hard work and energy.Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 20 to 22. (分数:12.00)A.Most of the new employees in McKinsey than not to live in a house at all. Or they buy

13、 an old house and redesign it. Then they decorate it with old style furniture. Sometimes they can make an old house look more beautiful than a new one. Usually, it is not difficult for people to find an old home to buy. Many older people decide that they don“t need a big home after their children le

14、ave. So they sell their house and move into a comfortable apartment. But when people move into a house, they sometimes have problems. Homeowners have to do their own maintenance. For example, if the roof leaks, one cannot ask the landlord to fix it. On the other hand, people can redesign their homes

15、 in any way they want without having to be afraid of being thrown out by the landlord. Why don“t many Americans live in large, two-and-three-story houses? 解析 选项均以 Because 开头,可知本题问原因。再结合 can“t afford to、small houses are more comfortable、big houses. usually built in. countryside 等关键词,推测题目可能问某类人为何不住大房子

16、。短文说,他们没有足够的钱去买大房子,所以 A 正确。A.Because many young people have moved into comfortable apartments.B.Because many old houses in the poor area of the town are not inhabited.C.Because many older people sell their houses after their children leave. D.Because many people have quit their old houses to build n

17、ew ones.解析:听力原文 Why is it easy to find old houses for sale? 解析 根据选项可以预测题目大致是问为什么有很多旧房空出来。短文提到,人们不难发现有老房子可供购买。接着说明原因:很多上了年纪的人在孩子们离开后会卖掉大房子搬进公寓。C 项中的关键词older people,sell,children leave 都是听到的原词组合,故选 C。A 错在主语,录音中说搬到舒适的公寓里的也是老人,不是年轻人。A.They have to do their own maintenance. B.They have to furnish their o

18、wn houses.C.They will find it difficult to make the rest of the payment.D.They will find it difficult to dispose of their old-style furniture.解析:听力原文 What problem will people have after they buy a house? 解析 短文说,homeowners 要自己来维修房子。A 项是录音信息的原词复现,故为答案。(分数:16.00)A.Because both have a limited supply of

19、air, water, and other resources. B.Because the Earth moves around the sun as fast as a spaceship.C.Because we can travel to outer space.D.Because the Earth never stops moving.解析:听力原文 In a way, all of us are on a spaceshipthe planet Earth. We move around the sun at 18 miles per second and never stop.

20、 On our spaceship, we have 5 billion people and limited supply of air, water and land. These supplies have to be used carefully because we can“t buy new air, Water or land from anywhere else. Environment on our planet is a closed system. Nothing new is ever added. Nature recycles its resources. Wate

21、r, for example, evaporates and rises at visible drops to form clouds. The same water returns to the earth as rain or snow. The rain that falls today is actually the same water that fell on the land 70 million years ago. Today, the earth is in trouble. Factories pour dirty water into rivers, many fis

22、h die and water becomes unhealthy for people to drink. Cars and factories put poisons into the air and cause plants, animals and people to get sick. People throw bottles and paper out of their car windows and roadside becomes covered with all sorts of wastes. Over the years people have changed envir

23、onment and we have pollution. To continue to survive, we must learn how to use the earth resources wisely. We have to change our habits and stop dropping such enormous amounts of industrial waste into the water and air. We must cooperate with nature and learn better ways touse, not to abuse our envi

24、ronment. Why does the speaker compare the earth to a spaceship? 解析 根据选项可以预测信息点是地球与宇宙飞船之间的相似处。短文开篇便将地球比作了spaceship,然后说上面的空气、水、土地资源都很有限,A 项中的关键词 limited supply of air,water 为录音原词,因此答案为 A。A.About 80 miles per second.B.About 70 miles per second.C.About 18 miles per second. D.About 17 miles per second.解析

25、:听力原文 How fast does the planet Earth travel around the sun? 解析 选项之间的差异只是数字不同,发音两两相似,因此要注意辨别录音中出现的数字。此题本身并不难,因此提前浏览选项是十分重要的。A.Because the Earth is heavily polluted.B.Because nature cannot recycle its resources.C.Because more and more people live on the Earth.D.Because no more new resources can be add

