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本文(大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷296及答案解析.doc)为本站会员(周芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 296 及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.The asset of the US there has been frozen.B.The conflict there threatens the U.S. national security.C.Rallies are planned to protest the war there.D.The U.N. Securi

2、ty Council is involved in the issue there.A.Four Sudanese.B.The U.S. president.C.Reporters.D.George Clooney.A.Consumers give up motorcycles.B.Some politicians suggest cutting down prices of gasoline.C.Oil companies are not satisfied with it.D.Some congressmen think oil companies should be examined.A

3、.It might not work.B.Consumers will finally benefit from it.C.It is good for oil industry.D.It should also be imposed on other industries.A.At 4:35 pm local time.B.At 4:35 am local time.C.At 4:25 am local time.D.At 4:25 pm local time.A.The US Geological Survey first reported the earthquake.B.Indias

4、Meteorological Department has predicted the earthquake.C.A newly-built building collapsed in the earthquake.D.Three thousand people were reported dead in the earthquake.A.Because he had a heart attack after the earthquake.B.Because he jumped from a fourth-floor balcony.C.Because he was badly injured

5、 during the quake.D.Because he suffered a stroke after the earthquake.3.Section B_A.The relationship between farmers, Ward and Sears.B.The development of the catalog sales business.C.The relationship between the catalog and textbooks.D.The story of a Chicago retailer.A.Because he wanted to beat Ward

6、.B.Because he wanted to help his brother Ward.C.Because he thought this business was profitable.D.Because he enjoyed competition in this business.A.Farmers.B.City people.C.Business people.D.Students.A.It helped students with spelling and adding.B.It helped students become familiar with a variety of

7、goods.C.Students might order things from the catalog.D.Schools were short of textbooks at that time.A.The commentator made it very dull.B.The game was exciting.C.It was between the Gunners and the Wolves.D.It was won by the Wolves.A.1 goal.B.2 goals.C.3 goals.D.5 goals.A.How they play in the next ma

8、tch.B.How they shape after Christmas.C.How they get over the difficulty.D.How they explain to the public.A.A team member called Blake was injured.B.Christmas was coming.C.They cant score many goals.D.They still have some influence from Blake.4.Section C_A.Banks, government agencies and credit unions

9、.B.Banks, deposit unions and money market funds.C.Banks, savings-and-loans and deposit unions.D.Banks, savings-and-loans and credit unions.A.Teachers working in the same city.B.Professors attending the same seminar.C.Colleagues working for the same government agency.D.Experts studying the same subje

10、ct.A.Certificates of deposit.B.Savings account.C.Money market funds.D.Credit unions.A.They cannot see the firefighters because of the smoke.B.They do not realize the danger they are in.C.They cannot hear the firefighters for the noise.D.They mistake the firefighters for monsters.A.He travels all ove

11、r America to help put out fires.B.He often teaches children what to do during a fire.C.He teaches Spanish in a San Francisco community.D.He provides oxygen masks to children free of charge.A.He saved the life of his brother choking on food.B.He rescued a student from a big fire.C.He is very good at

12、public speaking.D.He gives informative talks to young children.A.Firefighters play an important role in America.B.Kids should learn not to be afraid of monsters.C.Carelessness can result in tragedies.D.Informative speeches can save lives.A.Hardworking students being accused of cheating.B.Innocent pe

13、ople being suspected groundlessly.C.Boy students being often treated as law-breakers.D.Junior employees being made to work overtime.A.Requesting customers to pay before taking the foodB.Asking customers to leave their bags on the counters.C.Allowing only two students to enter at a time.D.Forbidding

14、students to take food out of the restaurant.A.He was closely watched.B.He was asked to leave.C.He was overcharged.D.He was taken to the manager.大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 296 答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.The asset of th

15、e US there has been frozen.B.The conflict there threatens the U.S. national security. C.Rallies are planned to protest the war there.D.The U.N. Security Council is involved in the issue there.解析:解析:新闻开头提到,美国总统表示,他正在采取行动,因为在 Darfur 的冲突已经威胁到美国的国家安全和外交政策(threatens the national security and foreign poli

16、cy of the United States),B 中的 threatens the USnational security 提到了其中一点,故为正确答案。A“美国财产被冻结”张冠李戴,新闻是说 4 个苏丹人的财产被冻结。美国总统的声明发表在集合之前(days before rallies are planned),故 C 所说的集会不可能是总统采取行动的原因。D 只是胡乱拼凑了新闻中的UNSecurity Council 和 involved,“联合国参与其中”并非美国总统采取行动的原因。A.Four Sudanese.B.The U.S. president.C.Reporters.D.

