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1、专业八级-251 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、LISTENING COMPREHENS(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、SECTION A MINI-LECTU(总题数:1,分数:60.00)Questioning TechniquesAskingQuestions Effectively. Successful communications: asking the right questions improving many communication skills: e.g. 1)collecting better 1 2)strengthening 2 3)

2、dealing with people effectively 4)helping others to learn . Techniques of putting forward questions and their effects A. Open questions (3.) long answers helping develop open conversation including more 3 knowing the other“s views B. Closed questions answers being short, factual being good for testi

3、ng understandings, drawing a conclusion, and for 4 being avoided for 5 C. Funnel questions focusing on one point for more details helping witnesses 6 the scene arousing the interest and increasing the 7 of the listener D. 8 questions asking an example to help with understanding asking extra informat

4、ion to 9 what is being said making sure to get the whole story and 10 information from others E. Leading questions leading the hearer to your way of thinking e.g. adding a personal appeal ; giving a choice between two 11 getting your 12 without imposing the hearer F. 13 questions statements being in

5、 question form actually making the listener slip into 14 with you (分数:60.00)填空项 1:_三、SECTION B INTERVIEW(总题数:2,分数:40.00)(分数:20.00)A.There are thousands of participants.B.The Challenge lasts six weeks.C.Amy is waiting to challenge.D.TheChallengeis currently under way.A.She is an advisor.B.She is a we

6、bsite contributor.C.She is the health expert.D.She is a coach of the Challenge.A.It is designed for men who are overloaded with work.B.It is designed for women who are overloaded with work.C.It is designed for men who have no time for themselves.D.It is designed for women who have no time for themse

7、lves.A.At her family.B.At the cry-out board.C.In the IConnect.D.In her own daily biog.A.To let you cry out safely.B.To help you identify and get rid of stress.C.To help community members communicate.D.To help people get me-time through assignments.(分数:20.00)A.Getting rid of the chaos.B.Mastering org

8、anizational skills.C.Being creative.D.Asking for good advice.A.Women should be the leader.B.Women should learn to say no.C.Women should put things in order.D.Women should make time valuably spent.A.It can bring back our passion.B.It brings us back to our childhood.C.It can better our life.D.It makes

9、 us happy.A.Those who want to be perfect mother.B.Those who tend to take care of everything.C.Those who are always the heads of teams.D.Those who say harsh words to their husbands.A.To introduce Amy Hendel.B.To introduce theI Feel Good Community Challenge.C.To let women realize they need to carve ou

10、t me-time.D.To call on people to take part in theChallenge.专业八级-251 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、LISTENING COMPREHENS(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、SECTION A MINI-LECTU(总题数:1,分数:60.00)Questioning TechniquesAskingQuestions Effectively. Successful communications: asking the right questions improving many communicati

11、on skills: e.g. 1)collecting better 1 2)strengthening 2 3)dealing with people effectively 4)helping others to learn . Techniques of putting forward questions and their effects A. Open questions (3.) long answers helping develop open conversation including more 3 knowing the other“s views B. Closed q

12、uestions answers being short, factual being good for testing understandings, drawing a conclusion, and for 4 being avoided for 5 C. Funnel questions focusing on one point for more details helping witnesses 6 the scene arousing the interest and increasing the 7 of the listener D. 8 questions asking a

13、n example to help with understanding asking extra information to 9 what is being said making sure to get the whole story and 10 information from others E. Leading questions leading the hearer to your way of thinking e.g. adding a personal appeal ; giving a choice between two 11 getting your 12 witho

14、ut imposing the hearer F. 13 questions statements being in question form actually making the listener slip into 14 with you (分数:60.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:information)解析: information 听力原文 Questioning TechniquesAsking Questions EffectivelyGood morning, everyone. This time we“ll talk about a key factor in ou

15、r daily communication asking questions. Garbage in, garbage out, is a popular truth, often said in relation to computer systems: If you put the wrong information in, you“ll get the wrong information out. The same principle applies to communications in general: If you ask the wrong questions, you“ll

16、probably get the wrong answers, or at least not quite what you“re hoping for. Asking the right question is at the heart of effective communications and information exchange. By using the right questions in a particular situation, you can improve a whole range of communication skills, for example, yo

17、u can gather better information and learn more; you can build stronger relationships, manage people more effectively and help others to learn too. So here are some common questioning techniques, and when and when not to use them. The first technique is to use open and closed questions. A closed ques

18、tion usually receives a single word or very short, factual answer. For example, “Are you thirsty?“ The answer is “Yes“ or “No“; “Where do you live?“ The answer is generally the name of your town or your address. Open questions elicit longer answers. They usually begin with what, why, how. An open qu

19、estion asks the respondent for his or her knowledge, opinion or feelings. “Tell me“ and “describe“ can also be used in the same way as open questions. For example, what happened at the meeting? Why did he react that way? How was the party? Tell me what happened next. Describe the circumstances in mo

20、re detail. Open questions are good for developing an open conversation such as “what did you get up to on vacation“, finding out more details such as “what else do we need to do to make this a success?“ and finding out the other person“s opinion or issues like “what do you think about those changes?

