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1、大学英语四级分类模拟题 453 及答案解析(总分:479.50,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:12,分数:479.50)1.在人们眼中,公务员工作可以提供稳定的收入、良好的社会地位和较好的福利。自 1995 年国家公务员考试推行以来,这一考试日渐升温,使之成为中国竞争最激烈的考试。另外,毕业生数量骤增,使他们很难找到一份满意的工作。所以,很多大学生更愿意在毕业之后报考公务员。但是,大学生应该制订一个清晰的职业生涯规划,而不应该盲目地报考公务员。 (分数:20.00)_2.快递是兼有邮递功能的门对门的物流活动,它指的是快递公司通过铁路、公路和空运等交通方式对客户的货物

2、进行快速投递。随着网上购物的日益繁荣,我国的快递业飞速发展。快递服务给我们的日常生活带来极大方便。但是,目前我国相关的法律还不是非常健全,这往往导致一些问题的出现,如“暴力投递”等。因此,应加强对快递行业的监管。 (分数:106.50)_3.闻名于世的丝绸之路是一条连接东西方的重要国际贸易路线。丝绸之路绵延 6,000 多公里,得名于古代中国的丝绸贸易。丝绸之路上的贸易在中国、南亚、欧洲和中东的文明发展中发挥了重要作用。正是通过丝绸之路,中国的造纸、火药、指南针、印刷术这四大发明才被引介到世界各地。同样,中国的丝绸、茶叶和 瓷器 (porcelain)传遍全球。欧洲也通过丝绸之路出口各种商品和

3、作物。 (分数:10.00)_4.中国古代的张骞被誉为“中国走向世界第一人”。 公元前 (B.C.)138 年,张骞出使 西域 (the Western Regions)。他在途中被 匈奴部族 (the tribe of Xiongnu)俘虏,被迫在匈奴地区生活十多年。在此期间,他一直在等待机会返回祖国。张骞最终于公元前 126 年回到了 西汉 (the Western Han Dynasty)的都城长安。得益于这次经历,张骞对西域的地理、物产、风俗有了详细的了解,为开辟丝绸之路提供了宝贵的资料。 (分数:20.00)_5.不久前,一条新的 国际道路运输线路 (transnational hi

4、ghway)开通。这条线路连接广西崇左市和越南 下龙市 (Ha Long city),长达 400 公里。它将两个城市之间的公路出行时间缩短至 7.5 小时。这两个城市的旅游业都有着良好的发展前景。崇左市因其美丽的 跨国瀑布 (transnational waterfalls)和独具魅力的民族文化吸引了大量的游客。下龙市则毗邻越南著名的旅游胜地下龙湾。中越两国都希望借此线路促进两国旅游业的发展。 (分数:20.00)_6.在中国,孩子的 满月酒 (One-Month-Old Feast)是其人生中第一个重要仪式。孩子满月那天,家人邀请亲朋好友来一起庆祝。通常孩子穿上 狗头帽 (dog hat)

5、、虎头鞋,象征着孩子能幸运一生。孩子周岁那天的 抓周仪式 (One-Year-Old Catch)也很有特色。家里人会摆上书、笔、墨、纸、钱币、食物、玩具等物品任孩子随意挑选。根据孩子抓的东西来预测孩子可能存在的兴趣爱好和将来从事的职业。 (分数:20.00)_7.西湖西湖是中国最著名的旅游景点之一。它位于浙江省省会杭州,水域面积约 6 平方公里。几个世纪以来,西湖一直以其秀美风景和 文化古迹 (cultural heritages)而闻名于世。西湖三面环山,一面临城,春夏秋冬各有特色,将自然、历史、艺术巧妙地融合在一起。每年西湖都会吸引上千万的游客到杭州观光旅游,杭州也因其自身的魅力被称之为

