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1、专业八级-356 及答案解析(总分:104.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPART LISTENIN(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BSECTION A/B(总题数:1,分数:10.00)IIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete

2、a gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE after the mini-lecture. Use the blank sheet for note taking.Now listen to the mini-lecture./IB How Interpreters Work?/B. UnderstandingA. About words and expressionsU 1 /U_ words may be left out: U 1 /U_If not knowing a key word or expression,a) admit or clarify

3、 the question if necessary, with the delegates.b) deduce from U 3 /U_ U 3 /U_B. About ideas/conceptsU 5 /U_ of different kinds of texts that U 5 /U_a) present logical argumentsb) present a sequence of U 7 /U_ U 7 /U_c) are descriptive, focusing on an event, a scene or a situationidentification of th

4、e main ideasanalysis of ideas linked by U 9 /U_ U 9 /U_. Memorization of a speechA. Objectiveto create a telegraphic version of the discourseto link its different parts through its semantic-logical connectionsB. Means of memorizationconcentrating on the ideasconnecting main ideas to a series of U 11

5、 /U_ U 11 /U_focusing on the links among the main ideas. U 13 /U_ of the content in another language U 13 /U_A. Goal: make sure the audience understand the speech.B. Suggestions:enriching ones general vocabulary and stylefollowing the press in ones native languagewatching TV, see movies, etc. in the

6、 U 15 /U_ language U 15 /U_. ConclusionA. Interpreting is a profession that is all about communication:“make their own speech“ U 17 /U_ the speeches they interpret U 17 /U_be faithful to the original speechas accurate as possibleB. Interpreters should take advantage ofall the possible U 19 /U_ avail

7、able in their working languages. U 19 /U_ (分数:10.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_三、BSECTION B/B(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)(1).What are the speakers mainly discussing? A. Memberships in a food co - up. B. The benefits of health food. C. Shopping in the supermarke

8、t. D. The current cost of food.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).What change does the woman suggest the co - up make? A. Lowering its prices. B. Selling more household necessities. C. Changing its membership rules. D. Opening up more checkout lines.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).What is one thing the members of the co - u

9、p must do? A. Avoid junk food. B. Attend monthly meetings. C. Buy cleaning supplies at the co - up. D. Work at the co - up.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).Why might the man join the co - up? A. To save money on food. B. To buy food without additives. C. To do all his shopping in one place. D. To meet other hea

10、lth - conscious people.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5).Whats the advantage for the people who join the co - up for 6 month period? A. The membership fee is lower. B. They can help choose the products that will be sold. C. They may attend fewer meetings. D. They may go to the co -up more times per week.(分数:1.00

11、)A.B.C.D.四、BSECTION C/B(总题数:2,分数:4.00)(分数:2.00)(1).According to the findings by the American researchers, what is of help in relieving patients pain and worry? A. Brain. B. Skin. C. Medicine. D. A sharp needle.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).Magnetic resonance imaging devices can show _. A. dependence on illeg

12、al drugs B. targeted points on the body C. the change in the flow of blood D. whether a patient can be treated by acupuncture(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(分数:2.00)(1).CEBS reported that A. most European banks have failed the stress tests. B. half European banks have failed the stress tests. C. a few European ba

13、nks have failed the stress tests. D. none European banks have failed the stress tests.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).Some analysts feel that A. the standards of the stress tests are not high enough. B. under the present economic situation, there should be some compromises. C. the tests may have a lot of unsol

14、ved problems and disputes. D. the European Central Bank should be more involved in the tests.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.五、BPART READING (总题数:0,分数:0.00)六、BTEXT A/B(总题数:1,分数:5.00)“I do.“ To Americans those two words can-y great meaning. They can even change your life. Especially if you say them at your own wedd

15、ing. Making wedding vows is like signing a contract. Now Americans dont really think marriage is a business deal. But marriage is serious business.It all begins with engagement. Traditionally, a young man asks the father of his sweetheart for permission to marry her. If the father agrees, the man la

