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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)-试卷 286及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.It was proposed by a group of senators.B.The US president had carried out the reform.C.Illegal immigrants would soon be given citizenship.D.The reform failed to impro

2、ve the current system.A.Eight years.B.Five years.C.Thirteen years.D.Eleven years.A.15 schools have started social studies.B.15 schools have used digital textbooks.C.Digital textbooks are used for social studies.D.Students are ready to use electronic resources.A.$1 million.B.$2 million.C.$3 million.D

3、.$4 million.A.People in Dubai celebrated the New Year.B.Fireworks went on as planned in Dubai.C.Fire broke out in a luxury hotel on New Years Eve.D.Thousands of security personnel were on duty in Dubai.A.It broke out at night.B.It was put out within 30 minutes.C.It burned down the whole building.D.I

4、t was caused by the fireworks.A.There were not enough security personnel in downtown areaB.Authorities worked in downtown area to keep orders.C.Lots of people were crowded into the downtown area.D.New Years events were cut off due to the fire.3.Section B_A.They are from the same town.B.They both wor

5、k on the school magazine.C.They are in the same class.D.They are both teaching assistants.A.Because she has to take an exam.B.Because she has swimming practice.C.Because she has a biology lesson.D.Because she is reading a magazine.A.The woman would like to work on itB.The woman has never heard of it

6、C.The man dislikes reading it.D.The man first read it last month.A.Try to contact the teaching assistant again.B.Go to have a swim.C.Study for a biology exam.D.Go to a meeting.A.Hurricanes.B.TV up-date.C.Names of hurricanes.D.Wind velocity.A.A storm and a hurricane differ in the time they land.B.A s

7、torm and a hurricane differ in the speed wind travels.C.A hurricane is the least serious.D.A storm is less serious than a depression.A.Those people discovered the hurricanes first.B.Its easy to tell hurricanes apartC.Those people are pop stars.D.Those people are the weather forecasters.A.Examine the

8、 map again.B.Turn on the radio.C.See the hurricane outdoors.D.Watch TV weather report.4.Section C_A.He jumped to the mouth of the well from the goats back.B.He came out by pulling the horn of the goat.C.He climbed to the mouth of the well by himself.D.He swam out of the well when the water was risin

9、g.A.The water was sweet.B.The water had saved his life.C.He wanted to lure the goat to descend.D.He wanted to comfort the goat.A.One is never too old to learn.B.Look before you leap.C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.D.The early bird gets the worm.A.10.7 hours.B.4.1 hours.C.3.1 hours.D.5.35 hours

10、.A.China.B.Japan.C.The U.S.D.The Philippines.A.Friends and neighbors.B.Teachers and friends.C.Parents and friends.D.Parents and grandparents.A.1.B.2.C.3.D.4.A.At least 18 people were injured.B.At least one building in the Japanese capital was damaged.C.Some of the high-speed trains were stopped.D.A

11、series of tsunamis struck Tokyo.A.North Koreas kidnapping of Japanese citizens during the Cold War period.B.Measures to improve human rights in the six countries.C.Economic cooperation between the six countries.D.Korean Peninsula nuclear issue.A.The talks should include North Koreas kidnapping of Ja

12、panese citizens during the Cold War period.B.North Koreas human rights record should not be discussed.C.The last round of the talks should be held in Tokyo.D.Japans human rights record should not be discussed.大学英语四级改革适用(听力)-试卷 286答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part

13、 II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.It was proposed by a group of senators. B.The US president had carried out the reform.C.Illegal immigrants would soon be given citizenship.D.The reform failed to improve the current system.解析:解析:新闻开头提到,美国总统表示,对美国移民制度进行检讨的时机已经成熟。接着说他在拉斯维加斯的一所高中谈到了这一事件,而

