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1、公共英语一级-187 及答案解析(总分:83.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B第一部分 听力理解/B(总题数:2,分数:10.00)B第一节 图片判断/B在本节中,你将听到 10个句子,每句话配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符合的一幅图片。每句话后有 15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每句话读两遍。下面,请听这些句子。(分数:5.00)(1). (分数:1.00)A.B.C.(2). (分数:1.00)A.B.C.(3). (分数:1.00)A.B.C.(4). (分数:1.00)A.B.C.(5). (分数:1.00)A.B.C.(分数:5.00)(1). (分数:1.

2、00)A.B.C.(2). (分数:1.00)A.B.C.(3). (分数:1.00)A.B.C.(4). (分数:1.00)A.B.C.(5). (分数:1.00)A.B.C.二、B第二节 对话理解/B(总题数:3,分数:15.00)在本节中,你将听到 15个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从A、B、C个选项中选出答案。每段话后有 15秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题。每段对话读两遍。下面,请听这些对话。(分数:5.00)(1).What most probably happens to the weather?(分数:1.00)A.A It keeps sunny. B.B It bec

3、omes a bit cloudy. C.C It snows.(2).Where does the conversation happen?(分数:1.00)A.A In a train. B.B In a cinema. C.C At home.(3).Who is the man?(分数:1.00)A.A A guest. B.B Mrs. Reed. C.C Mr. Reed.(4).What does the woman do now?(分数:1.00)A.A A nurse. B.B A doctor. C.C She doesnt go to work.(5).What will

4、 the man probably do next?(分数:1.00)A.A Keep watching TV. B.B Get prepared for his exam. C.C Go to take an exam.(分数:5.00)(1).What can we learn from the conversation?(分数:1.00)A.A The woman wants to learn from Bob. B.B The woman will not be like Bob. C.C The woman thinks she is also great.(2).What will

5、 the man do?(分数:1.00)A.A Check the computer. B.B Sell the computer. C.C Buy another computer.(3).Who is the woman?(分数:1.00)A.A A shop manager. B.B A shop assistant. C.C A customer.(4).What can we learn from the conversation? A The mother lives with her son. B The mothers son has died. C The mother i

6、s always waiting for his sons letters.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.(5).What probably will the man do?(分数:1.00)A.A Keep asking the woman. B.B Mend her watch. C.C Ask another person.(分数:5.00)(1).Will the woman choose the black one or the red one?(分数:1.00)A.A The black one. B.B The red one. C.C She wouldnt choose an

7、y of them.(2).What does the man mean?(分数:1.00)A.A He thinks basketball is great. B.B He likes to go to see the game. C.C He thinks the woman is great.(3).What can we learn form the conversation? A The woman has thrown away the mans credit card. B The woman cant find the credit card either. C The wom

8、an has been using the mans credit card for quite some time.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.(4).What will the man do?(分数:1.00)A.A He will cut the tree. B.B He will take the cat away. C.C He will help the woman.(5).What does the woman mean?(分数:1.00)A.A She agrees with the man. B.B She is surprised. C.C She doesnt thin

9、k so.三、B第二部分 英语知识运用/B(总题数:15,分数:15.00)1.Lucy did her _ in this exam.(分数:1.00)A.A good B.B better C.C best2.My aunt will arrive here tomorrow. _ is 50 years old.(分数:1.00)A.A He B.B She C.C It3.Day after day the man gets _.(分数:1.00)A.A old B.B older C.C oldly4.Eric runs _ his classmate Sam.(分数:1.00)A.

10、A as quickly as B.B quickly as C.C more quickly as5.The _ over there is an Australian.(分数:1.00)A.A standing man B.B man stood C.C man standing6._ Russia is next to _ China.(分数:1.00)A.A The./ B.B /./ C.C The . the7.The young man over there is an _.(分数:1.00)A.A American B.B European C.C British8. What

11、 are Mr. Green and Mrs. Green do now? They are.(分数:1.00)A.A in breakfast B.B at breakfast C.C eating breakfast9.The book on the desk is _.(分数:1.00)A.A Garys B.B Garys C.C Garys10.I _ what he said is true.(分数:1.00)A.A trust B.B believe in C.C believe11.Mary spent _ to buy the TV.(分数:1.00)A.A two thou

12、sand and fifty B.B two thousands and fifty C.C two thousand fifty12.There are 19 people waiting before me, so Im the _.(分数:1.00)A.A twelfth B.B twentyth C.C twentieth13.Youd better _ your bed before having your breakfast, Sam!(分数:1.00)A.A do B.B make C.C clean14.Julia must _ now, because the light o

