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本文(大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷346及答案解析.doc)为本站会员(twoload295)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 346及答案解析(总分:56.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:7,分数:56.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension(分数:8.00)_2.Section A(分数:8.00)_A.Hosting a television show.B.Reviewing a new biography.C.Interviewing a movie star.D.Discussing teenage role models.A.He missed his aunt.B.He lost his

2、 mother.C.He had to attend school there.D.He was unhappy in California.A.He delivered public speeches.B.He played a role in East of Eden.C.He got seriously into acting.D.He hosted talk shows on TV.A.He made numerous popular movies.B.He has long been a legendary figure.C.He was best at acting in Holl

3、ywood tragedies.D.He was the most successful actor of his time.A.Damaging public facilities.B.Destroying urban wildlife.C.Organising rallies in the park.D.Hurting baby animals in the zoo.A.He had bribed the park keepers to keep quiet.B.People had differing opinions about his behaviour.C.The serious

4、consequences of his doings were not fully realised.D.His behaviour was thought to have resulted from mental illness.A.Brutal.B.Justifiable.C.Too Harsh.D.Well-deserved.A.Encouraging others to follow his wrong-doingB.Stealing endangered animals from the zoo.C.Organising people against the authorities.

5、D.Attacking the park keepers in broad daylight.A.It publishes magazines.B.It sponsors trade fairs.C.It runs sales promotion campaigns.D.It is engaged in product design.A.The ad specifications had not been given in detail.B.The womans company made last-minute changes.C.The womans company failed to ma

6、ke payments in time.D.Organising the promotion was really time-consuming.A.Extend the campaign to next year.B.Cut the fee by half for this year.C.Run another four-week campaign.D.Give her a 10 percent discount.A.Stop negotiating for the time being.B.Calm down and make peace.C.Reflect on their respec

7、tive mistakes.D.Improve their promotion plans.A.We wish to hide our indifference to their misfortune.B.We simply cannot help reacting instinctively that way.C.We think it serves them right for being mean to other people.D.We derive some humorous satisfaction from their misfortune.A.They want to show

8、 their genuine sympathy.B.They have had similar personal experiences.C.They dont know how to cope with the situationD.They dont want to reveal their own frustrationA.They themselves would like to do it but dont dare to.B.Its an opportunity for relieving their tension.C.They have seen this many times

9、 in old films.D.Its a rare chance for them to see the boss lose face.A.To irritate them.B.To teach them a lesson.C.To relieve her feelings.D.To show her courage.A.Good or bad, they are there to stay.B.Believe it or not, they have survived.C.Like it or not, you have to use them.D.Gain or lose, they s

10、hould be modernised.A.The frequent train delays.B.The food sold on the trains.C.The monopoly of British Railways.D.The high train ticket fares.A.The low efficiency of their operation.B.Competition from other modes of transport.C.Constant complaints from passengers.D.The passing of the new transport

11、act.A.They provide worse service.B.They lose a lot of money.C.They are fast disappearing.D.They will be de-nationalised.大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 346答案解析(总分:56.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:7,分数:56.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension(分数:8.00)_解析:2.Section A(分数:8.00)_解析:A.Hosting a television sho

12、w. B.Reviewing a new biography.C.Interviewing a movie star.D.Discussing teenage role models.解析:解析:从选项预测本题问某人在做什么。女士在开始时说欢迎大家来到今晚这一期的“传奇人生”节目,故选 A。需特别注意排除干扰项 C。从女士的介绍中可知,节目主题是某位电影明星,但主持人的采访对象是该明星的传记作者,而非明星本人。A.He missed his aunt.B.He lost his mother. C.He had to attend school there.D.He was unhappy i

13、n California.解析:解析:节目嘉宾说 Dean到加州四年后母亲去世了,他被父亲送回印第安纳州和姨妈同住。B 是 his mother passed away的同义转换,为正确答案。考点体现“语义重心”出题原则。逻辑关系词 because往往是考点所在。A 利用原词 aunt制造干扰。C、D 在对话中没有提到。A.He delivered public speeches.B.He played a role in East of Eden.C.He got seriously into acting. D.He hosted talk shows on TV.解析:解析:节目嘉宾说

14、Dean在中学时已经开始演戏,在加州读大学期间开始认真地学习表演,故选C。get into“对发生兴趣,专攻”。本题只要抓听到 went to college in California where he got seriously into acting,即可确定 C为答案。符合长对话听力“听到什么选什么”的原则。A.He made numerous popular movies.B.He has long been a legendary figure. C.He was best at acting in Hollywood tragedies.D.He was the most suc

