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1、托福-7 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、LISTENING(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Listening 1(总题数:1,分数:18.00)Listen to part of a lecture in a law class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. (分数:18.00)(1).What is the talk mainly about?(分数:3.00)A.a history of anti-trust legislat

2、ionB.the process of forming monopoliesC.the historical reasons for the enactment of the Sherman ActD.Standard Oil and its predatory practices in the 1880s(2).In the lecture, the professor presents aims of the Sherman Act. Indicate whether each of the following is an aim of the act which is discussed

3、 in the lecture. Click in the correct box for each phrase. Yes No Preventing monopolies Preventing predatory practices Preventing artificially raised prices Preventing running small companies (分数:3.00)_(3).Why does the professor mention the Industrial Revolution?(分数:3.00) give an example of how

4、America was changing in the give an example of the evils of the factory show that Standard Oil harmed the Industrial connect the Industrial Revolution to monopolies(4).According to the professor, how was the Sherman Act enforced?(分数:3.00) the the co

5、 people, serving as “watchdogs“, for the U.S. Attorney“s office and Department of Justice(5).Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question. What does the professor mean when he says this:(分数:3.00) explain what monopolies explain what the “industria

6、l giants“ were doing to gain explain how the Industrial Revolution was affecting explain why small companies failed financially(6).Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question. What does the professor imply by saying this:(分数:3.00) indicate the Clayton Ac

7、t was the only other legislation indicate the Clayton Act was the first of more legislation pertaining to have the students note how long from the passage of the Sherman Act it took to have more legislation explain the Sherman Act had never been viable三、Listeni

8、ng 2(总题数:1,分数:15.00)Listen to part of a conversation between a part-time student and the manager of the school cafeteria. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. (分数:15.00)(1).Why does the student go to see his manager?(分数:3.00) ask for fewer a

9、sk that someone substitute for ask if he can quit ask for more hours(2).Why does the student hesitate to tell the manager what he wants?(分数:3.00)A.He wants to go skiing.B.He doesn“t want to work on Wednesday.C.He is worried that he will be fired for asking.D.He realizes that he m

10、ay not be able to miss work.(3).Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Why does the manager say this:(分数:3.00)A.Robert is being evasive.B.Robert doesn“t know what he wants.C.Robert believes he should be given permission to ski.D.Robert doesn“t want to tell the manager he

11、 likes to ski.(4).Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Why does the manager say this:(分数:3.00)A.The manager is irritated with Robert.B.The manager thinks Robert is going to quit.C.The manager may need to hire someone else to fill Robert“s time slot.D.The manager thinks

12、 the conversation is taking too long.(5).Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. What can be inferred about the student?(分数:3.00)A.He is not planning to tell the manager why he needs time off.B.He expects the manager to conclude on her own why he needs time off.C.He is ap

13、pearing to make the scheduling problem the manager“s rather than his.D.He is not sure how to initiate the conversation.四、Listening 3(总题数:1,分数:18.00)Listen to part of a talk in an art class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. (分数:18.00)(1).What is the ma

14、in idea of the lecture?(分数:3.00)A.the differences between the self-portraits of Van Gogh and RembrandtB.the differences between the self-portraits of Rembrandt and PicassoC.the differences between the self-portraits of Van Gogh and PicassoD.self-portraits(2).Why does the professor mention Egypt?(分数:

15、3.00)A.The practice of self-portraits began in Egypt.B.Self-portraits have never been found in Egypt.C.The Egyptians began the practice of painting self images.D.Examples of self-portraits have been found in ancient Egypt.(3).How does the professor describe the similarities between Van Gogh and Remb

16、randt?(分数:3.00)A.They both used splashes of color.B.They were both born in the Netherlands.C.Neither used bold, definite brush strokes.D.They both died in France.(4).According to the professor, what is the purpose of painting self-portraits?(分数:3.00) better understand one“s self and freedom of e

