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1、公共英语三级-阅读理解题(五)及答案解析(总分:80.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Unit 1(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Even a careful motorist may have the misfortune to commit a motoring offence. In this case, he will appear in a police court. This is a court ruled by a judge without a jury. A judge has po

2、wers to pass sentence for relatively minor offences only; serious charges are dealt with by a judge and a jury.In certain cases, the accused may choose to go before a judge and a jury, instead of appearing before just a judge. A court is also used for the conduct of preliminary inquiries to determin

3、e whether or not an accused person shall appear for trial in a higher court.When his case comes up in court, the motorist hears his name called by the clerk of the court, and comes forward to identify himself. The judge then calls for the policeman who charged the offender and asks him to give evide

4、nce. The officer takes the oath to “tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth.“He also is expected to give an account of what happened when the offence was committed and to mention any special circumstances. For example, the offence may have been partly due to the foolishness of another

5、 motorist. It would be unwise for the accused motorist to exaggerate this. It will not help his case to try to blame someone else for his own mistake.If you are guilty, it is of course wise to say youre guilty and apologize for committing the offence and taking up the courts time. Judges are not hea

6、rtless and a motorist may be lucky enough to hear one say: “Youve got good reasons, but you have broken the law and I am obliged to impose a fine. Pay five pounds. Next case.“Some short-tempered people forget that both policemen and judges have a public duty to perform, and are rude to them. This do

7、es not pay! A judge will not let off an offender merely because he is respectful, but a courteous law-breaker may certainly hope that the judge will extend him what tolerance the law permits.(分数:10.00)(1).Even a cautious motorist may be asked to go to a police court for_.A. his wrong parking B. bein

8、g rude to the policemanC. an injury D. a motoring offence(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).Why do some accused not to choose to appear in a police court?A. The judge there is a policeman,B. There is no jury there.C. They dont want to be inquired,D. They dont think their case is serious enough to be charged,(分数:2

9、.00)A.B.C.D.(3).Motoring offenders are usually charged by_.A. a policemanB. another motorist C. a jury D. a judge(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).It is foolish for the motorist to overstate another motorists mistake because_.A. he might receive more severe punishmentB. it will not help his caseC. it is very lik

10、ely that he is not guiltyD. the case will become more complicated(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(5).If a man knows that he is guilty, he should_.A. be polite to both policemen and magistratesB. try his best not to attend the courtC. admit the wrong and make an apologyD. pay the fine at once(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.四、Text

11、 2(总题数:1,分数:10.00)After the First World War, a small group of veterans returned to their village. Most of them managed to get along, but Lebeau was unable to work regularly. In time he became poverty-stricken.Once every year the veterans held a reunion dinner. On one of these occasions they met in t

12、he home of Grandin, who had made a good deal of money and grown pompous. Grandin showed them a large gold coin. Each man examined it with interest as it passed around the table. All, however, had drunk wine freely and the room was resounded with noisy talk, so that the gold piece was soon forgotten.

13、 Later, when Grandin remembered it and asked for it, the coin was missing.Instantly there arose a hubbub of questions and denials. Finally the village attorney suggested everyone be searched, to which all agreed except Lebeau.“You refuse, then?“ asked Grandin. Lebeau flushed. “Yes,“ he said.“Do you

14、realize what your refusal implies?“1 did not steal the gold piece, and I will not submit to such a search.“One by one, the rest of the group turned out their pockets. When the coin failed to appear, attention was focused on poor Lebeau.“Surely you will not persist in your refusal?“ the attorney dema

15、nded. Lebeau made no reply. Grandin stalked out of the room in anger.A few years later, when the.incident had become almost forgotten, Grandin made some alterations in his house. A workman found the gold coin, buried in dirt on the floor in the room where the reunion had been held. Grandin hurried t

16、o Lebeau and apologized for having suspected him.“But,“ he said, “why did you not allow yourself to be searched?“Because I was a thief,“ he said brokenly. “For weeks my family and I had not had enough to eatand my pockets were full of food that I had taken from the table to carry home to my wife and

17、 hungry children./(分数:10.00)(1).Whats the purpose of this getting together?A. For the veterans to meet each other.B. For helping the poor soldiers.C. To exhibit the wealth of Grandin.D. To discuss charity problems.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).What happened to the gold piece?A. Hidden away by the attorneyB.

