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1、翻译三级口译实务-(暂无语音,只提供参考 3及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart /B(总题数:1,分数:20.00)1.Reporter: Mr.Vice Minister,could you briefus on Shanghais applying to host the 2010 World Exposition?王:实际上并不是上海在申办,而是中国政府在申办。国际社会普遍认为世博会是经济、文化和科学领域内的奥林匹克。世博会向各地人民提供一个相识、共享和交朋友的机会,在这里各种新思想和新概念得到传播、 发展和应用,从而提高人民的生活水平。Reporter

2、: Then,do you think conditions are now ripe for China to apply?王:中国一直是在积极参与在世界各地举办的世博会的活动。如今中国经济快速发展,我们申办不光是为了推动世博会的发展,也是为了促进中国人民和全世界人民的相互了解,增强合作和交流。Reporter: Ive just read an article in the New York Times that says“Shanghai is bull dozing away its past”,meaning that skyscrapers are replacing the ol

3、d houses in order to turn the city into a modern oneThe criticism is that the citys modernization is at the expense of the destruction of its cultural relicsHow would you react to that?王:我们中国人和外国游客都认为上海是东西方文化的结合体。20 年来上海经济迅猛发展,但与此同时,我们恢复了上海很多的历史遗迹,他们得到了更好的保护。你要是看一看上海市政府提出的申办主题就会明白,我们的目的是既要引进和发展现代的东西

4、,同时又要保持这个城市的传 统文化特点。 (分数:20.00)_二、BPart /B(总题数:1,分数:40.00)2.This is a terrible disease, for which we do not yet have a cureNor do we have a vaccine Meanwhile, the mortality rate for MDS is 100 percentMDS means that the immune system of a person has gone wrongThe immune system is the biological syste

5、m in your body which fights off diseasesThis system is composed mostly of what are commonly termed“white blood cells“These cells are the hunters in the bodyWhen a virus, such as the common cold,invades the body, the White blood cells rush to the invader and kill itWhile these blood cells are busy ki

6、lling an invader, the bodys immune system is said to“be under attack“If another virus or bacteria enters the body at the same time as the white blood cells are busy fighting off an invader, the second attacker has a beRer chance ofinjuring the rest of the bodys systemScientists found the virus that

7、causes AIDS and named it HIVThe HIV vimS attacks the white blood cells and kills them,thus preventing these white cells from carrying on their impor- tant work of killing the other invading virusesWe cannot tell if a person has an HIV infectionjustby looking at himAnd here lies part of the problem a

8、bout the spread of HIV infection among peopleFor at least the first few years after a person has contracted the Hvirusthere are no indications that the person has theHowever, during this time the person carrying the virus can pass it onto other people through intimate sexual relations or sharing blo

9、od with themThen how do we know ifwe have HIV or not?The answer is simpleHave an HIV blood testThis simple, painless AIDS test will take only a few minutes ofyour time, and, if you are at all in doubt about whether you might have contracted the HIV virus, it is a life-saving endeavor (分数:40.00)_三、BP

10、art /B(总题数:1,分数:40.00)3.女士们,先生们:英国以其灿烂的文化、众多的发明创造为世界文明和进步作出了巨大的贡献,也对中国社会的发展产生了重要的影响。改革开放以来,中国积极提倡学习、吸收包括英国在内的世界各国先进的科学技术、管理经验和优秀文化成果,以促进自己的现代化进程。中国一贯重视英国在欧洲及世界的地位和作用。中英都是 联合国安理会常任理事国,在维护世界和平、促进共同发展方面肩负着重大责任,也存在着广泛的共同利益。我们应该站在战略高度,以长远眼光来看待中英关系,希望双方多来往,多了解,多协商,多合作。 (分数:40.00)_翻译三级口译实务-(暂无语音,只提供参考 3答案解

11、析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart /B(总题数:1,分数:20.00)1.Reporter: Mr.Vice Minister,could you briefus on Shanghais applying to host the 2010 World Exposition?王:实际上并不是上海在申办,而是中国政府在申办。国际社会普遍认为世博会是经济、文化和科学领域内的奥林匹克。世博会向各地人民提供一个相识、共享和交朋友的机会,在这里各种新思想和新概念得到传播、 发展和应用,从而提高人民的生活水平。Reporter: Then,do you think condit

