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1、专业英语四级-76及答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、READING COMPREHENSIO(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、TEXT A(总题数:2,分数:25.00)When they advise your kids to get an education if you want to raise your income, they tell you only half the truth. What they really mean is to get just enough education to provide man power for your soc

2、iety, but not too much that you prove an embarrassment to your society. Get a high school diploma, at least. Without that, you are occupationally dead, unless your name happens to be George Bernard Shaw or Thomas Alva Edison and you can successfully drop out in grade school. Get college degree, if p

3、ossible. With a B.A., you are on the launching pad. But now you have to start to put on the brakes. If you go for a masters degree, make sure it is a M.B.A., and only from a first-rate university. Beyond this, the famous law of diminishing returns begins to take effect. Do you know, for instance, th

4、at long-hand truck drivers earn more a year than full professors? Yes, the average salary for those truckers was $24,000, while the full professors managed to average just $23,930. A Ph.D. is the highest degree you can get, but except in a few specialized fields such as physics or chemistry, where t

5、he degree can quickly be turned to industrial or commercial purposes, you are facing a dim future. There are more Ph.D.s unemployed or underemployed in this country than in any other part of the world by far. If you become a doctor of philosophy in English or history or anthropology or political sci

6、ence or languages orworst of allin philosophy, you run the risk of becoming overeducated for our national demands. Not for our needs, mind you, but for our demands. Thousands of Ph.D.s are selling shoes, driving cabs, waiting on tables and filling out fruitless applications month after month. And th

7、en maybe taking a job in some high school or backwater college that pays much less than the janitor earns. You can equate the level of income with the level of education only so far. Far enough, that is, to make you useful to the gross national product, but not so far that nobody can turn much of a

8、profit on you.(分数:12.50)(1).By mentioning Bernard Shaw and Thomas Edison, the author means to support the idea that _.(分数:2.50)A.ones chance to succeed has nothing to do with educationB.many talented people become successful without educationC.few people can be successful without a high school educa

9、tionD.people as famous as them will succeed without proper education(2).The author suggests that its satisfactory enough for one to get _.(分数:2.50)A.a high school diplomaB.a college degreeC.a masters degreeD.a doctors degree(3).The law of diminishing returns is manifested by the fact that _.(分数:2.50

10、)A.the elder generations earn less than their childrens generationsB.ordinary truck drivers have to work harder than full professorsC.a college diploma is more promising than a high school diplomaD.people with a B.A. earn more than those with a doctors degree(4).It is indicated in the passage that i

11、t is most likely for the Ph.D.s in philosophy to be _.(分数:2.50)A.of little commercial valueB.not needed by the societyC.difficult to succeed in their professionD.unable to satisfy the countrys demand(5).Your income can parallel your education only when _.(分数:2.50) are not a Ph.D. in liberals ar

12、 get no more than college educationC.what you learn is practical but not theoreticalD.what you learn is not beyond the national demandsMy job is to provide relevant, factually accurate information that is interesting, useful and entertaining to my readers, be they Brainstorm or ITWeb readers.

13、 My job is not to get your corporate message across. If you want to get your corporate message out to the market take an advertisement, or, failing that, do a good enough job that your clients get your message and spread it for you, then you wouldnt be so desperate that you have to attempt to force

14、me to do it. Secondly, my job is to take information from any sources as I feel are relevant or necessary, and process it into one smooth, seamless story that makes sense, and is easy and pleasant to read. It is not my job to print every single word of jargon and marketing waffle that spews from you

15、r lips. Should you choose to spew jargon and marketing waffle during an interview, it will not be used. Try plain, simple English in future. What my job reminds me of is to use comments and quotes that provide knowledge and insight, not to use anything you have said merely because you have said it.