17、George Clooney. 解析:解析:新闻提到,社会名流,如奥斯卡金像奖得主演员 George Clooney 计划在游行集会上演讲,故选 D。A.Consumers give up motorcycles.B.Some politicians suggest cutting down prices of gasoline.C.Oil companies are not satisfied with it.D.Some congressmen think oil companies should be examined. 解析:解析:新闻提到,对于石油公司的高利润,某些美国国会的议员认为

18、对石油公司的利润需密切观察(should be examined closely),D 所说与此相符。消费者虽然有怨言(raised complaints),并没有说放弃使用摩托车,A 错误。汽油的价格高昂是事实,但新闻并没有提到“政客建议要降低油价”,B 错误。新闻只提到石油公司反对征收暴利税(windfall profits tax),并没有提到他们是否满意高额的利润,C错误。A.It might not work. B.Consumers will finally benefit from it.C.It is good for oil industry.D.It should also

19、 be imposed on other industries.解析:解析:新闻提到,石油分析家说征收暴利税可能达不到预期的目标,有反作用(counterproductive),考生即使听不懂该词的意思,也可从下一句的“石油工业的高利润最终会让消费者受益”可知,分析家并不反对石油公司有高利润,即对“征收暴利税”是持反对意见,故 A 为正确答案。B“消费者最终受益”和 C“对石油公司有利”都对“征收暴利税”持正面态度,与新闻所说相反。D“对其他行业也征收暴利税”没有在新闻中提到。A.At 4:35 pm local time.B.At 4:35 am local time. C.At 4:25

20、am local time.D.At 4:25 pm local time.解析:解析:根据选项可以判断问的是时间,而且四个选项比较相似,听录音时要重点留意新闻中的相关信息。新闻一开始就提到,根据美国地质勘探局的消息,当地时间凌晨 4 点 35 分发生了地震(The quake hit at 4:35am local time),故 B 为答案。A.The US Geological Survey first reported the earthquake.B.Indias Meteorological Department has predicted the earthquake.C.A n

21、ewly-built building collapsed in the earthquake. D.Three thousand people were reported dead in the earthquake.解析:解析:新闻提到,地震使许多墙倒塌了,并且一幢新建的六层高的建筑倒下了(a newly-built six-storey buildingcollapsed),C 所述与此一致,为答案。A、B 中的机构 US Geological Survey和 Indias Meteorological Department 都有在新闻中出现,但所说的事情“首先报告地震”和“预测了地震”

22、都没有在新闻中提到。新闻中陆续报道各地的伤亡人数,都是零星的数量,远远达不到 D 所说的3000 人。A.Because he had a heart attack after the earthquake.B.Because he jumped from a fourth-floor balcony.C.Because he was badly injured during the quake.D.Because he suffered a stroke after the earthquake. 解析:解析:选项均以 Because 开头,可判断问的是原因,并且根据 heart attac

23、k、jumped from a fourth-floor balcony、badly injured、suffered a stroke 可以推测某人做了某事产生了不好的后果,听录音时要留意新闻中相关信息。新闻最后提到,一名 23 岁的男子在地震后因中风而死亡(suffered a stroke after the quake),故 D 为答案。A“地震后心脏病发作”和 B“从四楼阳台跳下来”都不是这个23 岁男人的死因,C“他在地震中受了重伤”没有在新闻中提及。3.Section B_解析:A.The relationship between farmers, Ward and Sears.

