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1、专业英语八级翻译-汉译英(一)及答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、BTRANSLATION/B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BCHINESE TO ENGL(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.苏小姐领了个二十左右的娇小女孩子出来,介绍道:“这是我表妹唐晓芙。”唐小姐妩媚端正的圆脸,有两个浅酒窝。天生着一般女人要花钱费时、调脂和粉来仿造的好脸色,新鲜得使人见了忘掉口渴而又觉嘴馋,仿佛是好水果。她眼睛并不顶大,可是灵活温柔,反衬得许多女人的大眼睛只像政治家讲的大话,大而无当。古典学者看她说笑时露出的好牙齿,会诧异为什么古今中外诗人,都甘心变成女人头插的钗,腰束的带,身体


3、时才说,“俺不认命了,只求你从今以后别再当匪,好生与俺过日子!” U他愕然,呆呆地望着她,像是在编织着一个梦幻/U。 U“你命不好,我愿意跟你去受罪。”她不知为什么眼里就闪出了泪花儿/U。 U他疑惑地走过去,接过那枪一看,惊呆如痴/U。 U“俺转了两次,可那子弹仍是对着枪管的!”她哭着说/U。“那时候,俺真想打死你,可一想你命这般苦,就有点儿可怜你了。你不知道,俺也是个苦命的人啊!”(分数:20.00)_4.孔乙己是这样的使人快活,可是没有他,别人也便这么过。 U有一天,大约是中秋前的两三天,掌柜正在慢慢的结账,取下粉板,忽然说,“孔乙己长久没有来了。还欠十九个钱呢!”我才也常得他的确长久没有


5、肥,不是也照样长大?”(分数:20.00)_专业英语八级翻译-汉译英(一)答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、BTRANSLATION/B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BCHINESE TO ENGL(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.苏小姐领了个二十左右的娇小女孩子出来,介绍道:“这是我表妹唐晓芙。”唐小姐妩媚端正的圆脸,有两个浅酒窝。天生着一般女人要花钱费时、调脂和粉来仿造的好脸色,新鲜得使人见了忘掉口渴而又觉嘴馋,仿佛是好水果。她眼睛并不顶大,可是灵活温柔,反衬得许多女人的大眼睛只像政治家讲的大话,大而无当。古典学者看她说笑时露出的好牙齿,会诧异为什么古今中外诗

6、人,都甘心变成女人头插的钗,腰束的带,身体睡的席,甚至脚下践踏的鞋袜,可是从没想到化作她的牙刷。她头发没烫,眉毛不镊,口红也没有擦,似乎安心遵守天生的限止,不要弥补造化的缺陷。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(Miss Su led out a cute little girl of about twenty and introduced her to Fang, This is my cousin, Tang Hsiao-fu. On Miss Tangs charming, well-proportioned, round face were two shallow dimples; on

7、e look at her fresh and natural complexion, which most girls would have had to spend time and money in imitating, was enough to make one drool and forget his thirst, as though her skin were a piece of delicious fruit. Not especially large, her eyes were lively and gentle, making the big eyes of many

8、 women seem like the big talk of politiciansbig and useless. A classic scholar, upon seeing her lovely teeth when she smiled, might wonder why both Chinese and Western traditional and modern poets would want to turn into the pin in a womans hair, the belt around her waist, the mat on which she slept

9、, or even the shoes and socks that she wore, and not think of transforming themselves into her toothbrush. Her hair unwaved, her eyebrows unplucked, and her lips unadorned by lipstick, she appeared to allow nature to take its own course with regard to her looks and had no wish to amend it in any way

10、.)解析:解析 妩媚端正的圆脸:“妩媚”可译为“charming,lovely,graceful”;“端正”可译为“regular features, even features, a good set of features”。如果“妩媚”和“圆”都使用形容词,可以考虑“端正”也使用形容词“a charming, well-proportioned, round face”。 新鲜得使人见了忘掉口渴而又觉嘴馋,仿佛是好水果:如果照搬原句语序,可译为“(her face) was so fresh that it made one forget ones thirst and feel glu

11、ttonous, as if it were good fruit”。虽基本能够达意,但原文流露出来的诙谐荡然无存。可以调整动词短语的顺序,使译文更加符合英语的行文习惯,译为“(her fresh and natural complexion) was enough to make one drool and forget:his thirst, as though her skin were a piece of delicious fruit。” 她眼睛并不顶大,可是灵活温柔,反衬得许多女人的大眼睛只像政治家讲的大话,大而无当:这句作者使用了四个“大”字,语言简洁,采用对比、夸张、明喻等修

12、辞方法达到幽默的效果。可译为:“Not especially large,her eyes were lively and gentle,making the big eyes of many women seem like the big talk of politiciansbig and useless.”。译文风格接近原文风格,堪称佳译。 似乎安心遵守天生的限止:“安心”指“心情安定”,“天生的限止”指“天生的长相”。如直译为“as if she contentedly abides by the natural features”,只能算达意的基本条件,但无法做到与原文神似。可译为“

