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1、专业英语八级(作文)-试卷78及答案解析 (总分:10.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、WRITING(总题数:5,分数:10.00)1.PART V WRITING(分数:2.00)_2.Chinese are no longer strangers to Western Festivals. Many Chinese people now celebrate the Valentines Day, Christmas, Halloween and even Thanksgiving Day. Some people think it is absurd for Chinese to obse

2、rve these Western Festivals. The following are excerpts about this issue. Read them carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly both excerpts, and then 2. give your comment on whether we should discourage Chinese to celebrate Western Festiva

3、ls.Excerpt 1 Citizens, schools and even whole towns in China are attempting to curb Christmas celebrations amid a backlash against what is seen as the increasing influence of Western culture. Schools in the city of Wenzhou in Chinas Zhejiang province have been forbidden from holding any Christmas-re

4、lated events, after authorities issued an official ban. An education official in the city, which is home to one million Chinese Christians, told the paper We are not suppressing western festivals, but we hope schools can be more balanced on this. Students can learn about western festivals but they s

5、hould not be over-enthusiastic about it.In addition, Modern College of Northwest University, located in Xian, has banned Christmas celebrations, according to reports, choosing instead to have students attend screenings of what were described as propaganda films about Confucius on Christmas Eve. In a

6、nother protest, college students in Hunan took to the streets to protest against Christmas celebrations. Xinhua news agency noted that celebrating Christmas has become trendy among young Chinese, who see the festival as a time to shop, party and dine with friends, but that proponents of traditional

7、Chinese culture have warned against cultural invasion. Ironically, despite the authorities hostility to Christmas in China, the country manufactures 60 percent of the worlds Christmas decorations, according to The Guardian.Excerpt 2 Many Westerners may be surprised at the way Chinese people have mad

8、e Christmas a festival of their own. Todays youths are under great pressureeither from work or studiesand dont get enough time to spend with their families or friends. And western festivals like Christmas provide them a good opportunity to make up for that loss. The popularity of western holidays in

9、 China shows that an increasing number of Chinese people are pursuing individuality and are ready to spend money to buy more quality leisure time. The increasing popularity of western festivals, however, has drawn the anger of nationalists. A few years ago, 10 scholars from prestigious Chinese unive

10、rsities wrote an open letter asking Chinese people to boycott Christmas celebrations and resist the invasion of foreign soft power. In a recent online survey on what netizens think of Chinese-style Christmas, 39.2 percent of the respondents said they merely use Christmas as an opportunity to celebra

11、te an occasion. But there is no denying that many of the Chinese people, especially the youth, who celebrate western festivals dont know why they are celebrated or observed. In contrast, most Chinese know full well the origins and importance of Chinese festivals. This is the power and unconscious in

12、fluence of traditional culture and that cannot be erased by the influence of western festivals. The seeming invasion of foreign culture, to a certain extent, poses a threat to traditional Chinese culture. But Chinese culture, rooted as it is in thousands of years of history, can ward off the evil in

13、fluence of foreign cultures and absorb the merits of exotic cultures to become even richer.(分数:2.00)_3.The Slow City Movement, which is initiated in Italy and advocates slowing down the rhythm of life and tuning in a green and sustainable lifestyle, has recently awarded Gaochun, a little village in

14、Jiangsu the title of Slow City for its laid-back lifestyle and sustainability. The following article provides detailed information about this movement. Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the article; 2. give your comment on this movement. Sleepy Org

15、anic Town Wins First Slow City Prize A quiet village within Gaochun county, Jiangsu province of East China, has recently come under the media spotlight. Yaxi village, with a population of 20,000, has been designated Chinas first slow city by Cittaslow, the sustainable lifestyle movement that first s

16、urfaced in Italy 11 years ago. At home, the residents at Yaxi are unfazed and pretty much unimpressed by the honor. To them, life has been like this for as long as they can remember. Slow city? That sounds like us, said 81-year-old Mei Weibing, whose shoe shop in Gaochuns Old Street has been around

