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1、大学英语四级分类模拟题 361 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:10,分数:100.00)1.天安门广场(Tian“anmen Square)位于北京市中心,是世界上最大的广场。整个广场东西宽 500 米,南北长 880 米,总面积达 44 万平方米。矗立在广场中央的人民英雄纪念碑(Monument to the People“s Heroes)是新中国诞生后在广场修建的第一座建筑。天安门广场与其周围的建筑,被称为中国的心脏,是举行重大庆典的神圣之地。天安门广场还是著名的旅游景点,每天都有大量的中外游客到此参观。 (分数:10.00)_

2、2.在中国参观兵马俑(Terracotta Warriors and Horses)时,很多人都会兴趣盎然。这一奇迹建于秦始皇统治时期。秦始皇名赢政,生于公元前 259 年,秦王之子。他于公元前 221 年统一六国,建立了中国历史上第一个中央集权的、统一的多民族(multi-ethnic)封建国家。为了巩固新政权,秦始皇在各个领域推行改革,如统一汉字、货币和度量衡(weights and measures),为中国封建社会的发展做出了突出贡献。 (分数:10.00)_3.屈原,中国最早的浪漫主义诗人,楚国大夫。为了抵御强秦,他提议与齐国结盟。但因奸臣诽谤(slander),他被免职、流放。怀着

3、对国家和人民的满腔热忱,他创作了许多诗篇,离骚(The Lament)就是其中最著名的一篇。公元前 278 年,秦国攻克楚国。屈原不愿降秦,跳进汨罗江自尽。按照传统,每年五月初五端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival)时,人们都会纪念这位爱国之士。 (分数:10.00)_4.2010 年,微电影(micro film)老男孩被贴在一个视频网站并大受欢迎。从此,微电影开始盛行。微电影的长度从 3 分钟到半小时不等。成本低廉,拍摄过程简单,这使得很多草根艺人(grassroots artist)得以有机会来拍摄。人们喜欢在线观看电视节目的偏好也为微电影的发展提供了绝佳的机会。在这

4、个快节奏的社会里,微电影正好可以解决人们没有太多时间来娱乐的问题。 (分数:10.00)_5.泰山(Mount Tai)位于山东中部,占地 426 平方千米,最高峰“玉皇顶”(the Jade Emperor Peak)海拔约 1545 米。泰山以恢宏的自然景观著称于世,山上点缀着寺庙、石碑和石刻(stone inscription)。身为中国五大名山之首,泰山备受佛教(Buddhism)和道教(Taoism)的推拳。中国的很多皇帝都曾到泰山敬拜天地。传统观念认为泰山是每天太阳最先升起的地方。因此为了到泰山之巅看日出,成千上万的人午夜就开始攀登泰山。 (分数:10.00)_6.11 月 11

5、日由四个 1 构成,因此每年此日就是光棍节(singles“Day)。20 世纪 90 年代,南京众多大学首先开始庆祝光棍节。正如其名,这个新节日是专门为单身人士设立的。近年来,中国成为世界上互联网用户最多的国家,而单身人士是网购的主力军(main force),许多电子商务平台(platform)就在光棍节当天开展促销活动以吸引中国不计其数的单身人士前来购物。现在,光棍节已成为中国人疯狂网购的日子。 (分数:10.00)_7.庙会(Temple Fair)源于佛教和道教的祭祀活动,是中国的一种传统民俗。它是融宗教信仰、娱乐及商业于一体的大型集会。人们可以在庙会上购买各式小吃,品尝特殊美食,欣

6、赏传统节目,如舞狮(lion dance)、魔术、秧歌(Yangko)。近年来,庙会已成为人们欣赏传统艺术和体验传统生活的地方。中国人喜欢逛庙会,特别是在春节期间,人们携亲带友蜂拥而至,令庙会呈现一派热闹和谐的景象。 (分数:10.00)_8.火车票实名制(name-based train ticket system)是指乘客在购买火车票和乘坐火车时,需要登记、核查个人的真实姓名和身份的一种制度。该制度于 2010 年的春运在部分列车上进行了试点(pilot),并于2012 年起在全国所有旅客列车推行。从某种程度上讲,该制度可以打击非法贩卖火车票的行为,对保障乘客的人身安全、加强乘车管理也起到