13、she appeared to allow nature to take its own course with regard to her looks”。2.不徇私情之秘加拿大总理之养子犯法,法院秉公判决,不徇私情,加国总理亦大义灭亲,绝不施加任何影响,全由法院做主。消息传出,某市老干部议论纷纷,皆以为他山之石可以攻玉也。偏一现职干部妙语惊人:“人家是资本主义国家。儿子成年后即独立生活,无赡养父母之责,故父母亦不愿再袒护儿女也!”(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(Explanation for No FavoritismThe adopted son of the Canadian Prim

14、e Minister broke the law, and the Canadian court of justice, showing no favoritism, gave him the punishment which was his due. On his part, the Canadian leader, placing laws above paternal affection, refrained from exercising any influence and left the matter entirely to the court.When the retired o

15、fficials of a certain city in China read about the news, they couldnt help commenting admiringly: This should be an object lesson for us!One official still in office, however, surprised everyone with this wonderful explanation, Theirs is a capitalist country. Children come of age all live independen

16、tly from their parents and are not duty-bound to support them. Thats why they are reluctant to help their children out.)解析:解析 不徇私情之秘:“不徇私情”如译为“not be swayed by personal considerations”,文章题目会显得过于冗长。“favoritism”表示“(无原则或不公正的)照顾、偏袒”,与文章意思相吻合。“秘”如译为“secret”也不合适。“the secret of”表示“的秘诀”如:“the secret of succ

17、ess”。文章是对该现职干部对加法院的判决做了绝妙的解释,故译为“explanation for.”。 法院秉公判决,不徇私情:“秉公判决”表示动作,“不徇私情”表示原因,故“不徇私情”可用现在分词,表示“秉公判决”的原因。这里的“秉公”与“不徇私情”是同义重复。“判决”指“判决有罪,惩罚犯法者”。所以译作:“.the Canadian court of justice, showing no favoritism, gave him the punishment which was his due.”。 大义灭亲:按照现代汉语词典,“大义灭亲”是指“为了维护正义,对违反国家人民利益的亲人不徇

18、私情,使受法律制裁。”根据上下文,这里表示“置法律于父爱之上”,建议译为:“place laws above paternal affection”。 议论纷纷:可褒可贬,此处是一片赞扬声,故译作:“.they couldnt help commenting admiringly”。 他山之石可以攻玉也:object lesson: an event or story that shows you the right or wrong way of doing something(有教育意义的榜样或实例)。用在此处非常合适。建议译为:“This should be an object less

19、on for us!”。 偏一现职干部妙语惊人:“离职”是“be out of office”,“现职”是“in office”。“妙语惊人”在此处是动宾结构,故译为:“One official still in office, however, surprised everyone with this wonderful explanation.”。 故父母亦不愿再袒护儿女也:因为是口语体,用词应该比较口语化,可以使用“help sb. out”表示“搭救某人脱离困境”,即袒护儿女。3.她笑了笑,又转了一回弹槽滚儿,对他说,“如果是空枪,俺就依你!”说完,重新举起了小左轮。她的手有点儿抖,瞄

20、了许久,突然,颓丧地放下枪,好一时才说,“俺不认命了,只求你从今以后别再当匪,好生与俺过日子!” U他愕然,呆呆地望着她,像是在编织着一个梦幻/U。 U“你命不好,我愿意跟你去受罪。”她不知为什么眼里就闪出了泪花儿/U。 U他疑惑地走过去,接过那枪一看,惊呆如痴/U。 U“俺转了两次,可那子弹仍是对着枪管的!”她哭着说/U。“那时候,俺真想打死你,可一想你命这般苦,就有点儿可怜你了。你不知道,俺也是个苦命的人啊!”(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(Smiling, she rotated the magazine again and said, If theres no shot, Ill b

21、e your wife. With this she raised the small revolver again. Her hand a little shaky, she aimed at him for a long time, but suddenly put down her gun in dejection. I wont accept what fate decides any more, she finally said. I only beg you not to be a bandit anymore and to start a new life with me. UH

22、e was stunned, staring at her blankly as if making up a dream/U. UYou were born with a bad life, but Im willing to be your wife and suffer with you, she said, tears mysteriously welling up her eyes/U. UPerplexed, he walked over, picked up his gun for a look, and was dumbfounded/U. UI rotated it two

23、times, but each time the bullet landed at the breech, she cried/U. At that moment, I really wanted to kill you, but when I thought of your miserable life, I felt a little sorry for you. You dont know, but I also have had a bad life.)解析:解析 弹槽滚儿枪管:此处出现了对应的英语单词本身比较常见,但使用了其较为生僻的意思。分别译为“magazine”、“breech

24、”。 俺不认命你命不好可一想你命这般苦俺也是个苦命的人啊:短短一段文字,出现了四次“命”,带有浓厚的中国文化特色。因为英语中没有相应的词语和相同的文化概念,故只能采用释译的方法,单独处理。“俺不认命”译为“I wont accept what fate decides anymore.”,“你命不好”译为“You were born with a bad life.”,“可一想你命这般苦”译为“when I thought of your miserable life”,“俺也是个苦命的人啊”译为“I also have had a bad life.”。 呆呆地:这里表示“出神地”、“茫然地