18、Put aside by one of the veterans.C. Dropped onto the floor.D. Swallowed by the owner.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).Which of the descriptions is more appropriate for Grandin?A. Pompous but innocent. B. Arrogant and stubborn.C. Willing to share his wealth.D. Ready to admit his wrongs.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).Which

19、 of the following statements is true?A. The coin was discovered in Lebeaus pocket.B. The valuable coin was finally found under Grandins house.C. The coin, of pure gold, is produced by Grandin in his house.D. Among the guests in he house, there was a lawyer(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(5).Why did Lebeau refuse t

20、o be searched?A. Searching would defame his reputation for honesty.B. He didnt want people to learn what was in his pocket.C. He didnt want to be humiliated.D. He knew he didnt steal anything.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.五、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Automation refers to the introduction of electronic control and aut

21、omatic operation of productive machinery. It reduces the human factors, mental and physical, in production, and is designed to make possible the manufacture of more goods with fewer workers. The development of automation in American industry has been called the “Second Industrial Revolution.“Labors

22、concern over automation arises from uncertainty about its effects on employment, and fears of major changes in jobs. In the main, labor has taken the view that resistance to technological change is futile. In the long run, the result of automation may well be an increase in employment, since it is e

23、xpected that vast industries will grow up around manufacturing, maintaining, and repairing automation equipment. Unquestionably, however, there will be major shifts in jobs within plants and displacement of labor from one industry to another. The interest of labor lies in bringing about this transit

24、ion with a minimum of inconvenience and distress to the workers involved. Also, union spokesmen emphasize that the benefit of the increased production and lower costs made possible by automation should be shared by workers in the form of higher wages, more leisure, and improved living standards.To p

25、rotect the interests of their members in the era of automation, unions have adopted a number of new policies. One of these is the promotion of supplementary unemployment benefits plans. It is emphasized that since the employer involved in a SUB plan has a direct financial stake in preventing unemplo

26、yment, he will have a strong incentive for planning new installations so as to cause the least possible disruption in jobs and job assignments. Some unions are working for dismissal pay agreements, requiring that permanently laid off workers be paid a sum of money based on length of service. Another

27、 approach is the idea of the “improvement factor,“ which calls for wage increase based on increases in productivity. It is probable, however, that labor will rely mainly on reduction in working hours in order to gain a full share in the fruits of automation.(分数:10.00)(1).We learn from paragraph I th

28、at automation will probably lead to_.A. industrial disruptionB. an increase in employmentC. displacement of labor from one industry to anotherD. an increase in unemployment(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).Labor has the opinion that_.A. all efforts must be made to prevent automationB. automation will cause a ris

29、e in consumer costsC. its main interest lies in increasing all wagesD. technological change cannot be stopped(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).What is the relation between automation and employment in the opinion of labor?A. Automation will definitely lead to higher unemployment.B. From a long-term point of view

30、 automation will bring about more jobs.C. Automation will not cause much change in employment,D. Sooner or later automation will do all the work instead of man,(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).The union stresses that_.A. workers should also enjoy the fruits brought about by automation.B. no workers should be fi

31、red in the development of automation.C. it is necessary to slow down the development of automation.D. workers should be paid according to their tenth of service.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(5).How many new policies of the unions have been listed in this passage?A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 5(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.六、Part B(总题数:

32、1,分数:10.00)Mary Taylor:My father looked at me disapprovingly when I talked to him about ideas that he didnt agree with. He would often interrupt me in the middle of a sentence to tell me I was wrong. As a result of the childhood experience, I had difficulty concentrating when anyone in authority tal

33、ked to me. I would concentrate on how I was coming across to the other person, not on what the person was saying.Chris More:My father used to frown when concentrating on something. I thought he was angry or upset with me until I later found out that he was only thinking about what he was doing. I ce

