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1、大学英语六级汉译英-4 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:7,分数:100.00)1.元宵节这一天,大街小巷都挂满了形状各异的灯笼。孩子们会拿着自制或买未的灯笼在街上玩耍,兴奋极了。猜灯谜(guessing lantern riddles)是元宵节(the Lantern Festival)必不可少的一部分。灯笼的主人将谜语写在一张纸条上并贴在灯笼上。如果游客能解开灯谜,他们就能将纸条拿下来找灯笼的主人查看答案是否正确。如果他们猜对了就会得到一个小礼物。由于猜灯谜充满趣味和智慧,它受到了全社会各阶层人士的喜爱。人们会在这一天吃元宵,因此这

2、一天也被称为元宵节。(分数:15.00)_2.清明节(the Qingming Festival)是人们在墓地(grave sites)缅怀祖先的日子。老老少少都在祖先面前祈祷、扫墓(sweep the tombs)并供奉食品、茶叶、酒。这些仪式在亚洲有着悠久的传统,尤其是在农民当中。有些人会随身携带柳枝(willow branches)或把柳枝插在大门前。他们认为,柳枝能帮助抵御邪恶的幽灵。清明节那天人们会组织家庭出游,会唱歌、跳舞;人们也可能在这一天开始春耕(spring plowing)。清明也是年轻男女开始求爱(court)的时间。还有一种流行的活动就是放风筝。(分数:15.00)_3

3、.红包(red envelopes)是在婚礼之类的社交或家庭聚会上或者新年等节日时送出的礼物。红色的信封象征着好运,并且能辟邪(ward off evil spirits)。按照中国的习俗,包在信封里的钱数通常是偶数(even digit)。红包中的钱数不应该出现含 4的数字,因为“4”这个数字的发音和“死”相似。因此,对许多中国人来说它代表着坏运气。传统上红包里包得都是崭新的纸币,同时出于礼貌,红包应避免在亲戚面前被当面打开。(分数:14.00)_4.新年第一天,人人都会穿着新衣服向亲朋好友鞠躬道贺,期盼彼此在新的一年里获得好运和幸福。在中国农村,一些村民可能有数百个亲戚,因此他们不得不花两

4、个多星期的时间拜访亲属。新年的第一天,按照传统,年轻的晚辈要向长辈拜年,祝愿他们健康长寿。中国不少地区的人会在这特殊的日子吃年糕(niangao),因为年糕含有“每年都越来越高”的意思。过年的时候,鱼是最重要的一道菜,它表达着人们对新的一年富有的企盼。(分数:14.00)_5.第一声钟声(the first bell)是中国农历新年的象征。在除夕夜,许多中国人喜欢聚集在一些大型广场或庙宇,那里有为新年准备的大钟。随着午夜的临近,人们一起倒计时,大钟开始被敲响,人们一同庆祝。人们相信,钟声可以驱赶所有的坏运气,给他们带来好运。近年来,人们开始去山上的寺庙等待新年钟声。位于中国东部的江苏省苏州的寒

5、山寺(Hanshan Temple)就以其而闻名。(分数:14.00)_6.在中国喝腊八粥(laba rice porridge)已有千年的历史。这个传统起源于印度佛教。相传释迦牟尼(Sakyamuni)在腊月初八这一天在一棵菩提树(banyan)下皈依了佛门。此后,人们在这一天吃粥来纪念佛祖遭受的苦难。在这一天许多地方的寺庙也会制作腊八粥。这些粥将会先供奉给佛祖(Buddha),然后再发给信徒或者穷人。这一天,普通家庭会祭祀他们的祖先。由于腊八粥被认为具有吉祥和长寿之意,也有人称其为“长寿粥(longevity blessing porridge)”。(分数:14.00)_7.泼水节(the

6、 Water-Splashing Festival)是傣族(the Dai minority)最隆重的传统节日。泼水节在傣历(Dai calendar)中是新年,在拥有很多少数民族的云南省,这个节日拥有最大的影响力和最多的参与者。在这个节日里,无论男女老少都将盛装打扮,他们会端着干净的水去佛教寺院。首先他们会清洗佛像,然后开始向彼此泼水来祈求好运、幸福和健康。洒在一个人身上的水越多,他将会越开心快乐。傣族人们还将邀请其他少数民族和其他远道而来的游客一起泼水来庆祝这个节日。(分数:14.00)_大学英语六级汉译英-4 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation

7、(总题数:7,分数:100.00)1.元宵节这一天,大街小巷都挂满了形状各异的灯笼。孩子们会拿着自制或买未的灯笼在街上玩耍,兴奋极了。猜灯谜(guessing lantern riddles)是元宵节(the Lantern Festival)必不可少的一部分。灯笼的主人将谜语写在一张纸条上并贴在灯笼上。如果游客能解开灯谜,他们就能将纸条拿下来找灯笼的主人查看答案是否正确。如果他们猜对了就会得到一个小礼物。由于猜灯谜充满趣味和智慧,它受到了全社会各阶层人士的喜爱。人们会在这一天吃元宵,因此这一天也被称为元宵节。(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(Lanterns of various shape

8、s and sizes are hung in the streets. Children will hold self-made or boughten lanterns to stroll on the streets, extremely excited. Guessing lantern riddles is an essential part of the Lantern Festival. Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have

9、solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer. If they are right, they will get a little gift. As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata. People will eat yuanxiao on this day, so this

10、 day is also called the Yuanxiao Festival.)解析:2.清明节(the Qingming Festival)是人们在墓地(grave sites)缅怀祖先的日子。老老少少都在祖先面前祈祷、扫墓(sweep the tombs)并供奉食品、茶叶、酒。这些仪式在亚洲有着悠久的传统,尤其是在农民当中。有些人会随身携带柳枝(willow branches)或把柳枝插在大门前。他们认为,柳枝能帮助抵御邪恶的幽灵。清明节那天人们会组织家庭出游,会唱歌、跳舞;人们也可能在这一天开始春耕(spring plowing)。清明也是年轻男女开始求爱(court)的时间。还有

11、一种流行的活动就是放风筝。(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(The Qingming Festival is an opportunity for people to remember and honour their ancestors at grave sites. The young and the old pray before the ancestors, sweep the tombs and offer food, tea and wine to the ancestors. The rites have a long tradition in Asia, especially

12、among farmers. Some people carry willow branches with them on that day, or put willow branches on their gates. They believe that willow branches help ward off the evil spirit that wanders. On that day people go on family outings, singing and dancing; people may start the spring plowing. It is also t

13、he time when young man and woman start courting. Another popular thing to do is to fly kites.)解析:3.红包(red envelopes)是在婚礼之类的社交或家庭聚会上或者新年等节日时送出的礼物。红色的信封象征着好运,并且能辟邪(ward off evil spirits)。按照中国的习俗,包在信封里的钱数通常是偶数(even digit)。红包中的钱数不应该出现含 4的数字,因为“4”这个数字的发音和“死”相似。因此,对许多中国人来说它代表着坏运气。传统上红包里包得都是崭新的纸币,同时出于礼貌,红包

14、应避免在亲戚面前被当面打开。(分数:14.00)_正确答案:(Red envelopes are gifts presented at social and family gatherings such as weddings or on holidays such as the Lunar New Year. The red color of the envelope symbolizes good luck and is supposed to ward off evil spirits. The amount of money contained in the envelope usua

15、lly ends with an even digit in accordance with Chinese beliefs. The number four should not appear in the amount of money, because the pronunciation of the word “four“ resembles that of the word “death“ and thus signifies bad luck for many Chinese. It is traditional to put brand-new notes inside red

16、envelopes and also to avoid opening the envelopes in front of the relatives out of courtesy.)解析:4.新年第一天,人人都会穿着新衣服向亲朋好友鞠躬道贺,期盼彼此在新的一年里获得好运和幸福。在中国农村,一些村民可能有数百个亲戚,因此他们不得不花两个多星期的时间拜访亲属。新年的第一天,按照传统,年轻的晚辈要向长辈拜年,祝愿他们健康长寿。中国不少地区的人会在这特殊的日子吃年糕(niangao),因为年糕含有“每年都越来越高”的意思。过年的时候,鱼是最重要的一道菜,它表达着人们对新的一年富有的企盼。(分数:1