13、f her room is turned off.(分数:1.00)A.A sleep B.B sleeping C.C be sleeping15.The _ is selling goods in the shop.(分数:1.00)A.A teacher B.B shop-assistant C.C worker四、B第二节 完型填空/B(总题数:1,分数:10.00)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。TheU (41) /Uday in my life is always my birthday. Then I get upU (42) /

14、Uthe sun rises, and first I go into the bathroom (浴室) to have a bath togetherU (43) /Umy favorite flowers. When the rooming comes, it finds me singing in the kitchen andU (44) /Uthe food for my birthday party.It simply makes me happy to cookU (45) /Uon my birthday. I love the smell of food. I usuall

15、y make cakes. After cooking, I start to decorate (装饰) the rooms. I paint the walls bright red. When all this isU (46) /U, I still have time to prepare my birthday clothes. I usually dress in a bright cloth; IU (47) /Umy sisters high boots and my grandmothers hat. Now the guests can arrive.People com

16、ing to my birthday party will never be disappointed (失望). I wait for everybodyU (48) /Uthe door, take the presents and inviteU (49) /Uto the table to eat my food. There is music, there is dancing, and everybody can goU (50) /Uwith satisfaction: we had a very good day today. Thats the busiest day in

17、my life.(分数:10.00)A.A busier B.B busy C.C busiestA.A after B.B before C.C inA.A with B.B about C.C inA.A prepare B.B preparing C.C preparedA.A by myself B.B myself C.C at myselfA.A finished B.B finishing C.C finishA.A put on B.B put off C.C put downA.A before B.B at C.C inA.A them B.B their C.C thei

18、rsA.A the home B.B to home C.C home五、B第三部分 阅读理解/B(总题数:4,分数:20.00)B第一节 词语配伍/B从上栏所给选项中选出与下栏各项意义相符的选项。A chopstickB saltC plateD sugarE kitchenF iceG juice(分数:5.00)(1).It is very sweet.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_(2).People always put it in dishes when cooking.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_(3).People put it into drinks to make i

19、t colder.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_(4).People cook there.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_(5).People use it to put what they have cooked.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_B第二节 短文理解 1/B阅读下面短文,从A(Right)、B(Wrong)、C(Doesnt Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。Tom is a policeman, and Jack is a student. They go into a restaurant to have their lunch. They sit down at a

20、 table. Jack says to Tom, “Oh, three of my friends are here having their lunch.“ He points (指) to a table. Three young men are sitting there, talking. “Theyre Dick, Mike and Bruce.“But whos who, Sam?“ says Tom. “I think the one without hair is Mike, the one wearing the hat is Dick, and the one smoki

21、ng is Bruce.“All wrong!“ says Jack.At that moment, the one smoking stands up. “Its time for us to leave now, Dick.“ he says. The other two stand up and all the three leave.“Shall I tell you whos who?“ asks Jack.“No. I already knew that, because Im a policeman,“ answers Tom.Can you find out whos who

22、now?(分数:5.00)(1).Tom and Jack sit together.(分数:1.00)A.A Right. B.B Wrong. C.C Doesnt say.(2).The three men sitting over there are Toms friends.(分数:1.00)A.A Right. B.B Wrong. C.C Doesnt say.(3).When guessing at first, Tom guesses right.(分数:1.00)A.A Right. B.B Wrong. C.C Doesnt say.(4).For the second

23、time, Tom guesses right.(分数:1.00)A.A Right. B.B Wrong. C.C Doesnt say.(5).The one smoking is Dick.(分数:1.00)A.A Right. B.B Wrong. C.C Doesnt say.B第三节 短文理解 2/B阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个正确答案。34 Queen RoadSydney, AustraliaOctober 6th, 2004Dear Wang Lan,How are you? Its been three months since I left China.

24、After coming back, I miss you very much. Thank you for your photo. I like it very much. I can see it was very cold that day. Everything is covered with snow. You look really beautiful in that red coat. Its so cold in your country now, but its hot here in Australia. We have beautiful sunshine every d

25、ay. I often go swimming in a lake near my home. I enjoy it very much.I really miss the days when we had together, the days when we went lo the park, the days when we rode bikes all round the city, the days when we studied each others languages, the days when we met problems in our life but we finall

26、y made them out . These are all beautiful days in my life. Ill remember them all through my life!Please send my regards to your father and your mother. Thank you for the big meal!Sincerely yours,Lora(分数:6.00)(1).Who writes this letter?(分数:1.00)A.A Wang Lan. B.B Lora. C.C Loras friend.(2).Which count