16、What I use and what I do not use in a story is my privilege. Should I choose not to use your quote there is nothing you can do about it. Further, my job is to write stories that my readers want to read, thus keeping the magazine or websites ideas alive and kicking, and thus providing advertisers wit

17、h an audience to advertise to. Should I write what you want me to write my readers will stop reading and you will have no vehicle for your marketing and advertising. Additionally, should you have a hissy fit and threaten to pull your ads, or never advertise again, because I ran a story you did not l

18、ike, or did not use your quotes, or looked at you funny when you were having a bad day, you are not going to get a sympathetic response. You will get a positive and professional response. Nice people will kindly attempt to explain to you about press freedom, and what is enshrined in SAs constitution

19、, and that really, really, were sorry but advertising people have no control over what those journalists do. What you will get from me is the pleasure of never being interviewed by me again. I will not be blackmailed. I will not be bullied. And I most certainly will not interview you again, knowing

20、that if you happen to take an ad for that feature you will assume I am running your quotes to keep you happy. Conversely, I will not do an interview knowing that if I do not run your quotes you will assume it is because you have not taken an ad. So the next time you have the urge to ask me if you ca

21、n approve copy, or tell my sales team that you will not take an ad unless you are guaranteed editorial, remember the above and think about what you are actually doing. You are asking me to compromise my ethics, credibility, reputation, integrity andultimatelymy career and I will not do thatfor you o

22、r anyone.(分数:12.50)(1).The author suggests that corporate message should be sent to the consumers primarily by _.(分数:2.50)A.committing to advertisingB.improving product qualityC.spreading public praiseD.attracting more readers(2).According to the author, jargon and marketing waffle are _.(分数:2.50)A.

23、irrelevantB.unintelligibleC.professionalD.monotonous(3).The author writes most probably in order to chiefly satisfy _.(分数:2.50)A.his desireB.the editorsC.the mediaD.his readers(4).When the author refuses to take the clients quotes, he doesnt expect them to think _.(分数:2.50)A.that he is being blackma

24、 is because they have taken an is because they have not taken an adD.that he is being professional(5).It can be assumed that the author is _.(分数:2.50)A.a advertiserC.a interviewer三、TEXT B(总题数:2,分数:25.00)The dramatic collapse in American consumer confidence,

25、 following the World Trade Center attack, increases the likelihood that the US economy will slide into recession. Its not a nice message, but theres no point in ignoring lifes harsh realities. Americas economy had been dragged along for nearly 18 months by the refusal of US consumers to face up to t

26、he fact that they were spending more than they were earning, share prices (especially in the high-tech sector) were in retreat, corporate America was cutting investment, and US unemployment was about to rise. The devastation wrought by the suicide killers has shaken American consumers from their sta

27、te of denial. In Europe too, consumers have been rattled by the Manhattan atrocity and President Bushs subsequent determination to hunt down the killers. A survey by a research group on behalf of the European Commission shows consumer confidence falling across the eurozone countries. But its America

28、 that is the greatest cause for concern. When the US stops spending, the rest of the world suffers. It imports more than any other country. In Britain, for example, Americans represent a big chunk of the tourism market, especially in London. The US is also crucially important to British-based car ma

29、nufacturers, such as Jaguar and Land Rover, which seem certain to feel the pinch along with other luxury brands. This economic slowdown is not the creation of fevered press minds; its real and its now. Thats why the US government is considering a $100 billion revival package, including cuts in capit

30、al gains taxes and corporate taxes, to stimulate demand. Likewise, central banks in America, Europe and Britain have trimmed interest rates to beat off a credit crunch and lubricate the wheels of commerce. Their swift action is a tacit admission that a deep recession is possible, if not probably. Le

31、ading US investment bank, Morgan Stanley, told the Financial Times , Never in their lifetimes have so many Americans feared for their safety in going to work, taking time off, or in procuring their daily needs. Stock markets, where most international indexes are about 30% below their 1999-2000 peaks

32、, are telling us that corporate earnings are likely to be much lower than analysts had expected. Some sectors, such as airlines, hotels and insurance will be driven deep into loss. There is also a share-price discount for uncertainty, the biggest element of which is the extent of American military a

