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1、雅思口语-练习十三及答案解析(总分:13.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Shopping(总题数:3,分数:13.00)PART 1(分数:9.00)(1).Do you like shopping? Where do you like to go shopping?(分数:1.00)_(2).Who does most of the shopping in your family?(分数:1.00)_(3).How do people do shopping nowadays?(分数:1.00)_(4).Do you ever buy second-hand things?(分数:1.00

2、)_(5).What do you often buy?(分数:1.00)_(6).Are you a price conscious shopper?(分数:1.00)_(7).What kind of clothes was popular in China 20 or 30 years ago?(分数:1.00)_(8).What is the difference between younger people and older people on clothes?(分数:1.00)_(9).Do you think clothing is more important than be

3、fore? Why?(分数:1.00)_1.PART 2Describe a GiftDescribe a special gift you ever bought for someone.Your should say:What gift and for whom it is.When where you bought it.What it is for.And explain why this gift is special.(分数:1.00)_PART 3(分数:3.00)(1).What are the advantages and disadvantages of online sh

4、opping?(分数:1.00)_(2).What are the advantages and disadvantages of big supermarkets?(分数:1.00)_(3).What do you think of school uniforms?(分数:1.00)_雅思口语-练习十三答案解析(总分:13.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Shopping(总题数:3,分数:13.00)PART 1(分数:9.00)(1).Do you like shopping? Where do you like to go shopping?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(I like

5、 shopping and I do most of the shopping in my family. I like to go to supermarkets to but what I need. You know, modern supermarkets are quite advanced. We can find almost everything in there. I can buy all the things on my shopping list at this one place. Besides, the shopping hour there is long, t

6、ill about 10:00 at night. They are quite thoughtful to night shoppers.)解析:后一问题为回答的重点。对为什么喜欢去那里购物的原因加以解释。(2).Who does most of the shopping in your family?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(Well, in my family, I guess my Morn does. She is a housewife and doesnt work outside. She always takes care of the whole family and

7、 whenever we need something, she is the first to know that. So we seldom do shopping and sometimes we just go with her for fun.)解析:按照事实回答,稍作说明。(3).How do people do shopping nowadays?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(Uhm . in the modern society, people sometimes do not go out for shopping, for they can do it at home.

8、Catalog shopping, Television shopping, online shopping, they are convenient and fast.)解析:问题问的是现代社会人们的购物方式,如实地购物、网上购物、电视购物、邮购等。(4).Do you ever buy second-hand things?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(A. Seldom, I should say. I myself dont like to use what has been used by other people. I cant trace where they come fro

9、m. Sometimes, it also takes time to find out if it can really function properly.B. Yes, sometimes. For some big items like houses and car, but not daily necessities or clothes. I bought a second-hand apartment which I am quite satisfied with. Second-hand things are not all bad.)解析:按照事实回答,稍作说明。(5).Wh

10、at do you often buy?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(I like buying food and daily necessities, because I like eating and cooking. Buy the way, I like to find out new products on the market and consider how they can possibly make life easier.)解析:答题思路:从总括到具体。(6).Are you a price conscious shopper?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(I thin

11、k I am. When I go shopping, I always want to find out the price first, then I compare prices at different stores. If the goods are OK but the price is too high, probably I wont consider. Anyway, achieving a balance between service and price should be the goal for price-conscious shoppers.)解析:(7).Wha

12、t kind of clothes was popular in China 20 or 30 years ago?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(At that time, a lot of people were wearing Mao suit. It is a style of clothing that is actually quite old. I have seen quite a few people wearing it these days. Young people prefer to wear more and more brand-name clothing.)解析

13、:在今年的购物话题中常常问到有关于衣着的问题,如人们穿什么衣服、买衣服有什么喜好等。(8).What is the difference between younger people and older people on clothes?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(Older people, for example, my parents, think more about the quality and material of the clothes. Younger people tend to follow the fashion, and personality is their

14、 first consideration when they choose clothes.)解析:(9).Do you think clothing is more important than before? Why?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(Well, I think clothing is not only used to keep us warm nowadays. It also has become an important part of modern civilization. Different styles of clothing represent differe

15、nt cultures and different personalities. Sometimes, the clothing people wear also reflects their mood.)解析:答案很明显是肯定的。考生也可以从自己以及身边人群出发来回答。1.PART 2Describe a GiftDescribe a special gift you ever bought for someone.Your should say:What gift and for whom it is.When where you bought it.What it is for.And

