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1、大学英语六级汉译英-12 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Translation(总题数:10,分数:100.00)1.筷子是东亚人最主要的餐具。早在公元前 11世纪我国已出现象牙精工制造的筷子。筷子最初主要以木竹为材质。在远古时代,先民们已懂得用树枝和竹枝夹取食物。在中国传统文化里,筷子一直寓意吉祥(auspicious symbol)。有很多筷子工艺品,在设计方面融入了更多的传统工艺,从而也成为人们收藏的选择,并且也很受外籍人士的喜爱。筷子是中国民族饮食文化不可分割的一部分。世界上最长的筷子是以百年以上的老红松木为原料,历时一年制作完成,现保存在沈阳的中

2、华饮食文化博物馆。(分数:10.00)_2.中国建筑具有悠久的历史传统和光辉的成就。从陕西半坡遗址(Shaanxi Banpo Village Remains)发掘的方形或圆形浅穴式房屋发展到现在,已有六、七千年的历史。修建在崇山峻岭之上的万里长城,是人类建筑史上的奇迹;建于隋代的河北赵县的安济桥,在科学技术同艺术的完美结合上,早已走在世界桥梁科学的前列;我国的古典园林,它独特的艺术风格,使它成为中国文化遗产中的一颗明珠。这些技术高超、艺术精湛的建筑,是我国古代灿烂文化的重要组成部分。(分数:10.00)_3.西藏自治区(Tibet Autonomous Region)平均海拔 4000米以上

3、,是青藏高原的主体部分,有着“世界屋脊”(the roof of the world)之称。西藏是国际河流分布最多的一个中国省区,雅鲁藏布江(Brahmaputra River)是西藏的第一大河。它全长 2057公里,流域面积 24万多平方公里。西藏气候具有西北严寒干燥、东南温暖湿润的特点。对于许多未去过西藏旅游的游客来说,西藏的地理位置和气候特点很容易使人产生畏惧心理。其实只要了解西藏的气候特点,能够正确地保护自己,放松心情,就一定会在西藏度过一段美好又难忘的时光。(分数:10.00)_4.中医药(Traditional Chinese medicine, TCM)是中华民族和世界文化的宝贵

4、遗产。中医起源于古代,距今已有数千年的历史,相比西医,有着独特的医治方式和良好的效果。古今名医妙手回春的故事在民间广为流传。中医药在世界上越来越受欢迎,传播越来越广。英国每年大约有 150万人接受中医药针灸治疗。德国服用中草药的人超过 58%。据不完全统计,目前中医药在世界上 162个国家和地区得到不同程度的应用。各国来华学习中医的人数呈逐年上升的趋势。(分数:10.00)_5.无线网络(WIFI, Wireless Fidelity)的出现使许多有线网络解决不了的问题迎刃而解。相比有线网络,无线网络具有更灵活、低成本、更美观的优点。然而,一切事物有利也有弊。无线网络也同时存在着许多缺陷,例如

5、它的安全性。无线网络更容易遭到入侵、面临更多地威胁,因此必须采取更有效、更全面的技术措施,以维护无线网络免受侵扰。无线网络早已被应用到各个领域中,它特有的优点决定了它将成为未来网络技术发展的主方向。(分数:10.00)_6.当今世界经济最令人忧虑的情况之一,是石油价格的持续猛涨。石油作为工业的“血液”,不仅是一种不可再生的商品(non-renewable commodity),更是国家生存和发展不可或缺的战略资源。随着经济增长,石油成为各国竞相追逐的目标。历史上的多次战争也都是为石油而战。有经济学家表示,全球石油枯竭速度已经超出预期,各国的经济和社会发展都要依赖石油,因此能源结构的改变会耗费大

6、量时间和金钱,对此,各国应早作准备。(分数:10.00)_7.蹦极(bungee jumping)是一项既惊险又刺激的户外运动,深受年轻人的喜爱。蹦极也是一项挑战自我(self-challenge)的运动项目,有不少人为了锻炼自己的胆量与勇气都在逐渐挑战自己蹦极的新高度。世界上蹦极高度第一的地方在南非,高度为 216米,1997 年 12月开始已正式接待游客 100人次,最小的只有 9岁,最长者则是 84岁的老人。有人说,高空蹦极挑战的不是高度,而是自我。的确如此,在跳的一瞬间,不是选择放弃自我而是肯定了自我(self affirmation)。(分数:10.00)_8.经过半个世纪的孕育和发

