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1、公共英语三级-184 及答案解析(总分:110.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSection Liste(总题数:2,分数:10.00)DirectionsThis section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part

2、 A and Part B.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answer in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test is started.BPart A/B(分数:5.00)(1

3、).What does the man want to do?(分数:1.00)A.Borrow the typewriter.B.Visit the woman.C.Go home soon.D.Read the womans paper.(2).What is the woman going to have?(分数:1.00)A.Some.B.A party.C.Many things.D.A dinner.(3).Whats the womans husbands telephone number?(分数:1.00)A.2678435.B.2687345.C.2687543.D.2687

4、435.(4).What does the woman suggest?(分数:1.00)A.Exercising just after getting up.B.Eating something good for breakfast.C.Buying the next larger size.D.Not exercising so many times a day.(5).What will the man do for the woman?(分数:1.00)A.Bring her some water.B.Buy her some plants.C.Water her plants whi

5、le she is away.D.Water her plants while he is on vacation.(分数:5.00)(1).Where is this conversation most probably taking place?(分数:1.00)A.In a department store.B.At a museum.C.In a factory.D.At a warehouse.(2).What are they talking about?(分数:1.00)A.The environmental problem.B.The health problem.C.The

6、educational problem.D.The international problem.(3).What can be inferred from this conversation about the woman?(分数:1.00)A.She thinks there is too much noise.B.She likes talking with powerful people.C.She wasnt paying any attention to him.D.Shes amazed that the man didnt hear her.(4).How does Charle

7、s respond to the question?(分数:1.00)A.He refused to return her books to the library.B.He is glad to return her books to the library.C.He asked for the reason for returning her books.D.He is not certain if he will return her books.(5).What did the teacher do?(分数:1.00)A.The teacher went over a previous

8、 lesson.B.The teacher presented new materials.C.The teacher tested students.D.The teacher read the students the last lesson.二、BPart B/B(总题数:4,分数:15.00)You are going to hear four conversations. Before listening to each conversation, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompan

9、y it. After listening, you will have time to answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. Questions 11-13 are based on a conversation you are going to hear.(分数:3.00)(1).What is the main topic of the conversation?(分数:1.00)A.How to select a good umbrella.B.How to treat minor aches and pains.C.How to

10、 sharpen the senses.D.How to predict the weather.(2).What does the woman say how distant object looks to her before a storm?(分数:1.00)A.They look darker.B.They look smaller.C.They look clearer.D.They look cloudier.(3).What does the man say seems to happen to his sense of smell?(分数:1.00)A.It stops wor

11、king.B.It becomes sharper.C.It confuses odors.D.It detects fewer odors.Questions 14-17 are based on the following monologue.(分数:4.00)(1).Whats the main purpose of this talk?(分数:1.00)A.To explain why recycling important.B.To describe the recycling program.C.To discuss whether or not recycling should

12、be mandatory (命令性的).D.To explain how to find the recycling facilities.(2).According to the speaker, why do most recycling program fail?(分数:1.00)A.Because all the trash cans are the same color.B.Because not enough people volunteer to collect the trash.C.Because most people dont like to sort their tra

13、sh.D.Because collections are not made on a regular basis.(3).What will be the color of trash cans for paper?(分数:1.00)A.Pink.B.Maroon.C.Green.D.White.(4).What will be the primary responsibilities of the volunteers?(分数:1.00)A.To paint the trash cans.B.To pick up and sort the trash.C.To pick up and del

14、iver the trash.D.Do work in the recycling center.Questions 18-21 are based on a conversation you are going to hear.(分数:4.00)(1).With whom is the man speaking?(分数:1.00)A.His academic advisor.B.Another student.C.A ski instructor.D.The college dean.(2).What has the woman mainly been thinking about?(分数:

15、1.00)A.The weather.B.A vacation.C.Going skiing.D.Her studies.(3).Where will the woman probably spend her vacation time?(分数:1.00)A.At the beach.B.At her job.C.At a ski resort.D.At the school library.(4).What does the woman think the man should do?(分数:1.00)A.Take a trip to the beach.B.Go to a ski reso

16、rt.C.Study for his exams.D.Think further about his vacation.Questions 22-25 are based on a conversation you are going to hear.(分数:4.00)(1).Where does this conversation take place?(分数:1.00)A.At a hotel.B.At a motel.C.At a restaurant.D.At a shopping centre.(2).Why can the man and his family stay at th