12、ions are now ripe for China to apply?王:中国一直是在积极参与在世界各地举办的世博会的活动。如今中国经济快速发展,我们申办不光是为了推动世博会的发展,也是为了促进中国人民和全世界人民的相互了解,增强合作和交流。Reporter: Ive just read an article in the New York Times that says“Shanghai is bull dozing away its past”,meaning that skyscrapers are replacing the old houses in order to turn

13、the city into a modern oneThe criticism is that the citys modernization is at the expense of the destruction of its cultural relicsHow would you react to that?王:我们中国人和外国游客都认为上海是东西方文化的结合体。20 年来上海经济迅猛发展,但与此同时,我们恢复了上海很多的历史遗迹,他们得到了更好的保护。你要是看一看上海市政府提出的申办主题就会明白,我们的目的是既要引进和发展现代的东西,同时又要保持这个城市的传 统文化特点。 (分数:2

14、0.00)_正确答案:(参考译文 Reporter:副部长先生,您能否简单介绍一下上海申办 2010年世界博览会的情况? 王:Actually,its not Shanghai that is applying,but the Chinese governmentIt has been widely accepted by the international community that the World Exposition is;the Olympics ofeconomy,culture,science and technologyIt provides an opportunivy

15、for people from different places to meet,to share and to make friendsIt is also an important place for new ideas and new concepts to spread,grow and be applied to improve peoples living standards Reporter:那您认为中国现在申办条件成熟了吗? 王:China has been actively participating in different events ofthe World Expo

16、wherever it has been heldNow that China is enjoying fast economic growth,we want to host this event not only to boost the World Expo,but also to further enhance the under- standing between the Chinese people and people all over the world and to strengthen the cooperative exchanges between China and

17、other countries Reporter:我刚刚看到纽约时报上一篇文章说,“上海的历史正在被推土机推掉”,说的是上海为了建设现代化城市,老房子统统被推倒,被高楼大厦取而代之。文章批评上海的现代化进程正在以破坏它的文化遗产为代价。您怎么看这个批评? 王:Shanghai is a place where both Chinese and foreign can see the reflection of culture not just of the East but also of the WestIt is true that Shanghai has achieved tre- m

18、endous economic growth over the last 20 yearsBut many of the citys historical sites have still been restored and preserved with careIf you look at the themes proposed by the Shanghai municipal government,you will see the idea is to develop and introduce modern ideas as well as to preserve the cultur

19、al character of the city)解析:解析 关于交替传译的技巧,前面已经谈过。 本文主要是关于上海申办世博会的对话。其中考查译者某些专门用语、具有中国特色的语汇、专有名词等的掌握情况,以考查译者的基本素质;在此基础上,译者还要在相当短的时间内对长难句理解并准确完整地翻译;对某些短语和单词确切理解其含义并能理解其在上下文语境中的确切用法,使全文的翻译不仅准确完整,而且符合目标语的语言习惯。 基本素质采分点 下列单词或短语是基础知识点,包括专有名词、惯用表达等,是译者正确理解并翻译的关键。 1WorldExposition 世博会 2ViceMinister 副部长 3奥林匹克

20、Olympics 4NewYorkTimes 纽约时报 5上海市政府 Shanghaimunicipal government 结构理解采分点 下面是本文出现的长难句,要求译者在很短时间内,判断其结构、大意并组织翻译语言,且保证信息的完整和准确。 1Mr.Vice Minister,could you brief us on Shanghais applying to host the 2010 World Exposition? 原文为疑问句,译者应做好笔记,记下核心信息,句子主干是“you brief us”,句子的宾语是分词短语。本句翻译的关键是谓语动词 brief的翻译,意思是: 作的