27、ry does Lora come from?(分数:1.00)A.A China. B.B America. C.C Australia.(3).How is the weather in Beijing in the photo?(分数:1.00)A.A Its hot. B.B Its cold. C.C Doesnt say.(4).What does Wang Lan wear in that photo?(分数:1.00)A.A A blue coat. B.B A red coat. C.C A red dress.(5).What does Lora often do in h

28、er hometown now?(分数:1.00)A.A Go to the park. B.B Ride bikes. C.C Swim.(6).What kind of thing doesnt the text mention which Lora and Wang Lan had done together?(分数:1.00)A.A Riding bikes. B.B Studying languages. C.C Going to the cinemas.How long is it since you last went out for a walk?Three days? Thr

29、ee weeks? Three years?Well, who has time for that kind of thing nowadays?Your doctor may tell you to get more clean air.Your friends may tell you to get more exercises.Your wife may tell you to find something cheap to do.You would go out and walk for miles, except for one thing,Walking is boring.But

30、 now science has come to help yon.Now there is a reason for going out in the countryside.No more worry about not knowing where to go.Now the countryside is a forever pleasure.What could be more interesting than looking for buried (埋藏的)gold while walking?So now have a look at the new Sherlock Metal (

31、金属) Detector (探测器).When you are walking with it, you will be very likely to find gold.Buy yourself a Sherlock Metal Detector, and youll find yourself out in the open air for hours at a time.Metal detecting is the great new hobby.(分数:4.00)(1).What is this text written for? A To tell people how import

32、ant walking is. B To ask people to find gold. C To sell something.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.(2).Why does the text say “now the countryside is a forever pleasure“? A Because while walking, one can also look for gold. B Because there is clean air in the countryside. C Because one can take exercise in the country

33、side.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.(3).What is Sherlock Metal Detector used for?(分数:1.00)A.A To mend things. B.B To find things. C.C To give air.(4).How to use a Sherlock Metal Detector?(分数:1.00)A.A Push a button on the machine. B.B Just put it on the ground. C.C The text doesnt say.六、B第四部分 写作/B(总题数:4,分数:13.00)16.

34、An old man fell down in the Street. John saw it. John saw an old man _ in the street.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_17.John ran up to him and helped him to stand up. _ up to him, John helped him to stand up.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_18.Finding that he was hurt, John sent the old man to the hospital. The old man was hurt, an

35、d _ to the hospital by John.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_19.情景: 你是王斌。你有个英国朋友叫 Louis,他上个月随父母来北京呆了一个月,和你一起玩了很多地方,留下了很多美好的回忆。现在他回国了。 任务: 请你用英语写一封 50字左右的信,告诉他 *你很想念他。 *你很怀念一起度过的时光。 *你的近况如何。 请用下面格式。 Dear Louis, Wang Bin(分数:7.00)_公共英语一级-187 答案解析(总分:83.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B第一部分 听力理解/B(总题数:2,分数:10.00)B第一节 图片判断/B在本节中,你将听到 10

36、个句子,每句话配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符合的一幅图片。每句话后有 15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每句话读两遍。下面,请听这些句子。(分数:5.00)(1). (分数:1.00)A.B.C. 解析:听力原文 Youd better change another desk. Its too old. 名师解析 录音原句意为“你最好换一张桌子,它太旧了”。图片 A为椅子(chair),图片 B为床(bed),图片 C为桌子(desk)。从原句可清晰听到“desk”一词,故选 C。(2). (分数:1.00)A. B.C.解析:听力原文 Lily married a s

37、oldier and loves him very much. 名师解析 录音原句意为“Lily与一个士兵结了婚,并且非常爱他”。图片 A中的人为士兵(soldier),图片 B中的人为教师(teacher),图片 C中的人为医生(doctor)。从原句中可以清晰听到“soldier”一词,所以正确答案为A。(3). (分数:1.00)A. B.C.解析:听力原文 I didnt catch the train yesterday because Id lost my ticket. 名师解析 录音原句意为“我昨天没有赶上火车,因为我把票弄丢了”。图片 A由纸上的字“北京上海,360 元”可知

38、为一张车票,图片 B则为公园门票,图片 C是电影票。从原句可清晰听到“train”与“ticket”两个词,所以正确选项为 A。(4). (分数:1.00)A.B.C. 解析:听力原文 This bag is only thirty kilograms. 名师解析 录音原句意为“这个包只有三十公斤重”。图片 A中的数字显示为 3公斤 (3 kilograms),图片 B中的数字显示为 13公斤(13 kilograms),图片 C则显示为 30公斤 (30 kilograms)。30 与 13易混淆,因为词尾为“-teen”和词尾为“-ty”的数词读音相近,可以从重音区分,thirteen 的