17、for more than 50 years. Every cloth shoe is painstakingly hand-stitched and Mei proudly declares: I spend three days making one perfect pair of shoes. It is this pride and spirit that first impressed Cittaslow, and the award is only a confirmation of the concerted efforts to preserve an old-country,

18、 small-village atmosphere where growth is limited, chain stores are discouraged and civic life revolves around a close-knit society. Nobody living in this little county had heard of Cittaslow or the words slow city before this. The first time I heard the term was last July, when the vice-president o

19、f Cittaslow, Angelo Vassallo, visited Yaxi village, said Zuo Niansheng, the chief editor of local newspaper Gaochun Today. Vassallo was deeply impressed by this villages natural and cultural resources and said it perfectly fitted the requirements for a slow city, Zuo said. Cittaslow was founded in T

20、uscany, Italy, in 1999, and it actively advocates a lifestyle that is sustainable, that will improve quality of life, and will preserve cultural and culinary heritage. There are now 135 accredited slow cities in 24 countries across the world. In China, we will start with Gaochun, said Cittaslow chai

21、rman Pier Giorgio Oliveti. Slow city is not a Europe-centered project, it is for the planet. But the Slow City label has drawn criticism from some people who see it as further proof that Gaochun has walled itself off as an isolated enclave. Wang Hongtao, who comes from a farming family in Yaxi villa

22、ge, has another take on the laid-back life. He said he probably has a higher happiness index than those living in big cities like Beijing or Shanghai. We are homebodies. We love our hometown and we are not interested in moving to big cities in pursuit of the so-called better life. I guess there are

23、two sides to the coin. Being awarded the Slow City tag may also have its flip-side, if things are not carefully managed. Tourism is set to boom. Already, a new resort villa has opened and a new tour route to Yaxi is already in operationall prepared for the potential rise in visitors.(分数:2.00)_4.Chin

24、ese visitors are received with mixed feelings by overseas destinations. On the one hand, Chinese visitors are the largest portion of luxury consumers in the world. On the other hand, they are usually noisy, tacky and uncivil. The following article illustrates Chinese visitors misbehavior. Read it ca

25、refully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the article; 2. give your comment, especially on what measures could be taken to regulate Chinese tourists behavior. Watch Your Behavior Overseas, Chinese Tourists Told The number of Chinese tourists

26、the worlds biggest tourism spendersvisiting Indonesia last year exceeded Australians, who over the years have been ranked third after Singaporeans and Malaysians. Chinese tourists have been reminded by overseas embassies to behave well and respect local laws, regulations and customs as the National

27、Day holiday approaches. In a security notice on its website, the Chinese embassy in Canada reminds Chinese tourists visiting the country to dress well, avoid loud arguments and to refrain from drawing graffiti. When flights are delayed, these tourists should do their best to understand and cooperate

28、, the embassy said. The Chinese embassy in Thailand released a similar notice on its website, saying that anyone traveling overseas with a condescending attitude would ruin their own image. Every Chinese tourist should represent the countrys image, the notice said, adding, It is true patriotism to r

29、espect other people and behave civilly. Chinese tourists have a longer vacation this year, with Sundays Mid-Autumn Festival falling close to the National Day holiday. Travel agencies including C, China Youth Travel Service and L all reported outbound bookings during the holiday increasing by at leas

30、t by 150 per cent year-on-year.But amid the boom, some Chinese tourists have triggered controversy with reports of bad behavior, including four visitors who vented their anger in Bangkok on last month after an announcement that their return flight to Chongqing would be delayed by about nine hours be

31、cause of bad weather and technical issues. China Central Television reported that many scenic areas in Thailand have put up signs in Chinese reminding Chinese tourists to be well behaved. In April, the China National Tourism Administration started to keep records of bad behavior. So far, 11 incident

32、s have been reported on its website, including six related to tourists in Thailand.Ctrip, Chinas leading travel service provider based in Shanghai, said it had introduced a mobile app and videos to help guide its clients, especially individual travelers. Yan Xin, a publicity officer at the company,

