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1、大学英语六级分类模拟题 453及答案解析(总分:222.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Section A(总题数:1,分数:71.00)Why I Became a Teacher: to Pass on My Love of LiteratureA. Like lots of people, I never thought I“d be a teacher when I was at school. To be honest I only did my training because my husband was

2、on a four-year course and I was on a three-year course at Cardiff University so I wanted to do something for one year. I thought doing a teaching qualification would be interesting and might be quite useful. I“m convinced that nothing else I might have done would have given me so much pleasure and s

3、atisfaction, or fitted in so well with family life. B. When I retire, in just a few years time, I can look back on a career which made a positive difference to the lives of thousands of children. Few other career choices can be so rewarding, so if you have a love of your subject and want the opportu

4、nity to pass that on then teaching can be a great career. C. Anyone going into teaching now will be used to teaching to formal work schemes and observation. I think it has raised standards in the profession but personally I feel the loss in the classroom. I“ve got the confidence of 30 years experien

5、ce. I“ve seen new approaches come and go (and sometimes even identical “new ideas“ come and go more than once). D. For me, it“s the passion for your subject and interest in the success of your students that matters more than how all the acronyms (首字母缩略词) add up. This is what will make you a good tea

6、cher. There“s still room for individuals but you have to have the confidence and passion for your subject to make it work. E. The major challenge in teaching is time. There“s not enough of it. It“s hard if you“re working full time to cope with the marking and feel that you have enough time to do you

7、r job properly. I“ve worked part time ever since I had children. I officially work three days a weektrot on my two days off I always work, it probably all adds up to what counts as a full week“s work in most other jobs but the pay isn“t bad so you can work part time and then the job really does fit

8、in with family life. There are shortcuts to save time, and if had to work part time I“d have to use them. But working part time gives me the luxury to be a critical marker. It can take two hours to mark a 3,000 word A level essay, so if you have 16 pupils that“s 32 hours of marking in one week for j

9、ust one class. F. One of the benefits of being a part-time teacher is that I do have time to mark properly. Sometimes my feedback is almost as long as their essay but I really want the kids to do well. One of the best things about teaching is you get to raise children“s aspirations, and to make a di

10、fference in their lives. You get visits and emails from your old students to prove it! It“s great to make the difference, and, as they say, it does make it all worthwhile. G. The core of teaching is the subject and the pupils. We have a lot of NQTs and PGCE students coming to our school and sometime

11、s I must admit to being disappointed when students don“t know their subjects that well. I had an NQT who was teaching Animal Farm and asked me “What“s Marxism?“and she“d got a first in her degree so it just goes to show that government initiatives to try and attract those with firsts aren“t necessar

12、ily going work. H. However, lots of people drop out of teaching after a couple of years, it is an exhausting job. So my advice to those just starting out is: I. Don“t lose your sense of proportion over things that happen in the classroom or in an observation that doesn“t go well. As long as in the b

13、igger picture of things you are connecting with kids and the subjectthen don“t get frustrated. Even after 30 years of teaching everyone has fearful days in teaching, when you think: “Can I really do this?“ You“ve got to keep positive; it“s only a problem if you get more bad days than good days. J. M

14、ake sure teaching doesn“t overwhelm you. You have to develop strategies especially if you are teaching a subject which requires a lot of marking. So plan things well. Get your pupils to do peer marking, which really can work. If you know you just can“t handle any more marking in a particular week, g

15、et pupils to write a speech and then perform it in the next class. You“ve got to think ahead about times of maximum workload and plan accordinglyask your more experienced colleagues for advice. K. You“ve got to keep your sense of humour, which is a great way of relieving a situation. I know I became

16、 a better teacher when I became a parent. I realised that kids can be so unpleasant sometimes, even your own kids. They don“t mean it; they“re just being kids. It doesn“t mean they hate you or hate your lessons. When you“re a new teacher coming into teaching, especially if you are young, you think o

17、f the students as almost your adversaries (对手), until you“ve got to defeat them. But you“ve got to be careful what you say. You can“t belittle them too much or you can really harm them. L. Love your subject. If you are going to succeed in secondary school teaching, you must love your subject. The ki