17、is motel?(分数:1.00)A.They have a reservation.B.The motel has several vacancies.C.They are friends of the owner.D.Someone else cancelled a reservation.(3).When does the motel want its guests to pay?(分数:1.00)A.Before they arrive.B.While they register.C.When they reserve a room.D.Just before their depar

18、ture.(4).What is the reason for the motels policy on payments?(分数:1.00)A.Some guests may not be honest.B.The policy is required by law.C.No. 61 is a luxury unit.D.The owners are simply greedy.三、BSection Use o(总题数:1,分数:20.00)DirectionsRead the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each n

19、umbered blank and mark A, B, C, or D.Before the 20th century the horse provided day to day transportaition in the United States. Trains were used only for long distance transportation.Today the car is the most popular U(26) /U of transportation in all of the United States. It has completely U(27) /U

20、 the horse as a means f everyday transportation. Americans use their car for U(28) /U 90 percent of personal U(29) /UMost Americans are able to U(30) /U cars. The average price of a U(31) /U made car was 2, 050 in 1950, 2, 740 U(32) /U 1975. During this period American car manufacturers set about U(

21、33) /U their products and work efficiency. As a result, the yearly income of the U(34) /U family increased from 1950 to 1975 U(35) /U than the price of cars. For this reason U(36) /U a new car takes a smaller U(37) /U of a familys total earnings today.In 1951 U(38) /U it took 8 months of an average

22、familys U(39) /U to buy a new car.In 1962 a new car U(40) /U 8.3 of a familys annual earnings. By 1975 it only took 4.75 U(41) /U income. In addition, the 1975 cars were technically U(42) /U to models from previous years.The U(43) /U of the automobile extends throughout the economy U(44) /U the car

23、is so important to Americans. Americans spend more money to U(45) /U their cars running than on any other item.(分数:20.00)A.kindsB.sortC.meanD.typesA.deniedB.reproducedC.replacedD.reducedA.hardlyB.nearlyC.certainlyD.somehowA.tripB.worksC.businessD.travelA.buyB.sellC.raceD.seeA.quicklyB.regularlyC.rap

24、idlyD.recentlyA.onB.inC.behindD.aboutA.raisingB.makingC.reducingD.improvingA.unusualB.interestedC.averageD.biggestA.slowestB.equalC.fasterD.less thanA.bringingB.obtainC.boughtD.purchasingA.partB.halfC.numberD.sideA.clearlyB.proportionatelyC.percentageD.suddenlyA.incomeB.workC.plansD.debtsA.usedB.spe

25、ntC.costD.neededA.monthsB.dollarsC.familyD.yearA.famousB.superiorC.fasterD.purchasingA.runningB.noticeC.influenceD.discussionA.thenB.asC.soD.whichA.startB.leaveC.keepD.repair四、BSection Readi(总题数:4,分数:35.00)BPart A/BDirectionsRead the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choo

26、sing A, B, C or D.BText 1/BLive theatre lives. In England in every town, someone is rehearsing, someone devising, someone performing. Winchester is a good example. Ancient capital of England, population approximately 60,000 when you take in the suburbs. Live theatre comes to Winchester and made in W

27、inchester, week in week out.It has a 400-seat theatre in the city centre and an arts centre in the outskirts seating 150. These offer a programme of visiting companies on a tour of one-night or three-to-four night stands, moving from one gathering place to another around the country, using moveable

28、sets in flexible space. New productions of classic works, ancient and modern but always live: each performance different because its different audience in a different town. The tour usually lasts the company two or three months before its time to settle down to devise and rehearse the next one.For t

29、he performer, touring is a chance to work with the same people in the security of a company unit. But its also a chance to try something different night: to find out what works by actually doing it. And it doesnt always work. So what if it flops? You are on the road and perform it again in another p

30、lace tomorrow. The audience will have forgotten by the time you come around again next year.Each companys different, each has its own style, and audiences get to know them. But Winchester also has its own fringe (边缘) theatre 200 yards or so from the cathedral. This is where live theatre is conceived

31、. The North Pole, it seats 50 to 60 people. Here its new work, amateur and semi-professional work, sometimes slick (熟练的), sometimes rough and ready. At least a dozen world premieres (首次公演)a year: many of them short-lived, quickly forgotten, some of them best forgotten, but all of them performed in e

32、xcitement and expectation, neither audience nor performer quite knowing whats going to happen. But one or two shows stick in the mind, some return reworked a year or so later the better for being polished on the live stage, some will work their way out of Winchester onto the touring circuit. Someone