24、B.The development of the catalog sales business. C.The relationship between the catalog and textbooks.D.The story of a Chicago retailer.解析:解析:尽管四个选项在对话中都有提及,但 A、C、D 只是对话的一部分,只有 B 可以涵盖对话中的所有内容。长对话的主旨大意题,关键是听对话的第一个话轮(对话双方各发言一次叫一个话轮)。由order,catalog 两个关键词即可推出答案是 B。尽管 C 中也有 catalog,但它提到 textbook,没有涵盖原文主要

25、内容,而只是其中一个细节。A.Because he wanted to beat Ward.B.Because he wanted to help his brother Ward.C.Because he thought this business was profitable. D.Because he enjoyed competition in this business.解析:解析:对话中女士说到:“在得知 Ward 赚了多少钱以后,另一个名叫 Richard Sears 的人也开展自己的邮购业务。”可见 Sears 是为了赚大钱,所以选 C。“转折 but 处出题”。没有理由听不懂

26、“how much money Ward was making”!profitable 是 make money 的同义替换。A.Farmers. B.City people.C.Business people.D.Students.解析:解析:女士说:“邮购业务很受农场主欢迎”,并说“农场主们信赖 Ward 和 Sears”。可知该业务的主要客户是农场主。本题较简单,对话中多次提到 farmers。A.It helped students with spelling and adding. B.It helped students become familiar with a variety

27、 of goods.C.Students might order things from the catalog.D.Schools were short of textbooks at that time.解析:解析:男士很惊奇地问:“Textbooks?”下文女士给出了解释:“是啊,学生们用邮购表中事物的名称练习拼写,用其中的价格练习加法运算。”所以选 A。适用“听到什么选什么”的原则。spelling与 adding 两个词一定会很“夺耳”!A.The commentator made it very dull.B.The game was exciting.C.It was betwe

28、en the Gunners and the Wolves. D.It was won by the Wolves.解析:解析:对话中男士说:“我原本以为 Gunners 队打得不错,能以现在的状态打败 Wolves 队。”因此该比赛是在 Gunners 与 Wolves 两队之间进行的,选 C。A、B 貌似矛盾,实际语义是一致的。C 提供了两个专有名词,扫清了听力障碍。A.1 goal.B.2 goals.C.3 goals.D.5 goals. 解析:解析:女士说,“他们上半场至少该进 3 球,下半场进 2 球”,所以 Alice 认为 Gunners 队本应该进 5 球,答案是 D。A.

29、How they play in the next match.B.How they shape after Christmas. C.How they get over the difficulty.D.How they explain to the public.解析:解析:女士问男士如何看待 Wolves 队的走势,男士回答说他认为全取决于圣诞节后的状态,本题符合“长对话听到什么选什么”的原则,选 B。A.A team member called Blake was injured. B.Christmas was coming.C.They cant score many goals.

30、D.They still have some influence from Blake.解析:解析:对话最后男士说:“Blake 受伤前他们还是很棒的,但缺少了他在进攻方面的影响,他们就再也进不了球了。”由此可见,是 Blake 受伤影响了球队。答案是 A。出题之处已有多重语义特征:女士连说两次“我不明白”;男士对此表示赞同,并在反问“真的能这么说吗?”之后用 because(重要的信号词)说出理由。因此,一听到 Blake got injured 即可马上得到 A。4.Section C_解析:A.Banks, government agencies and credit unions.B.

31、Banks, deposit unions and money market funds.C.Banks, savings-and-loans and deposit unions.D.Banks, savings-and-loans and credit unions. 解析:解析:短文中说到:传统的可以开账户的场所是银行、储蓄与贷款协会以及信贷互助会。D 与此相符。四个选项均是名词并列成分。不管是问主旨还是问细节,都需要与听到的内容一一对应。读题时,要把各选项之间的异同加以辨别。A.Teachers working in the same city.B.Professors attendi

32、ng the same seminar.C.Colleagues working for the same government agency. D.Experts studying the same subject.解析:解析:短文中说,信贷互助会是以某种方式联系起来的人们组成的合作社组织,比如,其成员可能都为同一个大学或政府机构工作。尽管四个选项中提到的各类人均“以某种方式联系”着,但与短文中例子一致的只有 C。短文中的例子是“为同一个大学或政府机构工作的人”,government agency 是答题关键。其余选项中的 city,seminar,subject 均未在文中出现。A.Cer