14、前一天参议员拟定了(outlined)改革的框架。由此可知 A“移民改革是参议员提出的”正确。移民改革在奥巴马三年前的计划中有所反映,但 did not go far表明并未实施,故 B“奥巴马已实施改革”不对。根据三年前的蓝图,非法移民成为合法永久居民要八年,最终成为公民还须再等五年,C“非法移民很快会获取公民身份”与之不符。移民改革还未实施,故 D“改革没有改善现在的系统”不正确。A.Eight years.B.Five years.C.Thirteen years. D.Eleven years.解析:解析:录音最后提到,根据三年前的计划,非法移民成为合法永久居民要八年,最终成为公民还须

15、再等五年,因此一共需要 13年。A.15 schools have started social studies.B.15 schools have used digital textbooks.C.Digital textbooks are used for social studies. D.Students are ready to use electronic resources.解析:解析:录音提到“这个学年,初中和高中社会学科的课本从硬皮纸质课本换成了电子课本”,C 正确,选项中的 digital是新闻中 electronic的同义改写。A“15 所学校已开设社会学科”利用 soc

16、ial studies制造干扰。B“15 所学校已使用电子课本”、D“学生已准备好使用电子资源”是去年的事,题目问的是这个学年(this school year)。A.$1 million.B.$2 million. C.$3 million.D.$4 million.解析:解析:录音提到“通常买纸质书总共约花费 800万美元,而网络课本花费不到 600万美元”,所以使用电子课本学校可节省约 200万美元,正确答案是 B。A.People in Dubai celebrated the New Year.B.Fireworks went on as planned in Dubai.C.Fir

17、e broke out in a luxury hotel on New Years Eve. D.Thousands of security personnel were on duty in Dubai.解析:解析:新闻开篇首先提到,人们从一家豪华酒店中撤离,之后提到迪拜一家酒店在新年前一晚起火了,之后提到起火的原因和火势,以及人员撤离的情况,故新闻关注的是“酒店起火”,C 为答案。其他三项都有在新闻中提到,但都只是细节内容,不是全篇新闻关注的重点。A.It broke out at night. B.It was put out within 30 minutes.C.It burned

18、 down the whole building.D.It was caused by the fireworks.解析:解析:新闻中提到,起火时间约在晚上九点半(9:30 pm),故 A正确。新闻中有提到,30 分钟火势仍继续,烧到了酒店的塔楼,故 B说的“30 分钟内被扑灭”不对。C“把整座酒店烧毁了”没有在新闻中提到,新闻中只是说“酒店的一些燃烧的碎片掉到地面”。虽然新闻中有提到,起火时在发焰火,但并没有说酒店的火灾是由引起的焰火引起的,D 错误。A.There were not enough security personnel in downtown areaB.Authoritie

19、s worked in downtown area to keep orders.C.Lots of people were crowded into the downtown area. D.New Years events were cut off due to the fire.解析:解析:新闻的最后提到,目击者称,成千上万上在市中心附近聚集(tens of thousands of people were crowded into the downtown area),C 复现原文。A 与新闻末尾所述相反,新闻提到当晚有数千名安保人员在场。新闻并没有提到“官员亲自到市中心维持秩序”,故

20、 B错误。D“新年活动因大火而终止”与事实相反,新闻说到焰火没因大火而中断,还是按计划放(Fireworks went on as planned)。3.Section B_解析:A.They are from the same town.B.They both work on the school magazine.C.They are in the same class. D.They are both teaching assistants.解析:解析:四个选项都是关于 They的,从 same,both 来看,似乎在问他们“一同”、“都”怎么样。推断题。根据男士一开始自我介绍时所说的“

21、Its Bill Parker from your calculus class”可知答案为 C。对话开头常设考点。A.Because she has to take an exam.B.Because she has swimming practice. C.Because she has a biology lesson.D.Because she is reading a magazine.解析:解析:男士问女士现在是否有空,女士说几分钟后得进行游泳练习,可见选 B。女士游泳过后得为生物考试复习,并非立马要考试,故排除 A;对话没有提到女士要上生物课,C 不对;男士说到要开会时提到校园杂

