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1、专业八级-79 及答案解析(总分:99.01,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPART LISTENIN(总题数:1,分数:10.00)BSECTION A/BIn this section you will hear a mini. lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the lecture, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a ga

2、p-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE after the mini. lecture. Use the blank paper for note taking.Now listen to the mini-lecture.BAbout Wetlands in the U.S.A./BPeople enjoy a famous soup (SHE-CRAB SOUP) in North Carolina because the days of the regional soup may be getting fewer and fewer: “no wetland

3、s, no seafood“.B . The current situation of wetlands:/B1) California has lost (1)_of wetlands 91 percent, (1) _and the rate of loss of wetlands is an acre per minute.2) 21 other states have losted at least halfof their (2)_ (2) _B . The key value of wetlands:/B1) Each acre of wetland is worth (3)_mo

4、re money than (3) _an acre of ocean in the benefits;2) Wetlands act like sponges and (4)_like our kidney: (4) _A. filtering out hazardous materials like dirt, chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers;B. serving as large (5)_areas. (5) _3) More important than ocean (6)_in the diversity of species suppor

5、ted. (6) _B . The possible measures to protect wetlands:/B1) Convince people to stop (7)_or doing business in former wetlands; (7) _2) Encourage developers and businesses to stay in (8)_cities; (8) _3) Get the government to stop developers from building in wetlands;4) Raise (9)_of this serious issue

6、; (9) _5) Protest the destruction of wetlands when we see it.B . The only solution:/BAn increase in (10)_in favor of protecting wetlands. (10) _which both the builders and the government will listen.(分数:10.00)(1).(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_二、BSECTI

7、ON B/B(总题数:1,分数:5.00)In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview with a chief, editor. At the end of the interview you will be

8、given 10 seconds to answer each of the following questions.Now listen to the interview.(分数:5.00)(1).What strikes the woman most about the male robber is his_.(分数:1.00)A.clothesB.ageC.physiqueD.appearance(2).The most detailed information about the woman robber is her_.(分数:1.00)A.mannersB.talkativenes

9、 interviewee is believed to be a bank_.(分数:1.00)A.receptionistB.managerC.customerD.cashier(4).Which of the following about the two robbers is NOT true?(分数:1.00)A.Both were wearing dark sweaters.B.Neither was wearing glasses.C.Both were about the same age.D.One of them was ma

10、rked by a scar.(5).After the incident the interviewee sounded_.(分数:1.00)A.calm and quietB.nervous and numbC.timid and confusedD.shocked and angry三、BSECTION C/B(总题数:2,分数:4.00)In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the corre

11、ct answer to each question, on your answer sheet.Questions 6 and 7 are based on the following news item. At the end of the news item, you will be given I0 seconds to answer each question.Now listen to the news.(分数:2.00)(1).Which of the following is not the reason for the English couples divorce?(分数:

12、1.00)A.Mrs. Turner moved the furniture for 38 years.B.Mr. Turner could not bear her.C.Mr. Turner had committed adultery since January.D.Mrs. Turner refused to stop the moving of furniture.(2).Why did the couple moved from the matrimonial home into a caravan with some of the furniture fixed to the fl

13、oor?(分数:1.00)A.They hoped it could cure Mrs. Turner s illness.B.They were tired of old environment.C.They hoped the obsession would stop.D.They wanted to lead a new life.Questions 8 and 9 are based on the following news item. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each q

14、uestion.Now listen to the news. (分数:2.01)(1).Haier Group bid for Maytag is_.(分数:0.67)A.$1.75 billionB.$18.5 billionC.$16.4 billionD.$1.3 billion(2).Which statement is not true according to the news?(分数:0.67)A.This is the biggest takeover battle for China.B.Chinas bid will probably trigger a costly b

15、iding competition over the company Unacal.C.The US is planning forbidding Chinese company s bids for US company.D.Unocal has agreed to be sold to another American oil company._四、BPART READING (总题数:9,分数:20.00)In this section there are several reading passages followed by a total of twenty multiple-ch

16、oice questions. Read the passages carefully and then mark your answers on your coloured answer sheet.BTEXT A/BThe wave of job cuts sweeping through the utility sector gathered pace yesterday with 800 more redundancies planned by two electricity groups joining forces in order to meet regulators price

17、 demands and improve efficiency.Trade unions expressed anger that the announcement by two foreign-owned utilities, London Electricity and Eastern Electricity, came during the period immediately before Christmas. They noted that it arrived on the back of nearly.1,300 other job losses in this sector s

18、ince early October.Half of the 160,000 jobs in the electricity sector have gone since, privatization in 19881More than 2,000 redundancies have also been announced recently by water companies, and more are expected from United Utilities as they, too, seek to meet tougher regulatory targets.Not everyo

19、ne in the industry is convinced that the current spate of job cuts in the utility sector is justified.One leading industry executive, who wanted to remain anonymous, said: “I am very concerned that companies are using the regulators price cut as an excuse for carrying out general cuts that they have

20、 wanted to do for some time. It is causing disquiet among utilities customers.“If regulatory approval is given London Electricity a unit of Electricite de France and Eastern Electricity, controlled by American conglomerate Texas Utilities, will form a joint venture from April 1, 2000, which will run

21、 their respective electricity distribution businesses.The companies will continue to compete on the supply and billing side of their operations but hope the new alliance will be able to win third party business, whether in electricity or other sectors such as gas.The 800 job losses mean a quarter of

22、 the jobs affected by the joint venture will be lost within 18 months, and that the remaining positions will be dependant on the general level of business activity.The two companies plan to achieve cost savings through fewer workers, having a single information system, smaller number of buildings an