16、explain why this gift is special.(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(The gift I would like to talk about is the one I bought for my Morn. It was last Mothers Day. I thought Morn has been quite devoted to taking good care of us. It was a good time to show our love to her. However, as Mom is a hard-to-buy person, my sist

17、er and I racked our brains to find a perfect gift, which would endure through time, leaving a lasting impression.After searching numbers of shops, finally we got a beautiful and delicate photo album. We put in it all the interesting photos from our childhood to university time, including many happy

18、family moments. We had it wrapped up in light blue. When Morn opened it, she was so surprised. She said it is the best and most precious gift she had ever received. It recalled a lot of old and sweet memories. And I think this gift is really special, to Morn, and also to us.)解析:PART 3(分数:3.00)(1).Wh

19、at are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(Advantages:Availability: Online shopping is available all the time the stores never close. People can shop 24 hours a day and seven days a week.Choice: The selection of consumer goods may be even greater than what is fond in

20、a traditional store.Research and Comparison: People can research the product you are interested in buying be checking out several e-commerce web sites. You can compare shops for features, quality and price by comparing what different vendors offer. You can buy the items on-line or use your research

21、findings to buy locally.Effective Time and Energy Use: Instead of using time and gasoline driving to different stores to compare shops, people can do it online.Disadvantages:Over-choice: There are so many choices online that confusion results. It then becomes harder, not easier, to make a decision.I

22、nefficient Time Use: As a computer user, you can waste a lot of time online looking for the products you want. If you dont use efficient search strategies or if the items you are searching for come from web sites that are hard to find, much tie can be lost searching with little success.Extra Costs:

23、In making price comparisons, it is important to determine what the final and total cost of the item will be. Carefully check out the cost of shipping and handling as well as sales taxes. The total amount you will pay to buy online may be more than in a local store even if the price of the product is

24、 less.Privacy and Security Concerns: Shopping online can be safe if the site you are buying from is a secure site. Consumers need to know how to evaluate the security of e-commerce web sites before buying something online.)解析:(2).What are the advantages and disadvantages of big supermarkets?(分数:1.00

25、)_正确答案:(Advantages:It is designed is such a way that the shoppers have to go a certain route from the entrance to the cash point near exit. The customer is guided past all the most popular production display and thereby encouraged to buy items he would have forgotten to buy. People dont have to carr

26、y things but just take a trolley.It is a very convenient way of shopping because people can choose the products they want from a large range and have the possibility to get to know to new products. They are served in a very polite way and no one makes hurry because other shoppers are waiting behind.

27、 Supermarkets can be called “the all in one shop“ because they offer products of every kind. There are departments specializing in: food for people and pets, clothes, tools, books and magazines, electronic equipment, souvenirs and many other. It is not only high-quality and whole assortment which at

28、tracts people but also its lighting of high intensity and its clean and hygienic atmosphere with the possibility to do all the shopping in one store.People can wheel your trolley to their car, load their stuff in to the car boot and leave the basket or trolley nearby to be collected by the store att

29、endant. In this way shopping becomes a pleasure instead of a chore. Supermarkets are convenient because they are self-service and apart from goods we can find there a restaurant, a cafe, and a special place for kids to play while their mother are shopping. There is also a possibility to pay by check

30、 or a credit card and vouchers available.Disadvantages:One the other hand shopping in supermarkets can be annoying for there is a big choice which can cause confusion. People often buy unnecessary things because they seeing to have a good price and you buy things that you did not plan to buy earlier

31、. This is called impulse buying. Attractive packing and displays persuade people to buy things they do not actually need. For many of us the major disadvantage of shopping in supermarkets is that it is time consuming and it takes a while to get there and back. Big stores are also quite dangerous for

32、 all small shops owned by private people. And those shops may be the only source of living of then.)解析:(3).What do you think of school uniforms?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(About this question, generally, people hold different opinions. Personally, I think it is good in some way. Some people say that it is fine

33、to give children freedom regarding what they wear, but at the same time, it creates problems. For example, it is reported that in the schools of some foreign countries, some children are teased by others because they wear old and shabby clothes, which virtually causes some negative effects in their mind. Another concern is that we emphasize harmony and unity among students, so it is helpful in cultivating their awareness of this through practicing uniform in schools.)解析:

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