7、展,生物技术及生物产业进入了一个全新的发展阶段,其发展势头十分迅猛,已经成为当今高技术群体中最富有活力的领域之一。生物技术与信息技术、纳米技术、新材料等其他高科技相互结合。正在全球范围内形成增值产业链,它的新概念和方法正带动农业、医药、食品、化工、环保等众多领域技术的共同进步(synchronized progress)。发展生物技术对解决当今人类社会面临的粮食、能源、资源、环境和健康等许多问题具有重要的现实意义和深远的战略意义。(分数:10.00)_9.21世纪是人口老龄化的时代(aging population)。中国已于 1999年进入老龄社会,是较早进入老龄社会的发展中国家之一。中国是

8、世界上老年人口最多的国家,中国的人口老龄化不仅是中国自身的问题,而且关系到全球人口老龄化的进程,备受世界关注。截至 2011年底,中国 60岁及以上老年人口达 1.85亿,预计到“十二五”期末,全国老年人口将增加到 4300多万,达到 2.21亿。人口老龄化必将带来一些新的矛盾和压力,对经济和社会的发展提出新的挑战。(分数:10.00)_10.广东菜源自于中国最南部的省份广东省。广东菜有着悠久的历史,是中国“八大菜系”之一,在国内外享有盛誉。广东菜的烹调方法世界知名,所有的材料都是当天从市场新鲜运来,并且只在享用前以简单调料烹制,因此食物都得以保留鲜昧。广东厨师也注重于菜肴的艺术感。广东人热衷

9、于尝试各种不同的肉类和蔬菜。中国北方人常说,广东人吃天上飞的,除了飞机;吃地上爬的,除了火车;水里游的,除了船儿。尽管这一陈述很不属实,但广东菜确实是菜品丰富的中国菜系之一(Chinese Cuisine with big varieties of foods)。(分数:10.00)_大学英语六级汉译英-12 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Translation(总题数:10,分数:100.00)1.筷子是东亚人最主要的餐具。早在公元前 11世纪我国已出现象牙精工制造的筷子。筷子最初主要以木竹为材质。在远古时代,先民们已懂得用树枝和竹枝夹取食物。在中国传统文

10、化里,筷子一直寓意吉祥(auspicious symbol)。有很多筷子工艺品,在设计方面融入了更多的传统工艺,从而也成为人们收藏的选择,并且也很受外籍人士的喜爱。筷子是中国民族饮食文化不可分割的一部分。世界上最长的筷子是以百年以上的老红松木为原料,历时一年制作完成,现保存在沈阳的中华饮食文化博物馆。(分数:10.00)_正确答案:(Chopsticks are the most important dishware for people in East Asia. As early as the 11th century BC, ivory chopsticks of fine workma

11、nship appeared in China. Chopsticks were initially made of wood and bamboo. In ancient times, our ancestors already knew how to use branches and bamboo sticks to grip food. In traditional Chinese culture, chopsticks have been an auspicious symbol. Many chopsticks crafts are designed with traditional

12、 craftsmanship, and thus become the choice of collectors, being also popular with foreigners. Chopsticks are an essential part of the food culture of Chinese nation. The longest chopsticks in the world are made of century-old red pine, and it took one year to be finished. Its now kept by China Food

13、Culture Museum in Shenyang.)解析:2.中国建筑具有悠久的历史传统和光辉的成就。从陕西半坡遗址(Shaanxi Banpo Village Remains)发掘的方形或圆形浅穴式房屋发展到现在,已有六、七千年的历史。修建在崇山峻岭之上的万里长城,是人类建筑史上的奇迹;建于隋代的河北赵县的安济桥,在科学技术同艺术的完美结合上,早已走在世界桥梁科学的前列;我国的古典园林,它独特的艺术风格,使它成为中国文化遗产中的一颗明珠。这些技术高超、艺术精湛的建筑,是我国古代灿烂文化的重要组成部分。(分数:10.00)_正确答案:(Chinese architecture has a

14、long history with glorious achievements. The shallow housing caves in square or round shape discovered at ancient Banpo Village Remains in Shaanxi province date back to six or seven thousand years ago. Built on top of mountains, the Great Wall is a miracle in the history of human architecture. Anji

15、Bridge in Zhaoxian of Hebei province, built in the era of Sui Dynasty, was an advanced achievement in the world of bridge science for long as a perfect combination of science, technology and art. The unique artistic style of classical Chinese gardens is a pearl of Chinas cultural heritage. These arc

16、hitectural works of highly skilled and exquisite art are an important part of splendid ancient Chinese culture.)解析:3.西藏自治区(Tibet Autonomous Region)平均海拔 4000米以上,是青藏高原的主体部分,有着“世界屋脊”(the roof of the world)之称。西藏是国际河流分布最多的一个中国省区,雅鲁藏布江(Brahmaputra River)是西藏的第一大河。它全长 2057公里,流域面积 24万多平方公里。西藏气候具有西北严寒干燥、东南温暖湿