22、志,不是女士在看杂志,D 也不对。A.The woman would like to work on itB.The woman has never heard of it C.The man dislikes reading it.D.The man first read it last month.解析:解析:推断题。当男生提到杂志 The Signal时,女士反问了一句“The what?”这表明女士对杂志不熟,所以她才道歉,并且解释说自己今年刚转学来这里,由此可推出答案为 B。A、D 未提及,C 与对话内容相反。反问处必有玄机。A.Try to contact the teaching

23、 assistant again.B.Go to have a swim.C.Study for a biology exam.D.Go to a meeting. 解析:解析:四个动词原形预示着将提问“干什么”或“为什么”。细节题,Bill 晚饭后将干什么?Sue建议两人晚饭后见面,Bill 回答说“Uh,thats bad for me-I have a meeting for The Signal”据此,选 D。“Uh”语气词出现,后面的内容十分重要。B、C 是女士打算做的事情,均不正确。在长对话的测试里,细节题是大量存在的,而且不好对付,因为既要考你听懂了没有,还要考你的记忆力,所以要

24、适当做笔记。A.Hurricanes. B.TV up-date.C.Names of hurricanes.D.Wind velocity.解析:解析:对话开头女士就说到,“这是一张飓风路线图”,之后两人就一直讨论飓风问题,故 A正确。对话提到过几个飓风的名字,也说到风速是区别热带低压(tropical depressions)、暴风(storm)与飓风(hurricane)的指标,最后还提到电视上会有对飓风的最新报道,B、C、D 均是一些细节,但它们都不是对话的主题,都不对。正确答案特征:在对话开头就会提及,往往在对话中多次提到。A.A storm and a hurricane diff

25、er in the time they land.B.A storm and a hurricane differ in the speed wind travels. C.A hurricane is the least serious.D.A storm is less serious than a depression.解析:解析:对话中女士提到了低气压、暴风和飓风,男士就问“它们有什么区别”,女士说,其区别在风速。故 B正确。A 中的 the time they land应改为 wind velocity或 the speed wind travels;C 中的 least应改为 mo

26、st,D 中的 less应改为 more。A.Those people discovered the hurricanes first.B.Its easy to tell hurricanes apart C.Those people are pop stars.D.Those people are the weather forecasters.解析:解析:男士在问到地图上的人名时,女士解释说:“天气预报工作者给飓风取上人的名字,以便使它们容易区别开来。”B 项中的 tell apart即对话中的 identify之义,故 B正确,含有因果、目的等关系的语义突出之处常设考点。A.Exami

27、ne the map again.B.Turn on the radio.C.See the hurricane outdoors.D.Watch TV weather report. 解析:解析:对话结尾处女士说,“你该打开电视,它报道最清楚。5 分钟后就会有最新报道了。”因此对话中的两人是准备看电视上的天气预报,选 D。四个选项的动词及其宾语构成的搭配,一般由动词确定答案(原词再现或同义替换)。本题原文是 turn on the television,应选 D而不是 B!这里应根据名词 TV选出答案!4.Section C_解析:A.He jumped to the mouth of th

28、e well from the goats back. B.He came out by pulling the horn of the goat.C.He climbed to the mouth of the well by himself.D.He swam out of the well when the water was rising.解析:解析:短文提到,狐狸跳上了山羊的背。利用山羊角站稳,然后安然地到了井口,并迅速地逃离。可见狐狸是从山羊背上跳出井口的,故 A正确。山羊不是在井外,狐狸抓住山羊角也不可能爬出井,B 不对;C、D 很容易排除。对于故事性短文,可以先大体浏览一遍题目

29、,看题目可能问到什么内容,然后认真听故事,尽量把听到的信息在脑海里转化为画面,最后再根据问题答题。对故事情节想象得越清楚,解题就越容易。A.The water was sweet.B.The water had saved his life.C.He wanted to lure the goat to descend. D.He wanted to comfort the goat.解析:解析:短文提到,狐狸大赞井水的好处,说它妙不可言,一再诱使山羊下井。故 C正确。A、B 以The water为主语,C、D 以 He wanted开头。本题可能问“水”怎么样,也可能问“他”有什么动机;根据