21、“ Closed questions are good for testing your understanding, or the other person“s such as “so, if I get this qualification, I will get a raise?“, concluding a discussion or making a decision such as “now we know the facts, did we all agree this is the right course of action?“ and they are also good

22、for frame setting. However, a misplaced closed question, on the other hand, can kill the conversation and lead to awkward silences, so are best avoided when a conversation is in full flow. The second technique I want to talk about is the funnel questions. This technique involves starting with genera

23、l questions, and then homing in on a point in each answer, and asking more and more details at each level. It“s often used by detectives taking a statement from a witness. Using this technique, the detective has helped the witness relive the scene and gradually focus on a useful detail. Perhaps he“l

24、l be able to identify young men wearing a hat like this from CCTV footage. It is unlikely he would have got this information if he“s simply asked an open question such as “Are there any details you can give me about what you saw?“ Funnel questions are good for finding out more details about a specif

25、ic point such as “Tell me more about Option 2.“ They are also good for gaining the interest or increasing the confidence of the person you“re speaking with, for example, “Have you used the 1T Helpdesk?“ “Did they solve your problem.“ “What was the attitude of the person who took your call? The third

26、 technique is probing questions. Asking probing questions is another strategy for finding out more details. Sometimes it“s as simple as asking your respondent for an example, to help you understand a statement they have made. At other times, you need additional information for clarification such as

27、“When do you need this report, and do you want to see a draft before I give you my final version?“ or to investigate whether there is proof for what has been said such as “ How do you know that the new database can“t be used by the sales force?“ An effective way of probing is to use the 5 Whys metho

28、d, which can help you quickly get to the root of a problem. Probing questions are good for gaining clarification to ensure you have the whole story, and that you understand it thoroughly and drawing information out of people who are trying to avoid telling you something. The fourth technique is lead

29、ing questions. Leading questions try to lead the respondent to your way of thinking. They can do this in several ways. For example, the assumption that “How late do you think that the project will deliver?“ assumes that the project will certainly not be completed on time. You may add a personal appe

30、al to agree at the end: “Lori“s very efficient, don“t you think?“ or “Option 2 is better, isn“t it?“ You may also give people a choice between two options, both of which you would be happy with, rather than the choice of one option or not doing anything at all. Strictly speaking, the choice of “neit

31、her“ is still available when you ask “Which would you prefer, A or B“, but most people will be caught up in deciding between your two preferences. Note that leading questions tend to be closed. Leading questions are good for getting the answer you want but leaving the other person feeling that they

32、have had a choice. They are also good for closing a sale: “If that answers all of your questions, shall we agree a price?“ The fifth technique is rhetorical questions. Rhetorical questions aren“t really questions at all, in that they don“t expect an answer. They“re really just statements phrased in

33、question form such as “Isn“t John“s design work so creative. People use rhetorical questions because they are engaging for the listener as they are drawn into agreeing rather than feeling that they are being “told“ something like “John is a very creative designer“. You have probably used all of thes

34、e questioning techniques before in your everyday life, at work and at home. But by consciously applying the appropriate kind of questioning, you can gain the information, response or outcome that you want even more effectively. Try it next time you are talking with others. Thank you for listening. 考

35、点 本题设题点在信息列举处。 根据听力原文可知,在特定场合问对问题可以提高交流技巧,你能够收集更好的信息、学到更多的知识,所以填 information。 解析: relationships 考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,恰当的提问可以帮助你加强人际关系,能更有效地与他人相处,故答案为relationships。 解析: eliciting 考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,开放式问题引出的答案要长一些,根据题干要求,这里应填现在分词形式eliciting。 解析: details 考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,开放式问题有助于我们发现更多细节,例如“为取

36、得成功我们还需要做什么?”所以填 details。 解析: frame setting 考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,封闭式问题也有利于问题框架的设置,故答案为 frame setting。 解析: killing a conversation 考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,一个不恰当的封闭式问题也能够中止谈话并导致尴尬的沉默,所以当一次谈话很顺畅时应尽量避免这种情况,所以填 killing a conversation。 解析: relive 考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,漏斗式问题对侦探非常有帮助,可以让他们帮助目击者再现当时的场景并逐渐关注有用的

