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1、大学英语四级分类模拟题 330及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:0,分数:0.00)How Do You See Diversity?A. As a manager, Tiffany is responsible for interviewing applicants for some of the positions with her company. During one interview, she noticed that the candidate never made direct eye contact.

2、She was puzzled and somewhat disappointed because she liked the individual otherwise. B. He had a perfect resume and gave good responses to her questions, but the fact that he never looked her in the eye said “untrustworthy,“ so she decided to offer the job to her second choice. C. “It wasn“t until

3、I attended a diversity workshop that I realized the person we passed over was the perfect person,“ Tiffany confesses. What she hadn“t known at the time of the interview was that the candidate“s “different“ behavior was simply a cultural misunderstanding. He was an Asian-American raised in a househol

4、d where respect for those in authority was shown by averting (避开) your eyes. D. “I was just thrown off by the lack of eye contact; not realizing it was cultural,“ Tiffany says. “I missed out, but will not miss that opportunity again.“ E. Many of us have had similar encounters with behaviors we perce

5、ive as different. As the world becomes smaller and our workplaces more diverse, it is becoming essential to expand our understanding of others and to reexamine some of our false assumptions. Hire Advantage F. At a time when hiring qualified people is becoming more difficult, employers who can elimin

6、ate invalid biases (偏爱) from the process have a distinct advantage. My company, Mindsets LLC, helps organizations and individuals see their own blind spots. A real estate recruiter we worked with illustrates the positive difference such training can make. G. “During my Mindsets coaching session, I w

7、as taught how to recruit a diversified workforce. I recruited people from different cultures and skill sets. The agents were able to utilize their full potential and experiences to build up the company. When the real estate market began to change, it was because we had a diverse agent pool that we w

8、ere able to stay in the real estate market much longer than others in the same profession.“ Blinded by Gender H. Dale is an account executive who attended one of my workshops on supervising a diverse workforce. “Through one of the sessions, I discovered my personal bias,“ he recalls. “I learned I ha

9、d not been looking at a person as a whole person, and being open to differences.“ In his case, the blindness was not about culture but rather gender. I. “I had a management position opened in my department, and the two finalists were a man and a woman. Had I not attended this workshop, I would have

10、automatically assumed the man was the best candidate because the position required quite a bit of extensive travel. My reasoning would have been that even though both candidates were great and could have been successful in the position, I assumed the woman would have wanted to be home with her child

11、ren and not travel.“ Dale“s assumptions are another example of the well-intentioned but incorrect thinking that limits an organization“s ability to tap into the full potential of a diverse workforce. J. “I learned from the class that instead of imposing my gender biases into the situation, I needed

12、to present the full range of duties, responsibilities and expectations to all candidates and allow them to make an informed decision.“ Dale credits the workshop, “because it helped me make decisions based on fairness.“ Year of the Know-It-All K. Doug is another supervisor who attended one of my work

13、shops. He recalls a major lesson learned from his own employee. L. “One of my most embarrassing moments was when I had a Chinese-American employee put in a request to take time off to celebrate Chinese New Year. In my ignorance, I assumed he had his dates wrong, as the first of January had just pass

14、ed. When I advised him of this, I gave him a long talking-to about turning in requests early with the proper dates. M. “He patiently waited, then when I was done, he said he would like Chinese New Year did not begin January first, and that Chinese New Year ,which is tied to the lunar cycle, is one o

15、f the most celebrated holidays on the Chinese calendar. Needless to say, I felt very embarrassed in assuming he had his dates mixed up. But I learned a great deal about assumptions, and that the timing of holidays varies considerably from culture to culture. N. “Attending the diversity workshop help

16、ed me realize how much I could learn by simply asking questions and creating dialogues with my employees, rather than making assumptions and trying to be a know-it-all,“ Doug admits. “The biggest thing I took away from the workshop is learning how to be more “inclusive“ to differences.“ A better Bot

17、tom Line O. An open mind about diversity not only improves organizations internally, it is profitable as well. These comments from a customer service representative show how an inclusive attitude can improve sales.“ Most of my customers speak English as a second language. One of the best things my c

