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1、中级口译第二部分口试-9 及答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Passage 1(总题数:1,分数:5.00)1.(分数:5.00)_三、Passage 2(总题数:1,分数:5.00)2.(分数:5.00)_四、Part B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Passage 1(总题数:1,分数:5.00)3.(分数:5.00)_六、Passage 2(总题数:1,分数:5.00)4.(分数:5.00)_中级口译第二部分口试-9 答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、

2、Passage 1(总题数:1,分数:5.00)1.(分数:5.00)_正确答案:(我为应邀在这所知名学府,在你们的毕业日这一重要的场合,作为毕业典礼的演讲嘉宾而感到万分荣幸。通过每年输送毕业生,贵校及其促进教育事业的崇高任务在构建国家蓝图方面一直起着重要的作用。贵校对于推行这一任务的目标从未动摇过。大学把你们培养成为具有全球竞争力的人才,同时也把你们塑造成今后无论在哪儿工作都能让祖国为你们自豪的男男女女。当然,你们必须努力工作来为更美好的明天做准备。但在这个过程中,你们应该考虑用更好的途径来回报社会,造福同胞。)解析:听力原文You have done me a great honor in

3、 inviting as as your Commencement Speaker on this very important occasion your graduation day, in this very prestigious university.Your university and its noble task of promoting education played a great part, and continue to do so, in charting the fate of our nation through the graduates that it pr

4、oduces each year. And its goal of advancing such tasks has not wavered.The University honed you to become a globally competitive talent and at the same time molded you as men and women who would make our country proud wherever they may be in the practice of their profession.Of course, you would work

5、 hard to prepare yourself for a better future. But in doing so, you should think of better ways to return the favor for the welfare of your fellowmen.三、Passage 2(总题数:1,分数:5.00)2.(分数:5.00)_正确答案:(我非常荣幸能在全国对外贸易理事会在纽约市召开的国际贸易晚宴上做这次主题演讲。我很乐意利用这次机会向大家汇报一下世界贸易组织已完成的大量工作,其中包括新知识经济的有关问题以及在过去的几个月我们所取得的重大成果。我很

6、高兴地告诉大家,上次西雅图会议之后世界贸易组织并非无所事事。原地踏步意味着退步,接受现状则表示向昨天妥协。首先,我们发起了关于农业和服务业的谈判。这些方面的产值占全球总量的三分之二还多。在未来的贸易自由化中,这些领域能获得的潜在利润是惊人的。)解析:听力原文It is a great pleasure and honor to give this keynote speech at the National Foreign Trade Councils World Trade Dinner here in New York City.I welcome this opportunity to

7、report to you on the considerable work the WTO has done, including on issues related to the new knowledge-based economy, and the important results we have achieved over the last few months.I am pleased to report that the WTO has not stood idle since Seattle. Standing still is going backwards. Accept

8、ing the status quo means accepting yesterdays compromise.First, we have launched negotiations on agriculture and services. Together, these sectors account for over two-thirds of world output. The potential gains from further liberalization in these areas are huge.四、Part B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Passage 1(总

9、题数:1,分数:5.00)3.(分数:5.00)_正确答案:(No eating tools on the Chinese dinner table are more magical and distinctive than the chopsticks. For thousands of years we Chinese have always regarded chopsticks the simplest possible and the most efficient tool for meals.Chopsticks can be made of a variety of materi

10、als, including bamboo, wood, jade, ivory, plastic, gold and silver and so on.For Westemers, the mastery of the method and skills for using chopsticks may be quite challenging at the beginning. But as long as you have patience and concentrate on practice, you will soon be able to use chopsticks skill

11、fully enough to enjoy a Chinese meal.If you want to enjoy a Chinese meal in the real sense, it is not only necessary, but also very interesting, to spend some patient time learning to acquire the skills of using chopsticks.)解析:听力原文中餐桌上最神奇、最有特色的用餐工具莫过于筷子。几千年来我们中国人一直视筷子为一种最简单同时也是最有效的用餐工具。关于筷子的用料,其种类各有

12、不同,选材包括竹子、木材、玉石、象牙、塑料、金银等。对于西方人来说,掌握用筷的方法和技巧在开始时也许难度很大,但是只要有耐心,用心去练,不久便可以熟练地使用筷子享用中餐。如果想享用一顿真正意义上的中餐,那么花时间耐心学习用筷技艺不仅很有必要而且也很有趣。六、Passage 2(总题数:1,分数:5.00)4.(分数:5.00)_正确答案:(According to Chinese statistics, China has imported American products of USD 11.35 billion from January to March of this yearmark

13、ing a year-on-year increase of 43.2% which is higher than Chinas average import growth rate in the same period.To expand US export to China requires more than the unilateral efforts of China. The American side should also show sincerity and take concrete actions to remove that biggest obstacle again

14、st its export to China.Now China is equipped with adequate foreign exchange reserve and driven by a strong demand on hi-tech products caused by economic growth.As far as the US removes those unreasonable export control measures, there will be no problem for China to import more hi-tech products from the US every year with a value of several billion or billions of dollars.)解析:听力原文根据中国的统计数据,今年 1 月到 3 月,中国已从美国进口产品计 113.5 亿美元,同比增长 43.2%,超出了中国同期进口平均增长速度。要想扩大美国对中国的出口,这不能单单依靠中国单方面的努力。美方也应真诚地采取具体行动去除对中出口的最大障碍。目前,中国有充足的外汇储备,经济增长也要求大量进口高科技产品。只要美国去除那些不合理的控制出口措施,这样中国很自然每年将从美国进口十几亿甚至几百亿的高科技产品。

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