7、一定的作用。 (分数:10.00)_9.随着越来越多的中国人走出国门,中国人境外消费数额在快速增长。中国人在海外购买的奢侈品数量至少是在国内购买的奢侈品的两倍。在国外旅行时,人们经常光顾特色商店,带回该国有代表性的纪念品(souvenir)或在国内买不到的礼物。其中,化妆品最受中国游客青睐,服装、皮革制品也是中国游客的消费热点。中国人的国际购买力在一定程度上拉动了很多国家的经济增长。 (分数:10.00)_10.中国实行在公共场所禁止吸烟的规定。此举旨在遏制死于与吸烟有关的疾病(smoking-related disease)的人数,并保护那些不抽烟民众的健康。然而禁烟令的有效性却遭到了质疑,

8、因为它没有明确规定如何处罚那些违反规定的人。在中国大约有 3 亿烟民,很多商家因为吸烟客人的抱怨并不欢迎禁烟令。禁烟令涉及的公共场所包括酒店、饭店、剧院和火车站候车室等,却不包括办公场所(workplace)。 (分数:10.00)_大学英语四级分类模拟题 361 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:10,分数:100.00)1.天安门广场(Tian“anmen Square)位于北京市中心,是世界上最大的广场。整个广场东西宽 500 米,南北长 880 米,总面积达 44 万平方米。矗立在广场中央的人民英雄纪念碑(Monument to t

9、he People“s Heroes)是新中国诞生后在广场修建的第一座建筑。天安门广场与其周围的建筑,被称为中国的心脏,是举行重大庆典的神圣之地。天安门广场还是著名的旅游景点,每天都有大量的中外游客到此参观。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Located at the center of Beijing City, Tian“anmen Square is the largest square in the world. It covers a total area of 440000 square meters, measuring 880 meters north to sou

10、th, and 500 meters east to west. Monument to the People“s Heroes, the first architecture built on the square after the founding of New China, stands upright in the center. Tian“anmen Square, together with the surrounding architectures, can be called the heart of China. It is the holy place where gra

11、nd ceremonies are held. Tian“ anmen Square is also a famous tourist attraction with a large amount of visitors from home and abroad every day.2.在中国参观兵马俑(Terracotta Warriors and Horses)时,很多人都会兴趣盎然。这一奇迹建于秦始皇统治时期。秦始皇名赢政,生于公元前 259 年,秦王之子。他于公元前 221 年统一六国,建立了中国历史上第一个中央集权的、统一的多民族(multi-ethnic)封建国家。为了巩固新政权,

12、秦始皇在各个领域推行改革,如统一汉字、货币和度量衡(weights and measures),为中国封建社会的发展做出了突出贡献。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Many people may feel fascinated when they are visiting the Terracotta Warriors and Horses in China. This miracle was constructed under the reign of Qin Shi Huang. Qin Shi Huang, born as Ying Zheng in 259 BC, was

13、the son of the king of the Qin State. He united the six independent kingdoms and founded the first centralized, unified, multi-ethnic feudal state in Chinese history in 221 BC. In order to consolidate the nascent empire, Qin Shi Huang conducted reforms in various areas. For example, he standardized

14、Chinese writing, currency, weights and measures. Qin Shi Huang has made outstanding contributions to the development of China“s feudal society.3.屈原,中国最早的浪漫主义诗人,楚国大夫。为了抵御强秦,他提议与齐国结盟。但因奸臣诽谤(slander),他被免职、流放。怀着对国家和人民的满腔热忱,他创作了许多诗篇,离骚(The Lament)就是其中最著名的一篇。公元前 278 年,秦国攻克楚国。屈原不愿降秦,跳进汨罗江自尽。按照传统,每年五月初五端午节(