26、ed. 解析:听力原文 Why does the speaker advise us to use the earth resources wisely? 解析 短文提到,这些资源必须谨慎使用,因为我们无法从别的地方买到新的空气、水或土地,所以 D正确。D 项中的 在录音中两次提及,关键词 added 也是录音原词。A.Nature has changed our environment over the years.B.We must avoid wasting resources and polluting our environment. C.Our resources a

27、re nearly used up.D.Trips to other planets will help eliminate pollution.解析:听力原文 What message is the speaker trying to convey? 解析 选项 B 是对录音最后一句的同义表达,句型与原文一致,故为答案。四、Section C(总题数:3,分数:40.00)Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 19. (分数:16.00)A.His great effort to prepare th

28、e talk.B.His perfect pronunciation of Mandarin.C.His success in speaking Chinese for half an hour. D.His passion for promoting Chinese Mandarin.解析:听力原文 Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently surprised Chinese students when he spoke to them in Chinese. In a talk at Tsinghua University in Beijing,

29、Zuckerberg spoke Chinese for about 30 minutes. Although his Mandarin was far from perfect, students and faculty cheered his effort. Zuckerberg“s talk raises a larger question: is Chinese the language of the future? Could it replace English as the world“s international language? Mandarin Chinese alre

30、ady has the most native speakers of any language. And, China may soon surpass the United States as the world“s largest economy. The study of the Chinese language is increasing in the United States and around the world. This year, about 60,000 American college students were studying Chinese. That is

31、three times as many as in twenty years ago. A small but growing number of American parents are even sending their children to bilingual Chinese immersion schools. They think knowing Chinese could give their children a competitive advantage. Clayton Dube, the head of the U.S.-China Institute at the U

32、niversity of Southern California, thinks Chinese will grow in importance, especially for people who want to work and do business in China. But he does not think Chinese will overtake English any time soon. “As China rises, you can anticipate that more people will adopt the language. But is Chinese g

33、oing to replace English? I don“t think socertainly not in my lifetime, probably not in the next two, three, or four generations.“ English rose to prominence through the British Empire in the nineteenth century. American dominance in the twentieth century spread the language even further. Dube says A

34、merican pop culture is one reason for English“s popularity as a foreign language. “American movies, music, television, video games have wide audiences. So far China“s success in this realm has been very limited. Chinese films, Chinese television shows, and Chinese music don“t have a huge following o

35、utside of China.“ Chinese is also a more difficult language to learn. The U.S. Foreign Service Institute estimates it would take a native English speaker 2,200 hours to reach professional fluency in Chinese. That is four times longer than it would take to reach the same level in Dutch, French, or Sp

36、anish. While Chinese grammar is much simpler, Chinese has a tone and writing system that is more difficult for adult learners to master. A recent survey by Gallup showed that only one in four Americans is multilingual, or able to speak more than one language. And most multilingual Americans are immi

37、grants or the children of immigrants. For most Americans, Britons, and Australians, learning a foreign language is a choice, not a necessity. China Daily estimates that 400 million Chinese are studying English. That means China has more English learners than the U.S. has English speakers. In Mark Zu

38、ckerberg“s talk at Tsinghua University, what surprised the students? 解析 录音开头提到,脸书创始人马克扎克伯格向中国学生说起了汉语,这令他们很吃惊(surprised)。最近在北京清华大学的讲话中,扎克伯格讲了近 30 分钟的汉语,由上述内容可知 C 项“他成功地说了半小时的汉语”正确。A 项“他努力地准备演讲”未在录音中提到。录音提到他的汉语远非完美(far from perfect),因此 B 项“他完美的普通话发音”错误。D 项“他推广汉语普通话的热情”没有在录音中提到。A.Now more American pare