21、摘要,可译为“简单介绍”,其余部分采用顺译方法,并注意专有名词的表达方式。参考译文为:副部长先生,您能否简单介绍一下上海申办 2010年世界博览会的情况? 2世博会向各地人民提供一个相识,共享和交朋友的机会,在这里各种新思想和新概念得到传播,发展和应用,从而提高人民的生活水平。原句中文句子结构较复杂,句子主干为两个并列句,第一个句子的主干:是世 博会+提供+机会;第二个句子是用连词“从而”连接的表顺承关系的句子。在翻译时,可采用拆译法,将并列结构拆成短句,并注意增译句子结构 所需的实词。参考译文为:It provides an opportunity for people from diffe

22、rent piaces to meet,to share and to make friendsIt is also an important place for new ideas and new concepts to spread,grow and be applied to improve peoples living standards 3如今中国经济快速发展,我们申办不光是为了推动世博会的发展,也是为了促进中国人民和全世界人民的相互了解,增强合作和交流。原句句子结构分析如下:主干结构是(主语)我们+(谓语)不光是/也是。 翻译时可用衔接法,用关联词 not onlybut also

23、,把两个并列成分衔接起来。 参考译文为:Now that China is enjoying fast economic growthwe want to host this event not only to boost the World Expobut also to further enhance the understanding between the Chinese people and people all over the world and to strengthen the coop- erative exchanges between China and other c

24、ountries 4Ive just read an article in the New York Times that says“Shanghai is bulldozing away its past”,meaning that skyscrapers are replacing the old houses in order to turn the city into a modern one 原句句子结构分析如下:句子的主干结构是 I+read+an article+从句结构; 从句结构是用来修饰限定article,从句中又包含宾语从句“Shanghai is bulldozing

25、away its past”和分词结构 meaning that做插入语;插入语中又包含一个复杂单 句。从分析来看,原句包含多重信息,翻译时可采用顺译法表述句子主干,从句翻译采用拆译法,使译文符合中文表达习惯。参考译文为:我刚刚看到 纽约时报上一篇文章说,“上海的历史正在被推土机推掉”,说的是上海为了建设现代化城市,老房子统统被推倒,被高楼大厦取而代之。 520 年来上海经济迅猛发展,但与此同时,我们恢复了上海很多的历史遗迹,他们得到了更好的保护。 原句是由三个并列句组成,并构成转折关系。核心信息是:上海经济发展、但我们恢复遗迹,它们得到保护。翻译时可采用拆译法,把表示转折关系的句子拆开来,使

26、译文清楚。句子第二部分同时使用了主动语态和被动语态,在译成英文时,要统一语态,转化句子主语。参考译文为:It is true that Shanghai has achieved tremendous economic growth over the last 20 yearsBut many ofthe citys historical sites haVe still been rest。red and preserVed with care. 言语表达采分点 译者在注意了整体表达的基础上,还应正确处理某些重要短语或单词的理解和翻译,以使译文完整通畅。 1applytohost 申办 2r

27、ipe 时机成熟的 3提高生活水平 improve living standards 4促进了解 enhance the understanding 5bulldozing away 用推土机推平 6at the expense of 以为代价 7cultural relics 文化遗产 8东西方文化的结合体 reflection of culture not just of the East but also of the West 9引进现代的东西 introduce modern ideas 10保持特点 preserve the character二、BPart /B(总题数:1,分数

28、:40.00)2.This is a terrible disease, for which we do not yet have a cureNor do we have a vaccine Meanwhile, the mortality rate for MDS is 100 percentMDS means that the immune system of a person has gone wrongThe immune system is the biological system in your body which fights off diseasesThis system

29、 is composed mostly of what are commonly termed“white blood cells“These cells are the hunters in the bodyWhen a virus, such as the common cold,invades the body, the White blood cells rush to the invader and kill itWhile these blood cells are busy killing an invader, the bodys immune system is said t

30、o“be under attack“If another virus or bacteria enters the body at the same time as the white blood cells are busy fighting off an invader, the second attacker has a beRer chance ofinjuring the rest of the bodys systemScientists found the virus that causes AIDS and named it HIVThe HIV vimS attacks th

31、e white blood cells and kills them,thus preventing these white cells from carrying on their impor- tant work of killing the other invading virusesWe cannot tell if a person has an HIV infectionjustby looking at himAnd here lies part of the problem about the spread of HIV infection among peopleFor at