15、the Dragon Boat Festival)时,人们都会纪念这位爱国之士。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Qu Yuan, a minister of Kingdom Chu, was the first Romantic poet in China. He suggested an alliance with Kingdom Qi to resist the powerful Kingdom Qin, but slandered by treacherous court officials, he was dismissed and exiled. With full lo

16、ve for his country and its people in heart, he composed many famous poems, among which The Lament is the greatest. In 278 BC, Kingdom Chu was conquered by Kingdom Qin. Unwilling to surrender to the Qin, Qu Yuan took his own life by means of jumping into the Miluo River. As a prime example of patriot

17、ism, he is traditionally commemorated on the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of the fifth month of the traditional Chinese calendar.4.2010 年,微电影(micro film)老男孩被贴在一个视频网站并大受欢迎。从此,微电影开始盛行。微电影的长度从 3 分钟到半小时不等。成本低廉,拍摄过程简单,这使得很多草根艺人(grassroots artist)得以有机会来拍摄。人们喜欢在线观看电视节目的偏好也为微电影的发展提供了绝佳的机会。在这个快节奏的社会

18、里,微电影正好可以解决人们没有太多时间来娱乐的问题。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:In 2010, a micro film named Old Boy was posted on a video site and became very popular. From then on, micro films begin to flourish. A micro film can last anywhere from three minutes to half an hour. Low cost coupled with easy shooting procedure gives

19、many grassroots artists opportunities to make micro films. The preference for watching TV programs online offers a perfect opportunity for micro films. In this fast. paced society, micro films can tackle the problem of lack of entertainment time.5.泰山(Mount Tai)位于山东中部,占地 426 平方千米,最高峰“玉皇顶”(the Jade Em

20、peror Peak)海拔约 1545 米。泰山以恢宏的自然景观著称于世,山上点缀着寺庙、石碑和石刻(stone inscription)。身为中国五大名山之首,泰山备受佛教(Buddhism)和道教(Taoism)的推拳。中国的很多皇帝都曾到泰山敬拜天地。传统观念认为泰山是每天太阳最先升起的地方。因此为了到泰山之巅看日出,成千上万的人午夜就开始攀登泰山。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Located in central Shandong Province, Mount Tai covers 426 square kilometers with its highest peak,

21、 the Jade Emperor Peak, reaching about 1545 meters above sea level. Mount Tai is reputed for its imposing natural scenery festooned with a chain of temples, stone tablets and stone inscriptions. As the head of the five most famous mountains in China, Mount Tai is revered both in Buddhism and Taoism.

22、 Many emperors in China visited it to worship the heaven and the earth. Traditional belief maintains that each day begins with the sun rising at Mount Tai, thus thousands of sun worshipers climbed it from as early as midnight in order to appreciate sunrise at its peak.6.11 月 11 日由四个 1 构成,因此每年此日就是光棍节

23、(singles“Day)。20 世纪 90 年代,南京众多大学首先开始庆祝光棍节。正如其名,这个新节日是专门为单身人士设立的。近年来,中国成为世界上互联网用户最多的国家,而单身人士是网购的主力军(main force),许多电子商务平台(platform)就在光棍节当天开展促销活动以吸引中国不计其数的单身人士前来购物。现在,光棍节已成为中国人疯狂网购的日子。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Singles“ Day falls on every November 11th because the date is comprised of four “ones“. It was in

24、itially celebrated at many universities in Nanjing during the 1990s. As the name indicates, this new holiday is one exclusively for people who are still living a single life. In recent years, as China has become a country with the world“s largest population of Internet users and the single people ar

25、e the main force of China“s online spending power, many e-commerce platforms launch promotion campaigns on the day in order to attract countless single people around China to their websites. Singles“ Day has now become a day of crazy online shopping among the Chinese.7.庙会(Temple Fair)源于佛教和道教的祭祀活动,是中