18、ds really know if you do or don“t. M. You have to know your students are individuals, they learn in different ways. You have to be sensitive to that. N. You can“t just teach a formula. 1 do worry about the difference between lip service to what the government say it“s supposed to be like and what it

19、“s really like. I do hate the untruthfulness of that and the gulf seems to widen more and more. It feels like what matters most is what“s tested. The trouble is nothing that is really worthwhile, the love of learning, connection with literature, having empathythese are the things that really make a

20、difference to someone“s life but of course they can“t be tested. Young teachers have to be careful not to get lost in formulas and initiatives. A more experienced teacher will have confidence to respond to kids and to talk about an issue that“s raised in class that“s not on the plan. The children wi

21、ll learn so much from that but there“s no box to tick.(分数:71.00)(1).Keeping sense of humor rather than belittling your students can help relieve a situation.(分数:7.10)(2).Teachers should not teach to a formula because what cannot be tested may really matter to a student“s life.(分数:7.10)(3).For the au

22、thor, the main challenge in teaching is that there“s no enough time.(分数:7.10)(4).For teachers faced with a lot of marking, one strategy is to get pupils involved in peer marking.(分数:7.10)(5).When dealing with things that happen in the classroom, teachers are advised to decide priorities.(分数:7.10)(6)

23、.Working part time enables the author to mark students“ assignments properly.(分数:7.10)(7).The author believes she has received most satisfaction from teaching as a career.(分数:7.10)(8).Students can tell whether a teacher loves his subject or not.(分数:7.10)(9).The author thinks that teaching to formal

24、work schemes and observation can make a loss in the classroom.(分数:7.10)(10).According to the author, passion for a subject and interest in students“ success will make a good teacher.(分数:7.10)三、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Passage One(总题数:3,分数:40.00)A massive pool of warm ocean water is causing changes

25、in the atmosphere that could produce unusual weather around the world in the next few months, the US National Weather Service reported on Monday. As a result of this phenomenon, known as El Nino, more rainfall than normal is likely this winter across some areas of the United States, with unusually w

26、arm or cold weather in other parts of the country. Currently the phenomenon is marked by a warm pool of water along the equator extending from the International Date Line nearly to the coast of South America. That water is nearly 4 degrees Fahrenheit above normal, explained Vernon Kousky of the clim

27、ate center. This warm water “spreads almost a quarter of the way around the globe. So it“s massive and it has an impact on our weather. It has a global influence, because it disturbs the atmosphere“, said Dave Rodenhuis, director of the climate center. “El Nino is probably the most important climate

28、 event beyond the annual cycle of seasons“, he added. Because the changes tended to be first noticed around Christmas, the phenomenon was given the name El Nino, which is Spanish for child, a term often used to refer to the baby Jesus. The phenomenon occurs every three to five years, sometimes in a

29、mild form and sometimes strongly affecting weather patterns worldwide. Details of its cause are not fully understood, but when it occurs, unusually warm air can be pumped into Canada, Alaska and the northern United States. At the same time, conditions tend to be wetter than normal along the US South

30、east Coast and the Gulf of Mexico. And the Atlantic and Caribbean hurricane season tends to be milder than usual. The strong El Nino of 1982-1983 was blamed for worsening the devastating drought in Africa, causing a series of severe winter storms to come ashore in California, spawning the first typh

31、oon to strike French Polynesia in 75 yearsfollowed by five more in five monthsdeluging Peru and Ecuador with torrential rains and promoting the worst drought in two centuries in Australia. Overall damage was estimated at between 2 billion and 8 billion by a United Nations analysis and the death toll

32、 topped 1,500 worldwide.(分数:10.00)(1).El Nino can best be described as _.(分数:2.00)A.unusually long period of hot or cold weatherB.unusual changes of weather around the worldC.atmospheric change caused by warm ocean waterD.rising temperature of the ocean water and atmosphere(2).The warm water is affe

33、cting the weather globally because _.(分数:2.00)A.its temperature is too much above covers a vast area in the is one of the most important climate eventsD.its influence begins from the equator(3).Which of the following is true about the naming of El Nino?(分数:2.00)A.The name had so

34、mething to do with Christianity.B.The name was given by a religious researcher.C.The name indicates that El Nino most usually happens around Christmas.D.The name implies that the first phenomenon of El Nino appeared in Spain.(4).What is least known about El Nino, according to the passage?(分数:2.00)A.