39、重音在第二个音节,thirty 的重音在第一个音节上。故选C。(5). (分数:1.00)A.B. C.解析:听力原文 Bob goes out every night to play cards. 名师解析 录音原句意为“Bob 每天晚上出去打牌”。图片 A为小猫,图片 B为纸牌 (card),图片 C为汽车(car)。card 易与 car相混淆,但从动词 play可知,应为 card。所以正确答案为 B。(分数:5.00)(1). (分数:1.00)A. B.C.解析:听力原文 Could I have some more sugar in my coffee? 名师解析 录音原句意为“

40、我能在咖啡里再加点糖吗”。图片 A中的字显示为糖 (sugar),图片 B显示为盐(salt),图片 C为糖果(candy)。从原句可清晰听到“sugar”一词,所以选项 A符合题意。(2). (分数:1.00)A.B.C. 解析:听力原文 The doctor said there is nothing wrong with my teeth. 名师解析 录音原句意为“我的牙齿没有问题”。图片 A为嘴巴(mouth),图片 B为鼻子(nose),图片 C显示牙齿(teeth)。从原句可清晰听到“teeth”一词,故选 C。(3). (分数:1.00)A. B.C.解析:听力原文 The sm

41、all town lies in the north of the river. 名师解析 录音原句意为“那个小镇坐落在河的北边”。图片 A房子在河的北边 (north),图片 B房子在河的南边(south),图片 C则在西边(west)。从原句中可清晰听到“north”一词,所以答案为 A。(4). (分数:1.00)A.B.C. 解析:听力原文 Vegetable is very good for your health. 名师解析 录音原句意为“蔬菜对你的健康很有利”。图片 A为水果(fruit),图片 B为肉(meat),图片 C为蔬菜(vegetable)。从原句中可清晰听到“veg

42、etable”一词,故选 C。(5). (分数:1.00)A.B.C. 解析:听力原文 Its 5 below zero today. 名师解析 录音原句意为“今天零下 5度”。由图片中的刻度可知,图片 A为零上 5度,图片 B为 0度,图片 C为零下 5度。从原句中可清晰听到“five below zero”,即零下五度,所以正确答案为 C。二、B第二节 对话理解/B(总题数:3,分数:15.00)在本节中,你将听到 15个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从A、B、C个选项中选出答案。每段话后有 15秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题。每段对话读两遍。下面,请听这些对话。(分数:5.00)(

43、1).What most probably happens to the weather?(分数:1.00)A.A It keeps sunny. B.B It becomes a bit cloudy. C.C It snows.解析:听力原文 F: What a changeable weather! M: Yeah. It was sunny a few minutes ago. 名师解析 对话中女士说天气善变(changeable),男士表示同意,并说几分钟前还是晴天。题日询问天气最有可能发生什么变化。选项 A“仍然是晴天”不符合题意,选项 B“变得有点多云”,也不能突出天气的善变,不

44、符合题意。只有选项 C“下雪”反映了天气变化之快。故选 C。(2).Where does the conversation happen?(分数:1.00)A.A In a train. B.B In a cinema. C.C At home.解析:听力原文 M: Be quiet when you go inside. The movie is already on. F: Ok. but. I cant see where my seat is. 名师解析 对话中男士让女士进来时轻一点,电影已经开始了(the movie is already on),女士答应;但找不到自己的座位(sea

45、t)。题目询问事情发生在哪里,从对话中女士找不到座位可知她已经在电影院(cinema),而不是在火车上或在家里。所以选择 B。(3).Who is the man?(分数:1.00)A.A A guest. B.B Mrs. Reed. C.C Mr. Reed.解析:听力原文 F: Is the party held by Mr. Reed? M: Yes. That is me. Please enjoy yourself. 名师解析 对话中女士问男士派对是不是 Reed先生举行的,男士回答“是的,我就是(that is me),请白便”。题目询问男士是谁,从对话可知男士很显然就是 Ree

46、d先生自己,而不是客人,更不是 Reed太太。所以选择 C。(4).What does the woman do now?(分数:1.00)A.A A nurse. B.B A doctor. C.C She doesnt go to work.解析:听力原文 M: So. What do you do? F: En. I was a nurse before. but at present. Im a doctor. 名师解析 对话中男士问女士的工作,女士说自己以前是一个护士(I was a nurse before),但现在(at present)是一个医生(doctor)。题目询问女士现在的职业。选项 A是她以前的职业,不符合题意,选项 c也错误。所以选择 B。(5).What will the man probably do next?(分数:1.00)A.A Keep watching TV. B.B Get prepared for his exam. C.C Go to take an exam

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