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1、大学英语六级分类模拟题 384及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.笔、墨、纸、砚 (brush, ink, paper and ink stone)是中国特有的文书工具,被誉为“ 文房四宝 (Four Treasures of the Study)”。笔(即毛笔)是我国传统 书法 (calligraphy)的重要工具,可以说,汉字书法是毛笔发展的产物;墨是用于书画的黑色材料,主要成分为碳,用于书写可使字长久留存,不易褪色;纸是一种重要的书写材料,它是由植物类纤维加工制作而成的;砚是磨墨不可缺少的工具,一般由石块或是 耐磨的 (wear-resistant)材料制作而成。文

2、房四宝除了实用之外,还有很高的收藏和观赏价值。(分数:10.00)_2.兵马俑 (the Terracotta Warriors and Horses)即制成兵马(战车、战马、士兵)形状的 陶制殉葬品 (funerary objects made of clay),是我国古代墓葬雕塑的一个类别。兵马俑位于西安市 秦始皇陵 (Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang)内,是秦始皇的陪葬物品。墓葬坑内的兵马俑与真人大小一致,神态各异,栩栩如生,而且规模庞大,蔚为壮观。1978 年,法国前总统希拉克在以巴黎市长的身份参观了秦始皇兵马俑之后,赞叹兵马俑堪称世界第八大奇迹,不看秦俑,就不能算

3、来过中国。从此,秦始皇兵马俑便有了“世界第八大奇迹”的美誉。 (分数:10.00)_3.中国四大发明是指中国古代的四种发明,一般是指 造纸术 (papermaking)、指南针、火药、 活字印刷术 (movable type printing)。这一说法最早是由英国 汉学家 (Sinologist)李约瑟提出来的。人们普遍认为,这四种发明对中国古代的政治、经济、文化发展产生了巨大的推动作用。纸张的使用为书籍和文字提供了更加方便、成本低廉的载体;指南针的发明使航海事业向前迈进了一大步;火药推动了军事的发展;活字印刷使图书得以大批量地印刷,让普通人有更多机会接触到文字,享受前人的文明成果。 (分数

4、:10.00)_4.农历 (the lunar calendar)是中国的传统历法。它是根据月球的运行周期制定的历法。它以月球绕行地球一周的时间为一个月。农历对于中国古代农业的发展起着非常重要的作用,很多农事活动都是参照农历中的“ 二十四节气 (twenty-four solar terms)”来进行的。此外,中国重大的传统节日也都是以农历的日子来制定的。至今汉字文化圈的国家和民族大都依然保持着庆祝传统农历节日的习俗,如春节、元宵节、端午节、中秋节和重阳节等。中国目前的日历中依然保存了农历,人们都把它作为一种重要的参考。(分数:10.00)_5.故宫 (the Palace Museum)过去

5、被称为紫禁城。它是中国宫殿建筑之 精华 (quintessence),也是世界闻名的古代皇家宫殿。故宫建成于 1420年的明朝年问,是明清两代皇帝居住和处理国家事务的地方。它是世界上现存最大、最完整的木质结构的古建筑群。故宫之中,大小殿宇层层叠叠,大院套着小院,有大小房间 900多间。 亭台 (pavilion) 假山 (rockery)点缀其中,湖泊流水,古木森森。故宫驰名中外,被誉为世界五大宫北京故宫、法国 凡尔赛宫 (Palace of Versailles)、英国 白金汉宫 (Buckingham Palace)、美国白宫和俄罗斯克里 姆林宫 (Moscow Kremlin) 之首。

6、(分数:10.00)_6.刺绣 (embroidery)是中国优秀的民族传统工艺之一。它是以绣针引彩线,按照设计的花样,在丝绸或布帛上绣上各种漂亮、精美的图案或文字的工艺。刺绣的运针手法五花八门,各具特色。刺绣物品可以用于生活和艺术装饰,比如服装、 床上用品 (bedding)、台布、舞台、艺术品装饰等。在古代富裕人家, 屏风 (screen)、 壁挂 (wall hanging)等陈设物品上也绣有精美的刺绣。能绣得一手好刺绣被公认为中国古代女性的美德之一。心灵手巧的中国古代女性把刺绣工艺发展到了极致,令人由衷地赞叹。 (分数:10.00)_7.中国经济持续快速发展的同时,环境、能源等一系列问

7、题也不断涌现出来。如何平衡经济发展和环境、能源管理问题,是摆在中国人面前的一道难题。从世界发达国家发展的历程看,发展过程中带来的环境和能源问题在所难免,但这些国家走过的 弯路 (detour)中国不能再重复走。因此,借鉴、吸收发达国家先进的环境、能源管理经验,实现经济可持续发展是中国社会发展的必经之路。中国必须采取可行的具体措施,节能减排,大力发展可再生性能源。 (分数:10.00)_8.相对于传统购物,网上购物是一种全新的购物方式。人们坐在电脑前,通过手指轻按鼠标,足不出户就可以把想买的几乎任何东西都买回家中。买卖双方通过互联网在线进行交易,卖家以发送快递的方式,把商品送到买家的手中。网上购