33、 somewhere is always thinking of starting a company.(分数:10.00)(1).Which of the following is NOT ture of Winchester?(分数:2.00)A.It is an ancient capital of England.B.60,000 people live in the city.C.It hosts live theatres every week.D.It makes live theatre every week.(2).What do we learn from this pas

34、sage about the visiting companies?(分数:2.00)A.They hold their performance in large theatres.B.They often perform one play for 2 or 3 months.C.They have the same performance to the audiences in different ways.D.They often stay in Winchester for 2 or 3 months.(3).What benefits do touring bring to the p

35、erformer?(分数:2.00)A.He gets a chance to get acquainted win performers from other companies.B.His performance is always remembered by the audience.C.He can try different new performances in different places creatively.D.He has a chance to establish long-lasting performer-audience relationship.(4).How

36、 does the audience get to know different companies?(分数:2.00)A.By their strange names.B.By their styles.C.By the plays they perform.D.By their looking skills.(5).What is true of Winchesters fringe theatre, “The North Poles“?(分数:2.00)A.It is a cathedral theatre.B.All performances here are amateur and

37、half-professional.C.People remember the performances here long after the companies have left.D.A dozen of the world top performers come here to perform every year.BText 2/BIn November 1965, New York was blacked out by an electricity failure. The authorities promised that it would not happen again. P

38、essimists were certain that it would occur again within five years at the latest. In July 1977, there was a repeat performance which produced varying degrees of chaos throughout the city of eight million people. In 1965, the failure occurred in the cool autumn and at a time of comparative prosperity

39、. In 1977, the disaster was much more serious because it came when unemployment was high and the city was suffering from one of its worst beat waves.In 1965, there was little crime or looting during the darkness, and fewer than a hundred people were arrested. In 1977, hundreds of stores were broken

40、into and looted. Looters smashed shop windows and helped themselves to jewelry, clothes or television sets. Nearly 4,000 people were arrested but far more disappeared into the darkness of the night. The number of policemen available was quite inadequate and they wisely refrained from using their gun

41、s against mobs which far outnumbered them and included armed men.Hospitals had to treat hundreds of people cut by glass from shop windows. Banks and most businesses remained closed the next day. The black-out started at 9:30 p.m., when lightning hit and knocked out vital cables. Many stores were thu

42、s caught by surprise.The vast majority of New Yorkers, however, were not involved in looting. They helped strangers, distributed candles and batteries, and tried to survive in a nightmare world without traffic lights, refrigerators, elevators, water and electrical power. For twenty-four hours, New Y

43、ork realized how helpless it was without electricity.(分数:10.00)(1).Look at the first paragraph. Who were right: The authorities or the pessimists?(分数:2.00)A.The authorities.B.The pessimists.C.Both.D.Neither.(2).In what way was the blackout of 1977 not really a repeat performance?(分数:2.00)A.There was

44、 much more disorder.B.This time the electricity supply failed.C.It was quite unexpected.D.It did not occur within five years of 1965.(3).As far as maintaining the peace was concerned, conditions in 1977 were comparatively _.(分数:2.00)A.more favourableB.less favourableC.unchangedD.improved(4).What cau

45、sed the blackout in July 1977?(分数:2.00)A.Excessive heat probably made people switch on too many electrical appliances.B.Because of unemployment, some machines were not in proper working order.C.During a storm, lightning damaged supply cables.D.The passage does not mention the cause.(5).Why did many

46、looters manage to escape?(分数:2.00)A.The police could not see them in the dark.B.Many of the looters were armed with guns.C.There were not enough policemen to catch them all.D.They were hidden inside big buildings.BText 3/BBlinks can take several forms. Besides the blinks that wash the eye, there are

47、 those associated with unexpected circumstances (such as loud noises), as well as the voluntary flaps of the eyelids that may express anger or incredulity. Another type, the spontaneous eye blink, is neither voluntary nor reflexive. Most blinks are spontaneous.Mere eye-rinsing requires a blink no mo

48、re than once a minute; yet most people blink around 15 times a minute. Why do we blink so frequently? Apparently there is a direct relationship between spontaneous blinking and the mind. Scientists can now discern how the frequency and duration of blinks vary according to whether a person is alert,

49、bored, anxious or concentrating.Studies show first of all that we blink less when we are most alert. A person reading a novel blinks about six times a minute; someone engaged in conversation blinks more than twice as often. Automobile drivers blink less when negotiating distracting city streets than when cruising down highways.Researchers have

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