6、“人间天堂”。 (分数:20.00)_8.故宫博物院 (The Palace Museum),也称 紫禁城 (the Forbidden City),曾经是明代和清代的皇家宫殿。故宫的建设历经 14 年,于 1420 年完工。次年,明代的都城从南京迁到了北京。明代和清代 24 位皇帝曾经在紫禁城进行统治。这座宫殿是仍然屹立的最大的中国古代建筑。故宫曾经历了几次扩建,但原有 布局 (layout)始终得以保留。1949 年之后,故宫进行了一些 修缮 (renovations),同时被中国政府列为重要的历史遗迹之一得到特殊保护。 (分数:10.00)_9.无手机焦虑症近来,无手机焦虑症(nomop

7、hobia)成了人们讨论的一个热点话题。无手机焦虑症指的是人们对于脱离手机的恐惧。研究发现,很大一部分人在远离手机的时候都会感觉不舒服。据此,专家建议,如果你痴迷于手机,那么你应该试着放下手机,特别是在和家人或者朋友一起出去的时候。持续专注于手机也会给人际关系造成阻碍。 (分数:20.00)_10.高山族高山族世代居住在中国的台湾省,人口约为 40 万。他们以农业生产为主,种植水稻、红薯和小米(millet)等。还有些族人以打猎和捕鱼为生。高山族没有本民族文字,但口头文学很丰富,有许多神话、传说和民歌。唱歌和跳舞是高山族人生活的一部分,每逢节日,他们都要聚集在一起唱歌、跳舞。高山族人还非常喜欢

8、雕刻,刻得最多的是蛇身人首的图像。 (分数:20.00)_11.有一个事实我们不得不相信,那就是科技的发展已经彻底改变了我们的生活方式。以前,我们从没想到过生活质量会和科技之间有着如此紧密的联系。现如今,几乎人人都在使用网络,通过这个平台,我们学习、交朋友、获取信息的方式得以发生天翻地覆的转变。而且,大家普遍认为,这样的现象将会一直持续到未来很长一段时间。 (分数:106.50)_12.传统中国绘画是一门独特的艺术,无论是风格还是技巧都与世界其他艺术门类迥然不同。传统的日本绘画可能算是例外,但是不要忘了,它是深受中国文化影响的。中国人绘画采用毛笔蘸墨汁或颜料,灵巧地挥洒(wield)在纸上。画

9、家用深、浅、浓、淡的点和线构成一幅图画。在优秀画家的手里,毛笔和墨汁不仅是绘画的工具,也是画家艺术追求的象征。 (分数:106.50)_大学英语四级分类模拟题 453 答案解析(总分:479.50,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:12,分数:479.50)1.在人们眼中,公务员工作可以提供稳定的收入、良好的社会地位和较好的福利。自 1995 年国家公务员考试推行以来,这一考试日渐升温,使之成为中国竞争最激烈的考试。另外,毕业生数量骤增,使他们很难找到一份满意的工作。所以,很多大学生更愿意在毕业之后报考公务员。但是,大学生应该制订一个清晰的职业生涯规划,而不应该盲目地报

10、考公务员。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:In people“s eyes, the work of civil servants can offer a stable income, good social status and better welfare. Since the civil service exam was practiced in 1995, signing up for it has gradually got hotter and hotter, making it the most fiercely competitive exam in China.

11、In addition, the number of graduates rockets and consequently it is very tough for them to find a satisfactory job. Hence, many college students prefer to take the civil service exam when they graduate. However, college students should make clear career plans and shouldn“t take the civil service exa

12、m aimlessly.2.快递是兼有邮递功能的门对门的物流活动,它指的是快递公司通过铁路、公路和空运等交通方式对客户的货物进行快速投递。随着网上购物的日益繁荣,我国的快递业飞速发展。快递服务给我们的日常生活带来极大方便。但是,目前我国相关的法律还不是非常健全,这往往导致一些问题的出现,如“暴力投递”等。因此,应加强对快递行业的监管。 (分数:106.50)_正确答案:()解析:Express delivery is door-to-door logistics activities with the postal function, and it means that express del

13、ivery companies deliver customers“ goods quickly in the traffic ways such as rail, road and air transportation. With the booming of online shopping, the express delivery industry of our country develops rapidly. The express delivery service brings great convenience to our daily life. However, releva