16、ter proposes to her. Often he tries to surprise her by “popping the question“ in a romantic way. Sometimes the couple just decides together that the time is right to get married. The man usually gives his fiance a diamond ring as a symbol of their engagement. They may be engaged for weeks, months or

17、 even years. As the big day approaches, bridal showers and bachelors parties provide many useful gifts. Today many couples also receive counseling during engagement. This prepares them for the challenges of married life.At last its time for the wedding. Although most weddings follow long-held tradit

18、ions, theres still room for American individualism. For example, the usual place for a wedding is in a church. But some people get married outdoors in a scenic spot. A few even have the ceremony while sky-diving or riding on horseback! The couple may invite hundreds of people or just a few close fri

19、ends. They choose their own style of colors, decorations and music during the ceremony. But some things rarely change. The bride usually wears a beautiful, long white wedding dress. She traditionally wears “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue“. The groom wears a forma

20、l suit or tuxedo. Several close friends participate in the ceremony as attendants, including the best man and the maid of honor.As the ceremony begins, the groom and his attendants stand with the minister, facing the audience. Music signals the entrance of the brides attendants, followed by the beau

21、tiful bride. Nervously, the young couple repeats their vows. Traditionally, they promise to love each other “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health“. But sometimes the couple has composed their own vows. They give each other a gold ring to symbolize their marriage c

22、ommitment. Finally the minister announces the big moment: “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride!“At the wedding reception, the bride and groom greet their guests. Then they cut the wedding cake and feed each other a bite. Guests mingle while enjoying cake, punch and other treats

23、. Later the bride throws her bouquet of flowers to a group of single girls. Tradition says that the one who catches the bouquet will be the next to marry. During the reception, playful friends “decorate“ the couples car with tissue paper, tin cans and a “Just Married“ sign. When the reception is ove

24、r, the newlyweds run to their “decorated“ car and speed off. Many couples take a honeymoon, a one-to-two-week vacation trip, to celebrate their new marriage.Almost every culture has rituals to signal a change in ones life. Marriage is one of the most basic life changes for people of all cultures. So

25、 its no surprise to find many traditions about getting married.even in America. Yet each couple follows the traditions in a way that is uniquely their own.(分数:5.00)(1).The word “business“ occurs twice in the first paragraph, what does the second “business“ mean? A. Trade. B. Affair. C. Duty. D. Righ

26、t.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).There are many traditions about getting married, which of the following is Not mentioned in this passage? A. The engagement. B. The wedding ceremony. C. The bridal party. D. The marriage application.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).Which of the following can reflect American individualism

27、? A. Holding their wedding ceremony in a scenic spot. B. Choosing their groomsman and a maid of honor. C. Choosing their wedding dress. D. Inviting their best friends.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).In the authors opinion, _. A. American young couples have no chance to show their individualism in their marriag

28、e B. American young couples dont like to following long-held traditions C. American young couples are inclined to follow the marriage traditions D. American young couples marry in their own way(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5).On what kind of journal may this article be published? A. Traveling journal. B. Editor

29、ial section of a journal. C. Language journal. D. An introduction to American cultures.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.七、BTEXT B/B(总题数:1,分数:5.00)Last year, when President George W. Bush announced that federal funds could be used to support research on human embryonic stem cells, he mandated that only those cell li

30、nes that existed at the time would qualify for such support. More than a year later, its becoming increasingly :clear that these existing cell lines are inadequate. Unless more are created, the research slowdown may exact a staggering cost in terms of human suffering.Since this announcement, the US

31、National Institutes of Health has tried to stimulate research on .the existing cell lines with new funding and efforts to streamline the initially cumbersome process of obtaining approved cells. However, whether there are 60 cell lines, as originally stated, or nine, as now appear to be available to