17、 practice and become a better painter and to present the painter“s image as he/she would like the public to know evaluate one“s self and prepare a experiment with color and understand one“s expressions(5).What does the professor say about Van Gogh?(分数:3.00)A.Most

18、 of his self-portraits were done in the last years of his life.B.Sometimes his self-portraits were not life-like.C.His self-portraits were dark and self-reflecting.D.His painting influenced Rembrandt“s painting,(6).Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question. Why does the professor

19、 say this:(分数:3.00) explain Picasso“s style of criticize Rembrandt“s style of explain Rembrandt“s style of encourage students to read more about Rembrandt and Van Gogh五、Listening 4(总题数:1,分数:18.00)Listen to part of a lecture in a literature class. Now get re

20、ady to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. (分数:18.00)(1).What aspect of Chekhov did the professor discuss?(分数:3.00)A.Chekhov“s plays and short storiesB.Chekhov“s healthC.Chekhov“s life in the CrimeaD.Chekhov“s life(2).What does the professor imply about Chekhov“s youth?(

21、分数:3.00)A.He grew up in Moscow.B.He was an excellent student.C.He wasn“t a prolific writer.D.He came from a wealthy family.(3).What is the evidence that Chekhov understood about evils of society?(分数:3.00)A.His play, The Seagulls, was not successful in St. Petersburg.B.He developed tuberculosis.C.He

22、had to support himself and his family because of business failures.D.His play, The Cherry Orchard, was about financial failure.(4).Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question. What does the professor imply when she says this:(分数:3.00)A.The sea no longer exists.B.The Ukrainians now

23、claim Chekov as a Ukrainian writer.C.The sea is now part of Ukraine.D.Southern Russia still claims access to the Sea.(5).Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question. Why does the professor say this:(分数:3.00) explain that Chekhov could not earn a living only as a remi

24、nd the students that Chekhov needed to explain when The Cherry Orchard was explain that Chekhov continued to develop his skills as a writer while practicing medicine(6).How does the professor introduce The Cherry Orchard?(分数:3.00) explaining it was first produced in St. Pet

25、 implying it was written after Chekhov settled near indicating it was successfully produced in describing the story line in detail六、Listening 5(总题数:1,分数:15.00)Listen to part of a lecture in a technology class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your no

26、tes to help you answer. (分数:15.00)(1).What is the main topic of this passage?(分数:3.00)A.The cell phone industry has come a long way in a short time.B.The lecturer is summarizing what the class covered last week.C.The professor is highlighting some of the dangers of cell phones and the media spin by

27、their companies.D.The students are learning how to be aware of which cell phones to purchase and recommend,(2).What can be inferred about cell phone companies from the lecture?(分数:3.00)A.They are only concerned about money not health.B.Cell phone companies are pouring lots of money into research.C.T

28、he companies are being given a bad name for no reason.D.Scientist from cell phone companies are manipulated and come from ill-regarded institutions.(3).Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question. What does the professor mean when he says this?(分数:3.00)A.The professor was telling s

29、tudents he was unfair to the industry.B.The professor is not just making up gossip out of spite.C.The cell phone companies have been threatening academics.D.The professor lied about what was presented in the research.(4).What questions should parents be asking?(分数:3.00)A.How safe is a cell phone for

30、 my child“s developing brain?B.Is this the best phone at this price?C.Is my government getting enough tax money from these large corporations?D.Why can“t cell phones be designed differently?(5).What things can the FCC not oversee? (Click on 2 answers)(分数:3.00)A.The signals from phones to sub-station

31、s.B.The prices set by cell phone companies.C.The amount of radiation emitted from specific hand sets.D.The amount of tax paid by large cell phone corporations.七、Listening 6(总题数:1,分数:16.00)Listen to part of a conversation between a student exchange counselor and a student who will be living overseas

32、with a host family. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. (分数:16.00)(1).Why is the counselor talking with the student?(分数:3.20)A.The counselor is trying to interest the student in becoming an exchange student.B.The student has had specific questions about