8、物有着方便、快捷、经营成本低、库存压力小等各种优势。随着技术、制度等不断完善,网上购物已逐渐成为一种普遍的购物形式。在中国,电子商务发展迅猛,网上购物成为年轻人及大多数网民热衷的购物时尚。 (分数:10.00)_9.微信 (WeChat)是腾讯公司于 2011年初推出的一款智能手机 应用软件 (utility software),目前在中国极为流行。微信有分组聊天和 语音、视频对话 (voice and video intercom)、定位搜索附近用户等功能。微信用户可以通过智能手机客户端与好友分享文字与图片。从这个意义上来说,微信是一款 即时通迅 (instant messaging)和社交

9、智能软件。目前,随着微信的广泛普及,微信用户已经不限于以交友、沟通为目的的普通个人群体,越来越多的商家也开通了官方微信,借助微信平台推销和展示企业产品信息。因而,就目前来讲,微信也是企业宣传、推销自己的商业平台。 (分数:10.00)_10.“ 城镇化 ”(city and town-rization)一词的出现很显然要晚于“城市化”,这是中国学者创造的一个新词。很多学者主张使用“城镇化”一词。它是指中国农村人口转化为城镇人口的过程。中国城镇化速度的加快,反映出中国经济水平的提高,但这一过程同样引发了许多社会问题,如农村耕地被 非法征用 (illegal expropriation),农民工进

10、城安置不当, 留守儿童 (left-behind children)得不到应有照顾,城市交通拥堵,生态环境恶化,城市运营成本高昂等问题。有效处理这些问题有助于中国城镇化进程的良性发展。 (分数:10.00)_大学英语六级分类模拟题 384答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.笔、墨、纸、砚 (brush, ink, paper and ink stone)是中国特有的文书工具,被誉为“ 文房四宝 (Four Treasures of the Study)”。笔(即毛笔)是我国传统 书法 (calligraphy)的重要工具,可以说,汉字书法是毛笔发展的产物;墨是用于书画的黑色

11、材料,主要成分为碳,用于书写可使字长久留存,不易褪色;纸是一种重要的书写材料,它是由植物类纤维加工制作而成的;砚是磨墨不可缺少的工具,一般由石块或是 耐磨的 (wear-resistant)材料制作而成。文房四宝除了实用之外,还有很高的收藏和观赏价值。(分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Brush, ink, paper and ink stone are writing tools unique to China and are known as “Four Treasures of the Study“. Brush (i.e. “ink brush“) is an importan

12、t tool in traditional Chinese calligraphy, and it may well be said that Chinese calligraphy is a product of the evolution of ink brush. Ink is the black material used for writing and painting. Its main component is carbon; once used for writing characters, it can be preserved for a long time and is

13、not easy to fade away. Paper is an important writing material made from plant fibers through processing. Ink stone, which is usually made of stones or wear-resistant materials, is an indispensable tool for grinding ink. In addition to the practical value in writing, “Four Treasures of the Study“ are

14、 highly valuable for collection and admiration.2.兵马俑 (the Terracotta Warriors and Horses)即制成兵马(战车、战马、士兵)形状的 陶制殉葬品 (funerary objects made of clay),是我国古代墓葬雕塑的一个类别。兵马俑位于西安市 秦始皇陵 (Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang)内,是秦始皇的陪葬物品。墓葬坑内的兵马俑与真人大小一致,神态各异,栩栩如生,而且规模庞大,蔚为壮观。1978 年,法国前总统希拉克在以巴黎市长的身份参观了秦始皇兵马俑之后,赞叹兵马俑堪称世界第八

15、大奇迹,不看秦俑,就不能算来过中国。从此,秦始皇兵马俑便有了“世界第八大奇迹”的美誉。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:The Terracotta Warriors and Horses are funerary objects made of clay in the shape of warriors and horses (chariots, horses and soldiers). They are a category of ancient Chinese tomb sculptures. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses are lo

16、cated in the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang in Xi“an. They are the burial articles of Qin Shi Huang. The terracotta warriors and horses in the burial pits are of life-like sizes, look different and are true to life. They are of huge scale and magnificent. Former French President Chirac visited the Terra

17、cotta Army of Qin Shi Huang in 1978 in the capacity of mayor of Paris and praised it as “the eighth wonder of the world.“ He said that one is not said to have been to China if he has not paid a visit to the Terracotta Warriers and Horses. Since then, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses have enjoyed t