32、 least the first few years after a person has contracted the Hvirusthere are no indications that the person has theHowever, during this time the person carrying the virus can pass it onto other people through intimate sexual relations or sharing blood with themThen how do we know ifwe have HIV or no

33、t?The answer is simpleHave an HIV blood testThis simple, painless AIDS test will take only a few minutes ofyour time, and, if you are at all in doubt about whether you might have contracted the HIV virus, it is a life-saving endeavor (分数:40.00)_正确答案:(参考译文 这是一种可怕的疾病。对于这种病我们至今还没找到治疗方法,也没有预防的疫苗。与此同时,目前

34、艾滋病的死亡率几乎为 100%。 得了艾滋病意味着一个人的免疫系统出了毛病。免疫系统是人体内与疾病抗争的生物系统。这一系统主要是由我们通常所称的“白血球”构成的。 这些白血球是体内的猎人。如果一种病毒,如普通感冒病毒,侵入人体内,白血球就会奋起迎击,杀死他们。 当白血球忙于与这些入侵者作战时,体内的免疫系统便处于“受到攻击”状态。这时,如果另一种病毒或细菌也侵入体内,这第二位入侵者会更容易使身体的其他系统受到损害。 科学家已发现了引起艾滋病的病毒,叫做 HIV。这种病毒攻击并杀死白血球,使他们无法执行抵御入侵病毒的重要使命。 仅仅凭肉眼观察,我们并不能分辨出一个人是否感染上了 HIV。这也就是

35、 HIV能在两个人或更多的人中得以传播的部分原因。因为一个健康的人感染上 HIV病毒以后,至少在最初的几年里没有任何迹象表明他/她的血液里有HIV病毒。 然而在这一时期,这个带有病毒的人却能通过性行为或输血把病毒传染给他人。 那么,我们怎样才能知道自己是否受到了 HIV的感染呢?答案很简单:去做一个 HIV血液检验。这种简单的检验只需花你几分钟的时间。如果你对自己是否感染了 HIV病毒心存疑虑,去做一个血液检查乃是救生之举。)解析:解析 本文主要讲述了艾滋病的有关情况,这种可怕的疾病死亡率很高,是指人体免疫系统出了问题,HIV 病毒破坏了人体的免疫系统,但其潜伏期很长,要想知道是否得了艾滋病,

36、要进行血液检查。 本文要求译者掌握艾滋病问题的各个方面,其中考查译者对专门用语的掌握 情况,以反映译者的基本素质;在此基础上,译者还要在相当短的时间内记录讲话的核心信息,对长难句理解并准确完整地翻译;对某些短语和单词确切理解其含义并能理解其在上下文语境中的确切用法,使全文的翻译不仅准确完整,而且符合目标语的语言习惯。 基本素质采分点 下列单词或短语是基础知识点,包括专有名词、惯用表达等,是译者正确理解并翻译的关键。 1AIDS 艾滋病 2mortality rate 死亡率 3immune system 免疫系统 4whitebloodcell 白细胞 结构理解采分点 以下各句是本文出现的长难

37、句,需要译者在短时间内,判断其结构、大意并组织翻译语言,且保证信息的完整和准确。这要求在听时,译者应注意长句的基本结构,而后补充次要结构的内容,要求译者不仅能用符合目标语言的习惯方式表述信息,而且要保证信息在表述过程中不会缺失或误译。 1The immune system is the biological system in your body which fights off diseases 原文句子结构分析如下:1)主干结构是(主语)the immune system+(谓语) is+(宾语)biological system;2)定语从句来修饰限定宾语。翻译该句时应采用变序法,按照中

38、文表达习惯,把后置定语从句放在中心词之前,使译文符合中文表达方式。参考译文为:免疫系统是人体内与疾病抗争的生物系统。 2If another virus or bacteria enters the body at the same time as the white blood cells are busy fighting off an invader,the second attacker has a better chance of injuring the rest of the bodys system 原句句子结构分析如下:1)主干结构是 if条件从句+主句;2)主句主干是 th