39、nts are doing so.B.More American college students study Chinese.C.China has become the world“s largest economy.D.Chinese could help their children in the competition. 解析:听力原文 Why are some American parents sending their children to learn Chinese? 解析 录音提到,有些美国父母们甚至将孩子送到双语中文浸入式学校,他们认为懂汉语能为他们的孩子带来竞争优势(g

40、ive their children a competitive advantage)。因此 D 项“汉语对孩子的竞争有帮助”为正确答案。A 项“现在更多美国父母这样做”符合事实,但这只是说明了趋势,并不能体现父母这样做的原因。B 项“更多的美国大学生学习汉语”也是录音提到的一种现象,也不是原因。C 项“中国已成为世界最大的经济体”时态不对,录音原文是说中国很快(soon)会成为世界最大的经济体,说的是将来的情况。A.The British Empire in the 19th century.B.The wide-spread American pop culture. C.American

41、 dominance in the 20th century.D.The great difficulty in learning Chinese.解析:听力原文 What increases English“s popularity according to Clayton Dube? 解析 Dube 说美国流行文化(American pop culture)是英语作为一门外语得以流行的原因之一,因此 B项“广泛传播的美国流行文化”为正确答案。A 项“19 世纪的大英帝国”和 C 项“美国在 20 世纪的主导地位”是英语得以传播的原因,但不是 Dube 的观点。D 项“学习汉语的巨大困难”利

42、用了录音后面关于“汉语学习很困难”的细节说明来设置于扰项,这与英语的流行无关。A.People can choose to do it or not to do it. B.Immigrants are relatively good at doing it.C.It is quite necessary and essential to do so.D.It requires a lot of hard work and energy.解析:听力原文 What do most Americans, Britons and Australians think of learning a for

43、eign language? 解析 录音最后提到,对大多数美国人、英国人和澳大利亚人来说,学习外语是一种选择,而不是必要的(a choice,not a necessity)。因此 A 项“人们可以选择做或者不做这件事”为正确答案。录音有提到移民或移民的后代大多数会多种语言,但这是由于家庭条件促成的,但不代表他们就“更擅长学外语”,故 B 项错误。C 项“这样做非常必要,也非常关键”与他们的观点“不是必要的”相反。D 项“它需要很多精力和努力”利用了录音关于学习中文费时费力这一信息设置干扰项,与问题没有关系。Now listen to the following recording and a

44、nswer questions 20 to 22. (分数:12.00)A.Most of the new employees in McKinsey & Co. graduate from it. B.Nearly 20% of top managers in America are from it.C.MBA is founded by a student that graduated from it.D.People all over the world dream of getting into it.解析:听力原文 There is saying in American educat

45、ional circles that Harvard University is the crown of American universities and the shining jewel in the crown is Harvard Business School. Harvard Business School (HBS) is one of the world“s most prestigious business schools. It is known as the West Point for businessmen, executives, and managers. O

46、ne fifth of the top managers in the top 500 companies in the United States are from HBS. Every year, most new employees employed by McKinsey & Co., the big boss of the management consulting industry, are HBS graduates. The investment banks on Wall Street are where HBS graduates go to report in crowd

47、s. The MBA has become the symbol of power and wealth, and is the degree that numerous people, both in America and all over the world, dream of or rather desire. HBS is the founder of MBA and there is a legend about it. The United States was an agricultural society for the most part of the 19th centu

48、ry. Many people, represented by President Thomas Jefferson, were suspicious of industry and big business. They believed that an agricultural society in which people were hard-working, self-reliant, and honest, was the best form of society for the United States, while big business would weaken this A

49、merican spirit. Therefore, when Harvard University proposed to found a business school, there was a bitter quarrel over it. Finally, Harvard University found an ingenious way. In 1908,I-IBS was founded as a graduate school, and did not enroll undergraduates. Students must obtain a bachelor degree before applying for HBS. In doing so, HBS is not only different from other business schools, but stands at a higher level. As a result, HBS becomes the first graduate school in America which can grant an MBA degree. HBS is the cradle of the cas

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