33、tificates of deposit.B.Savings account.C.Money market funds. D.Credit unions.解析:解析:短文最后说:“然而,货币市场基金可能不像其他存款一样受联邦政府的保证。”与此相符的是 C。本题符合“语义强调处出题”的规律。文章结尾处,用 however 独立地指出来的项目为答案。A.They cannot see the firefighters because of the smoke.B.They do not realize the danger they are in.C.They cannot hear the fi

34、refighters for the noise.D.They mistake the firefighters for monsters. 解析:解析:短文提到孩子们藏起来的原因是,他们以为自己看到了魔鬼。所以答案为 D。转折词 but 后常常为考查重点。原文提到 monster 一词,符合短文“听到什么选什么”的原则。A“他们因为烟看不见消防员”、B“他们没有意识到自己身处危险之中”和 C“他们因为噪音听不见消防员”与录音不符。A.He travels all over America to help put out fires.B.He often teaches children wh

35、at to do during a fire. C.He teaches Spanish in a San Francisco community.D.He provides oxygen masks to children free of charge.解析:解析:短文提到,为了防止这种悲剧发生,Eric Velez 给社区的孩子们讲课,告诉他们在火灾中不要藏起来。所以答案为 B。A“他去美国各地帮忙灭火”、C“他在一个旧金山社区教西班牙语”和D“他免费给孩子提供氧气罩”均是利用原文的片言只语进行随意拼凑。A.He saved the life of his brother choking

36、on food. B.He rescued a student from a big fire.C.He is very good at public speaking.D.He gives informative talks to young children.解析:解析:短文提到 Pete Gentry 挽救了他吃东西噎着的弟弟。所以答案为 A。此题考查文中举例处,这种地方常设考点,要留意听清。B“他从大火中救出了一个学生”、C“他很擅长公众演讲”和 D“他给小孩子作常识普及演讲”虽都有原文原词,但内容与问题不符。A.Firefighters play an important role

37、in America.B.Kids should learn not to be afraid of monsters.C.Carelessness can result in tragedies.D.Informative speeches can save lives. 解析:解析:短文最后提到,informative speaker 可以救人性命,还能帮助人们学习新技能等等。所以答案为 D。此题其实是主旨题,说话者用消防员普及消防知识为例说明常识普及讲演者的作用,D 的概括最全面。消防员只是例子,不属于主题内容,应注意排除 A“消防员在美国发挥重要作用”。B“孩子应学着不害怕怪物”和 C

38、“疏忽大意可以导致悲剧”与短文主旨不符。A.Hardworking students being accused of cheating.B.Innocent people being suspected groundlessly. C.Boy students being often treated as law-breakers.D.Junior employees being made to work overtime.解析:解析:短文开始就提到:假如有个邻居犯了法,而法官怀疑到附近所有街坊,那样公平吗?由该提问可知,答案为 B。本题可抓听原文关键词 suspicion,B 中的 sus

39、pected 为其同义动词。A 中的Hardworking students“用功的学生”、C 中的 Boy students“男学生”、D 中的 Junior employees“资历浅的雇员”这几个关键词在短文中均未提及。A.Requesting customers to pay before taking the foodB.Asking customers to leave their bags on the counters.C.Allowing only two students to enter at a time. D.Forbidding students to take f

40、ood out of the restaurant.解析:解析:短文提到饭店的窗上有个新的招牌写着“一次最多两名学生”,所以答案为 C。only 等同于no more than,C 是原文的同义表达。A“要求顾客拿食物前先付款”、B“叫顾客把包放在柜台”和D“禁止学生将食物带出饭店”原文没有相关信息支持。A.He was closely watched. B.He was asked to leave.C.He was overcharged.D.He was taken to the manager.解析:解析:短文提到,“我”曾在零售店里发现一个家伙看着“我”的手,比看他自己的手还用心。所以答案为 A。此题抓听关键词 watch 就不难做出正确选择。B“他被要求离开”、C“他被多收钱”和D“他被带到经理面前”原文均未提及。

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