15、cessful actor of his time.解析:解析:主持人问为何 Dean只拍过三部电影,却成为一个传奇直至今日,故 B为答案。A 显然与对话中提到的 Dean只拍过三部电影不符。C、D 在对话中没有提到。注意,对话中的提问可以起到提示作用。即对话中的一问一答,往往就是某个考题与答案所在之处。A.Damaging public facilities.B.Destroying urban wildlife. C.Organising rallies in the park.D.Hurting baby animals in the zoo.解析:解析:女士质问逮捕 Steve Bri

16、l是否有必要或公正,男士指出 Steve Bril做过的恶行:吃公园的野生生物达 5年之久;每天都鼓动他人吃公园的野生生物;组织团伙蓄意破坏城市野生生物。可见,B 项“破坏城市野生生物”是对录音原文的概况,故为答案。A 项“损坏公共基础设施”、C 项“在公园里组织集会”都没有在录音中提及。D 项“伤害幼小动物”是干扰项,虽与下文 eat the bably bears对应,但是前面有 as if,表示是假设的内容,不能选。A.He had bribed the park keepers to keep quiet.B.People had differing opinions about hi

17、s behaviour.C.The serious consequences of his doings were not fully realised. D.His behaviour was thought to have resulted from mental illness.解析:解析:女士接着问 Steve Bril的那些恶行持续了 5年,怎么突然决定要对他进行处理。男士回答,刚开始他们只是认为 Steve Bril古怪而已,但经过这么多年才发现他其实很危险。由此可见,多年没逮捕 Steve Bril的原因是没清醒地意识到 Steve Bril的危险性,所以选 C项。A 项“他贿赂

18、门卫封口”、B项“人们对于他的行为看法不一”都没有录音依据,故排除。男士说他们刚开始只是认为他古怪而已,D项的“精神疾病”过度夸大了 Steve Bril精神状态的恶劣程度,不能选。A.Brutal.B.Justifiable.C.Too Harsh. D.Well-deserved.解析:解析:女士替 Steve Bril求情,询问男士这一方是否可以不采取这么严厉的措施来阻止 Steve Bril的所作所为。可见女士认为对 Steve Bril的处理过于严苛,即选 C项。录音提到的 drastic与 too harsh同义,符合长对话“听到什么选什么”的原则。A 项“残忍的”属于过度夸大,B

19、 项“公正的”、D项“活该的”均与女士的态度相反。A.Encouraging others to follow his wrong-doing B.Stealing endangered animals from the zoo.C.Organising people against the authorities.D.Attacking the park keepers in broad daylight.解析:解析:男士说,Steve Bril 如果不吃野生植物以及不鼓动他人这么做的话,他们还是很乐意由他来组织游览公园的。而他的这种行为会导致各种人以各种行为来毁坏公园。换句话说,Steve

20、 Bril 吃野生植物和鼓动他人做同类违法恶行才导致男士有逮捕他的想法,故选 A项。B 项“从动物园偷濒危动物”、C项“组织他人对抗行政机关”、D 项“光天化日下殴打公园门卫”均没有录音依据。A.It publishes magazines.B.It sponsors trade fairs.C.It runs sales promotion campaigns. D.It is engaged in product design.解析:解析:男士第一句就提到了 C项里的关键词 run the campaign,再结合后面女士提到的活动举办太迟以及错过重要交易会、没有刊登在主要杂志上等,可知男

21、士的公司专门从事的是销售策划活动,C 正确。A、B 项利用对话中提到的 two key magazines和 trade fairs胡乱拼凑而成。对话中女士抱怨(男士公司安排的)推广活动错过了两场重要的“交易会”,广告也没有出现在主要的杂志上,故排除 A、B。D中的 product design在对话中没有提到。A.The ad specifications had not been given in detail.B.The womans company made last-minute changes. C.The womans company failed to make payment

22、s in time.D.Organising the promotion was really time-consuming.解析:解析:根据选项的 ad specifications,changes,payments 等词,可推测题目与广告明细的修改有关,此外,B、C 两项均提到了女士公司的一些失误,因而听音时要特别留意。男士说活动受耽搁不只是自己公司方面的失误,女士所在的公司到最后还在对广告明细作出修改,这才耽搁了。B 与对话内容一致。A“没有给出详细的广告明细”、C“女士的公司没有及时付款”、D“举办活动的确很耗时间”,这几项内容对话中都没有提到。A.Extend the campaig

23、n to next year.B.Cut the fee by half for this year. C.Run another four-week campaign.D.Give her a 10 percent discount.解析:解析:女士提出两种选择方案:一个是明年免费帮其举办推广活动;另一个就是只付 50的费用,故 B正确。A 中的 Extend“延续”与对话中 repeat the campaign for free不一致。C 是男士的建议,但女士没有采纳。D 错在数字,应为 50%。A.Stop negotiating for the time being. B.Calm