25、”、“毫无表情地”,故译为“blankly”。 她不知为什么眼里就闪出了泪花儿:地道的英语表达习惯多用物作主语,原文中的“为什么”可以理解为“神秘地”、“不知道原因地”,故整句可译为“tears mysteriously welling up her eyes”。4.孔乙己是这样的使人快活,可是没有他,别人也便这么过。 U有一天,大约是中秋前的两三天,掌柜正在慢慢的结账,取下粉板,忽然说,“孔乙己长久没有来了。还欠十九个钱呢!”我才也常得他的确长久没有来了。一个喝酒的人说道“他怎么会来”!他打折了腿了。”掌柜说,“哦!”“他总仍旧是偷。这一回,是自己发昏,竟偷到丁举人家里去了。他家的东西,偷得

26、的么?”“后来怎么样?”“怎么样?先写服辩,后来是打,打了大半夜,再打折了腿。”“后来呢?”“后来打折了腿了。”“打折了怎样呢?”“怎样?谁晓得?许是死了。”掌柜也不再问,仍然慢慢地算他的账/U。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(That was how Kong Yiji contributed to our enjoyment, but we got along all right without him too. UOne day, shortly before the Mid-Autumn Festival, at least I think it was, my boss, who

27、was slowly making out his accounts, took down the tallyboard. Kong Yiji hasnt shown up for a long time, he remarked suddenly. He still owes nineteen coppers. That made me realize how long it was since we had seen him/U. UHow could he? rejoined one of the customers. His legs were broken in that last

28、beating up?/U UAh! said my boss./U UHed been stealing again. This time he was fool enough to steal from Mr. Ding, the provincial-grade scholar. As if anybody could get away with that!/U USo what happened?/U UWhat happened? First he wrote a confession, then he was beaten. The beating lasted nearly al

29、l night, and they broke both his legs./U UAnd then?/U UWell, his legs were broken./U UYes, but after?/U UAfter? . Who knows? He may be dead./U UMy boss asked no further questions but went on slowly making up his accounts/U.)解析:解析 掌柜:旧指“老板或总管店铺的人”。故译为现代英语相对应的“boss”。 粉板:也就是“旧时店里用来暂时记账的白漆牌子”,译为“tallybo

30、ard”。 还欠十九个钱:“钱”旧指“铜板”,译为“copper”。 他打折了腿了:实指“他被人打折了腿”,译为:“His legs were broken in that last beating up.”。补充他在最后一次挨打中双腿都打折了。 丁举人:“举人”是旧时参加全省范围的科举考试(乡试)及格后所取得的资格,亦称作“孝廉”。故采用了解释性翻译策略,译为“Mr. Ding, the provincial-grade scholar”。 写服辩:服辩在中国古代指“犯人对判决所做的服与不服的表示”。这里孔乙己应该承认自己偷书,故译为“wrote a confession”。5.父与子父亲拦

31、住背起书包的儿子,“今天别去上学了,跟我下地撒化肥去。”见儿子不悦,父亲瞪起了眼,“我一个大字不识,不也照样长这么大!。”儿子拎起化肥袋子,忿忿地。转眼,把化肥都倒进了垃圾桶。父亲大惊:“你怎么”儿子从容回答,“庄稼不撒化肥,不是也照样长大?”(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(Father & SonA boy was throwing on his satchel when his father stopped him.Dont go to school today, his father said. Come with me to the fields and lend a hand in

32、 spreading fertilizer. Seeing the displeasure in his offsprings face, the old man glowered at his junior and said, I dont know no Chinese character. Aint I growed up?The son picked up the bag of fertilizer resentfully and in the twinkling of an eye poured all of the contents into a dustbin.What the

33、hell. the illiterate man shouted, flabbergasted.Without the fertilizer the crop will grow all the same. Isnt it? the son answered unhurriedly.)解析:解析 父与子:题目译为“Father & Son”,不加冠词,英语中成对使用的名词不加冠词,如“paper and pen,cup and saucer”。 父亲拦住背起书包的儿子:按照原文语序,可译为“the father stopped his son who was shouldering his s

34、choolbag”。但似乎不够活灵活现,可以适当调整句子结构,制造一些悬念,即儿子像平常一样背起书包,就在那时父亲拦住了他:“A boy was throwing on his satchel when his father stopped him.”。 父亲瞪起了眼:“stare”用在此处不恰当,因为“stare”仅仅表示“睁大眼睛盯着看”,而不表示“怒目而视”,可使用“glare”或“glower”。英文还需要增补“朝谁”瞪起了眼,即“glare/glower at sb.”。 我一个大字不识,不也照样长这么大!:这一句充分体现了父亲大老粗的形象,建议使用英美人中文盲使用的语言来塑造这一形象“I dont know no Chinese character. Aint I growed up?”在非标准英语中,双重否定不等于肯定, “aint可以是“am/is/are/has/have not”。“grow”的过去分词应该是不规则变化“grown”,故意使用“growed”来突出文盲的用语不规范。 你怎么:父亲惊得话都说不出来,可以译为“What the hell/fuck.”,突出粗人的气愤。

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