18、he reputation of “the eighth wonder of the world“.3.中国四大发明是指中国古代的四种发明,一般是指 造纸术 (papermaking)、指南针、火药、 活字印刷术 (movable type printing)。这一说法最早是由英国 汉学家 (Sinologist)李约瑟提出来的。人们普遍认为,这四种发明对中国古代的政治、经济、文化发展产生了巨大的推动作用。纸张的使用为书籍和文字提供了更加方便、成本低廉的载体;指南针的发明使航海事业向前迈进了一大步;火药推动了军事的发展;活字印刷使图书得以大批量地印刷,让普通人有更多机会接触到文字,享受前人的文

19、明成果。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:The Four Great Inventions of China refer to the four inventions of ancient China. They generally refer to papermaking, compass, gunpowder and movable type printing. This statement was first put forward by a British Sinologist Joseph Needham. It is generally believed that th

20、ese four inventions have greatly promoted the political, economic and cultural development of ancient China. The use of paper has provided more convenient and low-cost carriers for books and languages. The invention of compass has enabled the navigation to have a big step forward. Gunpowder has prom

21、oted the military development. Movable type printing has made it possible to print books in large quantities so that ordinary people have more access to the written language and enjoy the fruits of previous civilization.4.农历 (the lunar calendar)是中国的传统历法。它是根据月球的运行周期制定的历法。它以月球绕行地球一周的时间为一个月。农历对于中国古代农业的

22、发展起着非常重要的作用,很多农事活动都是参照农历中的“ 二十四节气 (twenty-four solar terms)”来进行的。此外,中国重大的传统节日也都是以农历的日子来制定的。至今汉字文化圈的国家和民族大都依然保持着庆祝传统农历节日的习俗,如春节、元宵节、端午节、中秋节和重阳节等。中国目前的日历中依然保存了农历,人们都把它作为一种重要的参考。(分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:The lunar calendar is a traditional calendar of China. It is based on the cycles of the moon. It sets th

23、e time that the moon goes around the earth once as a lunar month. The lunar calendar played a very important role in the development of agriculture in ancient China. Many farming activities were carried out with reference to the “twenty-four solar terms“ on the lunar calendar. In addition, major tra

24、ditional Chinese festivals are also set in accordance with the days on the lunar calendar. So far most of the countries and nations in the cultural circle of Chinese characters have still observed the traditional Chinese festival customs of the lunar calendar, such as the Spring Festival, the Lanter

25、n Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Double Ninth Festival, etc. The current Chinese calendar still retains the lunar calendar. People all treat it as an important reference.5.故宫 (the Palace Museum)过去被称为紫禁城。它是中国宫殿建筑之 精华 (quintessence),也是世界闻名的古代皇家宫殿。故宫建成于 1420年的明朝年问,是

26、明清两代皇帝居住和处理国家事务的地方。它是世界上现存最大、最完整的木质结构的古建筑群。故宫之中,大小殿宇层层叠叠,大院套着小院,有大小房间 900多间。 亭台 (pavilion) 假山 (rockery)点缀其中,湖泊流水,古木森森。故宫驰名中外,被誉为世界五大宫北京故宫、法国 凡尔赛宫 (Palace of Versailles)、英国 白金汉宫 (Buckingham Palace)、美国白宫和俄罗斯克里 姆林宫 (Moscow Kremlin) 之首。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:The Palace Museum, formerly known as the Forbi

27、dden City, is the quintessence of the Chinese palace buildings. It is also a world-famous ancient royal palace. The construction of the Palace Museum was completed in 1420 during the Ming Dynasty. It served as the residence of the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, where they dealt with day-to

28、-day affairs of the state. It is the largest and most complete ancient building complex of the preserved ancient wooden structures in the world. There are over 900 rooms of different sizes in the Palace Museum. Palaces and temples of various sizes cascade in its big and small courtyards. Pavilions,

29、rockeries, small lakes and ancient trees dot the courtyards here and there. The Palace Museum is world-famous and reputed as the top of the five great palaces in the worldthe Palace Museum in Beijing, the French Palace of Versailles, the Buckingham Palace of Britain, the White House of the United St

30、ates and the Moscow Kremlin of Russia.6.刺绣 (embroidery)是中国优秀的民族传统工艺之一。它是以绣针引彩线,按照设计的花样,在丝绸或布帛上绣上各种漂亮、精美的图案或文字的工艺。刺绣的运针手法五花八门,各具特色。刺绣物品可以用于生活和艺术装饰,比如服装、 床上用品 (bedding)、台布、舞台、艺术品装饰等。在古代富裕人家, 屏风 (screen)、 壁挂 (wall hanging)等陈设物品上也绣有精美的刺绣。能绣得一手好刺绣被公认为中国古代女性的美德之一。心灵手巧的中国古代女性把刺绣工艺发展到了极致,令人由衷地赞叹。 (分数:10.00)