17、4.00)_正确答案:(On the first day of the New Year, everybody wears new clothes and greets relatives and friends with bows and congratulations, wishing each other good luck, happiness during the new year. In Chinese villages, some villagers may have hundreds of relatives so they have to spend more than tw

18、o weeks visiting their relatives. On the first day of the new year, its customary for the younger generations to visit the elders, wishing them health and longevity. People in many regions eat niangao on this special day because niangao implicates the meaning of “higher and higher every year“. Fish

19、is always an important dish, which expresses peoples hope of having a wealthy year.)解析:5.第一声钟声(the first bell)是中国农历新年的象征。在除夕夜,许多中国人喜欢聚集在一些大型广场或庙宇,那里有为新年准备的大钟。随着午夜的临近,人们一起倒计时,大钟开始被敲响,人们一同庆祝。人们相信,钟声可以驱赶所有的坏运气,给他们带来好运。近年来,人们开始去山上的寺庙等待新年钟声。位于中国东部的江苏省苏州的寒山寺(Hanshan Temple)就以其而闻名。(分数:14.00)_正确答案:(The firs

20、t ringing of the bell is a symbol of the Chinese New Year. Chinese people like to go to large squares or temples where there are huge bells ready for New Years Eve. As the midnight approaches, they count down, the bells start bonging and they celebrate together. People believe that the ringing of a

21、large bell can drive all the bad luck away and bring good fortune to them. In recent years, some people have begun to go to mountain temples to wait for the first ringing of the bell. Hanshan Temple in Suzhou in East Chinas Jiangsu province is famous for its first ringing of the bell to celebrate Ch

22、inese New Year.)解析:6.在中国喝腊八粥(laba rice porridge)已有千年的历史。这个传统起源于印度佛教。相传释迦牟尼(Sakyamuni)在腊月初八这一天在一棵菩提树(banyan)下皈依了佛门。此后,人们在这一天吃粥来纪念佛祖遭受的苦难。在这一天许多地方的寺庙也会制作腊八粥。这些粥将会先供奉给佛祖(Buddha),然后再发给信徒或者穷人。这一天,普通家庭会祭祀他们的祖先。由于腊八粥被认为具有吉祥和长寿之意,也有人称其为“长寿粥(longevity blessing porridge)”。(分数:14.00)_正确答案:(Drinking laba rice p

23、orridge has a history of over one thousand years in China. This tradition originated from Indian Buddhism. Legend has it that Sakyamuni became a Buddhist under a banyan on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. Afterwards, people would have rice porridge on this day in memory of the Buddhas suff

24、erings. Laba rice porridge would also be cooked on this day in temples in many places. It would be sacrificed to the Buddha first and then given out to disciples and the poor. Common family would offer sacrifice to their ancestors. Since laba rice porridge was believed to be blessed with good fortun

25、e and longevity, it was also called “longevity blessing porridge“.)解析:7.泼水节(the Water-Splashing Festival)是傣族(the Dai minority)最隆重的传统节日。泼水节在傣历(Dai calendar)中是新年,在拥有很多少数民族的云南省,这个节日拥有最大的影响力和最多的参与者。在这个节日里,无论男女老少都将盛装打扮,他们会端着干净的水去佛教寺院。首先他们会清洗佛像,然后开始向彼此泼水来祈求好运、幸福和健康。洒在一个人身上的水越多,他将会越开心快乐。傣族人们还将邀请其他少数民族和其他远道

26、而来的游客一起泼水来庆祝这个节日。(分数:14.00)_正确答案:(Water-Splashing Festival is the most ceremonious traditional festival of the Dai minority. Water-Splashing Festival is the New Year in the Dai calendar, and also a festival with the largest influence and the largest number of participants in Yunnan province where th

27、ere are a lot of ethnic minorities. In this festival, the Dai People, male and female, old and young, will get dressed up and shoulder clean water to the Buddhist Temple. They will first bathe the Buddha and then begin to splash water to each other to pray for luck, happiness and health. The more water one person is sprinkled, the happier he/she will be. Dai People will also invite people from other ethnic minorities and tourists coming from afar to splash water to celebrate the festival.)解析:

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