18、ompany has done is to contract with a language service that offers translations over the phone. It wasn“t until my boss received Mindsets“ training that she was able to understand how important inclusiveness was to customer service. As result, our customer base has increased.“ P. Once we start to se

19、e people as individuals, and discard the stereotypes, we can move positively toward inclusiveness for everyone. Diversity is about coming together and taking advantage of our differences and similarities. It is about building better communities and organizations that enhance us as individuals and re

20、inforce our shared humanity. Q. When we begin to question our assumptions and challenge what we think we have learned from our past, from the media, peers, family, friends, etc, we begin to realize that some of our conclusions are flawed (有缺陷的) or contrary to our fundamental values. We need to train

21、 ourselves to think differently, shift our mindsets and realize that diversity opens doors for all of us, creating opportunities in organizations and communities that benefit everyone.(分数:25.00)(1).With the Mindsets coaching session, a diverse agent pool was there to make the company stay much longe

22、r in the real estate market.(分数:2.50)(2).After received Mindset“s training, the boss was able to understand the importance of inclusiveness.(分数:2.50)(3).Dale says, with help of the class, he can make decisions based on fairness.(分数:2.50)(4).It is becoming essential for us to expand our understanding

23、 of others and change some of our false thoughts.(分数:2.50)(5).Tiffany liked one candidate, but without making any direct eye contact, the candidate disappointed her.(分数:2.50)(6).Tiffany didn“t know the candidate“s culture at the interview, which causes the misunderstanding.(分数:2.50)(7).Mindsets LLC

24、helps organizations and individuals eliminate their invalid biases.(分数:2.50)(8).Doug says, with the help of diversity workshop, he realizes he could learn a lot by simply asking questions.(分数:2.50)(9).We need to shift our stereotype and realize the diversity to create opportunities in communities th

25、at will benefit everyone.(分数:2.50)(10).Dale realized his blindness of his personal bias about gender after attending the workshop.(分数:2.50)Media Selection for AdvertisementsA. After determining the target audience for a product or service, advertising agencies must select the appropriate media for t

26、he advertisement. We discuss here the major types of media used in advertising. We focus our attention on seven types of advertising: television, newspapers, radio, magazines, out-of-home, Internet, and direct mail. Television B. Television is an attractive medium for advertising because it delivers

27、 mass audiences to advertisers. When you consider that nearly three out of four Americans have seen the game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, you can understand the power of television to communicate with a large audience. When advertisers create a brand, for example, they want to impress consume

28、rs with the brand and its image. Television provides an ideal vehicle for this type of communication. But television is an expensive medium, and not all advertisers can afford to use it. C. Television“s influence on advertising is fourfold. First, narrowcasting means that television channels are see

29、n by an increasingly narrow segment of the audience. The Golf Channel, for instance, is watched by people who play golf. Home and Garden Television is seen by those interested in household improvement projects. Thus, audiences are smaller and more homogeneous (具有共同特点的) than they have been in the pas

30、t. Second, there is an increase in the number of television channels available to viewers, and thus, advertisers. This has also resulted in an increase in the sheer number of advertisements to which audiences are exposed. Third, digital recording devices allow audience members more control over whic

31、h commercials they watch. Fourth, control over programming is being passed from the networks to local cable operators and satellite programmers. Newspaper D. After television, the medium attracting the next largest annual ad revenue is newspapers. The New York Times , which reaches a national audien

32、ce, accounts for $1 billion in ad revenue annually, and increased its national circulation (发行量) by 40% and is now available for home delivery. Locally, newspapers are the largest advertising medium. E. Newspapers are a less expensive advertising medium than television and provide a way for advertis

33、ers to communicate a longer, more detailed message to their audience than they can through 48 hours, meaning newspapers are also a quick way of getting the message out. Newspapers are often the most important form of news for a local community, and they develop a high degree of loyalty from local re

34、ader. Radio F. Advertising on radio continues to grow Radio is often used in conjunction with outdoor bill-boards (广告牌) and the Internet to reach even more customers than television. Advertisers are likely to use radio because it is a less expensive medium than television, which means advertisers ca