14、nt laws of our country are not very sound now, which often leads to the appearance of many problems, such as “violent delivery“. Therefore, the regulation of express delivery industry should be strengthened.3.闻名于世的丝绸之路是一条连接东西方的重要国际贸易路线。丝绸之路绵延 6,000 多公里,得名于古代中国的丝绸贸易。丝绸之路上的贸易在中国、南亚、欧洲和中东的文明发展中发挥了重要作用。

15、正是通过丝绸之路,中国的造纸、火药、指南针、印刷术这四大发明才被引介到世界各地。同样,中国的丝绸、茶叶和 瓷器 (porcelain)传遍全球。欧洲也通过丝绸之路出口各种商品和作物。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:The world-renowned Silk Road is an important international route linking the East and West. Extending over 6,000 kilometers, the Silk Road attains its name from the silk trade of ancient

16、China. The trade on the Silk Road had a profound influence on the civilization development of China, South Asia, Europe and the Middle East. It was through the Silk Road that the Four Great Inventions of ancient China, namely papermaking, gunpowder, compass and printing, were introduced to other par

17、ts of the world. Similarly, China“s silk, tea and porcelain were also spread all over the world through it. Europe, in return, exported various commodities and plants by means of the Silk Road.4.中国古代的张骞被誉为“中国走向世界第一人”。 公元前 (B.C.)138 年,张骞出使 西域 (the Western Regions)。他在途中被 匈奴部族 (the tribe of Xiongnu)俘虏,

18、被迫在匈奴地区生活十多年。在此期间,他一直在等待机会返回祖国。张骞最终于公元前 126 年回到了 西汉 (the Western Han Dynasty)的都城长安。得益于这次经历,张骞对西域的地理、物产、风俗有了详细的了解,为开辟丝绸之路提供了宝贵的资料。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:Zhang Qian in ancient China is regarded as “the first Chinese stepping to the world“. In 138 B.C., Zhang Qian went on a mission to the Western Region

19、s. In his travel, he was captured by the tribe of Xiongnu and forced to stay in the Xiongnu Region for more than ten years. During this period, he was waiting for a chance to get back to his motherland. In the end. Zhang Qian managed to go back to Chang“an, the capital of the Western Han Dynasty, in

20、 126 B.C. Thanks to his experience, Zhang Qian had a detailed knowledge of the geography, products and customs of the Western Regions, providing precious information for opening up the Silk Road.5.不久前,一条新的 国际道路运输线路 (transnational highway)开通。这条线路连接广西崇左市和越南 下龙市 (Ha Long city),长达 400 公里。它将两个城市之间的公路出行时间

21、缩短至 7.5 小时。这两个城市的旅游业都有着良好的发展前景。崇左市因其美丽的 跨国瀑布 (transnational waterfalls)和独具魅力的民族文化吸引了大量的游客。下龙市则毗邻越南著名的旅游胜地下龙湾。中越两国都希望借此线路促进两国旅游业的发展。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:A new transnational highway opened not long ago. The highway connects Chongzuo city in Guangxi Province and Ha Long city in Vietnam with a length o

22、f 400 kilometers. It shortens bus travel time between the two cities to 7.5 hours. Both the tourism industries in the two cities enjoy a bright prospect for developmentChongzuo attracts a great number of tourists with its beautiful transnational waterfalls and charming ethnic culture, while Ha Long

23、is next to Ha Long Bay, a famous tourist attraction in Vietnam. The highway is expected to boost the development of the tourism industries in the two countries.6.在中国,孩子的 满月酒 (One-Month-Old Feast)是其人生中第一个重要仪式。孩子满月那天,家人邀请亲朋好友来一起庆祝。通常孩子穿上 狗头帽 (dog hat)、虎头鞋,象征着孩子能幸运一生。孩子周岁那天的 抓周仪式 (One-Year-Old Catch)也很