33、said, Much bad behavior is caused by misunderstandings, language barriers and lack of overseas travel experience. Some incidents could be avoided if homework was done in advance. Dai Bin, director of the China Tourism Academy, said more legal measures should be introduced to regulate tourists behavi

34、or. Some behavior cannot just be categorized as uncivilized behavior, such as drawing graffiti on ancient relics. Such behavior should be punished according to laws or regulations, Dai said.(分数:2.00)_5.As flourishing tourism brings economy interests to many places while also destroying their local c

35、ultures, some people are calling on restriction for it. However, some hold that tourism, to some extent, can also help to save local cultures. From the following excerpts, you can find different opinions towards tourisms influence on local cultures. Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in whi

36、ch you should: 1. summarize briefly the arguments on both sides, and then 2. give your comment.Excerpt 1 In a town along a river cutting between green mountains, men and women spin and stamp feet to the beat of drums. One dancer waving a knife is wrapped head-to-foot in leafy branches, his flashing

37、eyes barely visible through the mask. This traditional dance reflects the Jamaican Maroons specialty: the ambush. It was once a secret ritual of the fierce bands of escaped slaves who won freedom by launching attacks and repelling invasions of their forest havens. But on this day, descendants of tho

38、se 18th century escapees are performing for tourists in a fenced dancing yard in Charles Town, a Maroon settlement in eastern Jamaica that seemed destined to lose its traditions until revivalists gradually brought it back. Maroons in the Caribbean are increasingly showcasing their unique culture for

39、 visitors in hopes that heritage tourism will guarantee jobs for the young generation and preserve what remains of their centuries-old practices in mostly remote settlements. For a long time, its been very difficult to keep the young people because they tend to leave for the cities to seek work. But

40、 now we can train tour guides and our people can sell their crafts, their banana and coconuts, said Fearon Williams, the leader one of Jamaicas semi-autonomous Maroon region. An annual Jan. 6 celebration draws thousands of visitors to the isolated town, which sits among rocky cliffs and stone towers

41、 in northwestern Jamaica. Tourism is making us stronger.Excerpt 2 Bali, which is known as the island of gods, is threatened to the point that it could soon be unrecognizable. In the beginning, Bali was mostly cultural tourism. Today, we are witnessing mass tourism. And thats the very problem! says W

42、ayan Suardana, a manager at the Walhi NGO, which fights to preserve the environment. We used culture like merchandise, says Ketut Yuliarsa, a poet from Ubud. The Balinese are people who are still deeply attached to their religion and culture, they spend a lot of time in temples, they respect the rit

43、es. But mass tourism is disrupting their practices: the diversity of local cultures and the specificity of rituals is being unified, homogenized. We offer a standardized package to foreigners. One example: tourist guides use Polynesian practices, like giving out garland of flowers to new arrivalsas

44、though it was a Balinese custom! The difficulty in curbing these excesses is all the more difficult since tourism does have positive aspects. People have gotten richer, standards of living have increased. Many Balinese arent aware of the current changes: most of them say they are satisfied with the

45、evolution of things, says Ketut Yuliarsa. Audrey Lamou, former director of the French cultural center, has been observing this phenomenon for several years. Balinese people are increasingly obsessed with easy money. Institutions like the gamelanstraditional orchestrasare disappearing and the Balines

46、e language is slowly yielding to Indonesian. With this spectacular evolution, one wonders if the Balinese are culturally driving straight into the wall, she says.(分数:2.00)_专业英语八级(作文)-试卷78答案解析 (总分:10.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、WRITING(总题数:5,分数:10.00)1.PART V WRITING(分数:2.00)_解析:2.Chinese are no longer strangers

47、to Western Festivals. Many Chinese people now celebrate the Valentines Day, Christmas, Halloween and even Thanksgiving Day. Some people think it is absurd for Chinese to observe these Western Festivals. The following are excerpts about this issue. Read them carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly both excerpts, and then 2. give your comment on whether we should discourage Chinese to celebrate Western Festivals.Excerpt 1 Citizens, schools and even whole

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