35、n afford to repeal their ads often. Internet companies are also turning 10 radio advertising. Radio provides a way for advertisers to communicate with audience members at all times of the day. Consumers listen to radio on their way to school or work, at work, on the way home, and in the evening hour

36、s. G. Two major changessatellite and Internet radiowill force radio advertisers to adapt their methods. Both of these radio forms allow listeners to tune in stations that are more distant than the local stations they could receive in the past. As a result, radio will increasingly attract target audi

37、ences who live many miles apart. Magazines H. Newsweek lies, women“s titles, and business magazines have all seen increases in advertising because they attract the high-end market, magazines are popular with advertisers because of the narrow market that they deliver. A broadcast medium such as netwo

38、rk television attracts all types of audience members, but magazine audiences are more homogeneous, if you read Sports Illustrated , for example, you have much in common with the magazine“s other readers. Advertisers see magazines as an efficient way of reaching target audience members. I. Advertiser

39、 using the print media-magazines and newspaperswill need to adapt to two main changes. First, the Internet will bring larger audiences to local newspapers, these audience will be more diverse and geographically dispersed than in the past. Second, advertisers will have to understand how to use an inc

40、reasing number of magazines for their target audiences. Although some magazines will maintain national audiences, a large number of magazines will entertain narrower audiences. Out-of-home advertising J. Out-of-home advertising. Also called place-based advertising, has become an increasingly effecti

41、ve way of reaching consumers, who are more active than ever before. Many consumers today do not sit at home and watch television. Using billboards, newsstands, and bus shelters for advertising is an effective way of reaching these on-the-go consumers. More consumers travel longer distances to and fr

42、om work, which also makes out-of-home advertising effective, technology has changed the nature of the billboard business, making it a more effective medium than in the past. K. Using digital printing, billboard companies can print a billboard in 2 hours, compared with 6 days previously. This allows

43、advertisers more variety in the types of messages they create because they can change their messages more quickly. Internet L. As consumers become more comfortable with online shopping, advertisers will seek to reach this market. As consumers get more of their news and information from the Internet,

44、 the ability of television and radio to get the word out to consumers will decrease. The challenge to Internet advertisers is to create ads that audience members remember. M. Internet advertising will play a more prominent role in organizations“ advertising in the near future. Internet audiences ten

45、d to be quite homogeneous, but small. Advertisers will have to adjust their methods to reach these audiences and will have to adapt their persuasive strategies to the online medium as well. Direct mail N. A final advertising medium is direct mail, which uses mailings to consumers to communicate a cl

46、ient“s message. Direct mail includes newsletters, postcards and special promotions. Direct mail is an effective way to build relationships with consumers. For many businesses, direct mail is the most effective form of advertising.(分数:25.00)(1).In future, Internet advertising will play a more importa

47、nt role in organizations“ advertising.(分数:2.50)(2).Because of its narrow market, magazines are popular with advertisers.(分数:2.50)(3).Radio gives advertisers a way to communicate with audiences all the time.(分数:2.50)(4).Satellite and Internet radio allow listeners to receive farther stations.(分数:2.50

48、)(5).Newspapers are cheaper than television in providing advertising.(分数:2.50)(6).Television channels have increasingly narrow segment of the audiences.(分数:2.50)(7).Because of the influence of Internet, the advertising on television and radio won“t get enough attention as they used to.(分数:2.50)(8).A

49、dvertisers have to adapt their strategies to the online medium as well as adjust their methods to reach Internet audiences.(分数:2.50)(9).Television is an ideal vehicle for advertisers who want to impress consumers with a new brand.(分数:2.50)(10).Narrowcasting makes audiences of a certain channel smaller and more homogeneous.(分数:2.50)Six Secrets of High-Energy PeopleA. There“s an energy crisis in America, and it has nothing to do with fossil fuels. Millions of us get up each morning already weary over the day holds. “I just can“t get started,“ people say. But it“s not physical energy that most

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