32、 NIH-funded investigators, the number is not adequate. Given the genetic diversity within the population, scientists need access to new cell lines if they are to come up with the most effective cell therapies.The issue is partly one of safety. In conducting research with human participants, we must

33、minimize risks. The most effective cell line might not be the safest. When developing a new medicine, a large number of molecules must be screened to find a balance between effectiveness and safety. The same is true with cells. In the context of cell therapy, it will be important to minimize unwante

34、d immune reactions and inflammation This requires selection from a large number of cell lines to obtain the best match.Its clear from experiments with animals that stem-cell therapies can reduce human suffering as Parkinsonian mice have been cured with embryonic stem cells that were programmed to be

35、come dopamine-secreting, replacement nerve ceils. Soon, cells induced to make insulin in tissue cultures will be used in attempts to treat diabetic mice. Similar successes have been achieved in animal models of spinal-cord injury, heart failure and other degenerative disorders. We are at a frontier

36、in medicine where tissues will be restored in ways that were not imaginable just a few years ago. The ethical issues raised by human-embryo research are profound. The human costs of restricting this research must be taken into account as well. The cost in dollars of delaying new stem-cell research i

37、s difficult to estimate. It might measure in the hundreds of billions of dollars, especially if one adds the lost productivity of individuals who must leave work to care for victims of degenerative disorders.A less obvious, but real, cost is the damage to the fabric of Americas extraordinary culture

38、 of inquiry and technical development in biomedical science. Our universities and teaching hospitals are unparalleled. We attract the very best students, scientists and physicians from around the world. But these institutions are fragile. Research and education play key roles in attracting the best

39、physicians. A crippled research enterprise might add an unbearable stress with long-lasting effects on the entire system. If revolutionary new therapies are delayed or outlawed, we could be set back for years, if not decades.To steer clear of controversy, some investigators will redirect their resea

40、rch. Others will emigrate to countries where such research is allowed and encouraged. Some will drop out entirely. The pall cast over the science community could extend far beyond stem-cell research. Many therapies have emerged from collaboration between government-sponsored researchers and private

41、enterprise Few of these discoveries would have emerged if, for instance, recombinant DNA research had been outlawed 30 years ago. We face the same type of decision today with limits placed on human embryonic stem cells. Safeguards will be necessary. But if we do not proceed embracing the values of o

42、bjective, open, inquiry with complete sharing of methods and results, the field will be left to less rigorous fringe groups here and abroad. Patients and society will suffer.(分数:5.00)(1).It can be inferred from Paragraph l that the author _. A. is in favor of stem-cell research B. welcomes the resea

43、rch slowdown C. takes a neutral stand on the research D. thinks it essential to Speed up the research(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).The word streamline“ in Paragraph 2 probably means _. A. strengthen B. simplify C. ascertain D. subvert(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).All of the following are the consequences of the resea

44、rch slowdown EXCEPT _. A. the negative impact on technical advancement B. the detriment to the culture of inquiry C. the loss of ones productivity D. the collapse of American dreams(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).Which of the following statements about the research is TRUE? A. Some researchers are dubious of t

45、he feasibility of the research. B. Private enterprise doesnt show the interest in the research. C. There should be a balance between caution and audacity. D. Many researchers have given up their research.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5).The most suitable title for the passage would be _. A. The Cell Lines B. Th

46、e Stem-cell Research C. The Dangers of Delay D. Costs on American Patients(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.八、BTEXT C/B(总题数:1,分数:6.00)Vibrations in the ground are a poorly understood but probably widespread means of communication between animals.It seems unlikely that these animals could have detected seismic “pre-s

47、hocks“ that were missed by the sensitive vibration-detecting equipment that clutters the worlds earthquake laboratories. But it is possible. And the fact that many animal species behave strangely before other natural events such as storms, and that they have the ability to detect others of their species at distances which the familiar human senses could not manage, is well established. Such observations have led some to suggest that these animals have a kind of extra

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