39、e second attacker+has+a chance;3)if 条件从句中包含时间状语从句。翻译时可采用变序法,改变时间状语从句的位置,使译文符合中文表达习惯。参考译文为:当白血球忙于与这些入侵者作战时,这时,如果另一种病毒或细菌也侵入体内,这第二位入侵者会更容易使身体的其他系统受到损害。 3The HIV virus attacks the white blood cells and kills them,thus preventing these white cells from carrying on their important work ofkilfing the othe

40、r invading viruses 原句句子结构分析如下:1)句子主干是(主语)the virus+(谓语)attacks/ kills+(宾语)white blood cells;2)现在分词短语作伴随状语。翻译时可用顺译法,按照中文的表达方法使译文流畅。参考译文为:这种病毒攻击并杀死白血球,使他们无法执行抵御入侵病毒的重要使命。 4For at least the first few years after a person has contracted the HIV virus,there are no indications that the person has the HIV

41、virus in his/her bloodstream 原句句子结构分析如下:1)句子主干是(主语)there+(谓语)is+(宾语) indications;2)For at least介词短语作时间状语;3)after a personhas contracted the HIV virus,包含在时间状语之中的时间状语从句。翻译时根据中文表达习惯,时间状语放在句首,可采用变序法,对句序作适当调整。参考译文为:因为一个健康的人感染上 HIV病毒以后,至少在最初的几年里没有任何迹象表明他/她的血液里有 HIV病毒。 5This simple,painless AIDS test will

42、take only a few minutes of your time,and,if you are at all in doubt about whether you might have contracted the HIV virus。it is a life-saving endeavor 原句句子结构分析如下:1)句子主干是连词 and衔接的两个句子;2)第一个分句主干是(主语)the test+(谓语)take+(宾语)minutes;3)第二个分句是 if引导的条件从句+主句。 翻译时,按照中文表达习惯,采用拆译法,将并列句拆成两个短句,并适当调整句序使译文流畅。参考译文为:这

43、种简单的检验只需花你几分钟的时间。如果你对自己是否感染了 HIV病毒心存疑虑,去做一个血液检查乃是救生之举。 言语表达采分点 译者在注意了整体表达的基础上,还应正确处理某些重要短语或单词的理解和翻译,以使译文完整通畅。 1vaccine 疫苗 2be composed of 由组成 3termed 把称为,把叫做 4invader 入侵者 5virus 病毒 6bacteria 细菌 7infection 传染,感染 8contract 感染 9pass onto 传递 10life-saving endeavor 救生的努力三、BPart /B(总题数:1,分数:40.00)3.女士们,先生

44、们:英国以其灿烂的文化、众多的发明创造为世界文明和进步作出了巨大的贡献,也对中国社会的发展产生了重要的影响。改革开放以来,中国积极提倡学习、吸收包括英国在内的世界各国先进的科学技术、管理经验和优秀文化成果,以促进自己的现代化进程。中国一贯重视英国在欧洲及世界的地位和作用。中英都是 联合国安理会常任理事国,在维护世界和平、促进共同发展方面肩负着重大责任,也存在着广泛的共同利益。我们应该站在战略高度,以长远眼光来看待中英关系,希望双方多来往,多了解,多协商,多合作。 (分数:40.00)_正确答案:(参考译文 Ladies and Gentlemen, Wim its splendid cultu

45、re and numerous inventions,Britain has made tremendOUS contribu- tion to human civilization and progressIt has also exerted an important influence on Chinas social development Since the beginning of reform and opening-up,we have called upon our people to study and draw upon advanced science and tech

46、nology,managerial expertise and fine cultural achieve- merits of Britain and other countries with the goal of boosting our own modernization drive China has always attached importance to the United Kingdom and its role in Europe and in the worldBoth China and the UK are permanent members of the UN S

47、ecurity Council,shoul dering major responsibilities and having extensive shared interests in safeguarding world peace and promoting common development We should view China-Britain relations from a strategic and long-term point of viewI hope our two sides will make further efforts to increase contact and understanding,and strengthen consultation and cooperation between our two countries)解析:解析 本文主要讲述了中英关系的情况,英国对中国社会有重要影响,中国积极向英国学习先进的科学技术,中国很重视和英国的关

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