33、being an exchange student.C.The counselor is trying to prepare the student for an “exchange student“ experience.D.The student is attending a required meeting for future exchange students.(2).Why is the student interested in Florida, New York, and California?(分数:3.20)A.Those are popular destinations

34、for exchange students.B.Most foreign exchange students will be placed in those states.C.The student has heard that those states are undesirable destinations.D.The student has been assigned to a family in one of those states.(3).What is an example the counselor gives about families?(分数:3.20)A.The fam

35、ily has requested an exchange student from a specific country.B.The family may have children younger than the exchange student.C.The family will provide the exchange student with a room of the student“s choice.D.The family will expect the student to participate in family social events.(4).How does t

36、he counselor imply the student“s questions and concerns will be accepted by the family?(分数:3.20)A.They will not be tolerated.B.They will be thought to be interfering with family life.C.They will be appreciated.D.They will not be accepted.(5).Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the

37、question. What does the counselor mean when she says this:(分数:3.20)A.Certain topics need to be addressed.B.The student“s questions are irrelevant.C.The counselor will tell the student everything the student needs to know.D.The student should not ask detailed questions about the exchange experience.托

38、福-7 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、LISTENING(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Listening 1(总题数:1,分数:18.00)Listen to part of a lecture in a law class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. (分数:18.00)(1).What is the talk mainly about?(分数:3.00)A.a history of anti-trust legislatio

39、nB.the process of forming monopoliesC.the historical reasons for the enactment of the Sherman Act D.Standard Oil and its predatory practices in the 1880s解析:听力原文 Law: Anti-trust LawProfessor: Today we are going to begin studying about anti-trust laws. The need for anti-trust legislation began when Am

40、erica was expanding industrially during the 1880s. During this time period America was experiencing a huge influx of immigrants from southern and eastern Europe because America was in the midst of its Industrial Revolution and needed workers. No longer did the “cottage“ industry represent industry i

41、n America. The factory did. And with the factory came development in trade and commerce. The railroads expanded and factories and companies, such as steel companies, became larger and more important to American commerce. The men who owned and ran these companies were wealthy and they became even wea

42、lthier as American industrial growth continued. Sometimes these individuals were referred to as “industrial giants“ or “moguls of industry“ and other times they were called “robber barons“ and other names which were not representing them in a positive light. The reason for this was that many people

43、believed these wealthy individuals were getting richer at the expense of the common person. They were increasing their holdings by taking advantage of small companies by purchasing them at very low prices or causing the small companies not to be profitable so they could be bought up at very low pric

44、es. They also combined with other profitable companies to make an even larger company. And as a result, the wealthy got wealthier, and they increased their business holdings by leaps and bounds and they dominated the industry with their large company while reducing competition. In 1890, Congress pas

45、sed the first legislation in America to try to curb these undesirable business practices. The law was called the Sherman Anti-Trust Law and was directed at preventing monopolies. Now, you have to remember that having a monopoly in and of itself is not necessarily illegal. If a monopoly has been thru

46、st upon you, as a business person, because you are the only one in a certain industry, then you may have done nothing illegal. What the Sherman Act was directed to was preventing the formation of monopolies. That means business owners could not purchase other companies similar to theirs to become “b

47、ig“ and run smaller companies out of business. It also meant that business owners could not use predatory practices to gain a business advantage. And, I think you all know that a “predatory practice“ is one that exploits or takes advantage of another. So, Congress was trying to curb the abuse of big

48、 business restraining trade when it passed the Sherman Act. The act provided that every contract, combined in the form of mast or otherwise, or a conspiracy in restraint of trade was illegal. Now, the language of the law stated this illegality applied to commerce within the United States as well as

49、foreign commerce. Second, the Sherman Act provided that anyone who monopolized, or attempted to monopolize, or combined or conspired with any other person to monopolize trade or commerce in the U.S. or with foreign countries was guilty of a felony. The law was an attempt to break up the business trust known as Standard Oil and controlled by John D. Rockefeller and his business associates because it was thought Standard Oil was increasing the costs for the consumers by artificially raising prices by rest

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