33、ctions. Until the scale of the Middle East conflict becomes clear, investors will continue to shun the risk of equities for the certainty of cash and government bonds. Recovery will come. It always does. But a swift return to the go-go days of the late 1990s is inconceivable.(分数:12.50)(1).After the

34、World Trade Center attack, Americans have to face the following realities except _.(分数:2.50)A.the dramatic collapse in consumer confidenceB.that they spend more than they earnC.that the economy slides into recessionD.the declining investment of the business people(2).When President Bush decided to h

35、unt down the suicide killers, people felt _.(分数:2.50)A.positiveB.cautiousC.doubtfulD.anxious(3).US governments cuts in taxes are intended to _.(分数:2.50)A.stimulate import and exportB.restore the vigor of economyC.bring back the confidence of the sale of European luxury brands(4).Morga

36、n Stanley has observed the influence of the attack on _.(分数:2.50)A.consumer confidenceB.domestic stock marketC.service sector tradeD.corporate investment(5).What does the author think about the future of the economy?(分数:2.50)A.He expects that the economy wont relate to military actions.B.He expects

37、that the economy will be better than the late 1990s.C.He is affirmative that the economy will revive.D.He is uncertain whether the economy will revive.Ah, praise. So powerful are simple words of approval and admiration that the late psychologist B. F. Skinner once called praise giving the greatest t

38、ool in behavior modification. Yet precisely because praise is such heady stuff, motivation researchers warn of its psychological perils. Although the researchers agree that encouragement is essential for everyone, studies have found that poorly chosen words of praise can be as manipulative as any ot

39、her rewardand just as destructive to creativity, perseverance and performance. Even behaviorists who advocate heavy use of praise for positive reinforcement in the classroom warn that its power can easily be missed. Such condemnation of simple good words is difficult even for those who can clearly s

40、ee the destructive potential of gold stars and other glittery enticements. But in fact, Kohn argues, praise should not always be considered a synonym for human kindness. Children, he argues, can become completely dependent on praise and in that emotional process lose any love of doing things for the

41、ir own sake. Experiments show, for example, that children who are praised for being generous with others actually end up being less generous than those who received no strokes. Praise has also been shown to have very disruptive effects on confidence, concentration and performance. People who receive

42、 praise often become so self-conscious of their temporary good standing that they cannot focus on the task at hand, or alternatively they simply avoid challenging themselves in order to prevent the possibility of failure. Case Western Reserve University researcher Roy F. Baumeister found that compli

43、ments are an effective way to increase pressure, making a person more likely to choke. Subjects who were praised just before a test of video skills consistently performed worse than did those who were not. And students who were heavily praised became more unconfirmed in their answers and gave up mor

44、e quickly on ideas teachers disagreed with. I worry about children whose eyes light up every time they are praised, says Kohn. Many of them will grow to be adults desperate for others approval, unable to formulate their own standards. Although words of praise may be more subtle than other rewards, t

45、he basic psychological issue is one of power and manipulation. Often, the most striking thing about a positive judgment is that its a judgment, says Kohn. It implies, I have power over you. Whats more, he adds, praise carries with it the possibility of criticism, which can make the loftiest praise t

46、hreatening: todays youre perfect can become tomorrows you are worthless.(分数:12.50)(1).According to B. F. Skinner, praise _.(分数:2.50) most useful in behavior simple but powerful words of good willC.can change peoples behaviors to be betterD.may both be beneficial and disadvantageou

47、s(2).Words of praise could become destructive when _.(分数:2.50)A.they are casually chosenB.they are heavily usedC.they are not used by behavioristsD.they are out of an educational environment(3).The last word strokes in the third paragraph most closely means _.(分数:2.50)A.instructionsB.criticismsC.hel

48、pD.compliments(4).Roy F. Baumeister found that heavy praise could result in peoples _.(分数:2.50)A.stubbornnessB.lack of persistenceC.lack of creativityD.incapability(5).Which of the following statements is Kohn most likely to agree with?(分数:2.50)A.Words of praise are nothing more than positive judgments.B.Words of praise fall into the category of basic psychological issue.C.Words of praise and criticisms are

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