30、故事的大致情节,听到问题应能很快判断出 C正确。“与主题相关的选项正确。”A.One is never too old to learn.B.Look before you leap. C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.D.The early bird gets the worm.解析:解析:结尾处狐狸的话揭示了故事的寓意:在检查是否有退路之前,绝不可贸然行事;绝不要陷入你无法从中解脱的险境。B“三思而后行”即是此寓意的高度概括。四个选项都是谚语,本题应当问哪一条谚语与这则寓言最贴切。从山羊的遭遇中,可以自然地得出 B的结论。A.10.7 hours.

31、B.4.1 hours.C.3.1 hours.D.5.35 hours. 解析:解析:短文第 1句就说:印度人是世界上最爱读书的人了,他们平均每周读书 107 小时,是美国人的两倍。因此美国人每周读书 535 小时,即 D。数字题。选项所指的含义需要做记号,A 指印度,B指日本,C 指韩国,D 指美国。据此,一听到问题,答案就信手拈来了。A.China. B.Japan.C.The U.S.D.The Philippines.解析:解析:短文称:NOP 调查了 3万名年满 13岁的消费者,发现按每周花在阅读书报杂志的时间来排名,中国和菲律宾分别名列第 2和第 3。本题问排名第 2的国家,故

32、A正确。语义强调之处出题:本文比较不同国家的人们的阅读习惯,有比较的内容应特别留意。A.Friends and neighbors.B.Teachers and friends.C.Parents and friends.D.Parents and grandparents. 解析:解析:短文最后说:“过去人们从父母和爷爷奶奶那里寻找建议和忠告。”故选 D。本题各个选项为并列名词,问细节。这种题目最容易解答,符合短文听力“听到什么选什么”的解题原则。此外,短文结尾处常设考点。A.1.B.2. C.3.D.4.解析:解析:第 l则新闻开始就说:“英国警方说,又一个涉嫌与星期四伦敦交通系统未遂炸弹

33、袭击案有关的男人被捕。”可见一共抓了两个人,故 B正确。数字题,需要明白短文中相关数字的含义,然后根据问题来作答。A.At least 18 people were injured.B.At least one building in the Japanese capital was damaged.C.Some of the high-speed trains were stopped.D.A series of tsunamis struck Tokyo. 解析:解析:第 2则新闻末尾说:“日本官员说,该地震没有导致海啸。”故 D正确。对于问“何者不正确”的题目,必须一个个选项加以判断。A

34、.North Koreas kidnapping of Japanese citizens during the Cold War period.B.Measures to improve human rights in the six countries.C.Economic cooperation between the six countries.D.Korean Peninsula nuclear issue. 解析:解析:第 3则新闻称:一位韩国外交官星期五说,会谈只讨论解除核武器的问题,没有别的议题。六方会谈的核心议题是 D,即朝鲜半岛的核问题。四个选项均为名词词组,由选项中的关键

35、词(尤其是专有名词)来看,本题可能问六国共同关注的问题。短文中虽提到 A,但它不是 key subject,故可排除 A。由短文中的用词 onlyand not other issues 可以断定语义重心,从而得出答案。A.The talks should include North Koreas kidnapping of Japanese citizens during the Cold War period. B.North Koreas human rights record should not be discussed.C.The last round of the talks should be held in Tokyo.D.Japans human rights record should not be discussed.解析:解析:第 3则新闻提到,“朝鲜官方新闻机构报道,朝鲜反对日本提出的把二战结束后的冷战期间朝鲜绑架日本公民的问题列入会谈议题的要求。”换言之,日本要求会谈讨论绑架人质问题,而朝鲜表示反对,故选 A。新闻题多与背景有关。多了解时事,有助于答题。

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