35、The climate changes caused by El Nino.B.The areas influenced by El Nino.C.How often El Nino happens.D.How El Nino is formed.(5).What does the author wants to tell us about E! Nino by the last two paragraphs?(分数:2.00)A.The UN“s concern about it.B.The measures taken against it.C.Its intensity.D.Its fr

36、equency.What is the most striking image to emerge from this autumn“s Occupy protests? Was it the campus police officer in Davis, California, casually pepper-spraying a line of seated protesters? Or the white-shirted cop in New York, doing the same to a pair of unarmed, penned-in women? Perhaps it wa

37、s a street in Oakland, deserted except for protesters and a line of black-helmeted riot police, the silence broken when one of the cops fires a rubber bullet at a protester filming him. Protesters have complained, as ever, about police infiltration, but as these videos were made clear, protesters an

38、d other citizens are keeping their eyes on police, too. More than two-thirds of Americans own digital cameras. Around one-third of adults own a smart phone. Most of these devices can record and easily transmit audio and video. Recording police has never been easier, and thanks to social-media and ac

39、tivist networks such as Copwatch, which monitors police activity and posts videos to the web, neither has publicizing these recordings. That does not always go over well. People peaceably filming police have been handcuffed, beaten, had their cameras seized, and been arrested for obstructing governm

40、ental administration, obstructing an investigation, interference, disturbing the peace, or for illegal wiretapping. In taking such action the police are on shaky legal ground. The right to photograph people, including police officers, in public places, is relatively clear. Adding audio, however, rai

41、ses a new set of legal issues. Most states have single-party consent laws concerning audio recording, meaning that as long as one party consents to being recorded, the taping is legal. In most of the 12 states in which all parties must consent to be recorded, a violation occurs only if the subjects

42、being recorded have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Arguing that police officers carrying out their duties in public have such a right is a challenge. The attorney-general in Maryland, an all-party-consent state, wrote in 2010 that few interactions with police could be considered private. And c

43、hallenges are mounting in two of the statesIllinois and Massachusettswithout expectation-of-privacy clauses. In Massachusetts last August, a federal appeals court upheld a lower court“s ruling that a citizen“s right to film police in public is protected by the first and fourth amendments. During ora

44、l arguments, one of the judges hearing the challenges to the Illinois Eavesdropping Act worried that allowing recording might hinder the ability of the police to do their jobs. He gave the example of a policeman talking to a confidential informant. Police have also expressed concern about recording,

45、 and hence exposing, undercover officers. But of course police can still speak in private. Given the actions of some police officers when confronted with a camera, filming cops may not be prudent. But neither should it be illegal.(分数:20.00)(1).What is the most striking image to emerge from this autu

46、mn“s Occupy protests?(分数:4.00)A.Campus police officer casually pepper-spraying a line of seated protesters.B.Police in New York pepper-spraying a pair of unarmed, penned-in women.C.Police fires a rubber bullet at a protester filming him.D.Many protesters in Oakland film policemen.(2).Which of the fo

47、llowing does not contribute to making recording police easier?(分数:4.00)A.Many Americans own digital cameras.B.Most people have a smart phone.C.Social-media and activist networks.D.Politically sensitive people.(3).When will a violation occurs if a people film somebody in Maryland?(分数:4.00)A.If all th

48、e party involved do not consent.B.If one party do not consent.C.If there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.D.If one of the party is the police.(4).Where audio recording caused greatest challenges to the law and the courts?(分数:4.00)A.Davis, California.B.Oakland and New York.C.Illinois and Massac

49、husetts.D.12 states in which all parties must consent to be recorded.(5).What“s the author“s idea about filming police?(分数:4.00)A.It is totally illegal.B.It is legal.C.It hinders police“s work.D.It should be banned.While the 1970s pop psychotherapy movement focused on the importance of letting anger out, more recent research suggests that there“s a smarter, healthier way to react to life“s slings and arrows; with forgiveness. In a recent study, it was found that when individuals were about to forgive, they experienced greater joy, a more profound sense of control over life

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