17、润的特点。对于许多未去过西藏旅游的游客来说,西藏的地理位置和气候特点很容易使人产生畏惧心理。其实只要了解西藏的气候特点,能够正确地保护自己,放松心情,就一定会在西藏度过一段美好又难忘的时光。(分数:10.00)_正确答案:(Tibet Autonomous Region, with an average elevation above 4,000 meters, is the main part of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is famous as “the roof of the world“. Tibet is one of the provinces

18、in China that has the largest number of international rivers distributed within. Brahmaputra River is the largest river in Tibet. It has a total length of 2057 km, with drainage area covering over 240,000 square kilometers. Tibet is featured with cold and dry climate in northwest, and warm and humid

19、 climate in southeast. For many tourists who have not been to Tibet, the geographic and climatic characteristics of Tibet may easily cause some fear on them. However, if one can get good understanding of the climate in Tibet, properly protect oneself and take it easy with relaxed attitude, one will

20、certainly be able to have a wonderful and memorable time in Tibet.)解析:4.中医药(Traditional Chinese medicine, TCM)是中华民族和世界文化的宝贵遗产。中医起源于古代,距今已有数千年的历史,相比西医,有着独特的医治方式和良好的效果。古今名医妙手回春的故事在民间广为流传。中医药在世界上越来越受欢迎,传播越来越广。英国每年大约有 150万人接受中医药针灸治疗。德国服用中草药的人超过 58%。据不完全统计,目前中医药在世界上 162个国家和地区得到不同程度的应用。各国来华学习中医的人数呈逐年上升的趋势

21、。(分数:10.00)_正确答案:(Traditional Chinese medicine is a valuable cultural heritage of the Chinese nation and of the world. TCM originated in ancient China, dating back to thousands of years ago. Compared to Western medicine, TCM has a unique way of healing with good effect. There are many widely-circula

22、ted stories in all times that excellent TCM doctors cured up hopeless diseases. TCM is increasingly popular in the world, and spreads far and wide increasingly. There are about 1.5 million people in Britain who receive treatment of Chinese acupuncture every year. More than 58% of German people take

23、TCM herbs. According to incomplete statistics, TCM is applied at various levels by more than 162 countries and regions in the world. Theres an increasing trend in the number of people who come to China for learning TCM.)解析:5.无线网络(WIFI, Wireless Fidelity)的出现使许多有线网络解决不了的问题迎刃而解。相比有线网络,无线网络具有更灵活、低成本、更美观

24、的优点。然而,一切事物有利也有弊。无线网络也同时存在着许多缺陷,例如它的安全性。无线网络更容易遭到入侵、面临更多地威胁,因此必须采取更有效、更全面的技术措施,以维护无线网络免受侵扰。无线网络早已被应用到各个领域中,它特有的优点决定了它将成为未来网络技术发展的主方向。(分数:10.00)_正确答案:(With the emergence of WIFI (Wireless Fidelity), many problems that cant be solved by cable networks get solved. Compared to cable networks, wireless n

25、etworks have the advantages of being more flexible, low-cost and more aesthetic. However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. Wireless networks also have a number of drawbacks, such as its safety. Wireless networks are more vulnerable to invasion, facing more threats, so you must take more

26、effective and comprehensive technical measures to safeguard the wireless network from intrusion. Wi-Fi has already been applied to various fields. Its unique advantages determine that WIFI will become the major tide of development for future network technology.)解析:6.当今世界经济最令人忧虑的情况之一,是石油价格的持续猛涨。石油作为工

27、业的“血液”,不仅是一种不可再生的商品(non-renewable commodity),更是国家生存和发展不可或缺的战略资源。随着经济增长,石油成为各国竞相追逐的目标。历史上的多次战争也都是为石油而战。有经济学家表示,全球石油枯竭速度已经超出预期,各国的经济和社会发展都要依赖石油,因此能源结构的改变会耗费大量时间和金钱,对此,各国应早作准备。(分数:10.00)_正确答案:(One of the most worrying economic situations in the world today is that oil prices continue to soar. Petroleum

28、, as the “blood“ of industry, is not only a non-renewable commodity, but also an essential strategic resource for the survival and development of a nation. With economic growth, oil became the target resource pursued by various countries. Many wars in history broke out due to oil. Some economists be

29、lieve that the depletion rate of global oil has exceeded earlier expectation. Since the economic and social development of all countries relies on oil, it will take a lot of time and money to change the energy structure, for which all countries should make early preparations.)解析:7.蹦极(bungee jumping)

30、是一项既惊险又刺激的户外运动,深受年轻人的喜爱。蹦极也是一项挑战自我(self-challenge)的运动项目,有不少人为了锻炼自己的胆量与勇气都在逐渐挑战自己蹦极的新高度。世界上蹦极高度第一的地方在南非,高度为 216米,1997 年 12月开始已正式接待游客 100人次,最小的只有 9岁,最长者则是 84岁的老人。有人说,高空蹦极挑战的不是高度,而是自我。的确如此,在跳的一瞬间,不是选择放弃自我而是肯定了自我(self affirmation)。(分数:10.00)_正确答案:(Bungee jumping is a thrilling and exciting outdoor sport

