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1、大学英语三级 A 级-172 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Writing(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.根据下列要求完成一封咨询信函。 1玛格想要申请国外大学的硕士学位。 2玛格从北京大学毕业之后在一家公司工作,但是在工作时觉得自己的电脑知识太过有限,所以想要继续深造。 3咨询纽约大学的工作人员关于外国学生申请硕士学位的信息,如学费和奖学金等。 4索要申请表格和一系列相关材料。 Words for reference: 玛格 Margo/硕士学位 Master degree (分数:20.00)_2.根据下列要求完成一封咨询信函。 1你要举办一个送别会,想要

2、咨询某家餐馆的经理。 2时间是十月四日晚上六点半,需要能容纳 15 人的大厅和软饮料。 3预订中餐作为主餐。 4如果能满足条件的话,请回复。 Words for reference: 中式晚餐 Chinese style supper/软饮料 soft drinks/装修 decoration (分数:20.00)_3.根据下列要求完成一封咨询信。 1琳达要参加托福考试。 2琳达现在是一名大三的学生,决定去美国读研究生,所以需要参加托福考试。 3咨询考试的报名方式和考试形式,以及请老师推荐相关的参考书籍和备考技巧。 4索要参考书目录和备考方法。 Words for reference: 托福

3、TOEFL/琳达 Linda/参考书 reference materials (分数:20.00)_4.根据下列要求完成一封咨询信。 1你是一位家庭主妇辛迪,想要购买圣诞节的装饰和礼物。 2被一家店的广告吸引,想向店主咨询装饰礼物的具体情况。 3购买的时间约为两周后,询问是否需要提前订购。 4如果能够提供,请回复。 Words for reference: 家庭主妇 housewife/装饰 decoration/圣诞节 Christmas (分数:20.00)_5.根据下列要求完成一封回复信函。 1朋友大卫告诉你他即将来到你所在的城市拜访你,你跟他约定好了去机场接他。 2公司临时通知要开重要

4、会议,刚好与大卫到达的时间冲突。 3提前写信告诉大卫你不能按时去机场接他,让他到达之后在机场等你。 Words for reference: 大卫 David/不便 inconvenience (分数:20.00)_大学英语三级 A 级-172 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Writing(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.根据下列要求完成一封咨询信函。 1玛格想要申请国外大学的硕士学位。 2玛格从北京大学毕业之后在一家公司工作,但是在工作时觉得自己的电脑知识太过有限,所以想要继续深造。 3咨询纽约大学的工作人员关于外国学生申请硕士学位的信息,如学费和奖学金等。 4

5、索要申请表格和一系列相关材料。 Words for reference: 玛格 Margo/硕士学位 Master degree (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:高分范文 Dear sir or madam: I am a graduate from Peking University and planning to study in your university for a Master degree. So I am writing to ask for some information. After graduation, I began working in a compa

6、ny. During my work, I deeply felt that my computer knowledge was rather limited. So I am considering to pursue further education in the computer science department in your university. Could you please inform me more about your university, such as the tuition or the scholarship provided for internati

7、onal students, and would you please send me an application form and other necessary materials? I am looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely,Margo2.根据下列要求完成一封咨询信函。 1你要举办一个送别会,想要咨询某家餐馆的经理。 2时间是十月四日晚上六点半,需要能容纳 15 人的大厅和软饮料。 3预订中餐作为主餐。 4如果能满足条件的话,请回复。 Words for reference: 中式晚餐 Chinese style supper

8、/软饮料 soft drinks/装修 decoration (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:高分范文 Dear sir or madam: I am writing to ask about the possibility of holding a farewell party at your restaurant. There will be 15 people attending the party at 6:30 pm on October 4. First, we prefer to have a Chinese style supper. Then, we“d like

9、to chat freely and enjoy beautiful music and dancing. One ready-to-order table food would be prepared here and soft drinks, fruits and things like that should be served after dinner. Above are all the activities we plan to carry out. If you can meet our needs in the size of the room, the decoration

10、and the equipment, please contact me soon. I would appreciate it very much if you could reply promptly. Yours truly,Cindy3.根据下列要求完成一封咨询信。 1琳达要参加托福考试。 2琳达现在是一名大三的学生,决定去美国读研究生,所以需要参加托福考试。 3咨询考试的报名方式和考试形式,以及请老师推荐相关的参考书籍和备考技巧。 4索要参考书目录和备考方法。 Words for reference: 托福 TOEFL/琳达 Linda/参考书 reference materials

11、 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:高分范文 Dear Sir or Madam, I am a junior student and have made my decision to go to USA for graduate studying, so I will take TOEFL test this June. It is widely acknowledged that qualified preparations are essential to great performance of this test, therefore, I wonder if you cou

12、ld recommend some reference materials to me, such as vocabulary books, original or simulated tests with standard answers. Furthermore, could you please give me some preparation suggestions or teach me several techniques for test? I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much. Yours sincere

13、ly,Linda4.根据下列要求完成一封咨询信。 1你是一位家庭主妇辛迪,想要购买圣诞节的装饰和礼物。 2被一家店的广告吸引,想向店主咨询装饰礼物的具体情况。 3购买的时间约为两周后,询问是否需要提前订购。 4如果能够提供,请回复。 Words for reference: 家庭主妇 housewife/装饰 decoration/圣诞节 Christmas (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:高分范文 Dear Sir or Madam, Your advertisement posted on the wall caught my attention. Since the Chris

14、tmas is approaching, I would like to purchase some gifts and decorations for my family and neighbors. Could you show me your current holiday catalog of gifts? What kind of present do you think is appropriate for my neighbor who is now a single lady? By the way, I am very fond of a Barbie Doll for my

15、 little daughter. Besides, I plan to get all the gifts in about two weeks. Do I need to reserve in advance? It would be highly appreciated if you could reply. Thanks a lot. Yours truly,Cindy5.根据下列要求完成一封回复信函。 1朋友大卫告诉你他即将来到你所在的城市拜访你,你跟他约定好了去机场接他。 2公司临时通知要开重要会议,刚好与大卫到达的时间冲突。 3提前写信告诉大卫你不能按时去机场接他,让他到达之后在

16、机场等你。 Words for reference: 大卫 David/不便 inconvenience (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:高分范文 Dear David, I would like to express my apology that I can“t meet you at the airport on time. I was glad to hear that you would come to see me and l was ready to go to the airport to pick you up. But yesterday I was inform

17、ed that I must attend an important business meeting on the same day of your arrival. The meeting is supposed to be over at 11:00 am, which is an hour later than your arrival time. Considering you are unfamiliar with the city, please wait for me at the exit of the airport. You can read newspapers while waiting. I“ll head for the airport as soon as possible after the meeting is over. I“m sorry again for the inconvenience. Yours sincerely,Susan

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