24、down and make peace.C.Reflect on their respective mistakes.D.Improve their promotion plans.解析:解析:四个选项都是动词短语,预测问题问某个建议。男士最后说“我们休息一下吧,现在看来不会有什么进展”,A“暂停目前的谈判”是对这句话的同义表达。B“冷静下来言和”、D“改善促销计划”曲解了男士的意思;虽然他说双方得思考一下怎么办,但除了建议暂时休息一下以外,并没有提出具体方案,C“思考各自的失误”并非男士的说话内容。A.We wish to hide our indifference to their mis

25、fortune.B.We simply cannot help reacting instinctively that way.C.We think it serves them right for being mean to other people.D.We derive some humorous satisfaction from their misfortune. 解析:解析:女士说人们看到一个大腹便便的商人踩在香蕉皮上滑倒会捧腹大笑,男士则解释:这是因为人们庆幸遇到倒霉事的不是自己,以及人们看到自大的人出洋相会有种幽默的满足,故选 D。本题符合长对话“听到什么选什么”的解题规则,当

26、听到男士评论说 But of course,即可发现 D项与之匹配,这时可做好标记,听到问题时进一步确认。A.They want to show their genuine sympathy.B.They have had similar personal experiences.C.They dont know how to cope with the situation D.They dont want to reveal their own frustration解析:解析:根据选项中的 showsympathy、had similar experiences、cope with the

27、 situation、frustration 等关键词,可预测本题与人们对某些事情的反应相关,其中涉及到挫折感、不知所措等心理。女士说还有很多关于胖子和残疾人的笑话,但其实这是不可笑的。男士说这些笑话背后的原因也许是因为人们觉得别扭,不知该如何面对这些情况,有时人们甚至会害怕自己变成那样,才会用笑声掩盖担心,故选 C。原因处常常出题,听到男士的话语中出现 thats because时要注意,其后往往会有考点。C 项与原文一致,符合长对话“听到什么选什么”的解题规律。A.They themselves would like to do it but dont dare to. B.Its an

28、opportunity for relieving their tension.C.They have seen this many times in old films.D.Its a rare chance for them to see the boss lose face.解析:解析:男士提到电影里经典搞笑场景之一是生气的员工拿起蛋糕扔到老板的脸上。女士分析说,人们看到此类场景发笑的原因可能是人人都希望这么做却都没有勇气,故选 A。对话中男士提到 custard pie routine,接着女士询问该词的意思,多次提及之处往往是出题之处,听音时需留意。A.To irritate the

29、m.B.To teach them a lesson.C.To relieve her feelings. D.To show her courage.解析:解析:选项都是动词不定式短语,由此可预测本题为行为题,内容和做某件事情的目的有关。本题为对话中最后一题,因此答案很可能在对话结尾处,男士说他有一位生气时爱扔茶杯的老姑姑,据她说这样做会让她感觉好受一些,C 项与原文一致,故为答案。A.Good or bad, they are there to stay.B.Believe it or not, they have survived.C.Like it or not, you have t

30、o use them. D.Gain or lose, they should be modernised.解析:解析:从选项推测,题目可能问人们对某事物的态度。女士说英国铁路是国有企业,全国只有一个铁路系统。如果不喜欢某一家铁路公司,也无法选择其他的,故选 C。女士话语中提到的 but是听音关键处,其后的内容往往就是考点。根据 you cant go and use another,判断 C为答案。需特别注意排除A项的干扰,后文听到的是 The car is here to stay,跟英国铁路系统无关。A.The frequent train delays.B.The food sold

31、on the trains.C.The monopoly of British Railways. D.The high train ticket fares.解析:解析:从选项预测本题与铁路服务相关。男士说有些人给他写信说,如果不是因为垄断,垄断企业不可能做现在做的这些事情,故选 C。即使没有听清全部内容,但只要听到 monopoly便可选对答案。因为其他选项所说的火车晚点、车上的食物质量与票价等问题,在对话中均未提及。A.The low efficiency of their operation.B.Competition from other modes of transport. C.

32、Constant complaints from passengers.D.The passing of the new transport act.解析:解析:从选项预测本题与交通运输某方面情况相关。女士问男士是否认为铁路国有化是一件好事,男士回答说是的,因为存在着各种交通运输方式。此后他还进一步肯定了女士的说法,即,如果不是这样,铁路运输就会消亡。男士随后提及“The car arrivedThe car is here to stay”,他认为诸如汽车运输等交通运输方式的到来带来了竞争,对铁路运输产生了巨大的冲击。故 B为正确答案A.They provide worse service.B.They lose a lot of money. C.They are fast disappearing.D.They will be de-nationalised.解析:解析:男士介绍说铁路运输在美国正快速地消失,在法国每年亏损 10亿英镑,在德国每年亏损 20亿英镑,故选 B。C 是美国的情况,A 和 D在对话中没有提到,都不正确。

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