31、_正确答案:()解析:Embroidery is one of the excellent national traditional crafts of China. It is a craftwork of a variety of beautiful and exquisite patterns or characters embroidered on silk or cloth with needles and colored threads in accordance with the pre-designed patterns. Embroidery needle technique

32、s are various and each has its own distinctive characteristics. Embroidery articles can be used for life and art decorations. For example, they can be used to decorate clothing, bedding, table cloth, stage, artwork, etc. Such furnishings as screens and wall hangings in the homes of the rich people i

33、n ancient times were also decorated with exquisite embroidery. Doing well in embroidery was recognized as one of the virtues of women in ancient China. Ingenious ancient Chinese women had developed the embroidery technique to perfection and thus won the sincere praise from people.7.中国经济持续快速发展的同时,环境、

34、能源等一系列问题也不断涌现出来。如何平衡经济发展和环境、能源管理问题,是摆在中国人面前的一道难题。从世界发达国家发展的历程看,发展过程中带来的环境和能源问题在所难免,但这些国家走过的 弯路 (detour)中国不能再重复走。因此,借鉴、吸收发达国家先进的环境、能源管理经验,实现经济可持续发展是中国社会发展的必经之路。中国必须采取可行的具体措施,节能减排,大力发展可再生性能源。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:With the sustainable and rapid development of economy in China, a series of environmental

35、 and energy problems have emerged one after another. How to balance the economic development and the environmental and energy management is a hard nut to crack for the Chinese people. Judging from the development process of the developed countries in the world, it is hardly possible to avoid the env

36、ironmental and energy problems brought about in the course of development. However, China should not repeat the detour that the developed countries had gone through. Therefore, China must take advantage of and absorb the advanced environmental and energy management experience of the developed countr

37、ies and realize the sustainable development of economy. This is the inevitable road for China“s social development. China must take feasible and concrete measures to save energy, reduce emission and develop renewable energy with great efforts.8.相对于传统购物,网上购物是一种全新的购物方式。人们坐在电脑前,通过手指轻按鼠标,足不出户就可以把想买的几乎任何

38、东西都买回家中。买卖双方通过互联网在线进行交易,卖家以发送快递的方式,把商品送到买家的手中。网上购物有着方便、快捷、经营成本低、库存压力小等各种优势。随着技术、制度等不断完善,网上购物已逐渐成为一种普遍的购物形式。在中国,电子商务发展迅猛,网上购物成为年轻人及大多数网民热衷的购物时尚。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Compared with traditional shopping, online shopping is an entirely new way of shopping. People can almost buy anything home simply by s

39、itting in front of a computer and lightly clicking the mouse with their fingers without going out of doors. Sellers and buyers complete their transactions through the Internet and sellers send goods via express to buyers. Online shopping is endowed with such advantages as convenience, swiftness, low

40、 miming cost and small inventory pressure. With the constant improvement and perfection of the technology and system, online shopping has gradually become a common form of shopping. Electronic commerce has been developing rapidly in China, making online shopping the shopping fashion for young people

41、 and the majority of netizens.9.微信 (WeChat)是腾讯公司于 2011年初推出的一款智能手机 应用软件 (utility software),目前在中国极为流行。微信有分组聊天和 语音、视频对话 (voice and video intercom)、定位搜索附近用户等功能。微信用户可以通过智能手机客户端与好友分享文字与图片。从这个意义上来说,微信是一款 即时通迅 (instant messaging)和社交智能软件。目前,随着微信的广泛普及,微信用户已经不限于以交友、沟通为目的的普通个人群体,越来越多的商家也开通了官方微信,借助微信平台推销和展示企业产品信

42、息。因而,就目前来讲,微信也是企业宣传、推销自己的商业平台。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:WeChat is a utility software of a smart phone launched by the Tencent Inc. in early 2011. It is currently very popular in China. WeChat has such functions as supporting group chat, voice and video intercom, searching nearby users, etc. WeChat users

43、 can share words and pictures with their friends through the client end of a smart phone. In this sense, WeChat is an instant messaging and social networking intelligent software. At present, with the extensive popularization of WeChat, its users are not limited to ordinary individual groups for mak

44、ing friends and communicating. More and more businesses have opened their official WeChat to promote and display the business information of their enterprises via their WeChat platforms. Therefore, WeChat is also a business platform at present for the enterprises to publicize and promote themselves.10.“ 城镇化 ”(city and town-rization)一词的出现很显然要晚于“城市化”,这是中国学者创造的一个新词。很多学者主张使用“城镇化”一词。它是指中国农村人口转化为城镇人口的过程

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