34、rtainly experienced some anxiety until I found this out. When I started conducting seminars, I discovered that I frowned a lot while concentrating on what the talker was saying, and the attendees thought I was being critical of them.Janet Smith:I constantly tuned others out while they were talking a

35、nd I couldnt seem to break this habit. It upset me because I was having trouble at work listening to directions and paying attention during meetings. As it happened, my mother had been a nonstop talker who ignored my needs. To keep my own sanity, I had learned to shut her out of my consciousness. I

36、became so good at tuning her out that I generalized this behaviortuning other people out as well.Lydian Mason:I often feel victim in my interactions with my boss. I think he is the persecutor and Im the victim. For example, late Thursday afternoon, my boss gave me a twenty-page project with graphs a

37、nd numerical tables to type and finish by Monday at 10 a.m. I didnt listen to the time he stated when he handed me the project. Instead, I was busy figuring out how I was going to get it done and finish the other work I had on my desk.Jack Candison:When I am with a group of people who are interested

38、 in the subject I am covering and are receptive to me, they are open to more material and ideas. The more important the subject is to them the more listening involvement they get into. In other words, the more relevant my material is to their personal or professional goals, the more they listen to w

39、hat I have to say and the less they tune me out.StatementsA. Its hard for me to change my bad habit of not listening to others.B. The heavy workload worried me so much.C. Concentration, like other skills, takes practice.D. I gave people the impression that Im being picky.E. My boss listens to me car

40、efully.F. My father used to ignore me.G. People are likely to listen more attentively while the subject is of interest to them.(分数:10.00)(1).Mary Taylor(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(2).Chris More(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(3).Janet Smith(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(4).Lylian Mason(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(5).Jack Candison(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_七、Unit

41、 2(总题数:0,分数:0.00)八、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)九、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)“Too many people view their jobs as a five-day prison from which they are paroled every Friday,“ says Joel Gookman, founder of The Humor Project, a humor-consulting group in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Humor unlocks the office prison because

42、 it lets adults bring some of their childlike spirit to the job.According to Howard Pollio, professor of psychology at the University of Tennesse, Knoxville, an office with humor breaks is an office with satisfied and productive employees. Pollio conducted a study that proved humor can help workers

43、excel at routine production task. Employees perform better when they have fun.In large corporations with a hierarchy of power, there is often no outlet for stress, “Every company needs underground ways of poking fun at the organization,“ says Lynn M. Mark, a speaker on workplace humor for St. Marys

44、Health Center in St. Louis.Kodaks Rochester, N.Y., branch discovered a way for its 20,000 employees to uncork their bottomed-up resentments. Their 1,000-square-foot “Humor Room“ features a “toy store.“ Among the rooms many stress-reducing gadgets, the main attraction is a boss doll with Velcro arms

45、and legs. Employees can dismantle the boss, as long as they put its arms and legs back in place.Every April Fools day, Sun Microsystems of mountain View, Calif., concocts an intricate hoax aimed at one of its employees. One year, CEO Scott McNealys office was decorated as a one-hole, par-four miniat

46、ure golf course. The annual gag does so much for encouraging teamwork and boosting morale that the company has set aside an April Fools hoax budget.Sandy Cohen, owner of a graphic print-production business, created “The Quote Board“ to document the bizarre phrases people say when under strict deadli

47、nes. “When youre under stress, you say stupid things,“ says Cohen. “Now we just look at each other and say, Thats one for the Quote Board!/(分数:10.00)(1).An office is compared to a five-day prison because_.A. the door of an office is always lockedB. the office workers have no freedomC. there is no wo

48、rk break in the officeD. the atmosphere in the office is solemn(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).Humor in the office can mainly_.A. reduce the working hourB. make the employees relaxedC. improve the relationship between the boss and the workersD. improve the relationship among the employees(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).T

49、he example of the boss doll implies that the employees_.A. dont have enough after-work activitiesB. are angry with their bossC. are childlikeD. are people with humor(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).Which of the following even has special fund for amusement?A. St. Marys Health Center.B. Kodaks Rochester.C. Sandy Cohens Company.D. Sun Microsystem.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(5).The word “bizarre“ in the last paragraph most probably means_.A. fu

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