26、国的一种传统民俗。它是融宗教信仰、娱乐及商业于一体的大型集会。人们可以在庙会上购买各式小吃,品尝特殊美食,欣赏传统节目,如舞狮(lion dance)、魔术、秧歌(Yangko)。近年来,庙会已成为人们欣赏传统艺术和体验传统生活的地方。中国人喜欢逛庙会,特别是在春节期间,人们携亲带友蜂拥而至,令庙会呈现一派热闹和谐的景象。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Temple Fair, originated from Buddhist and Taoist sacrificial practices, is a kind of traditional folk custom in Chin

27、a. It is a large gathering that integrates religious worship, entertainment and commerce. In Temple Fair, people can buy various snacks, taste special food and enjoy traditional performances such as the lion dance, magic show and Yangko. In recent years, Temple Fair has become a place for people to

28、appreciate the traditional art and experience the traditional life. The Chinese love visiting Temple Fair especially during the Spring Festival. They come in flocks with their friends and relatives, making Temple Fair a lively and harmonious place.8.火车票实名制(name-based train ticket system)是指乘客在购买火车票和乘

29、坐火车时,需要登记、核查个人的真实姓名和身份的一种制度。该制度于 2010 年的春运在部分列车上进行了试点(pilot),并于2012 年起在全国所有旅客列车推行。从某种程度上讲,该制度可以打击非法贩卖火车票的行为,对保障乘客的人身安全、加强乘车管理也起到一定的作用。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:The name-based train ticket system refers to a system in which passengers must have their real names and identities registered and checked when

30、purchasing train tickets and boarding trains. After being piloted in some trains during the Spring Festival travel rush in 2010, the system was rolled out to all passenger trains in China starting from 2012. To some extent, the system can help crack down on unlawful acts of scalping train tickets an

31、d play some part in ensuring safety of the passengers as well as strengthening the management of train ride.9.随着越来越多的中国人走出国门,中国人境外消费数额在快速增长。中国人在海外购买的奢侈品数量至少是在国内购买的奢侈品的两倍。在国外旅行时,人们经常光顾特色商店,带回该国有代表性的纪念品(souvenir)或在国内买不到的礼物。其中,化妆品最受中国游客青睐,服装、皮革制品也是中国游客的消费热点。中国人的国际购买力在一定程度上拉动了很多国家的经济增长。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:

32、()解析:As more and more Chinese travel abroad, the volume of overseas consumption is surging. Chinese purchase at least twice the amount of luxury goods overseas than they do inside China. During overseas trips, people often visit specialty shops, where they bring back souvenirs typical of the country

33、 or gifts unavailable in China. Among them. cosmetics are most favored by Chinese tourists. Clothes and leather products are also popular on their shopping listTo some extent, the economic growth of many countries has been boosted by the international purchasing power of Chinese.10.中国实行在公共场所禁止吸烟的规定。

34、此举旨在遏制死于与吸烟有关的疾病(smoking-related disease)的人数,并保护那些不抽烟民众的健康。然而禁烟令的有效性却遭到了质疑,因为它没有明确规定如何处罚那些违反规定的人。在中国大约有 3 亿烟民,很多商家因为吸烟客人的抱怨并不欢迎禁烟令。禁烟令涉及的公共场所包括酒店、饭店、剧院和火车站候车室等,却不包括办公场所(workplace)。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:A ban on smoking in public places has come into force in China. The move is aimed at curbing the n

35、umber of deaths from smoking-related diseases and protecting the health of other nonsmoking people. But the ban has been questioned on its effectiveness because it doesn“t specify any penalty for those violating the rules. The number of smokers in China stands at around 300 million. Many businesses don“t welcome the ban because of the complaints about such rules from their customers who smoke. The ban prohibits smoking in public places such as hotels, restaurants, theatres and waiting rooms at railway stations, but not in the workplace.

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