24、有特色。家里人会摆上书、笔、墨、纸、钱币、食物、玩具等物品任孩子随意挑选。根据孩子抓的东西来预测孩子可能存在的兴趣爱好和将来从事的职业。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:In China, the One-Month-Old Feast of a baby is the first significant ceremony in his life. On the day when a baby is one month old, the families of the baby invite their relatives and friends to celebrate the o

25、ccasion together. Usually, the baby wears a dog hat and tiger shoes, which indicates that the baby will be lucky for the whole life. The ceremony of One-Year-Old Catch on the first birthday of the baby is also of great characteristics. The families of the baby will lay out many things such as books,

26、 pens, ink, paper, money, foods, and toys for the baby to choose at will. According to the articles the baby picks up, the families will make some predictions about his potential interests and future career.7.西湖西湖是中国最著名的旅游景点之一。它位于浙江省省会杭州,水域面积约 6 平方公里。几个世纪以来,西湖一直以其秀美风景和 文化古迹 (cultural heritages)而闻名于世

27、。西湖三面环山,一面临城,春夏秋冬各有特色,将自然、历史、艺术巧妙地融合在一起。每年西湖都会吸引上千万的游客到杭州观光旅游,杭州也因其自身的魅力被称之为“人间天堂”。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:The West Lake is one of the most famous tourist attractions in China. Located in Hangzhou, provincial capital of Zhejiang Province, it covers a water area of around 6 square kilometers. For centu

28、ries, it has been well-known for both its beautiful landscape and cultural heritages. The West Lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides and the remaining side is connected with the city. It has its unique features in different seasons, combining skillfully nature, history and art. Every year,

29、the West Lake attracts tens of millions of visitors to Hangzhou, which is known as “paradise on earth“ because of its charm. 解析 1第 2 句“它位于浙江省省会杭州,水域面积约 6 平方公里”是并列结构,如果翻译时也采用并列结构,则句子结构稍显松散,故将前一分句处理成非谓语形式,用过去分词短语 located in Hangzhou.作地点状语,后半句译为句子的谓语成分。 2第 3 句的时间状语“几个世纪以来”用介词短语 for centuries 来表达即可,“几个”

30、several 可不译。 3第 4 句分句较多,前两句意思紧密,可合译成一个独立的句子。后半句的“春夏秋冬”不必一一道出,只需译为 in different seasons 或 in four seasons。“将融合在一起”可处理成“春夏秋冬各有特色”的伴随动作,用现在分词短语 combining.来表达。 4最后一句中前后两分句主语不同,翻译时,可以“西湖”为主语,表达为 the West Lake attracts.,再用 which 引导的非限制性定语从句来补充说明杭州,引出后一分句的内容。这样一来,整个句子结构清晰,语义联系更紧密。8.故宫博物院 (The Palace Museum

31、),也称 紫禁城 (the Forbidden City),曾经是明代和清代的皇家宫殿。故宫的建设历经 14 年,于 1420 年完工。次年,明代的都城从南京迁到了北京。明代和清代 24 位皇帝曾经在紫禁城进行统治。这座宫殿是仍然屹立的最大的中国古代建筑。故宫曾经历了几次扩建,但原有 布局 (layout)始终得以保留。1949 年之后,故宫进行了一些 修缮 (renovations),同时被中国政府列为重要的历史遗迹之一得到特殊保护。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:The Palace Museum, known as the Forbidden City, was the im

32、perial palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The construction took 14 years and was completed in 1420. In the following year the capital of the Ming Dynasty was moved from Nanjing to Beijing. There are 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruling from the Forbidden City. The palace is the lar

33、gest piece of the ancient Chinese architectures existing at present. The palace had been expanded several times, but the original layout was preserved. After 1949, some renovations were done and the Palace Museum was listed as one of the important historical monuments under special preservation by t

34、he Chinese government.9.无手机焦虑症近来,无手机焦虑症(nomophobia)成了人们讨论的一个热点话题。无手机焦虑症指的是人们对于脱离手机的恐惧。研究发现,很大一部分人在远离手机的时候都会感觉不舒服。据此,专家建议,如果你痴迷于手机,那么你应该试着放下手机,特别是在和家人或者朋友一起出去的时候。持续专注于手机也会给人际关系造成阻碍。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:NomophobiaRecently, nomophobia has become a hot topic among people. Nomophobia refers to the fear

