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1、高级口译第二部分口试-20 及答案解析(总分:5.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、口语题(总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.Controversy has been aroused about the works of Jin Yong, a famous martial-arts fiction writer in China, being used in the students Chinese textbooks. Some experts in the field of education welcome the practice, while others are strongly a

2、gainst it. Topic: Should martial-arts fictions be integrated into the Chinese textbook?Questions for Reference:1. Some people think the martial-arts fictions full of violence and romance are not suitable for the students. Whats your opinion?2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages o

3、f Jin Yongs martial-arts fictions as textbook material?3. What are the possible negative effects and how can we reduce them?(分数:1.00)_二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_四、Part B(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_(2).Passage 2

4、(分数:1.00)_高级口译第二部分口试-20 答案解析(总分:5.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、口语题(总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.Controversy has been aroused about the works of Jin Yong, a famous martial-arts fiction writer in China, being used in the students Chinese textbooks. Some experts in the field of education welcome the practice, while others are s

5、trongly against it. Topic: Should martial-arts fictions be integrated into the Chinese textbook?Questions for Reference:1. Some people think the martial-arts fictions full of violence and romance are not suitable for the students. Whats your opinion?2. What do you think are the advantages and disadv

6、antages of Jin Yongs martial-arts fictions as textbook material?3. What are the possible negative effects and how can we reduce them?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(略)解析:二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(澳大利亚的一项重大创新行动计划已进行到一半。该项耗资 29亿澳元的五年战略计划目的是通过改善经济和工业关系,资助研究工作以催生新思

7、想,并将新思想转化为商业成就;通过所有这些举措为澳大利亚的未来打下坚实基础。上述行动计划的重点是提高澳大利亚公司获取新技术的能力,鼓励应用电子商务,资助研究和开发项目,并实现公共部门研究工作的商业化。在全球化经济中,语言技能是一个重要的劳动力优势。虽然澳大利亚是一个说英语的国家,但很多人掌握另一门语言。澳大利亚具有类似西方的商业文化,但澳洲人既能在亚洲又能在西方的商业环境中工作。超过 840家国际公司已将其亚太地区总部设在澳大利亚,其他一些公司则在澳大利亚建立呼叫中心,为客户提供服务它们都利用了澳大利亚在语言技能和先进通信设施方面的优势。)解析:听力原文Australia is midway

8、through a major innovation action plan-a $2.9 billion five-year strategy, which aims to underpin Australias future by improving economic and industrial relations, helping generate new ideas by funding research, and turning those ideas into a commercial success. The plan focuses on enhancing Australi

9、an companies access to new technologies, encouraging the use of e-commerce, funding research and development programs, and commercializing public sector research.In a globalized economy, language skills are a key workforce advantage. Although Australia is an English-speaking country, many people spe

10、ak a second language. Australia offers the familiarity of a Western business culture with a workforce capable of operating in both Asian and Western business environments. Taking advantage of these skills and Australias advanced communications infrastructure, over 840 international companies have es

11、tablished their Asia-Pacific headquarters in Australia; others have established call centers to service their customers.(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(我们从历史中得知,现代社会经济的繁荣是建立在其不断把革新成果推向市场的能力上的。专利是这些革新成果的关键:专利为发明者提供了研制新产品可依据的明确的法律地位。现代专利不同于过去的垄断权。专利不是国家批准的、排他的许可证,而是给予其持有者享受其发明带来的经济利益的权利。许多公共医药官员认为受专利保护的药

12、品是加剧医疗保险开支的原因,这从经济角度来讲是不正确的。另外一个经常听到的论据也是不符合实际的,即对引进产品实行专利保护会破坏本地的仿制药品行业,使药价提高,一般收入的病人无法负担。其实只要看一下德国、英国和美国的情况就知道,这三个国家的药品专利保护程度最高,但也有很强的仿制药品行业存在。)解析:听力原文As we have learned from history, the basis of economic prosperity of modem societies is their ability to maintain a consistent stream of innovation

13、s onto the market. Patents are fundamental to these innovations: they create a clear legal position on which an inventor can depend while developing a new idea. A modern patent is not the same thing as previous monopoly rights. A patent is not a state-sanctioned exclusive license, but gives the hold

14、er the right to invite economic exploitation of the invention.The claim by many public health officials that patented drugs lead to greater expenses for the medical insurance systems is economically incorrect. Another often-heard argument is also untrue: Namely, that the introduction of product pate

15、nt protection would destroy the local generic industry and would lead to higher prices on medicine, not affordable to the average income patient. The best illustration is probably to look at Germany, the UK and the USA, with top standards of pharmaceutical patent protection but where a very strong g

16、eneric industry exists.四、Part B(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(The style of Beijing Opera is an exaggerated form of singing, recitation, movements and makeup. For many traditional performances, no settings are needed besides a few simple props. The scenes are reflected by perfor

17、mers singing, acting, miming and dances. Because of this performing style, the themes of Beijing Opera are varied, including not only history, legends and fairy tales, but also famous ancient battles, as recounted in “Farewell to His Concubine“.In this drama, scenes of thousands upon thousands of ho

18、rses and soldiers, and the atmosphere of clashes upon water and land are all vividly reflected. Besides dancing and the martial arts, music plays an important role in setting the tone of a performance. In the powerful and hurried music, the audience see the torrential waters of the Yangtze River, th

19、e numerous battle junks and flags and the flames and smoke of combat.)解析:听力原文京剧的风格是对说唱、吟诵、乐曲及化妆加以夸张表现。对于许多传统表演,只需布置几样简单的道具就可以了,而场景则通过演员的唱、念、做、打来表现。基于这种表演形式,京剧的主题变化多样,不仅包括神话传说,还有著名的古代战役,如霸王别姬等。在这个剧目中,千军万马、惊涛拍岸之势都逼真地表现了出来。除了舞蹈和武打动作,音乐在表演风格的定位中也起着举足轻重的作用。在雄浑而急促的音乐中,观众可仿佛看到奔流的长江,连绵的舰船,摇曳的旌旗,滚滚的硝烟。(2).Pa

20、ssage 2(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(It is unthinkable that China and the United States as two large countries should see eye to eye on everything. After all, the two countries have different historical traditions, cultures and values. As an ancient Chinese saying goes, “True friendship between gentlemen allows f

21、or differences“. When we have differences, we should discuss them frankly, and not let them obstruct the development of our relations.A sound and stable friendly relationship and cooperation between China and the United States is in the common interests of our two peoples and is conducive to world p

22、eace and development. With the fast development of globalization and transnational challenges and threats, no country can develop itself in seclusion. The international community can only choose cooperation to realize true peace and security.)解析:听力原文诚然,中美作为两个大国,由于历史、文化和价值观的差异,彼此之间没有分歧也是不可想象的。中国有句古语:君子和而不同。我们完全可以就有分歧的问题坦诚交换意见,但分歧不应当成为阻碍两国进一步发展关系的藩篱。中美只有发展健康的、稳定的友好合作关系,才符合两国人民的共同利益,也符合全球和平与发展的利益。在全球化日益发展的今天,面对跨国性挑战和威胁,任何单个国家都无法独善其身。国际社会只有携手合作,才能实现彼此真正的和平与安全。

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