37、细节,故答案为 relive。 解析: confidence 考点 本题设题点在并列关系处。 根据听力原文可知,漏斗式问题也有利于抓住听者的兴趣或提高听者的信心,故答案为 confidence。 解析: Probing 考点 本题设题点在分论点处。 根据听力原文可知,第三个技能则是探索性问题,所以填 Probing,注意首字母应大写。 解析: clarify/make clear 考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,有时你还需要获得额外的信息,以便明确正在谈论的问题。根据题干要求,这里应填动词 clarify或动词词组 make clear。 解析: drawing 考点 本题考查重要

38、细节。 根据听力原文可知,探索性问题能够帮助你了解事情的全部,并能使你从那些不想向你透露某些信息的人那里获取更多信息,故答案为 drawing。 解析: options 考点 本题设题点在方法途径处。 根据听力原文可知,引导式问题的方法之一就是给听者两个选择,让其去做决定,而这两个选择都是对你有利的,故答案为 options。 解析: expected answers 考点 本题考查对细节的概括。 根据听力原文可知,引导式问题可以使你得到想要的回答,又不会使听者觉得没有选择,故答案为expected answers。 解析: Rhetorical 考点 本题设题点在分论点处。 根据听力原文可知

39、,第五个技能是反问,即不必回答,只为加强语气及效果的问句,所以填Rhetorical,注意首字母应大写。 解析: agreeing 考点 本题设题点在原因解释处。 根据听力原文可知,反问式问题可以使听者感觉是在逐步同意说话者的观点,而不是直接被告知一个事实,故答案为 agreeing。 三、SECTION B INTERVIEW(总题数:2,分数:40.00)(分数:20.00)A.There are thousands of participants.B.The Challenge lasts six weeks.C.Amy is waiting to challenge.D.TheChal

40、lengeis currently under way. 解析:听力原文 M: The road to happiness is easier than you think. Sign up now to join thousands of others in the I Feel Good Community Challenge6 weeks to a happier and more balanced you. Ivillage contributor Amy Hendel is the health expert waiting to challenge. Amy, good morni

41、ng. W: Good morning, and there“s a lot of happiness on this day. M: Yes. We feel good all the time. Tell us what is this challenge for? W: This is a six, week challenge to make women realize that they need to reclaim a little me-time: Women are out of balance. They don“t realize that they are doing

42、so much for others. They“re not taking a little time for themselves. M: So do you think in a sense, women may feel that they are selfish if they are taking time for themselves? That“s time away from family and friends and responsibilities. W: We are the natural caretakers and often the point persons

43、. If we always think this way, it may have a negative connotation to take me-time. We think of the women who do it to a fault, but we are actually being detrimental to our own balance. Our mental health and well-being depend on having a little happiness in our life. M: OK. So let“s focus on the feat

44、ures and the tools of the I Feel Good Community Challenge . W: OK. M: First of all, a cry-out board. W: Yes. Because it“s not good to cry out to your husband, nor to your co-worker, your boss, maybe your friend. But you need a place to let it out. We want distressed people to feel safe complaining,

45、and then get on to the me-time. M: A “peace-of-mind“ plan. W: This is actually a tool that“s on the health aspect of the IVillage websiteit“s ongoing all the time but it specifically addresses stress and it personally tells you how to identify it and get rid of it. It“s going to be important in this

46、 challenge. M: And then you got the IConnect. I guess that“s where everybody comes together. W: That“s the message board. That“s where the community comes together because it“s about supporting each other and giving each other ideas on how to do this. M: Now you got down here a Daily Blog. Is this y

47、our blog? W: I do a daily blog, and I normally cry out the bad things going on. But specifically to this challenge, I“ll be talking about the daily assignments, my own challenges with it, and how people can creatively get me-time. M: And then you got coaches. What kind of coaches? W: Well. I“m a coa

48、ch, and there“s another coach. We are actually going to be accepting personal me-time makeovers where somebody sends in e-mail, and we give them four or five quick tips to carve out the time to realize why they need it and then to creatively find it. Which of the following statements about I Feel Go

49、od Community Challenge is INCORRECT? 本题考查重要细节。根据听力原文可知,这项挑战已有数千人参加,并且为期六周,因此排除 A和 B;根据听力原文可知,艾米正在等待参加这个挑战,因此排除 C;原文中并未提及该挑战正在进行中,因此 D为正确答案。A.She is an advisor. B.She is a website contributor.C.She is the health expert.D.She is a coach of the Challenge.解析:听力原文 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about Amy? 本题考查重要细节。根据听力原文可知,IVillage 投稿人艾米是健康专家,而听力原文又表明 IVllage是一家网站,故排除 B和 C;根据听力原文可知,艾米是挑战者中的两位教练之一,因此排除 D。采访中并未提及艾米是顾问,所以 D为正确答案。A.It is designed for men who are overlo

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