35、of being out of mobile phone contact. Surveys have found that a large percentage of people tend to feel uncomfortable when they are away from their phones. In view of the above, experts suggest that if you are obsessed with your cell phone, you should try to put it aside, especially during family ti

36、me or when you hang out with your friends. Keep focusing on using the mobile phones will cause impairment to interpersonal relationships.10.高山族高山族世代居住在中国的台湾省,人口约为 40 万。他们以农业生产为主,种植水稻、红薯和小米(millet)等。还有些族人以打猎和捕鱼为生。高山族没有本民族文字,但口头文学很丰富,有许多神话、传说和民歌。唱歌和跳舞是高山族人生活的一部分,每逢节日,他们都要聚集在一起唱歌、跳舞。高山族人还非常喜欢雕刻,刻得最多的是蛇

37、身人首的图像。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:The Gaoshan people, about 400 thousand in total, have lived for generations in Taiwan Province. They mainly engage in farming, planting rice, sweet potato, millet and so on. And some live on hunting and fishing. The Gaoshans do not have their own script, but their spoken

38、 literature is quite rich with many myths, legends and folk songs. Singing and dancing are a part of Gaoshan life. On every holiday, people gather to sing and dance. The Gaoshan people are also fond of carving and the most carved images are those with human heads and snake bodies. 解析 1第 1 句中的“人口约为 4

39、0 万”可处理为与前半句“高山族世代居住在”并列,译作 the population is about 400,000,但将其处理成介词短语 about 400,000 in total 作插入语更佳,译文也更简洁明了。 2第 2 句中的“他们以农业生产为主”中“以为主”可用短语 mainly engage in 来表达。“种植水稻、红薯”为补充说明,处理成伴随状语,用分词短语 planting rice.来表达。 3第 4 句中的“但口头文学很丰富,有许多神话、传说和民歌”中“很丰富”可用短语 sth. be rich 来表达,“有许多神话、传说和民歌”用介词短语 with many myt

40、hs, legends.泽出。 4最后一句“高山族人还非常喜欢雕刻,刻得最多的是蛇身人首的图像”可用并列结构译作 The Gaoshan people are also fond of.and the most carved images are those with.。“图像”的定语“蛇身人首的”较长,故将其处理为后置定语,用介词短语 with human heads and snake bodies 来表达。11.有一个事实我们不得不相信,那就是科技的发展已经彻底改变了我们的生活方式。以前,我们从没想到过生活质量会和科技之间有着如此紧密的联系。现如今,几乎人人都在使用网络,通过这个平台,我

41、们学习、交朋友、获取信息的方式得以发生天翻地覆的转变。而且,大家普遍认为,这样的现象将会一直持续到未来很长一段时间。 (分数:106.50)_正确答案:()解析:There“s no denying the fact that the development of technology has dramatically changed our life style. Previously, never have we imagined that our life quality has such a close bond with modern technology. Currently, a

42、lmost everyone is enjoying the platform of the Internet, through which the way of our learning, making friends and acquiring information has been tremendously altered. Moreover, it is commonly believed that the phenomenon will continue for quite a long period of time in the coming days. 解析 这是一篇关于科技创

43、新对人们的学习、生活方式的改变的文章。人们学习、生活方式的变化已经成为了社会生活中的重要的话题,而科技创新对人们生活方式的改变尤为明显。 1有一个事实我们不得不相信:这个句子很多学生会立即采用 there be 结构,这是可以的,但是要特别注意 there be 结构的后续部分一定不能有谓语的叠加,否则就是致命的错误。There is a fact we have to believe that.或 There is a fact that .或 We have to believe the fact that.都是正确的。但相比较而言,There“s no denying the fact that.是最佳的句型结构。无论采用什么结构,正确是第

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