31、, and popular with young people. Bungee jumping is also a self-challenge sport. There are a lot of people who gradually challenge themselves on new heights of bungee jumping in order to exercise their bravery and courage. The highest place for bungee jumping in the world is in South Africa, with the

32、 height at 216 meters. Since its official opening in December 1997, it has received 100 tourists, among whom the youngest is only 9 years old, and the oldest is 84 years old. Some people say that what is challenged by high bungee jumping is not the height, but oneself. Indeed, at the moment of jump,

33、 its not abandonment of oneself, but affirmation of oneself.)解析:8.经过半个世纪的孕育和发展,生物技术及生物产业进入了一个全新的发展阶段,其发展势头十分迅猛,已经成为当今高技术群体中最富有活力的领域之一。生物技术与信息技术、纳米技术、新材料等其他高科技相互结合。正在全球范围内形成增值产业链,它的新概念和方法正带动农业、医药、食品、化工、环保等众多领域技术的共同进步(synchronized progress)。发展生物技术对解决当今人类社会面临的粮食、能源、资源、环境和健康等许多问题具有重要的现实意义和深远的战略意义。(分数:10

34、.00)_正确答案:(After half a century of gestation and development, biotechnology and bio-industry has entered a new stage of development with very rapid momentum to move forward, and becomes one of the most vigorous high-tech sectors today. Biotechnology is mutually combined with information technology,

35、nanotechnology and new materials technology, forming a global value-added chain. Its new concepts and methodologies spur on synchronized progress on agriculture, medicine, food, chemistry, environmental protection and technologies in numerous fields. Development of biotechnology has important practi

36、cal significance and far-reaching strategic significance for the solution of many problems such as food, energy, resources, environment and health etc. that exist in human society today.)解析:9.21世纪是人口老龄化的时代(aging population)。中国已于 1999年进入老龄社会,是较早进入老龄社会的发展中国家之一。中国是世界上老年人口最多的国家,中国的人口老龄化不仅是中国自身的问题,而且关系到全

37、球人口老龄化的进程,备受世界关注。截至 2011年底,中国 60岁及以上老年人口达 1.85亿,预计到“十二五”期末,全国老年人口将增加到 4300多万,达到 2.21亿。人口老龄化必将带来一些新的矛盾和压力,对经济和社会的发展提出新的挑战。(分数:10.00)_正确答案:(The 21st century is the era of aging population. China has entered the aging society since 1999, and becomes one of the developing countries with aging society at

38、 an early time. China is a country with largest elderly population in the world. The aging population is not only Chinas own problems, but also affects the aging process of global population, thus attracting worldwide attention. As of the end of 2011, the scale of Chinas elderly population above the

39、 age of 60 is up to 185 million, with an estimated number of more than 43 million to be added by the end of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan“ period, namely amounting up to 221 million in total. The aging population is surely to cause some new contradictions and pressures, and bring new challenges on eco

40、nomic and social development.)解析:10.广东菜源自于中国最南部的省份广东省。广东菜有着悠久的历史,是中国“八大菜系”之一,在国内外享有盛誉。广东菜的烹调方法世界知名,所有的材料都是当天从市场新鲜运来,并且只在享用前以简单调料烹制,因此食物都得以保留鲜昧。广东厨师也注重于菜肴的艺术感。广东人热衷于尝试各种不同的肉类和蔬菜。中国北方人常说,广东人吃天上飞的,除了飞机;吃地上爬的,除了火车;水里游的,除了船儿。尽管这一陈述很不属实,但广东菜确实是菜品丰富的中国菜系之一(Chinese Cuisine with big varieties of foods)。(分数:1

41、0.00)_正确答案:(Cantonese Cuisine originated from the southern province of ChinaGuangdong Province. Cantonese cuisine has a long history. As one of the “Eight Cuisines“ of China, its famous at home and abroad. Cantonese cooking methods are world-renowned. All food materials are fresh from market on the

42、day of cooking, and simple seasonings are only applied before food is ready to be served, so the original flavor of food is kept. Cantonese chefs also focus on the artistic presentation of dishes. Cantonese people are keen on experiment of varieties of meats and vegetables. Northern Chinese often sa

43、y that Cantonese people eat everything, including everything that flies in the sky except aircrafts, everything that crawls on the ground except trains and everything that swims in the water except boats. Although this statement is far from true, yet Cantonese food is really one of Chinese Cuisines with big varieties of foods.)解析:

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