23、d buying more in hulk.Phil Turbeville, chief executive of Texas Utilities TXS Europe subsidiary, said: “It is the responsible management response to the challenges of the tough price control while delivering further improvements in customer service.“He added that customers would benefit because lowe

24、r costs meant more money available for new investment, and denied that the decision could have been made at a better time or would have been different if it had not been a foreign-owned group.“Whether we told staff just before Christmas or just after it would have been the same. There is no good tim

25、e to make redundancies. As you can see from what Scottish-based utilities have been doing, this is nothing to do with Paris or Texas. It is just prudent management,“ Mr. Turbeville said.(分数:4.00)(1).The phrase “gathered pace“ in the first paragraph most probably refers to_.(分数:1.00)A.speeded upB.slo

26、wed downC.continuedD.ended(2).From early October, about_people have lost their jobs in utility sector.(分数:1.00)A.800B.160,000C.1,300D.2,100(3).When the author says that the remaining positions will be dependent on the general level of business activity, he implies that_.(分数:1.00)A.the remaining empl

27、oyers should undertake business activitiesB.the remaining employers will work hard for the companyC.the remaining employers may lose their jobs in the futureD.the remaining employers may get high wages(4).Phil Turbeville held that_.(分数:1.00)A.the announcement time is appropriateB.the situation can b

28、e different without a foreign-owned groupC.the situation can be different without regulator price demandD.the management Of the company should be further improved1.BTEXT B/BSecurity concerns have prompted the federal departments of State and Homeland Security to tighten the process for issuing visas

29、 and to impose rigorous new monitoring procedures for many international students once they enter the United States. Colleges have struggled to comply with new reporting requirements and deal with admitted students whose entry into the country has been delayed by the new procedures.One result of the

30、se problems has been a renewed discussion of the presence of substantial numbers of international students on U.S. campuses. Anecdotal reports suggest that the number of new international students entering the United States is declining.The downward trend is consistent with data on the number of stu

31、dent visas being issued by the State Department. Applications by Arab and Muslim men and those of any student seeking to study science had to be sent to Washington for review, and men from 25 countries identified as potential harbors for terrorism face new registration requirements once they enter t

32、he United States.These procedures led to long lines at U.S. consulates around the world and to many well-publicized situations in which students were unable to reach their intended campus in time for the opening of classes last autumn.One continuing problem, university officials say, is that U.S. co

33、nsulates no longer routinely renew visas for international students whose visas expire while they are home for vacations or other short visits.The issue of whether some students will continue to view the United States as a desirable place to study has also become a source of discussion. John Shull,

34、college adviser at the Cairo American College, said, “We are seeing more of our students looking at non-U.S, universities.“ Lynch of Penn State said that his university is now getting “very few new students from the Middle Eastespecially males“.Stricter U.S. restrictions on foreign students studying

35、 in America and delays in processing visa requests appear to be doing part of the job for the British. Applications to British universities from foreign students have surged in the last year, particularly from countries with predominantly Muslim populations.Among countries sending significant number

36、s of students to Britain, the biggest increases in applications were from Saudi Arabia. Education officials did not provide reasons for this striking pattern. But some individual universities said there were indications that new U.S. regulations and stricter enforcement were playing at least some ro

37、le. In Britain, students can also get an education in English, at internationally known universities, but perhaps with a bit less hassle.Officials said that, while Britain did not impose new regulations on students seeking visas to study here, enforcement of existing rules and scrutiny of applicatio

38、ns may have been stepped up. Admissions authorities say they have had more contact with the police, and they are being more diligent about requiting students to leave the country once their visas expire.Still, either out of choice or necessity, some students apparently are finding Britain to be a mo

39、re attractive option than the United States._BTEXT B/BSecurity concerns have prompted the federal departments of State and Homeland Security to tighten the process for issuing visas and to impose rigorous new monitoring procedures for many international students once they enter the United States. Co

40、lleges have struggled to comply with new reporting requirements and deal with admitted students whose entry into the country has been delayed by the new procedures.One result of these problems has been a renewed discussion of the presence of substantial numbers of international students on U.S. camp

41、uses. Anecdotal reports suggest that the number of new international students entering the United States is declining.The downward trend is consistent with data on the number of student visas being issued by the State Department. Applications by Arab and Muslim men and those of any student seeking t

42、o study science had to be sent to Washington for review, and men from 25 countries identified as potential harbors for terrorism face new registration requirements once they enter the United States.These procedures led to long lines at U.S. consulates around the world and to many well-publicized sit

43、uations in which students were unable to reach their intended campus in time for the opening of classes last autumn.One continuing problem, university officials say, is that U.S. consulates no longer routinely renew visas for international students whose visas expire while they are home for vacation

44、s or other short visits.The issue of whether some students will continue to view the United States as a desirable place to study has also become a source of discussion. John Shull, college adviser at the Cairo American College, said, “We are seeing more of our students looking at non-U.S, universiti

45、es.“ Lynch of Penn State said that his university is now getting “very few new students from the Middle Eastespecially males“.Stricter U.S. restrictions on foreign students studying in America and delays in processing visa requests appear to be doing part of the job for the British. Applications to

46、British universities from foreign students have surged in the last year, particularly from countries with predominantly Muslim populations.Among countries sending significant numbers of students to Britain, the biggest increases in applications were from Saudi Arabia. Education officials did not pro

47、vide reasons for this striking pattern. But some individual universities said there were indications that new U.S. regulations and stricter enforcement were playing at least some role. In Britain, students can also get an education in English, at internationally known universities, but perhaps with a bit less hassle.Officials said that, while Britain did not impose new regulations on students seeking visas to study here, enforcement of existing rules and scrutiny of applications may have been stepped up. Admissions authorities say they have had more contact with the police, and th

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